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[b]############################## | UsbFix Premium V 10.001 | [Recherche][/b]

Utilisateur: jean- (Administrateur) # DESKTOP-37KC94K
Mis à jour le 01/12/2017 par SOSVirus
Lancé à 14:10:08 | 10/12/2017

Site Web : [url=https://www.usb-antivirus.com/fr/]https://www.usb-antivirus.com/fr/[/url]
Contact : [url=https://www.usb-antivirus.com/fr/contact/]https://www.usb-antivirus.com/fr/contact/[/url]

[b]################## | System information |[/b]

MB: Hewlett-Packard (2AE3)
CPU: AMD E1-1200 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics
RAM -> [Total : 3660 Mo | Free : 1391 Mo]
Bios: AMI
Boot: SafeMode with network

OS: Microsoft™ Windows 10 Home (6.3.16299 64-Bit)
WB: Internet Explorer : 11.00.16299.15
WB: Microsoft Edge : 11.00.16299.98 (WinBuild.160101.0800)

[b]################## | Security Information |[/b]

AV: Windows Defender [Actif |A jour]
AS: Windows Defender [Actif |A jour]
FW: Windows Firewall [Actif]
SC: Security Center [Actif]
WU: Windows Update [Actif]

[b]################## | Disk Information |[/b]

C:\ (%SystemDrive%) -> Disque fixe # 930 Go (770 Go libre(s) - 83%) [OS] # NTFS
D:\ -> Disque amovible # 183 Go (183 Go libre(s) - 100%) [SANDISK CON] # exFAT
E:\ -> CD-ROM # 68 Mo (0 Mo libre(s) - 0%) [SFR] # CDFS
G:\ -> Disque amovible # 119 Go (112 Go libre(s) - 94%) [samsung fit] # NTFS
H:\ -> Disque amovible # 59 Go (59 Go libre(s) - 100%) [64G SD FUTU] # exFAT
I:\ -> Disque amovible # 14 Go (642 Mo libre(s) - 4%) [UBUNTU MATE] # FAT32
J:\ -> Disque amovible # 15 Go (12 Go libre(s) - 81%) [FOLD-ISARDU] # FAT32
K:\ -> Disque amovible # 14 Go (5 Go libre(s) - 36%) [SYSTEMRESCU] # FAT32
L:\ -> Disque amovible # 119 Go (119 Go libre(s) - 100%) [SANDISK CON] # exFAT
M:\ -> Disque amovible # 116 Go (114 Go libre(s) - 99%) [XUBUNTU SFC] # FAT32
N:\ -> Disque amovible # 30 Go (3 Go libre(s) - 10%) [] # NTFS
O:\ -> Disque amovible # 7 Go (228 Mo libre(s) - 3%) [CLONEZILLA] # FAT32
P:\ -> Disque amovible # 49 Mo (43 Mo libre(s) - 88%) [] # FAT
Q:\ -> Disque amovible # 31 Go (9 Go libre(s) - 30%) [CARBIDE] # FAT32
R:\ -> Disque fixe # 2794 Go (287 Go libre(s) - 10%) [wd MY passport 2TO] # NTFS
S:\ -> Disque amovible # 7 Go (3 Go libre(s) - 35%) [montre espi] # FAT32
T:\ -> Disque amovible # 7 Go (6 Go libre(s) - 85%) [ULTIM BOOT] # FAT32
V:\ -> Disque amovible # 2 Go (0 Mo libre(s) - 0%) [] # FAT
W:\ -> Disque amovible # 982 Mo (0 Mo libre(s) - 0%) [] # FAT
X:\ -> Disque amovible # 59 Go (59 Go libre(s) - 100%) [AUDIO PLAYE] # exFAT
Y:\ -> Disque amovible # 99 Mo (93 Mo libre(s) - 94%) [] # FAT

[b]################## | Autorun |[/b]

[b]################## | Recherche générique |[/b]

[b]################## | Regedit Run |[/b]

F2 - HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Shell] explorer.exe
F2 - [x64] HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Shell] explorer.exe
F2 - [x64] HKLM\..\Winlogon : [Userinit] C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,
04 - HKCU\..\Run : [TweakBit\Internet Optimizer\Start Internet Optimizer оn logon] "C:\Program Files (x86)\TweakBit\Internet Optimizer\InternetOptimizer.exe" /UseTray
04 - HKCU\..\Run : [IDMan] C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe /onboot
04 - HKLM\..\Run : [Anvi AD Blocker] "J:\Anvi AD Blocker\ADBlockerTray.exe" -tray
04 - [x64] HKLM\..\RunOnce : [GrpConv] grpconv -o
04 - HKU\S-1-5-19\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup
04 - HKU\S-1-5-20\..\Run : [OneDriveSetup] C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /thfirstsetup
04 - HKU\S-1-5-21-4265624635-2019933758-61733912-1001\..\Run : [TweakBit\Internet Optimizer\Start Internet Optimizer оn logon] "C:\Program Files (x86)\TweakBit\Internet Optimizer\InternetOptimizer.exe" /UseTray
04 - HKU\S-1-5-21-4265624635-2019933758-61733912-1001\..\Run : [IDMan] C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe /onboot
04GS - PortableApps.com Platform.lnk : S:\lfs hyper annexe, u mortar de widen & barrow 5\cadeaux récompense afpaawt part 3 - burning studio 19, Usbfix Premium & codes cb sans 816\PortableApps\PortableApps.com\PortableAppsPlatform.exe

[b]################## | E.O.F | [/b]


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