Format du document : text/plain
~ ZHPDiag v2017.10.9.179 Par Nicolas Coolman (2017/10/09)
~ Démarré par Gingobel (Administrator) (2017/10/21 12:54:06)
~ Web:
~ Blog:
~ Facebook:
~ Certificate ZHPDiag: Illegal
~ Etat de la version: Version OK
~ Mode: Scanner
~ Rapport: C:\Users\Gingobel\Desktop\ZHPDiag.txt
~ Rapport: C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag.txt
~ UAC: Activate
~ Démarrage du système: Normal (Normal boot)
Windows 10 Home, 64-bit (Build 15063) =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ Navigateurs Internet (4) - 0s
~ GCIE: Google Chrome v61.0.3163.100
~ MFIE: Mozilla Firefox 54.0.1 (x64 fr)
~ MSIE: Microsoft Edge v40
~ MSIE: Internet Explorer v11.674.15063.0
---\\ Informations sur les produits Windows (8) - 3s
~ Windows Server License Manager Script : OK
~ Licence Script File Génération : OK
~ Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel
Windows ID Activation : OK
~ Windows Partial Key : D9MK4
Windows License : OK
~ Windows Remaining Initializations Number : 1001
Windows Automatic Updates : OK
---\\ Logiciels de protection (2) - 2s
Avast Antivirus Gratuit v17.7.2314 (Protection)
Windows Defender (Deactivate)
---\\ Logiciels d'optimisation (1) - 2s
~ CCleaner v5.35 (Optimize)
---\\ Surveillance de Logiciels (1) - 2s
~ Adobe Flash Player 27 NPAPI (Surveillance)
---\\ Logiciels de partage P2P (2) - 2s
~ qBittorrent 3.3.14 v3.3.14 (P2P)
~ µTorrent v3.5.0.44090 (P2P)
---\\ Informations sur le système (6) - 0s
~ Operating System: Intel64 Family 6 Model 94 Stepping 3, GenuineIntel
~ Operating System: 64-bit
~ Boot mode: Normal (Normal boot)
Total RAM: 16680.176 MB (55% free) : OK =>.RAM Value
System Restore: Activé (Enable)
System drive C: has 141 GB (58%) free of 243 GB : OK =>.Disk Space
---\\ Mode de connexion au système (3) - 0s
~ Computer Name: DESKTOP-0STRRPC
~ User Name: Gingobel
~ Logged in as Administrator
---\\ Enumération des unités disques (2) - 0s
~ Drive C: has 141 GB free of 243 GB (System)
~ Drive D: has 818 GB free of 953 GB
---\\ Etat du Centre de Sécurité Windows (7) - 0s
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] NoActiveDesktopChanges: Modified
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] EnableLUA: OK
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN] CheckedValue: Modified
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL] CheckedValue: OK
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] Application: OK
[HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] Shell: OK
[HKLM64\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\COMSysApp] Type: OK
---\\ Recherche particulière de fichiers génériques (25) - 1s
[MD5.01078D46C77CE0D7DC584A29062A799D] - 30/09/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur Windows.) -- C:\Windows\Explorer.exe [4848952] {33000001733031072665B8B9B3000000000173} =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.ECB702B8C5650381C0784F1EEABB97BC] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Processus hôte Windows (Rundll32).) -- C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe [68608] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.0242626678C83AE788C655C1990A3CC3] - 28/07/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de démarrage de Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Wininit.exe [318232] =>.Microsoft Windows Publisher®
[MD5.57DA6FA5B8E23F33EA6D19F37CD73DD8] - 29/09/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions Internet pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll [3307008] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.9CDA170849A4F66F4D68B3DBB3AC8394] - 05/09/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application d’ouverture de session Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Winlogon.exe [706560] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.50CDF68A8EA8A2A9165CD573FA6C42D8] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de licences.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sppcomapi.dll [414208] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.6AFA66A457759C1FEC29A52612A67043] - 30/09/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DNS DLL de l’API Client.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dnsapi.dll [661224] {33000001733031072665B8B9B3000000000173} =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.1F4909406532C2FFCBD3683A65F7198F] - 30/09/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DNS DLL de l’API Client.) -- C:\Windows\Syswow64\dnsapi.dll [508344] {33000001733031072665B8B9B3000000000173} =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.70E14A01193D817004C0F88E767BC59B] - 19/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL client de l’API uilisateur de Windows m.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fr-FR\user32.dll.mui [19968] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.5A6D591D56791BA63CE73FCAD60D89A1] - 05/09/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de fonction connexe pour WinSock.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\AFD.sys [610720] =>.Microsoft Windows®
[MD5.01733BEEE02E51F712330D5909BD701C] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - ATAPI IDE Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\atapi.sys [29088] =>.Microsoft Windows®
[MD5.B6E5AD7C83A5254DEE9D86023C0E5A81] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - CD-ROM File System Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Cdfs.sys [93184] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.ABE77AD954BC3D72F559CF0C381E50BC] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Cdrom.sys [160256] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.185A4519B7764F4DEF714D890A7A9FD2] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\DfsC.sys [150528] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.02B9639D9997E95CDF2F4C4F3BDCC73D] - 20/06/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - High Definition Audio Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\HDAudBus.sys [86528] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.C6C8315E3262FAE460529C6DA2951682] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port i8042.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\i8042prt.sys [115200] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.DCC05E5EAA580C97F13B434FAFACED85] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\IpNat.sys [214528] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.F2AD1B72C5A6475FB5FF332E1980DF88] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Minirdr SMB Windows NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MRxSmb.sys [467352] =>.Microsoft Windows®
[MD5.BAD3C424788BC071C3EC82CFCDA954D2] - 05/09/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\netBT.sys [305152] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.CDB804F3EA333459FE3C21D61767CBB1] - 30/09/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du système de fichiers NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ntfs.sys [2327448] {33000001733031072665B8B9B3000000000173} =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.2CC6C325B271C7CA60F374F8F868CB45] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port parallèle.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Parport.sys [97792] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.5279EC98F6218D29EADDFECCC0D80E9A] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Rasl2tp.sys [107008] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.53A01D3FDB701AC5D9DDE4140227E3D9] - 20/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Redirecteur de périphérique de Microsoft RD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdpdr.sys [183296] =>.Microsoft Corporation
[MD5.D74756DD1518D28A09CDA99696273FA4] - 01/08/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tdx.sys [119712] =>.Microsoft Windows®
[MD5.E3429DBBEA3965BB96E24B16EF4A2551] - 18/03/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume Shadow Copy driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\volsnap.sys [397216] =>.Microsoft Windows®
---\\ Liste des services NT non Microsoft et non désactivés (29) - 1s
O23 - Service: ASUS HID Access Service (AsHidService) . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc. - AsHidSrv Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\AsHidSrv.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O23 - Service: ASLDR Service (ASLDRService) . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc. - ASLDR Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\AsLdrSrv.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O23 - Service: ASUS Rog Macro Key Service (ASUS Rog Macro Key) . (.ASUS - Rog MacroKey Srv.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ROG MacroKey\MacroSrv.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O23 - Service: Asus WebStorage Windows Service (Asus WebStorage Windows Service) . (.ASUS Cloud Corporation - Asus WebStorage Windows Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WebStorage\\AsusWSWinService.exe =>.ASUS Cloud Corporation
O23 - Service: ATKGFNEX Service (ATKGFNEXSrv) . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc. - GFNEXSrv.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATKGFNEX\GFNEXSrv.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O23 - Service: Avast Antivirus (avast! Antivirus) . (.AVAST Software - Avast Service.) - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O23 - Service: Dropbox Update Service (dbupdate) (dbupdate) . (.Dropbox, Inc. - Dropbox Update.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe =>.Dropbox, Inc®
O23 - Service: @oem41.inf,%ServiceDisplayName%;ESIF Upper Framework Service (esifsvc) . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Frame.) - C:\Windows\syswow64\esif_uf.exe =>.Intel(R) Software®
O23 - Service: Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log (EvtEng) . (.Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log Service.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\EvtEng.exe =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
O23 - Service: GamesAppIntegrationService (GamesAppIntegrationService) . (.WildTangent - WildTangent Games App Integration Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GamesAppIntegrationService.exe =>.WildTangent Inc®
O23 - Service: Service Google Update (gupdate) (gupdate) . (.Google Inc. - Programme d'installation de Google.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc®
O23 - Service: @oem23.inf,%SERVICE_NAME%;Intel Bluetooth Service (ibtsiva) . (...) - C:\Windows\System32\ibtsiva (.not file.) =>.Intel Corporation
O23 - Service: Service Installer TrueKey (InstallerService) . (...) - C:\Program Files\TrueKey\Mcafee.TrueKey.InstallerService.exe (.not file.)
O23 - Service: Intel(R) Security Assist Helper (isaHelperSvc) . (.Intel Corporation - .) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isaHelperService.exe =>.Intel Corporation
O23 - Service: Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Service (jhi_service) . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host In.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe =>.Intel Corporation - Embedded Subsystems and IP Blocks Group®
O23 - Service: WPS Office Update Service (Kingsoft_WPS_UpdateService) . (.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd - WPS Office Expansion tool.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Kingsoft\WPS Office\\wtoolex\wpsupdatesvr.exe =>.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd®
O23 - Service: Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Manageme (LMS) . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Local Management Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe =>.Intel Corporation - Embedded Subsystems and IP Blocks Group®
O23 - Service: NVIDIA LocalSystem Container (NvContainerLocalSystem) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Container.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\nvcontainer.exe =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Display Container LS (NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Container.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display.NvContainer\NVDisplay.Container.exe =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Telemetry Container (NvTelemetryContainer) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Container.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NvTelemetry\NvTelemetryContainer.exe =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O23 - Service: Origin Web Helper Service (Origin Web Helper Service) . (.Electronic Arts - OriginWebHelperService.) - D:\Programmes\Origin\OriginWebHelperService.exe =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.®
O23 - Service: Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service (RegSrvc) . (.Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\RegSrvc.exe =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
O23 - Service: ROG Gaming Center Service (ROGGamingCenterService) . (.ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC. - ROGGamingCenterService.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ROG Gaming Center\ROGGamingCenterService.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O23 - Service: Skype Updater (SkypeUpdate) . (.Skype Technologies - Skype Updater Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Updater\Updater.exe =>.Skype Software Sarl®
O23 - Service: TeamViewer 10 (TeamViewer) . (.TeamViewer GmbH - TeamViewer 10.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe =>.TeamViewer®
O23 - Service: Wacom Consumer Service (WTabletServiceCon) . (.Wacom Technology, Corp. - Tablet Service.) - C:\Program Files\Tablet\Pen\WTabletServiceCon.exe =>.Wacom Technology Corp.®
O23 - Service: Wacom Professional Service (WTabletServicePro) . (.Wacom Technology, Corp. - Tablet Service.) - C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\WTabletServicePro.exe =>.Wacom Technology Corporation®
O23 - Service: Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility Service (XTU3SERVICE) . (.Intel(R) Corporation - XtuService.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility\XtuService.exe =>.Intel(R) Software®
O23 - Service: Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Zero Configuration Service (ZeroConfigService) . (.Intel® Corporation - Intel® PROSet/Wireless Zero Configure Servi.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\ZeroConfigService.exe =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
---\\ Services non Microsoft (SR=Démarré,SS=Stoppé) (42) - 23s
SS - Demand [16/10/2017] [ 272384] Adobe Flash Player Update Service (AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc) . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) - C:\Windows\syswow64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
SR - Auto [29/03/2016] [ 110264] ASUS HID Access Service (AsHidService) . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\AsHidSrv.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
SR - Auto [16/03/2016] [ 126648] ASLDR Service (ASLDRService) . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\AsLdrSrv.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
SR - Auto [02/07/2015] [ 492344] ASUS Rog Macro Key Service (ASUS Rog Macro Key) . (.ASUS.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ROG MacroKey\MacroSrv.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
SR - Auto [24/12/2015] [ 75264] Asus WebStorage Windows Service (Asus WebStorage Windows Service) . (.ASUS Cloud Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WebStorage\\AsusWSWinService.exe =>.ASUS Cloud Corporation
SR - Demand [05/10/2017] [ 7446024] aswbIDSAgent (aswbIDSAgent) . (.AVAST Software s.r.o..) - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\x64\aswidsagenta.exe =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
SR - Auto [03/02/2016] [ 106168] ATKGFNEX Service (ATKGFNEXSrv) . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATKGFNEX\GFNEXSrv.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
SR - Auto [05/10/2017] [ 281416] Avast Antivirus (avast! Antivirus) . (.AVAST Software.) - C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvastSvc.exe =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
SS - Auto [12/07/2017] [ 143144] Dropbox Update Service (dbupdate) (dbupdate) . (.Dropbox, Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe =>.Dropbox, Inc®
SS - Demand [12/07/2017] [ 143144] Dropbox Update Service (dbupdatem) (dbupdatem) . (.Dropbox, Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe =>.Dropbox, Inc®
SR - Auto [09/11/2015] [ 1392792] @oem41.inf,%ServiceDisplayName%;ESIF Upper Framework Service (esifsvc) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Windows\syswow64\esif_uf.exe =>.Intel(R) Software®
SR - Auto [08/02/2016] [ 640928] Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Event Log (EvtEng) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\EvtEng.exe =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
SR - Auto [22/12/2015] [ 349728] GamesAppIntegrationService (GamesAppIntegrationService) . (.WildTangent.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GamesAppIntegrationService.exe =>.WildTangent Inc®
SS - Demand [22/12/2015] [ 209952] GamesAppService (GamesAppService) . (.WildTangent, Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GamesAppService.exe =>.WildTangent Inc®
SS - Auto [11/09/2017] [ 153168] Service Google Update (gupdate) (gupdate) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc®
SS - Demand [11/09/2017] [ 153168] Service Google Update (gupdatem) (gupdatem) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc®
SR - Auto [ 0] [ 0] @oem23.inf,%SERVICE_NAME%;Intel Bluetooth Service (ibtsiva) . (...) - C:\Windows\System32\ibtsiva =>.Intel Corporation
SR - Demand [03/06/2015] [ 217888] Intel(R) Integrated Clock Controller Service - Intel(R) ICCS (ICCS) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Integrated Clock Controller Service\ICCProxy.exe =>.Intel Corporation - Embedded Subsystems and IP Blocks Group®
SS - Demand [19/02/2016] [ 974632] Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service TCP IP Interface (Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service TCP IP Interface) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\SocketHeciServer.exe =>.Intel(R) Trusted Connect Service®
SR - Demand [05/02/2016] [ 335872] Intel(R) Security Assist (Intel(R) Security Assist) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isa.exe =>.Intel Corporation
SS - Auto [05/02/2016] [ 8704] Intel(R) Security Assist Helper (isaHelperSvc) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Security Assist\isaHelperService.exe =>.Intel Corporation
SR - Auto [25/02/2016] [ 209184] Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Service (jhi_service) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe =>.Intel Corporation - Embedded Subsystems and IP Blocks Group®
SS - Auto [24/03/2016] [ 133480] WPS Office Update Service (Kingsoft_WPS_UpdateService) . (.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Kingsoft\WPS Office\\wtoolex\wpsupdatesvr.exe =>.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd®
SR - Auto [25/02/2016] [ 415520] Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Manageme (LMS) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe =>.Intel Corporation - Embedded Subsystems and IP Blocks Group®
SS - Demand [28/06/2017] [ 193992] Mozilla Maintenance Service (MozillaMaintenance) . (.Mozilla Foundation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service\maintenanceservice.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation®
SS - Demand [08/02/2016] [ 268192] Wireless PAN DHCP Server (MyWiFiDHCPDNS) . (.Copyright (C) 2005-2010 by Achal Dhir.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\PanDhcpDns.exe =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
SR - Auto [18/08/2017] [ 512960] NVIDIA LocalSystem Container (NvContainerLocalSystem) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\nvcontainer.exe =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
SS - Demand [18/08/2017] [ 512960] NVIDIA NetworkService Container (NvContainerNetworkService) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\nvcontainer.exe =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
SR - Auto [22/08/2017] [ 462784] NVIDIA Display Container LS (NVDisplay.ContainerLocalSystem) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display.NvContainer\NVDisplay.Container.exe =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
SR - Auto [18/08/2017] [ 449984] NVIDIA Telemetry Container (NvTelemetryContainer) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NvTelemetry\NvTelemetryContainer.exe =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
SS - Demand [09/10/2017] [ 2123104] Origin Client Service (Origin Client Service) . (.Electronic Arts.) - D:\Programmes\Origin\OriginClientService.exe =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.®
SR - Auto [09/10/2017] [ 3002720] Origin Web Helper Service (Origin Web Helper Service) . (.Electronic Arts.) - D:\Programmes\Origin\OriginWebHelperService.exe =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.®
SR - Auto [08/02/2016] [ 157088] Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Registry Service (RegSrvc) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\RegSrvc.exe =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
SR - Auto [07/06/2016] [ 49704] ROG Gaming Center Service (ROGGamingCenterService) . (.ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ROG Gaming Center\ROGGamingCenterService.exe =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
SS - Auto [18/07/2017] [ 317408] Skype Updater (SkypeUpdate) . (.Skype Technologies.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Updater\Updater.exe =>.Skype Software Sarl®
SR - Demand [18/07/2017] [ 317408] Steam Client Service (Steam Client Service) . (.Valve Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Steam\SteamService.exe =>.Valve®
SR - Auto [18/07/2017] [ 317408] TeamViewer 10 (TeamViewer) . (.TeamViewer GmbH.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer_Service.exe =>.TeamViewer®
SS - Demand [18/07/2017] [ 317408] Thunderbolt(TM) Service (ThunderboltService) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Thunderbolt Software\tbtsvc.exe =>.Intel(R) Client Connectivity Division SW®
SR - Auto [18/07/2017] [ 317408] Wacom Consumer Service (WTabletServiceCon) . (.Wacom Technology, Corp..) - C:\Program Files\Tablet\Pen\WTabletServiceCon.exe =>.Wacom Technology Corp.®
SR - Auto [18/07/2017] [ 317408] Wacom Professional Service (WTabletServicePro) . (.Wacom Technology, Corp..) - C:\Program Files\Tablet\Wacom\WTabletServicePro.exe =>.Wacom Technology Corporation®
SR - Auto [18/07/2017] [ 317408] Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility Service (XTU3SERVICE) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility\XtuService.exe =>.Intel(R) Software®
SR - Auto [18/07/2017] [ 317408] Intel(R) PROSet/Wireless Zero Configuration Service (ZeroConfigService) . (.Intel® Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\ZeroConfigService.exe =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
---\\ Tâches planifiées en automatique (Registre) (108) - 13s
O38 - TASK: {01D6ABE4-860C-439C-8C9D-BE1FD926B390} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Plug and Play\Sysprep Generalize Drivers] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Module d’installation de pilotes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe [158720] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {045C496A-5CEA-404B-AF14-A97ADE6F9141} [64Bits][\SS2UILauncherRun] - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc - Runs the SS2 product.) -- C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\SS2\UserInterface\SS2UILauncher.exe [1155600] =>.A-Volute®
O38 - TASK: {07525F1F-2185-45CC-B1FE-D7689FEAE85B} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\SpacePort\SpaceManagerTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Storage Spaces Manager.) -- C:\Windows\system32\spaceman.exe [34816] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {0A3B07CA-74FD-4EC6-AF46-4792B2DF4DDD} [64Bits][\microsoft\windows\applicationdata\appuriverifierdaily] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Vérificateur de l’inscription des gestionna.) -- C:\Windows\system32\AppHostRegistrationVerifier.exe [105472] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {0BDFD6A9-52F6-46BD-AF12-DEA5AC01DE51} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Speech\SpeechModelDownloadTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Speech Model Download Executable.) -- C:\Windows\System32\speech_onecore\Common\SpeechModelDownload.exe [162816] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {0CF39ACE-E1EF-4FD8-92B6-B78A16579DDB} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Time Zone\SynchronizeTimeZone] - (.Microsoft Corporation - TimeZone Sync Task.) -- C:\Windows\system32\tzsync.exe [60928] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {0F3FF06A-8273-4E4A-B8AD-C21EC3DEB8EC} [64Bits][\NvProfileUpdaterDaily_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA driver profile updater.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvProfileUpdater64.exe [651200] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {12EA75D9-026A-4185-90DE-7EC244FDE862} [64Bits][\DropboxOEM] - (.Copyright © 2015 - DropboxOEM.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\DropboxOEM\DropboxOEM.exe [585000] =>.Dropbox, Inc®
O38 - TASK: {168A2FEA-CF92-47B6-BAAC-F3DB36C56E07} [64Bits][\Intel\Thunderbolt\Start Thunderbolt application when hardware is detected] - (.Intel Corporation - Thunderbolt(TM) Software.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Thunderbolt Software\Thunderbolt.exe [363160] =>.Intel(R) Client Connectivity Division SW®
O38 - TASK: {1A3AA27E-D305-446C-B327-2A940FF4CBEF} [64Bits][\ATK Package 36D18D69AFC3] - (.ASUSTek Computer Inc. - Simulate Store App Execution Application.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ATK Package\ATK Hotkey\SimAppExec.exe [122008] =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O38 - TASK: {1D269CED-031C-488A-8F85-47B53AFB4249} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\MUI\LPRemove] - (.Microsoft Corporation - MUI Language pack cleanup.) -- C:\Windows\system32\lpremove.exe [66560] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {2A1B9538-B5E7-4089-84D2-9945D65A634B} [64Bits][\Intel\Thunderbolt\Start Thunderbolt service on boot if driver is up] - (.Intel Corporation - Thunderbolt(TM) Service.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Thunderbolt Software\tbtsvc.exe [1831064] =>.Intel(R) Client Connectivity Division SW®
O38 - TASK: {2E22CCF0-649D-404C-A220-1C79638B5451} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\DiskFootprint\Diagnostics] - (.Microsoft Corporation - DiskSnapshot.exe.) -- C:\Windows\system32\disksnapshot.exe [82944] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {2E5561F0-49BE-4324-8550-0BE5E30EC33F} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Subscription\EnableLicenseAcquisition] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Acquire License From Store.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ClipRenew.exe [137112] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {2F81656D-02E5-4365-AE02-37A65A14358F} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Filtering Platform\BfeOnServiceStartTypeChange] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur de filtrage de base.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bfe.dll [815616] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {33888F59-94B0-4B55-8BE7-353FD30E42EF} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\AppxDeploymentClient\Pre-staged app cleanup] - (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du client de déploiement d’AppX.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AppxDeploymentClient.dll [654976] {33000001733031072665B8B9B3000000000173} =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {352A4EEA-C2B9-4C3C-840C-9BD9C7D4C95A} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\DiskCleanup\SilentCleanup] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de nettoyage de disque pour Wi.) -- C:\Windows\system32\cleanmgr.exe [217088] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {39CBD12F-87EB-4255-9C4A-C38B7361E0A1} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Mobile Broadband Accounts\MNO Metadata Parser] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâche de l’analyseur d’expérience de compte.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MbaeParserTask.exe [112640] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {39CD21EB-35CB-4512-AA79-269F27FC6E2F} [64Bits][\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineUA] - (.Dropbox, Inc. - Dropbox Update.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe [143144] =>.Dropbox, Inc®
O38 - TASK: {39F26971-E555-4AAD-8E42-36C339C151CD} [64Bits][\ASUS ROG Macro Key Listener] - (.ASUS - AsListen.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ROG MacroKey\AsListen.exe [516000] =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O38 - TASK: {3DCEC7DF-EA4A-401A-9E0D-BA8C58C39ADB} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\SystemRestore\SR] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâches de fond de la protection du système.) -- C:\Windows\system32\srtasks.exe [57856] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {3FCE7C9A-FE1E-49CE-B3E4-EE44BF7A399E} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\ApplicationData\CleanupTemporaryState] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Application Data API Server.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.dll [328616] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {40C16C89-5B22-4B8C-9C81-473B802B8152} [64Bits][\DropboxUpdateTaskMachineCore] - (.Dropbox, Inc. - Dropbox Update.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\Update\DropboxUpdate.exe [143144] =>.Dropbox, Inc®
O38 - TASK: {4185A0DB-83FC-4A88-B428-3726A2976E5B} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\NlaSvc\WiFiTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâche sans fil en arrière-plan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WiFiTask.exe [459168] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {42278633-112C-44A1-AE01-1E4019C9D5D8} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Office\OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerRegistration] - (.Microsoft Corporation - This task initiates Office Background Task .) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\officebackgroundtaskhandler.exe [26312] =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {429B5D2F-BEE9-4ED3-9152-2FA22AE734A7} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Management\Provisioning\Cellular] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Provisioning package runtime processing too.) -- C:\Windows\system32\ProvTool.exe [68608] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {440C5222-0641-41DF-952C-A0DA3529DA46} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\ApplicationData\DsSvcCleanup] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Data Sharing Service Maintenance Driver.) -- C:\Windows\system32\dstokenclean.exe [12800] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {466F0520-8A99-461C-A02B-64DAB5ADC561} [64Bits][\Intel\Thunderbolt\Start Thunderbolt application on login if service is up] - (.Intel Corporation - Thunderbolt(TM) Software.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Thunderbolt Software\Thunderbolt.exe [363160] =>.Intel(R) Client Connectivity Division SW®
O38 - TASK: {4C17366E-224D-475D-A293-815228D360AA} [64Bits][\NvNodeLauncher_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA nodejs launcher.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NvNode\nvnodejslauncher.exe [947136] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {523F5687-D9CD-4734-8E2F-81D937655347} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\USO_UxBroker_Display] - (.Microsoft Corporation - MusNotificationBroker.) -- C:\windows\system32\MusNotification.exe [306176] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {5365D1B5-E050-4D5E-B386-8A29115A0649} [64Bits][\WpsUpdateTask_Administrator] - (.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd - WPS Office Expansion tool.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Kingsoft\WPS Office\\wtoolex\wpsupdate.exe [481128] =>.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd®
O38 - TASK: {536D09F0-6D30-427E-839B-3B0BBA367DBF} [64Bits][\Intel\Thunderbolt\Start Thunderbolt service when hardware is detected] - (.Intel(R) - Start Thunderbolt service when hardware is .) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Thunderbolt Software\sc.exe (.not file.) [0] (.Orphan.) =>.SUP.Orphan
O38 - TASK: {54759688-CC3E-4179-A0E0-783BA1554F5B} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\SpacePort\SpaceAgentTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Paramètres des espaces de stockage.) -- C:\Windows\system32\SpaceAgent.exe [129536] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {5499FBAB-5FAB-45C6-AF5B-EFAF4EBCF68C} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Policy Install] - (.Microsoft Corporation - UsoClient.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usoclient.exe [34304] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {5614E94B-AB74-4D4D-B6ED-A8835BB70A78} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Autochk\Proxy] - (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de proxy Autochk.) -- C:\Windows\System32\acproxy.dll [13312] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {5643FD96-0B4F-44E2-A6AB-35EDC2F72BE8} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Clip\License Validation] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Client License Platform migration tool.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ClipUp.exe [1347640] =>.Microsoft Windows Publisher®
O38 - TASK: {571E42B7-CED3-419D-B054-282D4173172F} [64Bits][\Microsoft\XblGameSave\XblGameSaveTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - XblGameSave Standby Task.) -- C:\Windows\System32\XblGameSaveTask.exe [31744] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {57460F3F-A289-4924-872D-E02A54CC3DE9} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\DiskDiagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticDataCollector] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Module de diagnostics des erreurs de disque.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dfdts.dll [45568] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {59242679-13B8-4F7D-A33B-450602AF9168} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Office\Office ClickToRun Service Monitor] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office Click-to-Run Client.) -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [17335976] =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {59B4187B-9A48-4370-B98B-84DA84AAB8AF} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Location\Notifications] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Notification d'emplacement.) -- C:\Windows\System32\LocationNotificationWindows.exe [66560] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {5F2CDD0E-6E6A-491F-AF11-24D20A8ACB99} [64Bits][\Update Checker] - (.ASUSTeK - .) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [17920] =>.ASUSTeK
O38 - TASK: {612CE9C1-CEA9-40F5-BB34-F53E51B2F763} [64Bits][\RTKCPL] - (.Realtek Semiconductor - Gestionnaire audio HD Realtek.) -- C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtkNGUI64.exe [8841472] =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp®
O38 - TASK: {636E702F-91AA-4646-A05A-6ACF8BAC6C18} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\AppID\VerifiedPublisherCertStoreCheck] - (.Microsoft Corporation - AppID Certificate Store Verification Task.) -- C:\Windows\system32\appidcertstorecheck.exe [19456] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {6430CC72-EBF8-4F8C-AF87-2CCE1878ED23} [64Bits][\ASUS\ASUS Product Register Service] - (.ASUSTek Computer Inc. - ASUS Product Register Program.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\APRP\aprp.exe [1616160] =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O38 - TASK: {65FE92EF-C2B3-419E-8BEF-48DC6912FF18} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\sihboot] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Client SIH.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sihclient.exe [229888] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {6773B432-C999-4DE0-8590-4292E36977BB} [64Bits][\Intel PTT EK Recertification] - (.Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R)PTT EK Recertification Service.) -- C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\IntelPTTEKRecertification.exe [855352] =>.Intel(R) Trusted Connect Service®
O38 - TASK: {6C7E462D-5ADA-412E-B391-D60DA0F23B65} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\USO_UxBroker_ReadyToReboot] - (.Microsoft Corporation - MusNotificationBroker.) -- C:\windows\system32\MusNotification.exe [306176] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {6E174CCC-DCC3-4B8C-BFAB-48C99CFA65EB} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\WCM\WiFiTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâche sans fil en arrière-plan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WiFiTask.exe [459168] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {71273E39-E66A-49A3-BD30-A8D8D4910256} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Reboot] - (.Microsoft Corporation - MusNotificationBroker.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MusNotification.exe [306176] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {72B888F5-6F4A-4DDA-8F26-CD8A05467CE2} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\sih] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Client SIH.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sihclient.exe [229888] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {736060F9-6C93-48F3-AA61-8B54D21ECEAE} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\Microsoft Compatibility Appraiser] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry.) -- C:\Windows\system32\compattelrunner.exe [96672] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {7414FB70-F33A-4F19-A09B-F9EF3E842B03} [64Bits][\ROG Gaming Center] - (.ASUSTek Computer Inc. - ROG Gaming Key.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ROG Gaming Center\ROGGamingKey.exe [3645160] =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O38 - TASK: {751032FB-518B-42B1-84EC-DAFF4695A73D} [64Bits][\WpsNotifyTask_Administrator] - (.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd - WPS Office Expansion tool.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Kingsoft\WPS Office\\wtoolex\wpsnotify.exe [514408] =>.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd®
O38 - TASK: {7647CBB5-4F3F-4EE8-ABB3-D3D1AE42421C} [64Bits][\ASUS_Check] - (.ASUSTeK Computer Inc. - ASUS Check Device.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Check Device\ASUS_Check.exe [58880] =>.ASUSTek Computer Inc.
O38 - TASK: {78A84ACF-95EE-4CA7-86DE-BD1A400EABC3} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Office\OfficeBackgroundTaskHandlerLogon] - (.Microsoft Corporation - This task initiates Office Background Task .) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\officebackgroundtaskhandler.exe [26312] =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {7C6C486F-F231-41B7-A3AF-060625DE655D} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Compatibility Telemetry.) -- C:\Windows\system32\compattelrunner.exe [96672] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {7E01A694-4B03-49BB-8008-EBF88987C440} [64Bits][\OneDrive Standalone Update Task-S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Standalone Updater.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDriveStandaloneUpdater.exe [2811088] =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {82354E02-B950-480B-9EC0-86658A30D3B2} [64Bits][\ASUS USB Charger Plus] - (.ASUSTek Computer Inc. - ASUS USB Charger Plus.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\USBChargerPlus\USBChargerPlus.exe [19786024] =>.ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.®
O38 - TASK: {88EFCD2D-56D6-4744-952E-5DC5252937EC} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\StartupAppTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de tâche d’analyse de démarrage.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Startupscan.dll [19968] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {89684F24-1BE2-49FF-B61D-BE34AAE3C42C} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Feedback\Siuf\DmClient] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Feedback SIUF Deployment Manager.) -- C:\Windows\system32\dmclient.exe [89600] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {8E89D7E8-A1F6-4EBE-89CD-70FFED11BA1E} [64Bits][\SS2Svc32Run] - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc - Runs the SS2 product.) -- C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\SS2\UserInterface\SS2Svc32.exe [2585088] =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O38 - TASK: {90048BB3-2193-4D82-ADCA-4FE39F6AF7F7} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Workplace Join\Automatic-Device-Join] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil de ligne de commande DSREG.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dsregcmd.exe [659968] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {91EFC7EF-8D02-4FF9-84A8-5A5A472EA34A} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Bluetooth\UninstallDeviceTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâche de désinstallation du périphérique Bl.) -- C:\Windows\System32\BthUdTask.exe [40448] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {935A26BD-ADF0-440D-8B21-227E260FE70C} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Defrag\ScheduledDefrag] - (.Microsoft Corp. - Module de défragmenteur de disque.) -- C:\Windows\system32\defrag.exe [185856] =>.Microsoft Corp.
O38 - TASK: {9A685019-C4FB-41E0-84ED-B79D7148CCD9} [64Bits][\ASUS Live Update2] - (.ASUSTeK - .) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [17920] =>.ASUSTeK
O38 - TASK: {9F459CFA-5F0A-4527-A25F-F3499877DC72} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\RemoteAssistance\RemoteAssistanceTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Serveur COM d’assistance à distance Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\raserver.exe [128512] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {A0CD723C-79EE-4C69-A63B-443CD3CF6394} [64Bits][\CCleanerSkipUAC] - (.Piriform Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [7685808] =>.Piriform Ltd®
O38 - TASK: {A103904E-521A-4977-9A0F-08998FDA98C3} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Shell\FamilySafetyMonitor] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Moniteur du contrôle parental.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wpcmon.exe [1763376] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {A2AB61D5-D872-47C1-967A-EAD1E3C91A7B} [64Bits][\ASUS\ASUS GIFTBOX] - (.ASUSTek Computer Inc - ASUS GIFTBOX.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\asusgiftbox.exe [1049608] =>.ASUSTek Computer Inc
O38 - TASK: {A34796B9-CB25-4A3C-99D4-0B6F0188857B} [64Bits][\NvTmRep_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA crash and telemetry reporter.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvTmRep.exe [722880] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {A600982B-AD8E-40CF-A6D2-A65C6C7F100B} [64Bits][\NvProfileUpdaterOnLogon_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA driver profile updater.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvProfileUpdater64.exe [651200] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {A96CDBFC-5697-4415-AADF-B655622EF4CD} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Subscription\LicenseAcquisition] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Acquire License From Store.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ClipRenew.exe [137112] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {AAE8C8F1-8FCE-4595-8BB9-B6436C9A64FE} [64Bits][\NVIDIA GeForce Experience SelfUpdate_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA GeForce Experience.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA GeForce Experience\NVIDIA GeForce Experience.exe [1540544] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {AB44E099-B353-4F00-814E-71192E83D0DF} [64Bits][\NvDriverUpdateCheckDaily_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Container.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\nvcontainer.exe [512960] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {AD59FC98-C17D-44A0-ACCF-FCE85290994A} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Refresh Settings] - (.Microsoft Corporation - UsoClient.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usoclient.exe [34304] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {ADE7A251-AD97-411E-A172-6F6EE4C08D0B} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\DiskDiagnostic\Microsoft-Windows-DiskDiagnosticResolver] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil de résolution des défaillances disque.) -- C:\Windows\system32\DFDWiz.exe [51200] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {AEDC7F0D-5940-4DE8-87AA-13F09C94A5F9} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\Scheduled Start] - (.Microsoft Corporation. - Cette tâche permet de démarrer le service W.) -- wuauserv [0] =>.Microsoft Corporation.
O38 - TASK: {B0C73C91-7A51-4FEC-B423-7960E546EB87} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Device Information\Device] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Device Census.) -- C:\Windows\system32\devicecensus.exe [34720] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {B4EF1194-762F-46EE-9ADD-855DD157BA5B} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Sysmain\WsSwapAssessmentTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Hôte de service Superfetch.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sysmain.dll [972800] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {B649387F-117C-4EA0-BBA3-EB4D1CF6D7FD} [64Bits][\NvTmMon_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA telemetry monitor.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvTmMon.exe [436160] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {B71746F3-ACB9-4662-A5D0-AFFC1DBA4652} [64Bits][\RtHDVBg_ListenToDevice] - (.Realtek Semiconductor - HD Audio Background Process.) -- C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVBg64.exe [1454336] =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp®
O38 - TASK: {B8F1709B-849F-4A0F-BFB9-8D1FFAF48AC3} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Maintenance Install] - (.Microsoft Corporation - UsoClient.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usoclient.exe [34304] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {C0841CB0-7028-49D0-B3F9-989E87358251} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Feedback\Siuf\DmClientOnScenarioDownload] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Feedback SIUF Deployment Manager.) -- C:\Windows\system32\dmclient.exe [89600] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {C24D1DE6-EC6D-44C9-B040-373D6EE5B8E1} [64Bits][\SS2Svc64Run] - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc - Runs the SS2 product.) -- C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\SS2\UserInterface\x64\SS2Svc64.exe [275456] =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O38 - TASK: {C38B0A50-616D-41CE-9959-C6C57DFCEA50} [64Bits][\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore] - (.Google Inc. - Programme d'installation de Google.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [153168] =>.Google Inc®
O38 - TASK: {C6B17684-D4E7-416D-B4F6-A6DDCDE8B870} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\SharedPC\Account Cleanup] - (.Microsoft Corporation - SharedPC.AccountManager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.SharedPC.AccountManager.dll [192512] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {C96517F7-AD1A-4EFF-B0E7-8DF55C4875F7} [64Bits][\ASUS Live Update1] - (.ASUSTeK - .) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\ASUS Live Update\UpdateChecker.exe [17920] =>.ASUSTeK
O38 - TASK: {CBF38F5B-BAD3-433C-812E-ACE7C8847AEE} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Management\Provisioning\Logon] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Provisioning package runtime processing too.) -- C:\Windows\system32\ProvTool.exe [68608] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {D00B8EC7-8B3D-4BCE-91BA-568BD3B57AF1} [64Bits][\ATK Package A22126881260] - (.SplitmediaLabs - XSplit Gamecaster.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\SplitmediaLabs\XSplit Gamecaster\XSplit.Gamecaster.exe [26611384] =>.SplitmediaLabs Limited®
O38 - TASK: {D0ED4116-61E2-455D-9C99-1993A6C6053D} [64Bits][\ASUS Splendid ACMON] - (.ASUS - ACMON.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Splendid\ACMON.exe [54784] =>.ASUS
O38 - TASK: {D189C863-8049-492B-9E20-2302E6590862} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UPnP\UPnPHostConfig] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil de configuration du Gestionnaire de c.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sc.exe [68608] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {D30E179F-7F22-4DDF-A6E3-62809B8773E2} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Media Sharing\UpdateLibrary] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de configuration du service Par.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player\wmpnscfg.exe [70144] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {D4808A80-9E56-4250-95F0-363219950A32} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\WwanSvc\NotificationTask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâche sans fil en arrière-plan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WiFiTask.exe [459168] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {D71BBA19-4807-4B11-8F22-415867506790} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Location\WindowsActionDialog] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Broker pour la boîte de dialogue Ac.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WindowsActionDialog.exe [59392] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {D961CEA4-E23C-4633-A41F-33CC88029E28} [64Bits][\Avast Emergency Update] - (.AVAST Software - Avast Emergency Update.) -- C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvEmUpdate.exe [2410880] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O38 - TASK: {DBE7EAA8-B6E4-42F0-9FBA-7016520A04F0} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Storage Tiers Management\Storage Tiers Optimization] - (.Microsoft Corp. - Module de défragmenteur de disque.) -- C:\Windows\system32\defrag.exe [185856] =>.Microsoft Corp.
O38 - TASK: {DDA6FC22-597B-4E94-A590-E668FE81DD59} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Office\Office Automatic Updates] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office Click-to-Run Client.) -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun\OfficeC2RClient.exe [17335976] =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {E2231C7C-D46C-475C-B47B-BEAF584619E6} [64Bits][\Adobe Flash Player Updater] - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe® Flash® Player Update Service 27.0 r0.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [272384] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
O38 - TASK: {E42DB919-0A07-44A7-A6DA-2E0CDAE56F3D} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Resume On Boot] - (.Microsoft Corporation - UsoClient.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usoclient.exe [34304] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {E81CF2A3-D38D-49FA-BFB3-33D443914DF6} [64Bits][\NvTmRepOnLogon_{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA crash and telemetry reporter.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvTmRep.exe [722880] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O38 - TASK: {E880D5C2-514D-4C57-81C4-0F239785DD5E} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\DUSM\dusmtask] - (.Microsoft Corporation - DUSM Task.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dusmtask.exe [35840] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {E9098A4A-E394-48A1-99B9-260A0EAA8ABB} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Combined Scan Download Install] - (.Microsoft Corporation - UsoClient.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usoclient.exe [34304] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {ED3584D5-840E-4472-8AB5-6D9DB2A418D0} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\AppID\PolicyConverter] - (.Microsoft Corporation - AppID Policy Converter Task.) -- C:\Windows\system32\appidpolicyconverter.exe [159744] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {EF9329C3-AA05-482D-BD3D-35E3843E793B} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\UpdateOrchestrator\Schedule Scan] - (.Microsoft Corporation - UsoClient.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usoclient.exe [34304] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {F34362D1-2EC4-46CA-BF07-4A40D7FD05B0} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting\QueueReporting] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Problem Reporting.) -- C:\Windows\system32\wermgr.exe [182688] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O38 - TASK: {F3E63831-992B-4645-B6BA-0DFF63D87B71} [64Bits][\microsoft\windows\applicationdata\appuriverifierinstall] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Vérificateur de l’inscription des gestionna.) -- C:\Windows\system32\AppHostRegistrationVerifier.exe [105472] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O38 - TASK: {F5894C1F-C7E4-4CBD-BF12-1297587BCC25} [64Bits][\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA] - (.Google Inc. - Programme d'installation de Google.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [153168] =>.Google Inc®
O38 - TASK: {F917DA09-BC6E-4F96-B3A4-FEF412F5DFA9} [64Bits][\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Consolidateur SQM Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wsqmcons.exe [77824] =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ Applications lancées au démarrage du système (23) - 2s
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SecurityHealth] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Defender notification icon.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCuiL.exe =>.Microsoft Windows®
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SS2UILauncher] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\SS2\UserInterface\SS2UILauncher.exe =>.A-Volute®
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [AvastUI.exe] . (.AVAST Software - AvLaunch component.) -- C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AvLaunch.exe =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ShadowPlay] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Processus hôte Windows (Rundll32).) -- C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [OneDrive] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Web Companion] . (. - .) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Lavasoft\Web Companion\Application\WebCompanion.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Steam] . (.Valve Corporation - Steam Client Bootstrapper.) -- D:\Programmes\steam\steam.exe =>.Valve®
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Skype] . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe =>.Skype Software Sarl®
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [CCleaner Monitoring] . (.Piriform Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe =>.Piriform Ltd®
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [uTorrent] . (.BitTorrent Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe =>.BitTorrent Inc®
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Akamai NetSession Interface] . (.Akamai Technologies, Inc. - Akamai NetSession Client.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Akamai\netsession_win.exe =>.SUP.AkamaiHD
O4 - HKCU\..\RunOnce: [Application Restart #0] . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc - ASUS GIFTBOX.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\Asusgiftbox.exe =>.ASUSTek Computer Inc
O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [WebStorage] . (...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\WebStorage\\ASUSWSLoader.exe =>.ASUS Cloud Corporation®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\Run: [OneDriveSetup] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Setup.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe =>.Microsoft Windows®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\Run: [OneDriveSetup] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Setup.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe =>.Microsoft Windows®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001\..\Run: [OneDrive] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001\..\Run: [Web Companion] . (. - .) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Lavasoft\Web Companion\Application\WebCompanion.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001\..\Run: [Steam] . (.Valve Corporation - Steam Client Bootstrapper.) -- D:\Programmes\steam\steam.exe =>.Valve®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001\..\Run: [Skype] . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe =>.Skype Software Sarl®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001\..\Run: [CCleaner Monitoring] . (.Piriform Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe =>.Piriform Ltd®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001\..\Run: [uTorrent] . (.BitTorrent Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe =>.BitTorrent Inc®
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001\..\Run: [Akamai NetSession Interface] . (.Akamai Technologies, Inc. - Akamai NetSession Client.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Akamai\netsession_win.exe =>.SUP.AkamaiHD
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-1485702640-3372445448-1532171041-1001\..\RunOnce: [Application Restart #0] . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc - ASUS GIFTBOX.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\Asusgiftbox.exe =>.ASUSTek Computer Inc
---\\ Google Chrome, Démarrage,Recherche,Extensions (22) - 1s
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage]
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage]
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage]
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] =>.Google Inc.
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] =>.Google Inc.
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] =>.Google Inc.
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] =>.Google Inc.
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] =>.Google Inc.
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] =>.Google Inc.
G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] =>.Google Inc.
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [aapocclcgogkmnckokdopfmhonfmgoek] =>.Google Inc. {Slides}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake] =>.Google Inc. {Docs}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf] =>.Google Inc. {Drive}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo] =>.Youtube {Youtube}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [cfhdojbkjhnklbpkdaibdccddilifddb] eyeo GmbH =>.eyeo GmbH {AdBlock Plus}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [felcaaldnbdncclmgdcncolpebgiejap] =>.Google Inc. {Sheets}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [ghbmnnjooekpmoecnnnilnnbdlolhkhi] =>.Google Inc. {Docs hors connexion}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [gomekmidlodglbbmalcneegieacbdmki] Avast Online Security =>.Avast Software s.r.o
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [nahhmpbckpgdidfnmfkfgiflpjijilce] Search Manager =>.SUP.SearchManager
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda] =>.Google Inc. {Wallet}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia] =>.Google Inc. {Gmail}
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm] Chrome Media Router =>.Google Inc.
---\\ Firefox, Plugins,Demarrage,Recherche,Extensions (8) - 1s
M0 - MFSP: prefs.js [Gingobel - db7x5xyl.default] =>.Yahoo! Inc.
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Avast SafePrice - Avast SafePrice - safe shopping extens.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\db7x5xyl.default\extensions\ =>.Avast SafePrice
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Avast Online Security - Avast Browser Security and Web Reputat.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\db7x5xyl.default\extensions\ =>.Avast Online Security
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Adblock Plus - Ads were yesterday!.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\db7x5xyl.default\extensions\{d10d0bf8-f5b5-c8b4-a8b2-2b9879e08c5d}.xpi =>.Adblock Plus
P2 - EXT FILE: (.Bing® - Bing. Search by Microsoft..) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\db7x5xyl.default\searchplugins\bing-lavasoft.xml =>.Bing®
P2 - EXT FILE: (...) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\db7x5xyl.default\searchplugins\yahoo! powered.xml =>Adware.YahooPowered
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [] - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_27_0_0_170.dll =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,Version=1.0] - (.WildTangent.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\BrowserIntegration\Registered\0\NP_wtapp.dll =>.WildTangent
---\\ Internet Explorer,Démarrage,Recherche,URLSearchHook (16) - 0s
R0 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = =>.Yahoo! Inc.
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = =>.Yahoo! Inc.
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = =>.Yahoo! Inc.
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons =>.Microsoft Corporation
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk =>.Microsoft Corporation
R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name)[HKCU] - {CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Navigateur Internet.) (11.00.15063.608 (WinBuild.160101.0800)) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\ieframe.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ Internet Explorer,Proxy Management (4) - 0s
R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyOverride =
R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0
R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,MigrateProxy = 1
R5 - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NlaSvc\Parameters\Internet\ManualProxies [] =>.Microsoft
---\\ Internet Explorer,IniFiles, Autoloading programs (3) - 0s
F2 - REG:system.ini: UserInit=
F2 - REG:system.ini: Shell=C:\Windows\explorer.exe (.Microsoft Corporation.) =>.Microsoft Corporation
F2 - REG:system.ini: VMApplet=
---\\ Etude du fichier hosts (1) - 0s
~ Le fichier hôte est sain (The hosts file is clean) (22)
---\\ Raccourcis Global Startup (55) - 2s
O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrateur]: ZHPDiag.lnk . (...) C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe =>.Nicolas Coolman
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrateur]: µTorrent.lnk . (.BitTorrent Inc. - µTorrent.) C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe =>.BitTorrent Inc®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrateur]: Fax Recipient.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\Windows\system32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrateur]: Skype.lnk . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /sendto: =>.Skype Software Sarl®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrateur]: TeamViewer.lnk . (.TeamViewer GmbH - TeamViewer 10.) C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe --sendto =>.TeamViewer®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrateur]: Transfert de fichiers Bluetooth.LNK . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Windows\System32\fsquirt.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrateur]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O4 - GS\Programs [Administrateur]: OneDrive.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive.) C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Programs [Administrateur]: osu!.lnk . (.ppy - osu!.) D:\Programmes\osu!\osu!.exe =>.Dean Herbert®
O4 - GS\Desktop [Gingobel]: ZHPDiag.lnk . (...) C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe =>.Nicolas Coolman
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Gingobel]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Gingobel]: µTorrent.lnk . (.BitTorrent Inc. - µTorrent.) C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe =>.BitTorrent Inc®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Gingobel]: Fax Recipient.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\Windows\system32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\sendTo [Gingobel]: Skype.lnk . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /sendto: =>.Skype Software Sarl®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Gingobel]: TeamViewer.lnk . (.TeamViewer GmbH - TeamViewer 10.) C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe --sendto =>.TeamViewer®
O4 - GS\sendTo [Gingobel]: Transfert de fichiers Bluetooth.LNK . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Windows\System32\fsquirt.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\TaskBar [Gingobel]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O4 - GS\Programs [Gingobel]: OneDrive.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive.) C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Programs [Gingobel]: osu!.lnk . (.ppy - osu!.) D:\Programmes\osu!\osu!.exe =>.Dean Herbert®
O4 - GS\Programs [Public]: OneDrive.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive.) C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\OneDrive.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Programs [Public]: osu!.lnk . (.ppy - osu!.) D:\Programmes\osu!\osu!.exe =>.Dean Herbert®
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Notepad.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bloc-notes.) C:\Windows\system32\notepad.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Math Input Panel.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Ink\mip.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Paint.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Paint.) C:\Windows\system32\mspaint.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Quick Assist.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Quick Assist.) C:\Windows\system32\quickassist.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Remote Desktop Connection.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Connexion Bureau à distance.) C:\Windows\system32\mstsc.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Snipping Tool.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil Capture d’écran.) C:\Windows\system32\SnippingTool.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Steps Recorder.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Enregistreur d’actions.) C:\Windows\system32\psr.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Windows Fax and Scan.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\Windows\system32\WFS.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Windows Media Player.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Lecteur Windows Media.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe /prefetch:1 =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Wordpad.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application Windows Wordpad.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: XPS Viewer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse XPS.) C:\Windows\system32\xpsrchvw.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\SystemTools [Public]: Character Map.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Table des caractères.) C:\Windows\system32\charmap.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Access 2016.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSACCESS.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: ASUS GIFTBOX.lnk . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc - ASUS GIFTBOX.) C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS\Giftbox\asusgiftbox.exe store:default =>.ASUSTek Computer Inc
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Audacity.lnk . (.The Audacity Team - Audacity®, the Free, Cross-Platform Sound E.) D:\Programmes\Audacity\audacity.exe =>.The Audacity Team
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Avast Antivirus Gratuit.lnk . (.AVAST Software - Avast Antivirus.) C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\avastui.exe =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Dropbox 25 GB.lnk . (.Copyright © 2015 - DropboxOEM.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox\DropboxOEM\DropboxOEM.exe manualstartmenu =>.Dropbox, Inc®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Excel 2016.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\EXCEL.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: GIMP 2.lnk . (.Spencer Kimball, Peter Mattis and the GIMP Developmen - GNU Image Manipulation Program.) C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.8.exe =>.Jernej Simončič®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Immersive Control Panel.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) C:\Windows\System32\Control.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: MiracastView.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - MiracastView.) C:\Windows\MiracastView\MiracastView.exe =>.Microsoft Windows®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Mozilla Firefox.lnk . (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: OneNote 2016.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\ONENOTE.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Outlook 2016.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\OUTLOOK.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: PowerPoint 2016.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\POWERPNT.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: PrintDialog.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Print Dialog.) C:\Windows\PrintDialog\PrintDialog.exe =>.Microsoft Windows®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Publisher 2016.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\MSPUB.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: TeamViewer 10.lnk . (.TeamViewer GmbH - TeamViewer 10.) C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer.exe =>.TeamViewer®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: WildTangent Games App - asus.lnk . (.WildTangent - WildTangent Games App.) C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GameConsole-wt.exe /src gamesmenu /dp asusnb =>.WildTangent Inc®
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Windows Media Player.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Lecteur Windows Media.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe /prefetch:1 =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Word 2016.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\root\Office16\WINWORD.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ Modification Domaine/Adresses DNS (2) - 0s
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer = =>.Local IP Adress
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{8c2522a9-a4c4-4850-a4a9-92c932a0454a}: DhcpNameServer = =>.Local IP Adress
---\\ Protocole additionnel (26) - 0s
O18 - Handler: about [64Bits] - {3050F406-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: cdl [64Bits] - {3dd53d40-7b8b-11D0-b013-00aa0059ce02} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: dvd [64Bits] - {12D51199-0DB5-46FE-A120-47A3D7D937CC} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contrôle ActiveX pour le flux vidéo.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\MSVidCtl.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: file [64Bits] - {79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: ftp [64Bits] - {79eac9e3-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: http [64Bits] - {79eac9e2-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: https [64Bits] - {79eac9e5-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: its [64Bits] - {9D148291-B9C8-11D0-A4CC-0000F80149F6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\itss.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: javascript [64Bits] - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: local [64Bits] - {79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: mailto [64Bits] - {3050f3DA-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: mhtml [64Bits] - {05300401-BCBC-11d0-85E3-00C04FD85AB4} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\inetcomm.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: mk [64Bits] - {79eac9e6-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: ms-its [64Bits] - {9D148291-B9C8-11D0-A4CC-0000F80149F6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\itss.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: mso-minsb-roaming.16 [64Bits] - {83C25742-A9F7-49FB-9138-434302C88D07} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office 2016 component.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O18 - Handler: mso-minsb.16 [64Bits] - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office 2016 component.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O18 - Handler: osf-roaming.16 [64Bits] - {42089D2D-912D-4018-9087-2B87803E93FB} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office 2016 component.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O18 - Handler: osf.16 [64Bits] - {5504BE45-A83B-4808-900A-3A5C36E7F77A} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office 2016 component.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX86\Microsoft Office\Office16\MSOSB.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O18 - Handler: res [64Bits] - {3050F3BC-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: tbauth [64Bits] - {14654CA6-5711-491D-B89A-58E571679951} . (.Microsoft Corporation - TBAuth protocol handler.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\tbauth.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: tv [64Bits] - {CBD30858-AF45-11D2-B6D6-00C04FBBDE6E} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contrôle ActiveX pour le flux vidéo.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\MSVidCtl.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: vbscript [64Bits] - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Handler: windows.tbauth [64Bits] - {14654CA6-5711-491D-B89A-58E571679951} . (.Microsoft Corporation - TBAuth protocol handler.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\tbauth.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Filter: application/octet-stream [64Bits] - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\mscoree.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Filter: application/x-complus [64Bits] - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\mscoree.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Filter: application/x-msdownload [64Bits] - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\mscoree.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ ASIC (ActiveSetup Installed Components) (6) - 0s
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player 12.0 [64Bits] - {22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player Extension.) -- C:\Windows\syswow64\wmpdxm.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows [64Bits] - {44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Mail.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\WinMail.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player [64Bits] - {6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d’installation du Lecteur Window.) -- C:\Windows\System32\unregmp2.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Web Platform Customizations [64Bits] - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Expl.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: (no name) [64Bits] - {89B4C1CD-B018-4511-B0A1-5476DBF70820} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscories.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O40 - ASIC: Google Chrome [64Bits] - {8A69D345-D564-463c-AFF1-A69D9E530F96} . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome Installer.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\61.0.3163.100\Installer\chrmstp.exe =>.Google Inc®
---\\ Logiciels installés (130) - 7s
O42 - Logiciel: µTorrent - (.BitTorrent Inc..) [HKCU][64Bits] -- uTorrent =>.BitTorrent Inc®
O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Flash Player 27 NPAPI - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Adobe Flash Player NPAPI =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated®
O42 - Logiciel: Akamai NetSession Interface - (.Akamai Technologies, Inc.) [HKCU][64Bits] -- Akamai =>.SUP.AkamaiHD
O42 - Logiciel: Ansel - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Ansel =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Application Blizzard - (.Blizzard Entertainment.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- =>.Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.®
O42 - Logiciel: ASUS Check Device - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {DAAAD1A8-6798-4685-B9DA-E686D672A4CF} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: ASUS GIFTBOX - (.ASUSTek Computer Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- ASUS GIFTBOX =>.ASUSTek Computer Inc
O42 - Logiciel: ASUS Live Update - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {FA540E67-095C-4A1B-97BA-4D547DEC9AF4} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: ASUS PTP Driver - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {7618E419-9124-4E6C-9AF4-487A6DDEC1C5} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: Asus Sonic Suite Plugins - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {9484ef54-f8fc-4ed3-ac1c-16c5ba4090b8} =>.A-Volute®
O42 - Logiciel: ASUS Splendid Video Enhancement Technology - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {0969AF05-4FF6-4C00-9406-43599238DE0D} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: ASUS USB Charger Plus - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {A859E3E5-C62F-4BFA-AF1D-2B95E03166AF} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: ATK Package - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {AB5C933E-5C7D-4D30-B314-9C83A49B94BE} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: Audacity 2.1.0 - (.Audacity Team.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Audacity_is1 =>.Audacity Team
O42 - Logiciel: Avast Antivirus Gratuit - (.AVAST Software.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Avast Antivirus =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O42 - Logiciel: Battlefield™ 1 - (.Electronic Arts.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {335B50BC-6130-4BAF-9A6A-F1561270587B} =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.®
O42 - Logiciel: CCleaner - (.Piriform.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- CCleaner =>.Piriform Ltd®
O42 - Logiciel: CheckDevicesConfigurator - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {57E6BCFB-F966-43F1-AE02-D5D488FC27DF} =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O42 - Logiciel: Device Setup - (.ASUSTek Computer Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {8D6B05E0-F457-408C-9D13-549334D8FAE1} =>.ASUSTek Computer Inc.
O42 - Logiciel: Dofus - (.Ankama.) [HKCU][64Bits] -- 2744A393-554C-4E35-A24F-DEF0392B4484-2 =>.Ankama Games®
O42 - Logiciel: Dropbox 25 GB - (.Dropbox, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {0867A88D-764F-366E-9E21-130DA8B472C3} =>.Dropbox, Inc.
O42 - Logiciel: Dropbox Update Helper - (.Dropbox, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {099218A5-A723-43DC-8DB5-6173656A1E94} =>.Dropbox, Inc.
O42 - Logiciel: Evernote v. 5.9.1 - (.Evernote Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {5EA1DED0-5285-11E5-8AA1-0050569584E9} =>.Evernote Corp.
O42 - Logiciel: FL Studio 12 - (.Image-Line.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- FL Studio 12 =>.Image-Line
O42 - Logiciel: FL Studio ASIO - (.Image-Line.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- FL Studio ASIO =>.Image-Line
O42 - Logiciel: Foxit PhantomPDF - (.Foxit Software Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {39263796-F296-43AF-909C-FCF99592BAC4} =>.Foxit Software Inc.
O42 - Logiciel: GameFirst IV - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {2B5BE4E7-3E40-4BC4-A534-5342E3078F89} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: GameFirst IV - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- GameFirst IV 1.5.12 =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: Genesys USB Mass Storage Device - (.Genesys Logic.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {959B7F35-2819-40C5-A0CD-3C53B5FCC935} =>.Genesys Logic
O42 - Logiciel: GIMP 2.8.22 - (.The GIMP Team.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- GIMP-2_is1 =>.Jernej Simončič®
O42 - Logiciel: Google Chrome - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Google Chrome =>.Google Inc®
O42 - Logiciel: Google Update Helper - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {60EC980A-BDA2-4CB6-A427-B07A5498B4CA} =>.Google Inc.
O42 - Logiciel: Google Update Helper - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {A92DAB39-4E2C-4304-9AB6-BC44E68B55E2} =>.Google Inc.
O42 - Logiciel: Hearthstone - (.Blizzard Entertainment.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Hearthstone =>.Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.®
O42 - Logiciel: IL Download Manager - (.Image-Line.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- IL Download Manager =>.Image-Line
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Chipset Device Software - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {12CB6BC1-4E71-4890-AA0E-26CED6AD7EDD} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Chipset Device Software - (.Intel(R) Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {fb610cea-ba50-4d4b-a717-cf025419035c} =>.Intel(R) Software and Firmware Products®
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {654EE65D-FAA4-4EA6-8C07-DC94E6A304D4} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Management Engine Components - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1CEAC85D-2590-4760-800F-8DE5E91F3700} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Management Engine Components - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {65EA99E9-0311-4FEF-B654-97F79B6C1CB0} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Management Engine Components - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {FF0ED104-3E23-4E28-8715-B9FC939AFBF0} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) ME UninstallLegacy - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {E91006F4-A2DE-4C98-A2F4-9F566ECE1D99} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) PRO/Wireless Driver - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {57c1d7aa-9a94-4715-9ee9-56891577cc3d} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Serial IO - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {30E935B2-0DAC-455E-AC76-3C8504DC3D18} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Serial IO - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {9FD91C5C-44AE-4D9D-85BE-AE52816B0294} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {601DFCAC-FCC1-4779-9095-D69D82904A5A} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {105782a0-36c3-4808-8d8e-d12cb0b7e4e7} =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
O42 - Logiciel: Intel® PROSet/Wireless WiFi Software - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {362FC667-C52E-4985-AEFB-8533A2F3C49C} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel® Security Assist - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {CCBE9F01-C2C3-469C-A508-2E23A7495E91} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Intel® Trusted Connect Service Client - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3973721B-C2ED-4505-98B6-752897ECF2F1} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: LauncherSetup - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1F80587C-FE6E-4601-8544-D67386757B3B} =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O42 - Logiciel: Men of War: Assault Squad 2 - (.Digitalmindsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Steam App 244450 =>.Valve®
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft OneDrive - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKCU][64Bits] -- OneDriveSetup.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O42 - Logiciel: Mises à jour NVIDIA - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.Update =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Mozilla Firefox 54.0.1 (x64 fr) - (.Mozilla.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Mozilla Firefox 54.0.1 (x64 fr) =>.Mozilla Corporation®
O42 - Logiciel: Mozilla Maintenance Service - (.Mozilla.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- MozillaMaintenanceService =>.Mozilla
O42 - Logiciel: NahimicSettingsConfigurator - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {6D818A20-7E4A-412A-9FB6-B48F2A4C72F6} =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Backend - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvBackend =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Container - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvContainer =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Display Container - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NVDisplayContainer =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Display Container LS - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NVDisplayContainerLS =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Display Session Container - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NVDisplaySessionContainer =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Display Watchdog Plugin - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NVDisplayPluginWatchdog =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA GeForce Experience - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.GFExperience =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Install Application - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_installer =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA LocalSystem Container - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvContainer.LocalSystem =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Logiciel système PhysX 9.17.0524 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.PhysX =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Message Bus for NvContainer - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvContainer.MessageBus =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA NetworkService Container - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvContainer.NetworkService =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA NodeJS - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvNodejs =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote 3D Vision 385.41 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.3DVision =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote audio HD : - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_HDAudio.Driver =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote graphique 385.41 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.Driver =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Session Container - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvContainer.Session =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA ShadowPlay - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_ShadowPlay =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Nvidia Share - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_OSC =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA SHIELD Streaming - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_GFExperience.NvStreamSrv =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA SHIELD Wireless Controller Driver - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_ShieldWirelessController =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- NVIDIAStereo =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Telemetry Client - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvTelemetry =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Telemetry Container - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvTelemetryContainer =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA TelemetryApi helper for NvContainer - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvContainer.ContainerTelemetryApiHelper =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Update Core - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Update.Core =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA User Container - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvContainer.User =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Virtual Audio 3.90.1 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_VirtualAudio.Driver =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Virtual Host Controller - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvvHci =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Watchdog Plugin for NvContainer - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_NvPlugin.Watchdog =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Office 16 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90160000-008C-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Office 16 Click-to-Run Licensing Component - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90160000-007E-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Office 16 Click-to-Run Localization Component - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90160000-008C-040C-1000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Origin - (.Electronic Arts, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Origin =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.®
O42 - Logiciel: osu! - (.ppy Pty Ltd.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {56840688-3fa0-4e90-8705-7c1c803f919f} =>.Dean Herbert®
O42 - Logiciel: Panneau de configuration NVIDIA 385.41 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.ControlPanel =>.NVIDIA Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: ProductDaemonSetup - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {0E87200D-09DF-4375-870E-D7126E9F7047} =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKCU][64Bits] -- {8388fa07-1617-4b8d-8ad8-6a940ad8052c} =>.Python Software Foundation®
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 Core Interpreter (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {4542573C-6216-4584-BA90-72BAF7954404} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 Development Libraries (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {69E3E4A6-2A0F-4A32-9C2D-591EEC107289} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 Documentation (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {796410A7-1669-4FE4-8332-F684B61269E2} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 Executables (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {348C0EFF-60B1-4E68-88B8-33D7DF70DFCF} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 pip Bootstrap (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {6B2D61BA-C42D-4324-B23F-1D7B5A2808EF} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 Standard Library (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {79B4337D-166F-4BC0-B67A-F73806CC730E} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 Tcl/Tk Support (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {DF24AFFD-23AB-4A7D-A0E0-6410CE3B6B9D} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 Test Suite (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {433FD2E2-839C-4211-88B7-45C90F738842} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python 3.6.2 Utility Scripts (32-bit) - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {9B79DE7E-E864-4758-8DFC-85DA43B19671} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: Python Launcher - (.Python Software Foundation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {2636F1E4-2BC5-4B19-BFFD-A08F72598309} =>.Python Software Foundation
O42 - Logiciel: qBittorrent 3.3.14 - (.The qBittorrent project.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- qBittorrent
O42 - Logiciel: Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver - (.Realtek.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476} =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp®
O42 - Logiciel: Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC} =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp®
O42 - Logiciel: ROG Gaming Center - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {CC182DBF-FC67-4F79-9930-6A2682E60BDD} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: ROG MacroKey - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1101D2B9-7E8C-4361-88D5-AB0A2EB705EC} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: Skype™ 7.40 - (.Skype Technologies S.A..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3B7E914A-93D5-4A29-92BB-AF8C3F66C431} =>.Skype Technologies S.A.
O42 - Logiciel: SonicRadarSetup - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {4CF429F1-7A00-4E9F-9C0B-CE28E382E5FC} =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O42 - Logiciel: SonicStudioSetup - (.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3A873275-92FE-4C36-AA2A-D10565E4494E} =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O42 - Logiciel: Steam - (.Valve Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Steam =>.Valve®
O42 - Logiciel: Syberia - ( [HKLM][64Bits] -- Syberia_is1 =>
O42 - Logiciel: Tablette Wacom - (.Wacom Technology Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Wacom Tablet Driver =>.Wacom Technology Corp.
O42 - Logiciel: TeamViewer 10 - (.TeamViewer.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- TeamViewer =>.TeamViewer®
O42 - Logiciel: Thunderbolt(TM) Software - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B0E8A8CA-5A40-49C3-BE5E-9076664DB9AA} =>.Intel Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Update Installer for WildTangent Games App - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {2FA94A64-C84E-49d1-97DD-7BF06C7BBFB2}.WildTangent Games App =>.WildTangent Inc®
O42 - Logiciel: Vulkan Run Time Libraries - (.LunarG, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- VulkanRT1.0.51.0 =>.LunarG, Inc.®
O42 - Logiciel: Wacom - (.Wacom Technology Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Pen Tablet Driver =>.Wacom Technology Corp.®
O42 - Logiciel: WebStorage - (.ASUS Cloud Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WebStorage =>.ASUS Cloud Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: WebTablet FB Plugin 32 bit - (.Wacom Technology Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Wacom WebTabletPlugin for Internet Explorer and Netscape =>.Wacom Technology Corp.
O42 - Logiciel: WebTablet FB Plugin 64 bit - (.Wacom Technology Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Wacom WebTabletPlugin for Internet Explorer and Netscape =>.Wacom Technology Corp.
O42 - Logiciel: WildTangent Games App - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {70B446D1-E03B-4ab0-9B3C-0832142C9AA8}.WildTangent Games App-asus =>.WildTangent Inc®
O42 - Logiciel: Windows Driver Package - ASUS (AsusPTPDrv) HIDClass (04/28/2016 - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- 2E5C3DB999A508D7469B1F0294BCAF149A6B7ABB =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O42 - Logiciel: WinFlash - (.ASUS.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {8F21291E-0444-4B1D-B9F9-4370A73E346D} =>.ASUS
O42 - Logiciel: World of Warcraft - (.Blizzard Entertainment.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- World of Warcraft =>.Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.®
O42 - Logiciel: WPS Office for ASUS - (.Kingsoft Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Kingsoft Office =>.Zhuhai Kingsoft Office Software Co.,Ltd®
O42 - Logiciel: XSplit Gamecaster - (.SplitmediaLabs.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {083E9AF8-1900-4D7A-AB08-0B4BB98D2848} =>.SplitMediaLabs
---\\ HKCU & HKLM Software Keys (98) - 7s
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\AGEIA Technologies =>.AGEIA Technologies
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Apple Inc. =>.Apple Inc.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ASIO =>.Steinberg Media Technologies
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\AVAST Software =>.AVAST Software
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment =>.Blizzard Entertainment
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Caphyon =>.Caphyon
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Chromium =>.Chromium
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Dropbox =>.Dropbox
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\DropboxUpdate =>.Dropbox Inc.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\EA Games =>.EA Games
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ECAREME =>.Ecareme
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Electronic Arts =>.Electronic Arts
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Evernote =>.Evernote
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Foxit Software =>.Foxit Software
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Genesys Logic =>.Genesys Logic
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ =>
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Google =>.Google
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\IM Providers =>.IM Providers
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Image-Line =>.Image-Line
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intel =>.Intel
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Khronos =>.Khronos
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Kingsoft =>.Kingosoft Technology Ltd
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Lavasoft =>.Lavasoft
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Linden Research, Inc. =>.Linden Research, Inc.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Macromedia =>.Macromedia
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\McAfee =>.McAfee Inc.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\mcafeeupdater =>.McAfee Inc.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microids =>.Microids
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Mozilla =>.Mozilla
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\MozillaPlugins =>.MozillaPlugins
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Nuance =>.Nuance
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NVIDIA Corporation =>.nVidia Corporation
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\ODBC =>.DB Connectivity Solutions
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Origin =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Origin Games =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Piriform =>.Piriform
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Propellerhead Software =>.Propellerhead Software
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Python =>.Python
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\qBittorrent =>.uTorrent (P2P)
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Realtek =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Realtek Semiconductor Corp. =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Skype =>.Skype
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SoftVoice =>.SoftVoice
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SplitmediaLabs =>.SplitMediaLabs
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\SRS Labs =>.SRS Labs
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\TeamViewer =>.TeamViewer
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Turbine =>.Turbine
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Valve =>.Valve
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Wacom =>.Wacom
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\WildTangent =>.WildTangent
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\WOW6432Node =>.Microsoft Corporation
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\RegisteredApplications =>.Microsoft Corporation
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Ankama =>.Ankama
HKCU\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow =>.Microsoft Corporation
HKCU\SOFTWARE\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Avast Software =>.AVAST Software
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment =>.Blizzard Entertainment
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Chromium =>.Chromium
HKCU\SOFTWARE\csastats =>Adware.InstallCore
HKCU\SOFTWARE\DropboxUpdate =>.Dropbox Inc.
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Electronic Arts =>.Electronic Arts
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Foxit Software =>.Foxit Software
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Google =>.Google
HKCU\SOFTWARE\IM Providers =>.IM Providers
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Image-Line =>.Image-Line
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Intel =>.Intel
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Lavasoft =>.Lavasoft
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Mozilla =>.Mozilla
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Nahimic =>.Nahimic
HKCU\SOFTWARE\NVIDIA Corporation =>.nVidia Corporation
HKCU\SOFTWARE\osu! =>.Osu! Games
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Piriform =>.Piriform
HKCU\SOFTWARE\ProductSetup =>Adware.InstallCore
HKCU\SOFTWARE\ProtectedStorage =>.Microsoft Corporation
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Python =>.Python
HKCU\SOFTWARE\QtProject =>.QtProject
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Realtek =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp.
HKCU\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications =>.Microsoft Corporation
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Skype =>.Skype
HKCU\SOFTWARE\SoftVoice =>.SoftVoice
HKCU\SOFTWARE\SplitmediaLabs =>.SplitMediaLabs
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Trolltech =>.Trolltech
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Unity =>.Unity
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Valve =>.Valve
HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node =>.Microsoft Corporation
HKCU\SOFTWARE\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman
HKCU\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow\Software =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ Contenu des dossiers Programmes (246) - 3s
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc =>.ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\AVAST Software =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O43 - CFD: 28/09/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner =>.Piriform Ltd
O43 - CFD: 20/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Common Files =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 19/07/2017 - [] HD -- C:\Program Files\Common FilesEAInstaller =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.®
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\DIFX =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 29/07/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files\GIMP 2 =>.Jernej Simončič®
O43 - CFD: 06/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Image-Line =>.Image-Line
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files\Intel =>.Intel Corporation
O43 - CFD: 14/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 20/10/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15 =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Synchronization Services =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 04/10/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox =>.Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\MSBuild =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Realtek =>.Realtek
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 05/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Tablet =>.Wacom Technology Corporation®
O43 - CFD: 05/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\TabletPlugins =>.Wacom Technology
O43 - CFD: 30/07/2017 - [0] D -- C:\Program Files\TrueKey =>.Intel Corporation
O43 - CFD: 24/03/2016 - [0] HD -- C:\Program Files\Uninstall Information =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] RD -- C:\Program Files\Windows Defender =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Windows Journal =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 14/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Windows Mail =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Windows Multimedia Platform =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Windows NT =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 14/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Windows Security =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] SHD -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 21/10/2017 - [] HD -- C:\Program Files\WindowsApps =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ASUS =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O43 - CFD: 20/10/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Blizzard App =>.Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.®
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Cisco =>.Cisco Systems, Inc.
O43 - CFD: 06/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Dropbox =>.Dropbox, Inc®
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote =>.EverNote Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit PhantomPDF =>.Foxit Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Genesyslogic =>.Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher®
O43 - CFD: 03/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ =>
O43 - CFD: 11/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google =>.Google Inc®
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Hearthstone =>.Blizzard Entertainment
O43 - CFD: 06/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Image-Line =>.Image-Line
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] HD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information =>.InstallShield
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel =>.Intel Corporation
O43 - CFD: 14/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Kingsoft =>.Kingosoft Technology Ltd
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee =>.McAfee
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Synchronization Services =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft.NET =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Maintenance Service =>.Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 11/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [0] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Realtek =>.Realtek
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 23/09/2017 - [] RD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype =>.Skype
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\SplitmediaLabs =>.SplitmediaLabs Limited®
O43 - CFD: 05/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\TabletPlugins =>.Wacom Technology
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer =>.TeamViewer GmbH
O43 - CFD: 27/09/2016 - [0] HD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Temp =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] HD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Uninstall Information =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\VulkanRT =>.LunarG, Inc
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games =>.WildTangent Games
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Defender =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 14/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Mail =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Multimedia Platform =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows NT =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 14/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Photo Viewer =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Portable Devices =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] SHD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Sidebar =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessibility =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2017 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 14/09/2017 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools =>.Administrative Tools
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Application Blizzard
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ASUS =>.ASUS
O43 - CFD: 19/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Battlefield 1 =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.
O43 - CFD: 28/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CCleaner =>.Piriform Ltd
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Evernote =>.EverNote Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit PhantomPDF =>.Foxit Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\GameFirst IV
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 03/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ =>
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Hearthstone =>.Blizzard Entertainment
O43 - CFD: 06/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Image-Line =>.Image-Line
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Lavasoft =>.Lavasoft
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\NVIDIA Corporation =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 28/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Origin =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.
O43 - CFD: 18/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Outils Microsoft Office 2016 =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 04/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\qBittorrent
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Realtek =>.Realtek
O43 - CFD: 23/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Skype =>.Skype
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Sonic Suite 2
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 23/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Steam =>.Steam Games
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 30/10/2015 - [0] RHD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Tablet PC =>.Wacom Technology
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Thunderbolt(TM) Software
O43 - CFD: 05/10/2017 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Wacom =>.Wacom
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\World of Warcraft =>.Blizzard Entertainment
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WPS Office =>.Kingosoft Technology Ltd
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\XSplit =>.SplitMedia Labs
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\.mono =>.Legitimate
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\ProgramData\Application Data =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\ASUS =>.ASUS
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\ASUS WebStorage =>.ASUSTeK
O43 - CFD: 05/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software =>.AVAST Software
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\ =>.Games Software
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Blizzard Entertainment =>.Blizzard Entertainment
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\ProgramData\Bureau =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 30/10/2015 - [0] D -- C:\ProgramData\Comms =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\ProgramData\Documents =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Dropbox =>.Dropbox
O43 - CFD: 19/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Electronic Arts =>.Electronic Arts
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Intel =>.Intel Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Intel.sav =>.Intel Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Kingsoft =>.Kingosoft Technology Ltd
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\ProgramData\Menu Démarrer =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] SD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft OneDrive =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\ProgramData\Modèles =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Origin =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.
O43 - CFD: 23/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Package Cache =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 20/10/2017 - [] AD -- C:\ProgramData\ =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Roaming =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 23/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Skype =>.Skype
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] D -- C:\ProgramData\SoftwareDistribution =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\SplitMediaLabs =>.SplitMediaLabs
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2017 - [0] D -- C:\ProgramData\SWCUTemp
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\USBChargerPlus =>.ASUSTeK
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\USOPrivate =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\USOShared =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\WebStorage =>.ASUSTeK
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\WildTangent =>.WildTangent
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\WindowsHolographicDevices =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\AWS =>.Amazon
O43 - CFD: 19/07/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\PostureAgent =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 06/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Propellerhead Software =>.Propellerhead Software AB
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Services =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 23/09/2017 - [] AD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype =>.Skype
O43 - CFD: 25/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Steam =>.Steam Games
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\.mono =>.Legitimate
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Adobe =>.Adobe
O43 - CFD: 12/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Audacity =>.Audacity
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\AVAST Software =>.AVAST Software
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\awsRun =>.AWS
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\ =>.Games Software
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\DropboxOEM =>.Dropbox Inc.
O43 - CFD: 06/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Image-Line =>.Image-Line
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Intel =>.Intel Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia =>.Macromedia
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] SD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla =>.Mozilla Corporation
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\NVIDIA =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Origin =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.
O43 - CFD: 05/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\qBittorrent
O43 - CFD: 08/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Skype =>.Skype
O43 - CFD: 08/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\uTorrent
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\WebStorage =>.ASUSTeK
O43 - CFD: 21/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\WTablet =>.Wacom Technology
O43 - CFD: 21/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman
O43 - CFD: 29/07/2017 - [0] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Adobe =>.Adobe
O43 - CFD: 14/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Akamai =>.SUP.AkamaiHD
O43 - CFD: 20/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Ankama =>.Ankama
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Application Data =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\ASUS =>.ASUS
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\ASUS GIFTBOX =>.ASUSTeK
O43 - CFD: 21/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\ =>.Games Software
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Blizzard =>.Blizzard
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Blizzard Entertainment =>.Blizzard Entertainment
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\CEF =>.CEF
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Comms =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 13/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\ConnectedDevicesPlatform =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\CrashDumps =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Crashpad =>.Unknown
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\DBG =>.DBG
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\DropboxOEM =>.Dropbox Inc.
O43 - CFD: 29/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\fontconfig =>.Portable Apps
O43 - CFD: 29/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\gegl-0.2 =>.Portable Apps
O43 - CFD: 11/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Google =>.Google
O43 - CFD: 08/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\gtk-2.0 =>.GTK Project
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Historique =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\MicrosoftEdge =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Mozilla =>.Mozilla Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\NVIDIA =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 11/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\NVIDIA Corporation =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 28/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Origin =>.Electronic Arts, Inc.
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Package Cache =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 11/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Packages =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Programs =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Publishers =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 03/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\qBittorrent
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\SS22.0.22
O43 - CFD: 23/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Steam =>.Steam Games
O43 - CFD: 21/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Temp =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\TileDataLayer =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Turbine =>.Turbine
O43 - CFD: 03/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\VirtualStore =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 21/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman
O43 - CFD: 06/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\{8F4FB913-ABE7-D5AB-C67F-F043E2170CDB}
O43 - CFD: 29/07/2017 - [0] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Programs\Common =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Programs\Python =>.Python
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] RD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessibility =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] RD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/10/2017 - [] RD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools =>.Administrative Tools
O43 - CFD: 06/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Image-Line =>.Image-Line
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 10/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Python 3.6 =>.Python
O43 - CFD: 12/10/2017 - [] RD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 23/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Steam =>.Steam Games
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] RD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] RD -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows PowerShell =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Application Data =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Historique =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] D -- C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temp =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Application Data =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Historique =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Microsoft =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] D -- C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Temp =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\Default User\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] -- C:\Windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\AVAST Software =>.AVAST Software
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] -- C:\Windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Dropbox =>.Dropbox
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] -- C:\Windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Google =>.Google
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] D -- C:\Windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Microsoft =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] -- C:\Windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\NVIDIA =>.nVidia Corporation
O43 - CFD: 11/10/2017 - [] -- C:\Windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia =>.Macromedia
O43 - CFD: 02/08/2017 - [] SD -- C:\Windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 12/07/2017 - [] -- C:\Windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\WildTangent =>.WildTangent
---\\ ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers (SIOI) (7) - 0s
O106 - SIOI: ErrorOverlayHandler Class [ OneDrive1] - {BBACC218-34EA-4666-9D7A-C78F2274A524}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Shell Extension.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\17.3.6998.0830\FileSyncShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O106 - SIOI: SharedOverlayHandler Class [ OneDrive2] - {5AB7172C-9C11-405C-8DD5-AF20F3606282}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Shell Extension.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\17.3.6998.0830\FileSyncShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O106 - SIOI: SharedSyncingOverlayHandler Class [ OneDrive3] - {A78ED123-AB77-406B-9962-2A5D9D2F7F30}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Shell Extension.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\17.3.6998.0830\FileSyncShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O106 - SIOI: UpToDateOverlayHandler Class [ OneDrive4] - {F241C880-6982-4CE5-8CF7-7085BA96DA5A}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Shell Extension.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\17.3.6998.0830\FileSyncShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O106 - SIOI: SyncingOverlayHandler Class [ OneDrive5] - {A0396A93-DC06-4AEF-BEE9-95FFCCAEF20E}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Shell Extension.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\17.3.6998.0830\FileSyncShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O106 - SIOI: ReadOnlyOverlayHandler Class [ OneDrive6] - {9AA2F32D-362A-42D9-9328-24A483E2CCC3}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Shell Extension.) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Microsoft\OneDrive\17.3.6998.0830\FileSyncShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O106 - SIOI: avast [00asw] - {472083B0-C522-11CF-8763-00608CC02F24}. (.AVAST Software - Avast Shell Extension.) -- C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\ashShell.dll =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
---\\ Image File Execution Options (18) - 0s
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Console Based Script Host.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - COM Surrogate.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Module d’installation de pilotes.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Expl.) [MitigationOptions\\256] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\ieUnatt.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil d’installation sans assistance d’IE 7.) [MitigationOptions\\256] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Management Console.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\MRT.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil de suppression de logiciels malveilla.) [CFGOptions\\1] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\msfeedssync.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Feeds Synchronization.) [MitigationOptions\\256] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\mshta.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Hôte des applications HTML de Microsoft(R).) [MitigationOptions\\256] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\PresentationHost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Presentation Foundation Host.) [MitigationOptions\\1118481] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\PrintIsolationHost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - PrintIsolationHost.) [MitigationOptions\\2097152] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Processus hôte Windows (Rundll32).) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\runtimebroker.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Runtime Broker.) [MitigationOptions\\4294967296] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\searchprotocolhost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application sous-système spouleur.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\spoolsv.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application sous-système spouleur.) [MitigationOptions\\2097152] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Processus hôte pour les services Windows.) [MinimumStackCommitInBytes\\32768] =>.Microsoft Windows Publisher®
O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ Liste des pilotes du système (82) - 5s
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.LSI - LSI 3ware SCSI Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\3ware.sys [107424] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.PMC-Sierra - PMC-Sierra Storport Driver For SPC8x6G SAS.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\adp80xx.sys [1135512] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2016/02/23 14:54:54 A . (.ASUSTek Computer Inc. - ASUS Charger driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\AiCharger.sys [22656] =>.Microsoft Windows Hardware Compatibility Publisher®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Advanced Micro Devices - AHCI 1.3 Device Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\amdsata.sys [83352] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.AMD Technologies Inc. - AMD Technology AHCI Compatible Controller D.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\amdsbs.sys [259488] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Advanced Micro Devices - Storage Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\amdxata.sys [27040] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.PMC-Sierra, Inc. - Adaptec SAS RAID WS03 Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\arcsas.sys [132000] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2015/08/19 12:53:54 A . (.ASUS - HID driver for ASUS Wireless Radio Control.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\AsHIDSwitch64.sys [27872] =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O58 - SDL:2016/05/19 20:03:50 A . (.ASUS Corporation - Asus TP Filter Driver (x64).) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\AsusPTPFilter.sys [95224] =>.ASUSTeK Computer Inc.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:54:58 A . (.AVAST Software s.r.o. - IDS Application Activity Monitor Driver..) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswbidsdrivera.sys [321032] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:54:58 A . (.AVAST Software s.r.o. - Application Activity Monitor Helper Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswbidsha.sys [198976] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:54:58 A . (.AVAST Software s.r.o. - Logging Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswbloga.sys [343288] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:54:58 A . (.AVAST Software s.r.o. - Universal Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswbuniva.sys [57736] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:16 A . (.AVAST Software - Avast HWID.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswHwid.sys [47008] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.® (.AVAST Software)
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:17 A . (.AVAST Software - Avast File System Minifilter for Windows 20.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswMonFlt.sys [147776] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:16 A . (.AVAST Software - Avast WFP Redirect Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswRdr2.sys [110376] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:17 A . (.AVAST Software - Avast Revert.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswRvrt.sys [84416] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.® (.AVAST Software)
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:02 A . (.AVAST Software - Avast Virtualization Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswSnx.sys [1020536] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:17 A . (.AVAST Software - Avast self protection module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswSP.sys [587168] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:17 A . (.AVAST Software - Stream Filter.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswStm.sys [201352] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:17 A . (.AVAST Software - Avast VM Monitor.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\aswVmm.sys [363440] =>.AVAST Software s.r.o.® (.AVAST Software)
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider - BCM Function 2 Device Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bcmfn2.sys [9728] =>.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:23 A . (.QLogic Corporation - QLogic Gigabit Ethernet VBD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\bxvbda.sys [533920] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Chelsio Communications - Chelsio iSCSI Crash Dump Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cht4dx64.sys [102816] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Chelsio Communications - Chelsio iSCSI VMiniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cht4sx64.sys [347032] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Chelsio Communications - Virtual Bus Driver for Chelsio ® T4 Chipset.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\cht4vx64.sys [2104224] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2015/11/09 10:10:50 A . (.Intel Corporation - DPTF ACPI Device (64-Bit).) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dptf_acpi.sys [55784] =>.Intel(R) Software®
O58 - SDL:2015/11/09 10:10:50 A . (.Intel Corporation - DPTF CPU Device (64-Bit).) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dptf_cpu.sys [52200] =>.Intel(R) Software®
O58 - SDL:2015/11/09 10:10:50 A . (.Intel Corporation - DPTF Zone (64-Bit).) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\esif_lf.sys [260072] =>.Intel(R) Software®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:23 A . (.QLogic Corporation - QLogic 10 GigE VBD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\evbda.sys [3419040] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2015/07/15 12:54:02 A . (.GenesysLogic - GeneStor.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\GeneStor.sys [115704] =>.GENESYS LOGIC, INC.®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Hewlett-Packard Company - Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Media Drive.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\HpSAMD.sys [64416] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:28 A . (.Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iagpio.sys [33280] =>.Intel(R) Corporation
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:28 A . (.Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iai2c.sys [81408] =>.Intel(R) Corporation
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:28 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Driver v2.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_GPIO2.sys [70656] =>.Intel Corporation
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:28 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Driver v2.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_GPIO2_BXT_P.sys [85504] =>.Intel Corporation
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:28 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Driver v2.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_I2C.sys [165376] =>.Intel Corporation
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:28 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Driver v2.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2i_I2C_BXT_P.sys [168448] =>.Intel Corporation
O58 - SDL:2015/06/16 13:56:40 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Driver v2.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSS2_I2C.sys [185128] =>.Intel Corporation - Client Components Group®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:23 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSSi_GPIO.sys [38128] =>.Intel Corporation - Client Components Group®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:19 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSSi_I2C.sys [113152] =>.Intel Corporation
O58 - SDL:2016/06/14 04:24:06 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology driver -.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaStorA.sys [791560] =>.Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:26 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology driver (i.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaStorAV.sys [673184] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:26 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver - x64.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\iaStorV.sys [412064] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Mellanox - InfiniBand Fabric Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ibbus.sys [526240] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2016/10/15 01:29:38 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Wireless Bluetooth(R) Filter Drive.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ibtusb.sys [732416] =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
O58 - SDL:2015/09/24 01:51:50 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Watchdog Timer Driver (Intel(R) WD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ICCWDT.sys [38680] =>.Intel Corporation - Embedded Subsystems and IP Blocks Group®
O58 - SDL:2017/10/05 18:55:38 A . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lpsport.sys [61304] =>.AVG Technologies CZ, s.r.o.®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT SAS Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lsi_sas.sys [108960] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SAS Gen2 Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lsi_sas2i.sys [123808] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Avago Technologies - Avago SAS Gen3 Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lsi_sas3i.sys [103328] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SSS PCIe/Flash Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\lsi_sss.sys [82848] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Avago Technologies - MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\megasas.sys [59808] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Avago Technologies - MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\MegaSas2i.sys [64416] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.LSI Corporation, Inc. - LSI MegaRAID Software RAID Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\megasr.sys [575904] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Mellanox - MLX4 Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mlx4_bus.sys [842656] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. - Marvell Flash Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\mvumis.sys [63904] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Mellanox - NetworkDirect Support Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ndfltr.sys [108960] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2015/01/14 09:59:08 A . (.Titan ARC Corp. - Titan ARC Network Flow Control SDK WFP Driv.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\netfilter2.sys [51904] =>.TITAN ARC CORP. TAIWAN BRANCH (SAMOA)®
O58 - SDL:2016/12/19 15:56:46 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® Wireless WiFi Link Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\Netwtw04.sys [7918840] =>.Intel Corporation-Wireless Connectivity Solutions®
O58 - SDL:2017/04/17 20:25:52 A . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvpciflt.sys [47032] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) RAID Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvraid.sys [150432] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) Sata Performance Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvstor.sys [166304] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/04/17 20:26:12 A . (.NVIDIA Corporation - Stereoscopic 3D USB controller driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvstusb.sys [486968] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O58 - SDL:2017/02/23 20:34:05 A . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider - Filter Driver for the blake Device (Framewo.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvswcfilter.sys [28216] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O58 - SDL:2017/08/18 06:37:00 A . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Virtual Audio Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvvad64v.sys [48064] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O58 - SDL:2017/08/22 03:01:55 A . (.NVIDIA Corporation - Virtual USB Host Controller driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nvvhci.sys [57976] =>.NVIDIA Corporation®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Avago Technologies - MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\percsas2i.sys [58784] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Avago Technologies - MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\percsas3i.sys [61848] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2016/01/13 11:21:50 A . (.Realtek - Realtek 8101E/8168/8169 NDIS 6.40 64-bit Dr.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rt640x64.sys [898296] =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp®
O58 - SDL:2016/06/17 02:21:40 A . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek(r) High Definition Audio Function D.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RTKVHD64.sys [5152512] =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:26 A . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\SDFRd.sys [31128] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. - SiS RAID Stor Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\sisraid2.sys [44960] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Silicon Integrated Systems - SiS AHCI Stor-Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\sisraid4.sys [81824] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Promise Technology, Inc. - Promise SuperTrak EX Series Driver for Wind.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\stexstor.sys [31136] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2015/11/13 10:24:28 A . (.Intel Corporation - Thunderbolt(TM) Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\tbt81x.sys [126464] =>.Intel(R) Client Connectivity Division SW®
O58 - SDL:2016/02/04 01:43:28 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Management Engine Interface.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\TeeDriverW8x64.sys [185896] =>.Intel(R) Embedded Subsystems and IP Blocks Group®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.VIA Technologies Inc.,Ltd - VIA RAID DRIVER FOR AMD-X86-64.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\vsmraid.sys [166816] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.VIA Corporation - VIA StorX RAID Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\VSTXRAID.SYS [305568] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Mellanox - Kernel WinMad.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\winmad.sys [32160] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2017/03/18 22:56:25 A . (.Mellanox - Kernel WinVerbs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\winverbs.sys [64920] =>.Microsoft Windows®
O58 - SDL:2015/07/10 16:48:50 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Acpi Control Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drivers\XtuAcpiDriver.sys [63840] =>.Intel(R) Software®
---\\ Derniers fichiers modifiés ou crées (Utilisateur) (1) - 2s
O61 - LFC: 2017/10/21 11:39:20 A . (..) -- C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\sp_data.sys [188]
---\\ Associations Shell Spawning (11) - 0s
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.bat> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cpl> [HKLM\..\cplopen\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cmd> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.com> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.evt> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Lanceur du composant logiciel enfichable Ob.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.exe> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE =>.Microsoft Corporation®
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.js> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- %1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.reg> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur du Registre.) -- C:\Windows\regedit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.scr> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" /S
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKCU\..\open\Command] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation®
---\\ Menu de démarrage Internet (12) - 0s
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation®
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc®
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (...) -- iexplore.exe
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ShowIconsCommand] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox Helper.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ShowIconsCommand] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc.
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ShowIconsCommand] (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Expl.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ReinstallCommand] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox Helper.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ReinstallCommand] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc.
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ReinstallCommand] (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Expl.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\HideIconsCommand] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox Helper.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall\helper.exe =>.Mozilla Corporation
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\HideIconsCommand] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc.
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\HideIconsCommand] (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Expl.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ Recherche d'infection sur les navigateurs (4) - 4s
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] [64Bits]{0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} - (Bing) - =>
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] [64Bits]{2211d4a5-48d0-47f5-a7cd-81e861470f7f} - (Yahoo! Powered) - =>.Yahoo! Inc.
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKLM] [64Bits]{0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} [DefaultScope] - (Yahoo! Powered) - =>.Yahoo! Inc.
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKLM] [64Bits]{2211d4a5-48d0-47f5-a7cd-81e861470f7f} - (Bing) - =>
---\\ Enumère les services démarrés par Svchost (47) - 0s
O83 - Search Svchost Services: CertPropSvc (CertPropSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de propagation de certificats de ca.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [189952] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SCPolicySvc (SCPolicySvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de propagation de certificats de ca.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [189952] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: lanmanserver (lanmanserver) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Serveur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srvsvc.dll [303104] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: gpsvc (gpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Client de stratégie de groupe.) -- C:\Windows\System32\gpsvc.dll [1269248] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: IKEEXT (IKEEXT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension IKE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ikeext.dll [934912] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: iphlpsvc (iphlpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service offrant une connectivité IPv6 sur u.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iphlpsvc.dll [996864] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: seclogon (seclogon) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de service d’ouverture de session secon.) -- C:\Windows\system32\seclogon.dll [31232] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AppInfo (AppInfo) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Informations d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\appinfo.dll [138752] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: msiscsi (msiscsi) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de découverte iSCSI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iscsiexe.dll [150016] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: EapHost (EapHost) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service EAPHost Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eapsvc.dll [108032] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: schedule (schedule) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service du Planificateur de tâches.) -- C:\Windows\System32\schedsvc.dll [877568] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: winmgmt (winmgmt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - WMI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WMIsvc.dll [221696] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: browser (browser) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Explorateur d’ordinateurs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\browser.dll [133120] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: ProfSvc (ProfSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - ProfSvc.) -- C:\Windows\System32\profsvc.dll [413184] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SessionEnv (SessionEnv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Configuration des services Bureau à.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sessenv.dll [385536] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wercplsupport (wercplsupport) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Rapports et solutions aux problèmes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wercplsupport.dll [93184] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: XboxNetApiSvc (XboxNetApiSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Xbox Live Networking Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\XboxNetApiSvc.dll [1067008] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: WpnService (WpnService) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service du système de notifications Push Wi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WpnService.dll [276480] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wisvc (wisvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Paramètres de vol.) -- C:\Windows\System32\flightsettings.dll [699904] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: dmwappushservice (dmwappushservice) . (.Microsoft Corporation - dmwappushsvc.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dmwappushsvc.dll [55296] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: TokenBroker (TokenBroker) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Token Broker.) -- C:\Windows\System32\TokenBroker.dll [1052672] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: XboxGipSvc (XboxGipSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Xbox Gip Management Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\XboxGipSvc.dll [18944] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: DsmSvc (DsmSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire d’installation de périphérique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DeviceSetupManager.dll [233984] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Themes (Themes) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service des thèmes Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeservice.dll [69632] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: xbgm (xbgm) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Xbox Game Monitoring Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\xbgmsvc.dll [301216] =>.Microsoft Windows Publisher®
O83 - Search Svchost Services: NetSetupSvc (NetSetupSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Configuration du réseau.) -- C:\Windows\System32\NetSetupSvc.dll [261632] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: BDESVC (BDESVC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service BDE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bdesvc.dll [385536] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: UserManager (UserManager) . (.Microsoft Corporation - UserMgr.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usermgr.dll [877568] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: shpamsvc (shpamsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - SharedPC.AccountManager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.SharedPC.AccountManager.dll [192512] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: NcaSvc (NcaSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Assistant Connectivité réseau Micro.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ncasvc.dll [167424] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wlidsvc (wlidsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de compte Microsoft®.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlidsvc.dll [2153984] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: XblGameSave (XblGameSave) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Xbox Live Game Save Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\XblGameSave.dll [1135104] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: DmEnrollmentSvc (DmEnrollmentSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL Windows Management Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Internal.Management.dll [536064] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: XblAuthManager (XblAuthManager) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Xbox Live Auth Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\XblAuthManager.dll [1015296] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: NaturalAuthentication (NaturalAuthentication) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service d’authentification naturelle.) -- C:\Windows\System32\NaturalAuth.dll [723968] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: UsoSvc (UsoSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Mettre à jour la session Orchestrator Core.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usocore.dll [684032] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: lfsvc (lfsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de géolocalisation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\lfsvc.dll [43520] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Irmon (Irmon) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moniteur infrarouge.) -- C:\Windows\System32\irmon.dll [24576] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasauto (Rasauto) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de numérotation automatique d’.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasauto.dll [104448] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasman (Rasman) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire des connexions d’accès à dista.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasmans.dll [874496] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Remoteaccess (Remoteaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire d’interface dynamique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mprdim.dll [490496] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SENS (SENS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de notification d’événements systèm.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sens.dll [69632] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Sharedaccess (Sharedaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Composants de l’application d’assistance à.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ipnathlp.dll [537600] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Tapisrv (Tapisrv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Serveur de téléphonie Microsoft® Windows(TM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\tapisrv.dll [306688] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wuauserv (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Agent de mise à jour automatique Windows Up.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll [2446336] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: BITS (BITS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de transfert intelligent en arrière.) -- C:\Windows\System32\qmgr.dll [1159680] =>.Microsoft Corporation
O83 - Search Svchost Services: ShellHWDetection (ShellHWDetection) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dll des services Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shsvcs.dll [612864] =>.Microsoft Corporation
---\\ Liste des exceptions du parefeu Windows (2) - 5s
O87 - FAEL: "{28247AD0-2C7C-4656-BE44-782AE2AAEB56}" [In-None-P6-TRUE] .(...) -- D:\Programmes\qBittorrent\qbittorrent.exe
O87 - FAEL: "{62FC8FF2-B877-4F25-B13D-D53DB40811AA}" [In-None-P17-TRUE] .(...) -- D:\Programmes\qBittorrent\qbittorrent.exe
---\\ Scan Additionnel (3) - 0s
C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Extension Settings\nahhmpbckpgdidfnmfkfgiflpjijilce =>.SUP.SearchManager
C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\db7x5xyl.default\searchplugins\yahoo! powered.xml =>Adware.YahooPowered
C:\Users\Gingobel\AppData\Local\Akamai =>.SUP.AkamaiHD
---\\ Récapitulatif des éléments trouvés sur votre station (4) - 0s =>.SUP.Orphan =>.SUP.SearchManager =>.SUP.AkamaiHD =>Adware.InstallCore
~ Unselected Options: O82,
~ End of the scan, 31062 items in 01mn29s (1165)(0)