


Commentaire : FRANCAIS french ANGLAIS english PASTOR KOUAME N'GUESSAN +225 57 80 68 04 MORNING STAR TABERNACLE IVORY COST polygamous or monogamous? Hello dear brothers and sister in Christ Jesus. I come with these few notes to answer a very important question: Should Christianity be polygamous or monogamous? the revelation being progressive I would first of all want to stop on this issue and refrain from debating the multiple problems within couples and divorce and remarriage ... To begin with, let us define what polygamy is. Polygamy is the state of a man who has several wives at a time. You will note that the notion of both expresses a SIMULTANEITY that is to say that his wives are together and alive; and concomitantly shares the marital bed. That said, let's get to the point of the subject. Read: Genesis 2verset 18 And the LORD God said, It is not good for a man to be alone; I will help him like him. 19 And the LORD God made all the wild animals of the field, and all the birds of the air, from the ground, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them, and that every living creature should bear the name that would be given to him. the man. 20 And the man gave names to all the cattle, to the birds of the air, and to all the animals of the field; but for the man he found no help like him. 21 And Jehovah God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man, who fell asleep; he took one of his ribs, and closed the flesh in its place. 22 And Jehovah God formed a woman from the ribs he took from the man, and brought him to the man. 23 And the man said, This time is that bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. she will be called a woman, because she has been taken from man. 24 Therefore the man will leave his father and his mother, and will cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. and read Matthew 19 :3 And the Pharisees came to him, and said, To test him, Is it permissible for a man to put away his wife for any reason? 4 And he said, Have you not read that the creator at the beginning made the man and the woman 5 and said, Wherefore the man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall bind himself? to his wife, and the two will become one flesh? 6 So they are no longer two, but they are one flesh. IN THE BEGINNING Genesis 2 verse 1 to 25 The Lord Jesus Christ to answer the Pharisees' question about divorce, refers them to the time of the BEGINNING. Let's talk about this beginning. In the beginning God created Adam and made Eve then pulled on the side of the man Genesis 2 v 21 Then the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall on the man, who fell asleep; he took one of his ribs, and closed the flesh in its place. 22 And Jehovah God formed a woman from the ribs he took from the man, and brought him to the man. 23 And the man said, This time is that bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. she will be called a woman, because she has been taken from man. 24 Therefore the man will leave his father and his mother, and will cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. God took a rib of man 1 on the 25 ribs he had at the beginning. IF GOD is POLYGAM as some people say he would have taken more than a rib of Adam and would have made a woman Harem for Adam. But he did not do it at the beginning .... In the beginning the man and the woman were EQUAL. In the beginning the man and the woman were naked and they were not ashamed. In the beginning the multiplication by the sex was a prophecy. If the prophecy belatedly expects it will be fulfilled, it will certainly be accomplished "Habakuc2v3" In the beginning there was no divorce. In the beginning it was monogamy, a male a female; an Adam and an Eve. In the beginning the work was very simple: Genesis 2 verse 15 The LORD God took the man, and put him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and to keep it. In the beginning life was easy, food at your disposal, good health, immortality. AFTER THE BEGINNING Genesis 3 from verse 7. After the fall, when Adam and Eve sinned, came out of the contunity; God will introduce another program. From now on the man and the woman must be dressed. Henceforth the man and the woman must, in order to multiply themselves, have sex with painful confinement. The prophecy enters into its fulfillment. From now on, the woman and the man are no longer equal? From now on the man becomes mortal, these days are from 70 to 120 years old. From now on the work becomes painful. Henceforth POLYGAMY IS INTRODUCED, a man and several women, a male and several females, and this on all the face of the earth to all the creature. HISTORY OF POLYGAMY. The wages of sin is death "Romans 6 verse 23". After sin in the Garden of Eden, God Himself used decrees to change the various points of the beginning that I mentioned above; namely, death, the suffering of labor, the multiplication by sex with pain of childbirth; inequality between man and woman. Man now dominates woman; decent clothing; however, God does not say anywhere that henceforth man will be polygamous. Polygamy is a reality that has become established over time and that God has finally accepted as a REALITY IN THE MATRIMONIAL LIFE OF ITS CHILDREN. Here is the history of polygamy. We all know that Eve was pregnant after disobedience in the Garden of Eden by two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain was the son of the Old Serpent, son of the Evil One, son of the Devil Satan, he was the seed of the serpent. 1John 3 verse 12 and not be like Cain, who was evil, and killed his brother. And why did he kill him? because his works were bad, and his brother's works were just. Abel was the son of Adam? God's Son. In the bosom of Eve were two descendants: the descendants of Adam, the sons of God; and the offspring of Cain, the SEMENCE OF THE SERPENT; the sons of men. POLYGAMY was inspired by a son of the serpent named LEMEC; who was a murderer of two young men? Where did his inspiration come from? Genesis 4 verses 17 Cain knew his wife; she conceived, and gave birth to Enoch. He built a city, and gave the city the name of his son Enoch. 18 And Enoch begot Irad, and Irad begot Mehuiah, and Mehuiah the begotten Metushael, and Metushael begat Lamech. 19 Lamech took two wives: the name of one was Ada, and the name of the other Tsilla. 20 Adah gave birth to Jabal: he was the father of those who dwell in tents and flocks. 21 The name of his brother was Jubal: he was the father of all who play the harp and the blowtorch. 22 And Zillah bare Tubal-cain, who made all the instruments of brass and iron. Tubal-Cain's sister was Naama. 23 And Lamech said to his women, Ada and Tsilla, listen to my voice! Women of Lemec, listen to my word! I killed a man for my injury, And a young man for my bruising. 24 Cain will be avenged seven times, Polygamy has infiltrated the sons of God with Abraham who under the constraint of his wife Sara will take the servant AGAR as second wife .... ABRAM OR ABRAHAM Abraham was the first of the sons of God to take a second wife because of the misinterpretation of the Word of God. This misunderstanding of the Word of God came from a woman SARAI Abraham's wife pressing to see the promise of God concerning Abraham who was supposed to have a son; an heir left his bowels. Genesis 16 1 Sarai, wife of Abram, had not given him children. She had an Egyptian servant, named Agar. 2 And Sarai said to Abram, Behold, the LORD hath made me unfruitful; come, I pray you, to my servant; perhaps I will have children with her. Abram listened to Sarai's voice. 3 Then Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, his servant, and gave her to Abram, her husband, as wife, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan. 4 He went to Agar, and she became pregnant. When she was pregnant, she looked at her mistress with contempt. This misinterpretation of the Word of God once again has infiltrated the marital life of the sons of God and God has allowed this to be done as a permissive will, a permissive will that will manifest itself for generations to come. King David and King Solomon are the manifest expression of this permissive will in their matrimonial life. Solomon had a thousand wives, and David had FIVE HUNDRED, and God let that be done to the point of telling him such words as when he had sinned by taking Uri's wife. 2 Samuel 12 Verse 7 Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I anointed you king over Israel, and delivered you out of the hand of Saul; 8 And I have given you possession of your master's house, and I have put the women of your master in your bosom, and I have given you the house of Israel and of Judah. And if it had been little, I would have added more. MONOGAMY After the beginning, monogamy still existed among the sons of God until Abraham became Polygamous. • THE PREDICATOR NOE Noah and his children? THE EIGHT characters who came out of the flood had only one woman. Noah, five hundred years old, begot Shem, Ham, Japheth through one woman, and each of his sons had only one wife. Genesis 7v13 That same day came into the ark Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, the wife of Noah, and the three wives of his sons with them: EIGHT PEOPLE, EACH MAN WITH A WOMAN. • HISTORY OF TERAH AND ABRAHAM Terah the distant son of Shem had a wife who begat Abram, on the death of this first woman he took a second wife with whom he had Sarai woman of Abran. Nachor had a wife, Lot had a wife. Genesis 27 This is the posterity of Terah. Terah begot Abram, Nachor, and Haran. Haran begot Lot. 28 And Haran died in the presence of Terah his father in the land of his birth in Ur, in Chaldea. 29 Abram and Nahor took wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahor's wife was Milcah, daughter of Haran, father of Milcah, and father of Jiscah. Sarai was sterile: she had no children. 31 And Erach took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran the son of his son, and Sarai his daughter in law, the wife of Abram his son. And they went out together from Ur, in Chaldea, to the land of Canaan. They came to Haran, and they lived there. 32 The days of Terah were two hundred and five years; and Terah died in Sharan. WHY HAS GOD LEFT POLYGAMY IN THE OLD TESTAMENT? The prophet William Marrion Branham will explain in depth the reasons for the willingness to allow polygamy within the marital history of the sons of God. Let's read William Marrion Branham's pamphlet CHOICE OF A WIFE, THE - E29.04.1965 LOS ANGELES, CA, USA bb104456 95 The woman was made for the man and not the man for the woman. That is why, under the old laws, polygamy was something legal. 96 Look to David with his five hundred women. Yet the Bible says that he was a man after the heart of God, despite his five hundred women, and Solomon with his thousand, but none of these women could have another husband. 97 You heard my tape on Marriage and Divorce. Not so long ago, I was in Tucson, at the top of the mountain, where I prayed to God about it. The school was liberated to allow everyone to look at that Pillar of Fire that was spinning and moving back and forth, and up and down. - The people of the city know it, they saw it. That's when God revealed the truth to me about marriage and divorce issues. If one goes in one direction and the other in the other direction, there must be some truth somewhere. And after the opening of the seven seals, He unveiled what the truth was about it. 98 See now. The wife can only have one husband, for the woman was made for the man and not the man for the woman. David's five hundred wives were his wife. He was a guy. When Christ sits on His Throne in the Millennium, His Bride will not consist of one person, but tens of thousands, all in one. David had many women individually, but all of these women were his wife. Just as the whole body of believers is the Bride of Christ, because it represented the woman; He was the man. 99 We, too, were made for Christ. Christ was not made for us. This is what we are trying to do today, according to our written texts ... to make the Word, which is Christ, adapt to us rather than us adapting to the Word. That's the difference. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE, THE - M21.02.1965 JEFFERSONVILLE, IN, USA bb103480 204 David, the king who represented Christ! Do not lose sight of it. David represented Christ. Do you believe it? [Congregation says, "Amen." - Ed.] Christ is sitting, will sit on his throne. And this David, a man after the heart of God, he had five hundred women. You see what I mean? David, with his five hundred women, Solomon with his thousand. And Solomon is the son of David, in the natural; and he represents Jesus Christ, the Son of David, in the spiritual. Now, in this case, it was the natural life, by sex. Here it will be the one that is spiritual, created. Why? Created. You see, it was like that in the beginning, but not now, in this life that we are living now. 205 Notice, do not miss this, bring it down to your hearts. On the other hand, not even one of these women could have another husband. He is the original creation, not her. Not one of these women could have another husband, but that husband could have a thousand women. THUS SAITH THE LORD. It's the Bible. But I went back, took my time, and showed you where it started, over there, what Jesus said. Now do you see it clearly? They could have so many ... David, with his 500 wives, is a type of Christ who at one BRIDE CONSISTS OF MANY CHRISTIANS. Many people, especially African men who are fond of sex and women, have thought in Branham's preaching of the legitimation of polygamy within the couple; within the MESSAGE. BUT NOTHING PART IN THE PREDICATION WEDDING AND DIVORCE AND IN THE CHOICE OF A WIFE IT IS SAID BY THE PROPHET THAT WE MUST BE POLYGAM, NOT BY ITS OPINION, OR BY AN THUS SAYS THE LORD. THIS IS A BAD INTERPRETATION OF THE PREDICATION OF BRANHAM GIVEN BY A BLACK FISH, MEN OF THE MESSAGES OR A MAN OF THE MESSAGE THAT DOES NOT HAVE THE BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. This last sentence is hard to swallow. Let's continue our study. We have seen the BEGINNING, THE AFTER BEGIN, let us now see the times of the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST • In the time of the Church of Jesus Christ, death still exists, only the sting of death has been defeated. 1 Corinthians 15 verse Death was swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting? 56 The sting of death is sin; and the power of sin is the law. 57 But thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ! • In the time of the Church of Jesus the woman must continue to dress decently 1Timothy 2 verse 9 I also want women, dressed in a decent manner, with modesty and modesty, not to be braided or now, neither pearls nor sumptuous clothes, 10 but that they adorn themselves with good works, as befits women who profess to serve God. 11 Let the woman hear the instruction in silence, with complete submission. 12 I will not allow the woman to teach or to take authority over the man; but she must remain in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, Eve after; 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived guilty of transgression. 15 She will nevertheless be saved by becoming a mother, if she perseveres with modesty in faith, in charity, and in holiness. • At the time of the Church of Jesus Christ, physical work and the work of the soul always exist with suffering ... 1 Corinthians 4 verse 11 Until this hour, we suffer hunger, thirst, nakedness; we are mistreated, wandering here and there; 12 we are tired of working with our own hands; insulted, we bless; persecuted, we support; Slandered, we speak kindly; we have become like the sweepings of the world, the scum of all, until now. • At the time of the Church of Jesus Christ sexual reproduction with pain of birth still exists. Revelation 12verset 2 She was pregnant, and she was screaming, being in labor and in the pains of childbirth. • At the time of the Church of Jesus Christ, man always dominates the woman who sees herself with other limitations: not to preach the WORD OF GOD. 1Corinthians 11 verses 3 But I want you to know that Christ is the head of every man, that man is the head of the woman, and that God is the head of Christ. 1Timothy 2 verses 11 Let the woman hear the instruction in silence, with complete submission. 12 I will not allow the woman to teach or to take authority over the man; but she must remain in silence. 13 For Adam was formed first, Eve after; 14 And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman who was deceived guilty of transgression. 15 She will nevertheless be saved by becoming a mother, if she perseveres with modesty in faith, in charity, and in holiness. • At the time of the Church of Jesus Christ POLYGAMY IS ABOLISHED STRATEGICALLY. 1 Corinthians 7 verse 2 However, to avoid fornication, let everyone have his wife, and let every woman have her husband. 3 Let the husband give his wife what he owes him, and let the woman do the same to her husband. [Apostle Paul was single] 7 I would like all men to be like me; but each has a special gift from God, one in one way, the other in another. 1 This word is certain: If anyone aspires to the office of bishop, he desires an excellent work. 2 It is therefore necessary that the bishop be irreproachable, the husband of a single woman, sober, moderate, regulated in his conduct, hospitable, fit for teaching. MONOGAMY FOR THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST The true Church is founded on the doctrine of the twelve apostles Jesus Christ being the cornerstone and taking into account the old and the new testament under the guidance of the revelation that gives the spirit of TRUTH, the holy spirit. He who does not have the holy spirit can not understand the mysteries of God. A mystery is a revealed truth but which however remains mysterious. Before we study verses from the Bible, let's see what happens with the prophet. MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE, THE - M21.02.1965 JEFFERSONVILLE, IN, USA bb103576 300 The other day, as I know that when I say something to you, it must be THUS SAITH THE LORD, so I had scripture passages as He revealed them to me. But, "Lord God, what can I say to this assembly? I will have separations. Men will sit on their porch, and in the courtyard, and everywhere: 'Shall I leave it?' Women: 'Should I leave my husband?' 'What should I do?' "I said," Lord, what can I do? " b103589 313 Now, believe this is true, and believe it comes from God! And, according to the confirmation of His Cloud and His Message that brought me here, would not God, on the mountain, allow me to do the same thing, to allow you to continue as you are? and not to do it again! Come back with your women and live in peace, because the time is late. The coming of the Lord is near. We do not have time to break these things. Do not be afraid to start over! I speak only to my assembly. But if you are married ... And God has testified to me, on the mountain, that I could say This is a supernatural revelation, because the Seven Seals have been opened, and that it is a question that arises in the Word of God. "Let them go on as they are, and they will not sin any more!" The problem that Branham had to solve was the fact that brothers and sisters in the Church had married several times: men remarried with women who had been divorced; divorced women remarried during the lifetime of their former husbands, men had several wives, polygamous. ENTER THE SPIRIT - 28.04.1961 CHICAGO, IL, USA bb078879 206 Some of you, preachers, who have in your church deacons with four or five women, and things like that. "I am a Pentecostal," you say. The world has a better judgment than this one. They are smarter than that. Oh yes! Oh dear! Get out there and gamble at the races, and all the rest, and then say ... And there are many of you who would rather stay home watching TV than go to a prayer meeting. And you say, "I'm Pentecostal." You carry the name, that's all. You have not received the experience of Pentecost. So we see that Branham was not for polygamy and the Bible in the early church never opted for polygamy, but monogamy. Elsewhere s Branham preached on marriage and divorce on February 21, 1965, and died on December 24, 1965, 10 months later. HE COULD TAKE A YOUNG VIRGIN SISTER TO COMPLETE HIS WOMAN MEDA in order to demonstrate that God told him that the Christian bride must be POLYGAM. Branham never had fun with one so said the Lord. WHAT SAYS BRANHAM AND THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH on MARRIAGE? • ONE AND ONE WOMAN HOUSING A WIFE - E29.04.1965 LOS ANGELES, CA, USA bb104396 35 This is a very serious act - the choice of a husband or a wife - because this vow is "until death separates us". And we should respect that. And you have pronounced this vow before God, that only death would separate you from it. A sensible man who plans his future should choose this wife carefully. Be careful in what you do. And a woman who chooses a husband, or rather who accepts the husband's choice, should act with great caution, especially in these days. Every man must think well and pray before choosing his wife. 09 48 For it would be fitting, when a Christian desires to marry, that he choose a woman who is truly born again. Whatever her outward appearance, it is what is in her who is her true self. Once again, this reflects the true divine character and what is in the mind of man, and what will happen to his family in the future, the future future of his home - family that will be raised by this woman. If he marries one of these modern rickettas, queens of sex, what can he expect from the future? What home can this man hope to have? If he marries a girl who does not have enough self-esteem to stay at home to provide for her, and who wants to take care of another's business, what kind of woman in home will she do? You will be entitled to a babysitter and all the rest. That's right. • A VIRGIN MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE, THE - M21.02.1965 JEFFERSONVILLE, IN, USA bb103497 221 No minister of the gospel can marry a widow. Did you know that? Do you want to read it? Very well, take the Leviticus, Leviticus 21.7 and Ezekiel 44.22, and you will see that the priesthood should not marry a woman who had been touched by a man. This is the type of the virgin spouse of Jesus Christ, because the priests, the sons of Aaron, were the ones who manipulated the Fire of God. We do not have time to read everything if we want to go out before noon; we have twenty minutes left. They were the sons of Aaron, who manipulated the Fire of God, so they could not marry a woman who had been touched by another man. It is the God who does not change who said it. They could not marry another woman, and a woman who had been touched by a man, which showed as a type here, if you want to see it, that the Church of the living God is the Word of God, pure and unmixed, and not a denomination that has been manipulated by humans. 228 [divorced man] Notice, it is specified that he can not remarry unless he marries a virgin. He can remarry. He can, he can remarry, if it is with a virgin, but he can not marry the wife of another. Absolutely not. And if he ever marries a divorced woman, he lives in adultery no matter who he is. The Bible says, "Whoever marries a divorced woman lives in adultery." There, no divorced, absolutely not. 236 Now, there is a true woman, a true woman, a virgin, who marries her husband and lives thus, and this one is a blessing for this man. If God could have given His son something better than a bride, He would have given it to Him. Solomon could marry any woman who was not married. He could marry any woman he wanted. A priest could Only to marry a woman who was a virgin. The prophet Branham makes us understand that the Christian must marry one and only one virgin woman. Let's read Ezekiel 44 verse 21 No priest shall drink wine when he enters the inner court. 22 Neither a widow nor a divorced wife shall be their wife, but they shall take virgins of the seed of the house of Israel; they may also take the widow of a priest. APOCALYPSE 1 verse 5 and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth! To him who loves us, who has delivered us from our sins by his blood, 6 and who has made us a kingdom, priests for God his Father, to him be glory and power, for ever and ever! Amen. According to the book Hebrews 9 verse 1 to 28 the tabernacle of GOD consists of the outer court and the inner court divided into two parts: the holy place and the very healthy place. The healthy place was run by the priests while the very healthy place was visited only once a year by High Priest Aaron. Jesus Christ came as high priest of future goods; he has crossed the tabernacle larger and more perfect, which is not built of a man's hand, that is to say, which is not of this creation; and he entered once and for all into the most holy place He made us a kingdom of priests. Being introduced into the tabernacle of God to know JESUS CHRIST we are no longer supposed to drink wine because we are Nazarenes ;except at the Lord's table during Holy Communion . ONLY the christian , the priest that have no ministrie ;among the fivefold ministry; supposed to marry a widowed woman or a divorced woman, a divorced woman; but not he that have one of the fivefold ministrie. ALONE may take for wife a widowed wife if the priests are laymen without a ministry; simple brothers. A brother, however, may marry a virgin sister, naturally, not touched by a man, or a deviant sister who takes care to confess to her future husband the faults of her impure life, forgiven by her future husband; she then becomes a virgin by justification. The priest was not in the Old Testament a polygamous, but a monogamous one. As Christians, priests we are also supposed to be monogamous. We do not have the same statue as the kings of the Old Testament like David and Solomon. The Bishop Comes from Greek: episcopos or overseer. It was thus called the one who had a pastoral responsibility in the early Church, without there being any concern for a hierarchy in the different ministries. Bishops, where elders had nearly the same functions. Titus 1: 6 ¶ And if there be any man of fault, Husband of one wife, of faithful children, neither accused of righteousness nor rebellious. Titus 1: 7 For the bishop must be irreproachable, as the steward of God; that he be neither arrogant nor angry nor addicted to wine, nor violent, nor dishonored; 1 Corinthians 7 verse 1 As for the things you wrote to me, I think it is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 But to avoid fornication, let each man have his wife, and let every woman have her husband. The bishop was a pastor, a supervisor; an elder of the church. He had a ministry in the Church that gave him a controlled behavior both at his level and at the level of his little family. He was to be married to one woman only because of the rivalries of polygamous homes. The old testament describes these evils in a screaming fashion, and also and above all because he is a special priest. In fact, the early Church was straddling the doctrine of Christ and the Mosaic law which tolerated polygamy. Most of those who converted to Jesus' faith were polygamous in the past. The Apostles did not refuse to receive these new converts who came with two or three women or maybe more. Only to become a bishop, it was important to make sure that this man was married to only one woman. The new generation to come should include the need to be married to ONE WOMAN. IT WAS A PROGRESSIVE INTRODUCTION OF MONOGAMY IN CHRISTIAN FAITH. Tell me if the apostles were in favor of polygamy, why make a restriction in the ministry by asking bishops to be married to one woman? CONCEPT OF HIS WOMEN -Genesis 4v 23 Lamech said to his wives: Ada and Tsilla, listen to my voice! Women of Lemec, listen to my word! Genesis 2v 22 And the LORD God made a woman from the ribs he took from the man, and brought him to the man. 23 And the man said, This time is that bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. she will be called a woman, because she has been taken from man. 24 Therefore the man will leave his father and his mother, and will cleave to his wife, and they will become one flesh. Allow me to do some grammatical analysis for some people who have lost the notion of grammar. (UNE ) one ( = definite article, feminine singular (SA ) her = possessive, feminine, singular article (SES) your = possessive, plural feminine articles. Lemec had two wives; the Bible does not say Lamech says to HER WOMAN; BUT WOMEN. when it came to a woman the Bible clearly said HER WOMAN. If a person with two women, one in Korhogo and the other in the Congo, he can say "my wife is in Korhogo or Congo" he is a cunning man there. But when His two wives are present at his house he will not be able to say MY wife is there; but rather MY WOMEN ARE THERE. There is no allegory or parable here or type like that of the ten virgins. THERE IS A MATERIAL REALITY: THE TWO WOMEN OF THIS MAN. THE CULT OF THE VIRGINS Natural virginity has, in the course of time, subjugated the matrimonial life of both Hebrews and pagans. The LORD Himself has made it so that the children of God remain virgin. A law on the purity of married life has been written for this purpose. Deuteronomy 22 verse 13 If a man who took a wife and went to her, then be averse to his person, 14 if he impute to him criminal things and damage his reputation, saying, I I took this woman, I approached her, and I did not find her a virgin, 15 then the father and the mother of the young woman will take the signs of her virginity and produce them in front of the elders of the city, at the door. 16 The father of the young woman will say to the elders, 'I have given my daughter for a wife to this man, and he has taken it in aversion; 17 He charged him with criminal things, saying, I have not found your virgin daughter. But here are the signs of my daughter's virginity. And they will unfold his garment before the elders of the city. 18 The elders of the city will then seize this man and chastise him; 19 And because he hath broken the name of a virgin of Israel, they will sentence him to a fine of one hundred shekels of silver, which they shall give to the father of the young woman. She will remain his wife, and he will not be able to send her away, as long as he lives. 20 But if the fact is true, if the young woman did not find herself a virgin, 21 she will bring the young woman out to the door of her father's house; she will be stoned by the people of the city, and she will die, because she has committed an infamy in Israel, prostituting herself in her father's house. So you will take away evil from the midst of you. 22 If one finds a man sleeping with a married woman, they will both die, the man who slept with the woman, and the woman too. So you will take away evil from the midst of Israel. 23 If a virgin girl is betrothed, and a man meet her in the city and sleep with her, 24 you will bring them both to the door o 24 And you shall bring them both to the gate of the city, and you shall stone them, and they shall die, the young girl for shouting not in the city, and the man for dishonouring his neighbor's wife. So you will take away evil from the midst of you. 25 But if it is in the field that the man meets the betrothed bridegroom, and does violence to her, and lie with her, the man who slept with her shall be the only one to be punished with death. 26 You shall do nothing to the girl; She is not guilty of a crime worthy of death, for it is in this case like that where the man throws himself on his neighbor and he lives. 27 The girl betrothed, whom this man met in the fields, a crier without any one to help her. 28 If a man meets a virgin girl not betrothed, makes him violence and goes to bed with her, and that comes to astonishing, 29 The man who slept with her give to the father of the girl Sicles money ; and because it is dishonored, it is possible to do it for woman, and he can not send it away, as long as he lives. 30 No one takes his father's wife, nor will he lift up his father's blanket. There is a mystery in virginity, a grace that God places in virgin girls naturally. God has put in the bosom of these virgin girls an economic treasure and a power of elevation. It is a deposit that the Lord has deposited so that the honeymoon hangs the man to benefit from this grace to build economically and in a prestigious way his son his new home. THIS IS A SPIRITUAL TREASURE HIDDED. Many kings have desired several virgin girls to increase their economic and mystical power. In particular extend their dominance. When a person has a harem of virgin girls without the cover of the Holy Spirit, he comes into contact with spirits of power from the devil's camp in order to activate his economic power and dominion. The Eternal being with the Hebrew children dealt with the activation in a legal way. Today for the ACTIVE ETERNAL the deposits that he has put in the womb of the virgin girl you have to be married with a natural virgin in the Christian faith and in monogamy. When a person who calls himself a Christian is polygamous and runs after the virgin girls, he does nothing but the CULTE DES VIRGERS. THE CULT OF THE VIRGINS IS DRIVEN BY SPIRITS WHO ARE NOT OF JESUS CHRIST. These are spirits that come from the satanic mysticism, the spirit of the cross rose, Jewish kabbalistic magic. DO YOU KNOW THAT KABBALISTIC MAGGY REQUIRES KNOWLEDGE OF THE NAMES OF GOD SUCH AS ADON, ADONAÏ, EL; YHWH. This magic does not support the name JESUS CHRIST name of our savior for the nations. So you will notice that the more this man increases his virgin female harem, the more powerful he becomes and he will certainly be pushed to repel the NAME JESUS CHRIST. THE WAY OF THE REGULATION OF THE TORQUE PROLEMS For the resolution of marital problems, I advise you to read your Bible after understanding MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE. You too, as a prophet's son and daughter, should listen to the audible voice of the Lord in deep prayer and meditation. The man of God established on you will be able to advise you. Note that the devil came to slaughter, steal and ruin then fight the devil with authority by driving the spirits out of the waters, the DAGON SPIRIT: the siren. Here are some verses to read for this purpose: Ephesians 5 verse 22 Women, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord; 23 For the husband is the head of the woman, as Christ is the head of the church, which is his body, and of which he is the Savior. 24 Now, just as the Church is subject to Christ, so must women be to their husbands in all things. 25 Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church, and gave himself up for her, 26 to sanctify her with the word, after purifying her with the baptism of water, 27 so to make appear before him that glorious Church, without stain, wrinkle, or anything of the kind, but holy and blameless. This is how husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. Whoever loves his wife loves himself. 29 For no one hath hated his own flesh; but he nourishes and cares for it, as Christ does for the church, 30 because we are members of his body. 31 Wherefore the man shall leave his father and his mother, and bind himself to his wife, and the two shall be one flesh. 32 This mystery is great; I say this in relation to Christ and the Church. 33 Moreover, let every one of you love his wife as himself, and let the wife respect her husband. 1 Corinthians 7 verse 1 As for the things you wrote to me, I think it is good for a man not to touch a woman. 2 But to avoid fornication, let each man have his wife, and let every woman have her husband. 3 Let the husband give his wife what he owes him, and let the woman do the same to her husband. 4 The woman has no authority over her own body, but it is the husband; and likewise, the husband has no authority over his own body, but it is the woman. 5 Do not deprive yourself of one another, except by mutual agreement for a time, to go to prayer; then return together, lest Satan tempt you with your incontinence. 6 I say that by condescending, I do not make an order. 7 I want all men to be like me; but each has a special gift from God, one in one way, the other in another. 8 To those who are not married and to widows, I say that it is good for them to stay as I do. 9 But if they lack continence, let them marry; for it is better to marry than to burn. 10 To those who are married, I command, not me, but the Lord, that the wife should not part with her husband (if she is separated, and remains without marriage, or is reconciled with her husband), and that the husband does not divorce his wife. 12 To others it is not the Lord, but I say, If a brother hath a woman who is not a believer, and consenteth to dwell with him, let him not divest her; 13 And if a woman have an unbelieving husband, and he consent to dwell with her, let her not put away her husband. 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the woman, and the unbelieving woman is sanctified by the brother; otherwise, your children would be unclean, while now they are holy. 15 If the unbeliever separates, let him separate; brother or sister are not related in these cases. God has called us to live in peace. 16 For what do you know, woman, if you save your husband? Or what do you know, husband, if you will save your wife? 17 Only let each walk according to the portion which the Lord hath done unto him, according to the call which he hath received from God. This is how I ordain it in all the churches. 18 Has anyone been called circumcised and circumcised? Has anyone been called uncircumcised and circumcised? Circumcision is nothing, and uncircumcision is nothing, but the observance of the commandments of God is everything. 20 Let each one remain in the state he was in when he was called. 21 Have you been called a slave, do not worry; but if you can become free, take advantage of it. 22 For the slave that is called in the Lord is a freedman from the Lord; likewise, the free man who has been called is a slave of Christ. 23 You have been redeemed at a great price; do not become slaves of men. 24 Let every one, brethren, abide in the state of God when he was called. CONCLUSION Note this: The main purpose of the MARRIAGE AND DIVORCE preaching was to make a DECISION ON THE MATRIMONIAL LIFE of the Branham Tabernacle Brethren, to define what polygamy is and why it prevailed at one time given, and to rule on the different positions that the schools of thoughts on divorce and remarriage. Compared to the right position to adopt in schools of thought, we must understand that the man can remarry during the lifetime of his first wife who has separated from him, but with a natural virgin girl. Polygamy was adopted as a type of christ with a wife made up of several people. Branham's decision regarding the marital life of these brothers was to NO MORE ERRORS BEFORE AND TO TEACH THEIR CHILD NOT TO MAKE THE SAME ERROR. SO BRANHAM HAS DRIVEN THE CHURCH AS THE PRIMITIVE CHURCH :A MONOGAMIC CHURCH. The eighth messenger also as reverend brother and prophet Branham stands in the teaching of the prophet to fulfill the ministry of addition. THE BIOLOGICAL FATHER of the eighth messenger was a polygamist, it was easy for him to remove the doctrine of polygamy as a good African. But far from it. The Word of God must be preached in all its strength. My brother for you who was polygamous before coming to Christ you can progress in your faith with your women while listening to the sweet voice of the Holy Spirit. And for you who is not yet married or who has a woman does not think to take a second unless she dies or leaves you voluntarily after several attempts of recovery impossible because of her hardening of heart ... God bless you richly. Keep the message clean. Bless me and you will be blessed, curse me and you will be cursed for I am under the prophetic shield of JACOB who says this Genesis 27 Verses 29 May peoples be subject to you, And let nations bow down to you! Be the master of your brothers, And let your mother's sons bow down to you! Cursed be whoever curses you, And blessed be whoever bless you. Abidjan the Saturday 24 February 2018 at 04 h 57 mn You can support this work of diffusion of the word of the hour by sending your financial gift to pastor KOUAME N 'GUESSAN +225 57 80 68 04 ORANGE MONEY OR MTN MONEY.+225 04 57 68 51 PASTOR KOUAME N'GUESSAN +225 57 80 68 04 MORNING STAR TABERNACLE IVORY COST

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