Format du document : text/plain
~ Report of ZHPDiag v2015.5.31.53 - Nicolas Coolman (31/05/2015)
~ Launched by FOUAD (03/06/2015 12:21:49)
~ Facebook :
~ Web forum address :
~ Translated by
~ Version State : Updated version.
~ White List : Deactivate by user
~ Elevation of privilege : OK
~ User Account Control : Deactivate by user
---\\ Internet browsers
MSIE: Internet Explorer v11.0.9600.17801
MFIE: Mozilla Firefox 38.0.5 (Defaut)
---\\ Windows product information
~ Langage: Anglais
Windows Server License Manager Script : OK
~ Windows Operating System - Windows(R) 7, OEM_SLP channel
System Locked Preinstallation (OEM_SLP) : OK
~ Windows Partial Key : HYRR2
Windows License : OK
~ Windows Remaining Initializations Number : 3
Software Protection Service (Protection logicielle) : OK
Windows Automatic Updates : OK
Windows Activation Technologies : OK
Windows 7 Ultimate, 32-bit Service Pack 1 (Build 7601)
---\\ System protection software
Emsisoft Anti-Malware
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version
Spybot - Search & Destroy v1.6.2
Windows Defender W7 (Activate)
---\\ System optimization software
CCleaner v4.16
---\\ Sharing software PeerToPeer
---\\ Surveillance software
Adobe Flash Player 17 NPAPI
---\\ Information on the system
~ Processor: x86 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
~ Operating System: 32 Bits
Boot mode: Normal (Normal boot)
Total RAM: 3546 MB (39% free)
System Restore: Désactivé (Disabled)
System drive C: has 23 GB (35%) free of 64 GB
---\\ Connection to the system mode
~ Computer Name: FOUAD-PC
~ User Name: FOUAD
~ All Users Names: HomeGroupUser$, FOUAD, Administrateur,
~ Unselected Option: None
Logged in as Administrator
---\\ Environment variables
~ System Unit : C:\
~ %AppZHP% : C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\
~ %AppData% : C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\
~ %Desktop% : C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\
~ %Favorites% : C:\Users\FOUAD\Favorites\
~ %LocalAppData% : C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\
~ %StartMenu% : C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\
~ %Windir% : C:\Windows\
~ %System% : C:\Windows\System32\
---\\ Enumeration of the disk units
C: Hard drive, Flash drive, Thumb drive (Free 23 Go of 64 Go)
D: Hard drive, Flash drive, Thumb drive (Free 17 Go of 85 Go)
E: CD-ROM drive (Not Inserted)
---\\ State of the Windows Security Center
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiSpywareOverride: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiVirusOverride: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] FirewallOverride: OK
[HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] DisableTaskMgr: OK
[HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System] DisableRegistryTools: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] EnableLUA: Modified
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN] CheckedValue: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL] CheckedValue: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] Application: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] Shell: OK
[HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows] Load: OK
[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\COMSysApp] Type: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install] LastSuccessTime : OK
~ Security Center: 50 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Search Generic System Files
[MD5.8B88EBBB05A0E56B7DCC708498C02B3E] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur Windows.) (.25/02/2011 - 06:30:54.) -- C:\Windows\Explorer.exe [2616320]
[MD5.B5C5DCAD3899512020D135600129D665] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de démarrage de Windows.) (.14/07/2009 - 02:14:45.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Wininit.exe [96256]
[MD5.CB5F450D21B9D76B7F01D006E4AEDB40] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions Internet pour Win32.) (.21/04/2015 - 16:02:00.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll [1882112]
[MD5.52449FD429D6053B78AE564DEF303870] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application d’ouverture de session Windows.) (.17/07/2014 - 02:39:27.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Winlogon.exe [304128]
[MD5.E3AE23569749DE12D45BA3B489A036AE] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de licences.) (.20/11/2010 - 22:29:24.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sppcomapi.dll [193536]
[MD5.D0B388DA1D111A34366E04EB4A5DD156] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) (.30/05/2014 - 07:36:07.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\AFD.sys [338944]
[MD5.338C86357871C167A96AB976519BF59E] - (.Microsoft Corporation - ATAPI IDE Miniport Driver.) (.14/07/2009 - 02:26:15.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\atapi.sys [21584]
[MD5.77EA11B065E0A8AB902D78145CA51E10] - (.Microsoft Corporation - CD-ROM File System Driver.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:11:15.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Cdfs.sys [70656]
[MD5.BE167ED0FDB9C1FA1133953C18D5A6C9] - (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) (.20/11/2010 - 22:29:03.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Cdrom.sys [108544]
[MD5.F024449C97EC1E464AAFFDA18593DB88] - (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) (.20/11/2010 - 22:29:07.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\DfsC.sys [78336]
[MD5.9036377B8A6C15DC2EEC53E489D159B5] - (.Microsoft Corporation - High Definition Audio Bus Driver.) (.20/11/2010 - 22:29:03.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\HDAudBus.sys [108544]
[MD5.F151F0BDC47F4A28B1B20A0818EA36D6] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port i8042.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:11:24.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\i8042prt.sys [80896]
[MD5.A5FA468D67ABCDAA36264E463A7BB0CD] - (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:54:29.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\IpNat.sys [101888]
[MD5.5D16C921E3671636C0EBA3BBAAC5FD25] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows NT SMB Minirdr.) (.27/04/2011 - 03:17:22.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MRxSmb.sys [123904]
[MD5.280122DDCF04B378EDD1AD54D71C1E54] - (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) (.20/11/2010 - 22:29:08.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\netBT.sys [187904]
[MD5.C8DFF8D07755A66C7A4A738930F0FEAC] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du système de fichiers NT.) (.24/01/2014 - 03:18:22.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ntfs.sys [1212352]
[MD5.2EA877ED5DD9713C5AC74E8EA7348D14] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port parallèle.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:45:35.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Parport.sys [79360]
[MD5.D9F91EAFEC2815365CBE6D167E4E332A] - (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:54:34.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Rasl2tp.sys [78848]
[MD5.B973FCFC50DC1434E1970A146F7E3885] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft RDP Device redirector.) (.20/11/2010 - 22:29:49.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\rdpdr.sys [133632]
[MD5.3E21C083B8A01CB70BA1F09303010FCE] - (.Microsoft Corporation - SMB Transport driver.) (.14/07/2009 - 00:53:41.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\smb.sys [71168]
[MD5.7FE680A3DFA421C4A8E4879AE4C5AAB0] - (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) (.11/11/2014 - 02:32:14.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tdx.sys [74752]
[MD5.F497F67932C6FA693D7DE2780631CFE7] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de cliché instantané du volume.) (.20/11/2010 - 22:29:03.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\volsnap.sys [245632]
~ Generic Processes: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Hidden files state (Hidden/Total)
~ Mes Favoris (My Favorites) : 1/64
~ Mes Documents (My Documents) : 1/13
~ Mon Bureau (My Desktop) : 1/27
~ Menu demarrer (Programs) : 1/39
~ Hidden Files: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Process running
[MD5.22544393B0C597DED7686D4E8F851A23] - (.IObit - Performance Monitor.) -- C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8\Monitor.exe [1773856] [PID.1260]
[MD5.107AFCBC31E25314E56B69EEC25885BD] - (.ESET - ESET Main GUI.) -- C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security\egui.exe [5088456] [PID.2168]
[MD5.059E588FDF6B7E83227D45D026D21874] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Backend.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvBackend.exe [2585744] [PID.2212]
[MD5.4B2A51F4B27381EB76106F16E60D9B8C] - (.Connectify - Connectify Hotspot.) -- C:\Program Files\Connectify\Connectify.exe [3755296] [PID.2372]
[MD5.DE862D12B4618F1C13C632FCE1ACCFC2] - (.Realtek Semiconductor - Gestionnaire audio HD Realtek.) -- C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtkNGUI.exe [7532248] [PID.2540]
[MD5.E4A6457741387E87F1EB38E067E8B52B] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Settings.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Display\nvtray.exe [1818952] [PID.2588]
[MD5.3ADAEB3EEF3EEDD48B120D6F32CFF595] - (.CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development Co., Ltd - EaseUS Partition Master Free Edition Applic.) -- C:\Program Files\EaseUS\EaseUS Partition Master 10.5\bin\EpmNews.exe [2089056] [PID.2616]
[MD5.422963B9386FD4052AA766A6575ED8DE] - (.IObit - Advanced SystemCare 8.) -- C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8\ASCTray.exe [2429728] [PID.2644]
[MD5.E9C6EF9437ECB30911488F9313AD821A] - (.Tonec Inc. - Internet Download Manager agent for click m.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager\IEMonitor.exe [269848] [PID.3700]
[MD5.A63DC5C2EA944E6657203E0C8EDEAF61] - (.Microsoft Corporation - COM Surrogate.) -- C:\Windows\system32\DllHost.exe [7168] [PID.1112]
[MD5.923FE895B22B22A9CA03C72F3D15CE20] - (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe [376944] [PID.1348]
[MD5.F3198BA5BA8CC86D3F2DEA8C2ACA7385] - (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) -- C:\Program Files\ZHPDiag\ZHPDiag.exe [8212992] [PID.4912]
~ Processes Running: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Mozilla Firefox,Plugins,Start,Search,Extensions (P2,M0,M1,M2,M3)
M0 - MFSP: prefs.js [FOUAD - n1rn1d1x.default-1428240452285]
M2 - MFEP: Extension [FOUAD - n1rn1d1x.default-1428240452285]
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\amazon-france.xml
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\bing.xml
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\cnrtl-tlfi-fr.xml
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\ddg.xml
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\eBay-france.xml
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\google.xml
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\wikipedia-fr.xml
P2 - FPN:Firefox Plugin Navigator . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\browser\searchplugins\yahoo-france.xml
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [] - (...) -- C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_17_0_0_188.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [ PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/pdf] - (.Foxit Corporation - Foxit PhantomPDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape.) -- C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [ PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.fdf] - (.Foxit Corporation - Foxit PhantomPDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape.) -- C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [ PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.xdp] - (.Foxit Corporation - Foxit PhantomPDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape.) -- C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [ PhantomPDF Plugin,version=1.0,application/vnd.xfdf] - (.Foxit Corporation - Foxit PhantomPDF Plug-In For Firefox and Netscape.) -- C:\Program Files\Foxit Software\Foxit PhantomPDF\plugins\npFoxitPhantomPDFPlugin.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=1.0] - (. Microsoft Corporation - 5.1.40416.0.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight\5.1.40416.0\npctrl.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA 3D Vision plugin for Mozilla browsers.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\npnv3dv.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [] - (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA 3D Vision Streaming plugin for Mozilla browsers.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\npnv3dvstreaming.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=2.1.3] - (.VideoLAN - VLC media player Web Plugin.) -- C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll =>.VideoLAN
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=2.1.5] - (.VideoLAN - VLC media player Web Plugin.) -- C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll =>.VideoLAN
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=2.2.1] - (.VideoLAN - VLC media player Web Plugin.) -- C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\npvlc.dll =>.VideoLAN
~ Firefox Browser: 29 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Internet Explorer Extensions, Start, Search (R4,R3,R0,R1)
R0 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = preserve
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL =
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,Default_Search_URL =
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Search,SearchAssistant =
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchUrl,Default =
R3 - URLSearchHook: Microsoft Url Search Hook - {CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} . (.VideoLAN - VLC media player Web Plugin.) (No version) -- (.not file.) =>.VideoLAN
~ IE Browser: 14 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Internet Explorer, Proxy Management (R5)
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyServer = no key
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,MigrateProxy = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,EnableHttp1_1 = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyHttp1.1 = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,AutoConfigProxy = wininet.dll
R5 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,EnableHttp1_1 = 1
R5 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyHttp1.1 = 1
~ Proxy management: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Line Analysis F0, F1, F2, F3 - IniFiles, Auto loading programs
F2 - REG:system.ini: USERINIT=C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,
F2 - REG:system.ini: Shell=C:\Windows\explorer.exe
F2 - REG:system.ini: VMApplet=C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe
~ Keys: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Hosts file redirection (O1)
~ Le fichier hôte est sain (The hosts file is clean) (20)
~ Hosts File: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Browser Helper Objects (O2)
O2 - BHO: IDM Helper - {0055C089-8582-441B-A0BF-17B458C2A3A8} . (.Internet Download Manager, Tonec Inc. - IDM Browser Helper Object.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager\IDMIECC.dll
~ BHO: 2 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Other User Links (O4)
O4 - GS\Desktop [Public]: uTorrent.lnk . (.BitTorrent, Inc. - µTorrent.) -- C:\Program Files\uTorrent\uTorrent.exe =>P2P.BitTorrent
~ Global Startup: 1 Scanned in 00mn 03s
---\\ Auto loading programs from Registry and folders (O4)
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [egui] . (.ESET - ESET Main GUI.) -- C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security\egui.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [NvBackend] . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Backend.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Update Core\NvBackend.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ShadowPlay] . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Capture Server Proxy.) -- C:\Windows\system32\nvspcap.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Connectify Hotspot] . (.Connectify - Connectify Hotspot.) -- C:\Program Files\Connectify\Connectify.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Connectify Dispatch] . (.Connectify - Connectify Dispatch.) -- C:\Program Files\Connectify\DispatchUI.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RTHDVCPL] . (.Realtek Semiconductor - Gestionnaire audio HD Realtek.) -- C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RtkNGUI.exe =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HDD Regenerator] C:\Program Files\HDD Regenerator\Shell.exe (.not file.)
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [EaseUS EPM tray] . (.CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development Co., Ltd - EaseUS Partition Master Free Edition Applic.) -- C:\Program Files\EaseUS\EaseUS Partition Master 10.5\bin\EpmNews.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [emsisoft anti-malware] c:\program files\emsisoft anti-malware\a2guard.exe (.not file.)
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Advanced SystemCare 8] . (.IObit - Advanced SystemCare 8.) -- C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8\ASCTray.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [IDMan] . (.Tonec Inc. - Internet Download Manager (IDM).) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\Run: [Sidebar] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gadgets du Bureau Windows.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\Run: [Sidebar] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gadgets du Bureau Windows.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar\Sidebar.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-19\..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] . (.Microsoft Corporation - MCTAdmin.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-20\..\RunOnce: [mctadmin] . (.Microsoft Corporation - MCTAdmin.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mctadmin.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-2866254741-2616808862-2327553386-1000\..\Run: [Advanced SystemCare 8] . (.IObit - Advanced SystemCare 8.) -- C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8\ASCTray.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-2866254741-2616808862-2327553386-1000\..\Run: [IDMan] . (.Tonec Inc. - Internet Download Manager (IDM).) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager\IDMan.exe
~ Application: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ IE Options icon not visible in Control Panel (O5)
O5 - control.ini: [HKLM\..\Control Panel] inetcpl.cpl=no
~ IE Control Panel: 1 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Winsock hijacker (Layered Service Provider) (O10)
O10 - WLSP:\000000000001\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Network Location Awareness 2.) -- C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000002\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur Shim d’affectation de noms de messagerie.) -- C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000003\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’espace de noms PNRP.) -- C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000004\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’espace de noms PNRP.) -- C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000005\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de service Sockets 2.0 de Microsoft Windows.) -- C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O10 - WLSP:\000000000006\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - LDAP RnR Provider DLL.) -- C:\Windows\system32\winrnr.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000007\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Sockets Helper DLL.) -- C:\Windows\system32\wshbth.dll
~ Winsock: 7 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Site in Trusted Zone (O15)
O15 - Trusted Zone: [HKCU\...\EscDomains]
O15 - Trusted Zone: [HKCU\...\EscDomains]
O15 - Trusted Zone: [HKLM\...\EscDomains]
O15 - Trusted Zone: [HKLM\...\EscDomains]
~ IE Zone Confiance: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Hijackers (O17)
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{86CF8718-8ABE-4F58-AD7A-9530D941ADFA}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{BB4F5938-3ED1-46CA-8AF3-7A9092EE4E55}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{BB4F5938-3ED1-46CA-8AF3-7A9092EE4E55}: NameServer =,, =>.Google DNS Redirections
O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{BB4F5938-3ED1-46CA-8AF3-7A9092EE4E55}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{86CF8718-8ABE-4F58-AD7A-9530D941ADFA}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS2\Services\Tcpip\..\{BB4F5938-3ED1-46CA-8AF3-7A9092EE4E55}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS3\Services\Tcpip\..\{86CF8718-8ABE-4F58-AD7A-9530D941ADFA}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS3\Services\Tcpip\..\{BB4F5938-3ED1-46CA-8AF3-7A9092EE4E55}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer =
~ Domain: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Extra protocols (O18)
O18 - Handler: vbscript - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Filter: application/x-msdownload - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
~ Protocole Additionnel: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad (O21)
O21 - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - CLSID or File not found.
~ SSODL: 1 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Non Microsoft non disabled Windows XP/NT/2000 Services (O23)
O23 - Service: Advanced SystemCare Service 8 (AdvancedSystemCareService8) . (.IObit - Advanced SystemCare Service.) - C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8\ASCService.exe
O23 - Service: Connectify (Connectify) . (.Connectify - Connectify Service Stub.) - C:\Program Files\Connectify\ConnectifyService.exe
O23 - Service: ESET Service (ekrn) . (.ESET - ESET Service.) - C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security\ekrn.exe
O23 - Service: NVIDIA GeForce Experience Service (GfExperienceService) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA GeForce Experience Service.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\GeForce Experience Service\GfExperienceService.exe
O23 - Service: Service Google Update (gupdate) (gupdate) . (...) - C:\Program Files\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe (.not file.)
O23 - Service: LiveUpdate (LiveUpdateSvc) . (.IObit - Product Updater.) - C:\Program Files\IObit\LiveUpdate\LiveUpdate.exe
O23 - Service: (MBAMService) . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) - C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Network Service (NvNetworkService) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Network Service.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetService\NvNetworkService.exe
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Streamer Service (NvStreamSvc) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Streamer Service.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvStreamSrv\nvstreamsvc.exe
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Display Driver Service (nvsvc) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Driver Helper Service, Version 341.4.) - C:\Windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe
O23 - Service: NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver Service (Stereo Service) . (.NVIDIA Corporation - Stereo Vision Control Panel API Server.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe
~ Services: 10 Scanned in 00mn 04s
---\\ Windows Active Desktop & MHTML Editor (O24)
O24 - Default MHTML Editor: Last - .(...) - (.not file.)
~ Desktop Component: 4 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ BootExecute (BEX) (O34)
O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found
O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (SmartDefragBootTime.exe) - File not found
~ BEX: 2 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Task Planned Automatically (039)
[MD5.00CC35F515079F5F94FABC3AC5C7D363] [APT] [Adobe Flash Player Updater] (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [268464]
[MD5.22544393B0C597DED7686D4E8F851A23] [APT] [ASC8_PerformanceMonitor] (.IObit.) -- C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8\Monitor.exe [1773856]
[MD5.E4D467EDE6AEE7B3F9C12065339F49B9] [APT] [ASC8_SkipUac_FOUAD] (.IObit.) -- C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8\ASC.exe [5353760]
[MD5.88077CF32319BEE612C82EBF54680DE8] [APT] [CCleanerSkipUAC] (.Piriform Ltd.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [4626712]
[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA] (...) -- C:\Program Files\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe (.not file.) [0]
[MD5.46573F4542E59BBC7BDDFB463CD52506] [APT] [SmartDefrag4_Update] (.IObit.) -- C:\Program Files\IObit\Smart Defrag 4\AutoUpdate.exe [2390816]
[MD5.923FE895B22B22A9CA03C72F3D15CE20] [APT] [{348297C9-B796-4077-82FB-5F87B72738AE}] (.Mozilla Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe [376944]
[MD5.EBCDF99754BA048BCAFB173D9F1C3599] [APT] [{C411E4E1-6CD2-4E14-8431-0E455077AD93}] (.NVIDIA Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvStInst.exe [826696]
[MD5.00000000000000000000000000000000] [APT] [Startup Dialog] (...) -- C:\Program Files\Pointstone\System Cleaner 7\Helper.exe (.not file.) [0]
O39 - APT: Adobe Flash Player Updater - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater.job [1002]
O39 - APT: Adobe Flash Player Updater - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater [1002]
~ Scheduled Task: 10 Scanned in 00mn 05s
---\\ ActiveSetup Installed Components (O40)
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player - >{22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ressources du Lecteur Windows Media.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmploc.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player 12.0 - {22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player Extension.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmpdxm.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Themes Setup - {2C7339CF-2B09-4501-B3F3-F3508C9228ED} . (.Microsoft Corporation - API Windows Theme.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeui.dll
O40 - ASIC: Internet Explorer - {2D46B6DC-2207-486B-B523-A557E6D54B47} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Interpréteur de commandes Windows.) -- C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows - {44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Mail.) -- C:\Program Files\Windows Mail\WinMail.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Browsing Enhancements - {630b1da0-b465-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension Shell dossier FTP Microsoft Internet Explorer..) -- C:\Windows\System32\msieftp.dll
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player - {6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ressources du Lecteur Windows Media.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmploc.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Disable SSL3 - {7D715857-A67C-4C2F-A929-038448584D63} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Explorer par utilisateur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe
O40 - ASIC: Windows Desktop Update - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4340} . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune du shell Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll
O40 - ASIC: Web Platform Customizations - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Explorer par utilisateur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe
O40 - ASIC: (no name) - {89B4C1CD-B018-4511-B0A1-5476DBF70820} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION.) -- C:\Windows\system32\mscories.dll
~ Active Setup: 11 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Drivers launched at startup (O41)
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\afd.sys (AFD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\afd.sys
O41 - Driver: (blbdrive) . (.Microsoft Corporation - BLB Drive Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\blbdrive.sys
O41 - Driver: (cnnctfy3) . (.Connectify - NDISRD helper driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\cnnctfy3.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\cscsvc.dll (CSC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Client Side Caching Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\csc.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dfsc.sys (DfsC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dfsc.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\discache.sys (discache) . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Indexer/Cache Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\discache.sys
O41 - Driver: (eamonm) . (.ESET - Amon monitor.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\eamonm.sys
O41 - Driver: (ehdrv) . (.ESET - ESET Helper driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ehdrv.sys
O41 - Driver: (EpfwLWF) . (.ESET - Epfw NDIS LightWeight Filter.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\EpfwLWF.sys
O41 - Driver: (epp32) . (. - .) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\epp32.sys (.not file.)
O41 - Driver: (HWiNFO32) . (.REALiX(tm) - HWiNFO x86 Kernel Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\HWiNFO32.sys
O41 - Driver: (ISODrive) . (.EZB Systems, Inc. - ISO DVD/CD-ROM Device Driver.) - C:\Program Files\UltraISO\drivers\ISODrive.sys
O41 - Driver: (mssmbios) . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Management BIOS Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\mssmbios.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\netbt.sys (NetBT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\netbt.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys (nsiproxy) . (.Microsoft Corporation - NSI Proxy.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pacer.sys (Psched) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Planificateur de paquets QoS.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\pacer.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\wkssvc.dll (rdbss) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du sous-système de mise en mémoire t.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys (RDPCDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\RDPCDD.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RDPENCDD.sys (RDPENCDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Encoder Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdpencdd.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\RdpRefMp.sys (RDPREFMP) . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Reflector Driver Miniport.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\rdprefmp.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\tcpipcfg.dll (tdx) . (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\tdx.sys
O41 - Driver: (TermDD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Remote Desktop Server Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\termdd.sys
O41 - Driver: (VgaSave) . (.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vga.sys
O41 - Driver: (VWiFiFlt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Virtual WiFi Filter Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\vwififlt.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\rascfg.dll (Wanarpv6) . (.Microsoft Corporation - MS Remote Access and Routing ARP Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\wanarp.sys
O41 - Driver: (WfpLwf) . (.Microsoft Corporation - WFP NDIS 6.20 Lightweight Filter Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\wfplwf.sys
O41 - Driver: (Serial) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de périphérique série.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\serial.sys
~ Drivers: 101 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Software installed (O42)
O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Flash Player 17 ActiveX - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM] -- Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Flash Player 17 NPAPI - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM] -- Adobe Flash Player NPAPI
O42 - Logiciel: Advanced SystemCare 8 - (.IObit.) [HKLM] -- Advanced SystemCare 8_is1
O42 - Logiciel: CCleaner - (.Piriform.) [HKLM] -- CCleaner
O42 - Logiciel: Clean Master - (.Cheetah Mobile.) [HKLM] -- Clean Master
O42 - Logiciel: Connectify - (.Connectify.) [HKLM] -- Connectify
O42 - Logiciel: Counter-Strike 1.6 - (...) [HKLM] -- Counter-Strike 1.6
O42 - Logiciel: Driver Booster 2.3 - (.IObit.) [HKLM] -- Driver Booster_is1
O42 - Logiciel: ESET Smart Security - (.ESET, spol s r. o..) [HKLM] -- {E90B92D0-A441-4D90-87DF-D7DD5ABFA739}
O42 - Logiciel: EaseUS Partition Master 10.5 - (.EaseUS.) [HKLM] -- EaseUS Partition Master_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Eassos PartitionGuru Free 3.7.0 - (.Eassos Co., Ltd..) [HKLM] -- {971F12D0-D834-4BAC-BD22-8769EBA08106}_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Emsisoft Anti-Malware - (.Emsisoft Ltd..) [HKLM] -- {5502032C-88C1-4303-99FE-B5CBD7684CEA}_is1
O42 - Logiciel: FormatFactory 3.00 - (.Free Time.) [HKLM] -- FormatFactory
O42 - Logiciel: Foxit PhantomPDF Business - (.Foxit Software Inc..) [HKLM] -- {D1E44554-DD39-41A2-93F8-35ADF680D38A}
O42 - Logiciel: Internet Download Manager - (.Tonec Inc..) [HKLM] -- Internet Download Manager
O42 - Logiciel: K-Lite Codec Pack 10.3.4 Full - (...) [HKLM] -- KLiteCodecPack_is1
O42 - Logiciel: KWorld DVB-S 100 BDA Driver - (...) [HKLM] -- DVBSCNXT
O42 - Logiciel: - (.Cybelsoft.) [HKLM] -- {1C7F55D5-16EC-4D92-A814-5861E7E1BB7B}
O42 - Logiciel: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version - (.Malwarebytes Corporation.) [HKLM] -- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft .NET-keretrendszer 4.5.2 (magyar) - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {92FB6C44-E685-45AD-9B20-CADF4CABA132} - 1038
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Silverlight - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00}
O42 - Logiciel: Mozilla Firefox 38.0.5 (x86 fr) - (.Mozilla.) [HKLM] -- Mozilla Firefox 38.0.5 (x86 fr)
O42 - Logiciel: Mozilla Maintenance Service - (.Mozilla.) [HKLM] -- MozillaMaintenanceService
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA GeForce Experience 2.2.2 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.GFExperience
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Logiciel système PhysX 9.13.1220 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.PhysX
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA PhysX - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {80407BA7-7763-4395-AB98-5233F1B34E65}
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote 3D Vision 341.44 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.3DVision
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote audio HD : - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_HDAudio.Driver
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote du contrôleur 3D Vision 340.50 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.NVIRUSB
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Pilote graphique 341.44 - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- {B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.Driver
O42 - Logiciel: NVIDIA Stereoscopic 3D Driver - (.NVIDIA Corporation.) [HKLM] -- NVIDIAStereo
O42 - Logiciel: Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 - (.KONAMI.) [HKLM] -- {1148E85C-E1AF-48E0-A29C-68DACE07E054}
O42 - Logiciel: R-Wipe&Clean 10.1 - (.R-tools Technology Inc..) [HKLM] -- R-Wipe&Clean_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Realtek Ethernet Controller Driver - (.Realtek.) [HKLM] -- {8833FFB6-5B0C-4764-81AA-06DFEED9A476}
O42 - Logiciel: Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM] -- {F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}
O42 - Logiciel: Remove Logo Now! 1.0 - (.SoftOrbits.) [HKLM] -- Remove Logo Now!_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Shadow Defender - ( [HKLM] -- {93A07A0D-454E-43d1-86A9-5DE9C5F4411A}
O42 - Logiciel: Smart Defrag 4 - (.IObit.) [HKLM] -- Smart Defrag 4_is1
O42 - Logiciel: Spybot - Search & Destroy - (.Safer Networking Limited.) [HKLM] -- {B4092C6D-E886-4CB2-BA68-FE5A88D31DE6}_is1
O42 - Logiciel: System Requirements Lab Detection - (.Husdawg, LLC.) [HKLM] -- {A407FC22-36BF-4C82-A516-59D94BC505A9}
O42 - Logiciel: TP-LINK TL-WN7200ND Driver - (.TP-LINK.) [HKLM] -- {9F88C456-C1E7-4D96-81BE-8D9E75C0229E}
O42 - Logiciel: TP-LINK Wireless Configuration Utility - (.TP-LINK.) [HKLM] -- {319D91C6-3D44-436C-9F79-36C0D22372DC}
O42 - Logiciel: TeraCopy 2.3 beta 2 - (.Code Sector.) [HKLM] -- TeraCopy_is1
O42 - Logiciel: UltraISO Premium V9.36 - (...) [HKLM] -- UltraISO_is1
O42 - Logiciel: VLC media player - (.VideoLAN.) [HKLM] -- VLC media player =>.VideoLAN
O42 - Logiciel: WinRAR 5.21 (32-bit) - (.win.rar GmbH.) [HKLM] -- WinRAR archiver
O42 - Logiciel: Your Uninstaller! 7 - (.URSoft, Inc..) [HKLM] -- YU2010_is1
O42 - Logiciel: uTorrent - (...) [HKLM] -- uTorrent =>P2P.µTorrent
~ Logic: 28 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ HKCU & HKLM Software Keys
[HKCU\Software\Baidu Security]
[HKCU\Software\CamStudioOpenSource for Nick]
[HKCU\Software\Code Sector]
[HKCU\Software\EasyBoot Systems]
[HKCU\Software\Foxit Software]
[HKCU\Software\Hex VPN+]
[HKCU\Software\IM Providers]
[HKCU\Software\Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit]
[HKCU\Software\MetaGeek, LLC]
[HKCU\Software\MiniTool Solution Ltd.]
[HKCU\Software\NVIDIA Corporation]
[HKCU\Software\Native Systems Inc.]
[HKCU\Software\Opera Software]
[HKCU\Software\Safer Networking Limited]
[HKCU\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings]
[HKCU\Software\WM Converter Lite]
[HKCU\Software\WinRAR SFX]
[HKLM\Software\AGEIA Technologies]
[HKLM\Software\ATI Technologies]
[HKLM\Software\Apple Inc.]
[HKLM\Software\Code Sector]
[HKLM\Software\EasyBoot Systems]
[HKLM\Software\Emsi Software GmbH]
[HKLM\Software\Foxit Software]
[HKLM\Software\KWorld MultiMedia]
[HKLM\Software\Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit]
[HKLM\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (Trial)]
[HKLM\Software\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware]
[HKLM\Software\NVIDIA Corporation]
[HKLM\Software\Opera Software]
[HKLM\Software\Panda Software]
[HKLM\Software\SRS Labs]
[HKLM\Software\Safer Networking Limited]
[HKLM\Software\Shadow Defender]
[HKLM\Software\Waves Audio]
~ Key Software: 242 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Contents of the Common Files folders (O43)
O43 - CFD: 04/08/2014 - 05:51:22 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\CCleaner
O43 - CFD: 11/10/2014 - 00:00:34 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\cmcm
O43 - CFD: 10/02/2014 - 23:37:55 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\CodeMeter
O43 - CFD: 26/02/2015 - 22:57:08 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files
O43 - CFD: 23/05/2015 - 14:15:18 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Connectify
O43 - CFD: 22/10/2014 - 15:30:12 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Counter-Strike 1.6
O43 - CFD: 20/01/2015 - 16:18:12 - [] --H-D C:\Program Files\DrFoneAndroid_Temp
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2015 - 16:42:32 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\DVD Maker
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 17:24:47 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\EaseUS
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 11:52:41 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Emsisoft Anti-Malware
O43 - CFD: 17/11/2014 - 00:06:55 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\ESET
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:39 - [] -SH-D C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs
O43 - CFD: 18/03/2015 - 20:07:55 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Foxit Software
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:18:31 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\FreeTime
O43 - CFD: 23/05/2015 - 16:55:47 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Google
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 21:48:09 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\HDD Regenerator
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2015 - 17:02:31 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\iCare Data Recovery
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 12:02:57 - [] --H-D C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information
O43 - CFD: 06/04/2015 - 07:08:55 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Internet Download Manager
O43 - CFD: 14/05/2015 - 01:43:29 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer
O43 - CFD: 11/03/2015 - 19:48:10 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\IObit
O43 - CFD: 21/02/2014 - 01:14:50 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\K-Lite Codec Pack
O43 - CFD: 27/02/2015 - 19:45:50 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\KONAMI
O43 - CFD: 30/09/2014 - 17:22:21 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\
O43 - CFD: 11/05/2015 - 14:32:36 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
O43 - CFD: 12/04/2011 - 02:44:45 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 22:12:50 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft Silverlight
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2014 - 01:18:37 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Microsoft.NET
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 23:59:21 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 00:19:20 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Mozilla Maintenance Service
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:52:30 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\MSBuild
O43 - CFD: 18/05/2015 - 17:39:08 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 17:07:42 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\PartitionGuru Free
O43 - CFD: 30/04/2015 - 15:29:22 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\PhotoZoom Pro 6
O43 - CFD: 03/09/2014 - 15:49:31 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\R-Wipe&Clean
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2014 - 11:21:56 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Realtek
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:52:30 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Reference Assemblies
O43 - CFD: 11/10/2014 - 18:04:30 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Remove Logo Now!
O43 - CFD: 16/09/2014 - 14:13:53 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Shadow Defender
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 11:52:13 - [0] ----D C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy
O43 - CFD: 27/01/2014 - 13:01:42 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\SystemRequirementsLab
O43 - CFD: 26/05/2014 - 17:06:39 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\TeraCopy
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 14:51:13 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\TP-LINK
O43 - CFD: 17/10/2014 - 19:29:30 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\UltraISO
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2015 - 16:52:37 - [0] --H-D C:\Program Files\Uninstall Information
O43 - CFD: 24/05/2015 - 00:21:23 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\uTorrent =>P2P.µTorrent
O43 - CFD: 02/03/2014 - 15:19:08 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\VideoLAN
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2015 - 16:42:32 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Defender
O43 - CFD: 13/05/2015 - 13:15:01 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Journal
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2015 - 16:42:33 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Mail =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 27/03/2015 - 22:03:43 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Media Player =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:39 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows NT
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2015 - 16:42:32 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer
O43 - CFD: 20/11/2010 - 22:33:48 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Portable Devices
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2015 - 16:42:32 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Windows Sidebar
O43 - CFD: 01/04/2015 - 09:27:59 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\WinRAR
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:55:48 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Your Uninstaller! 7
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 00:08:40 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\ZHPDiag =>.Nicolas Coolman
O43 - CFD: 03/02/2014 - 15:28:00 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\EZB Systems
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2014 - 20:08:36 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\InstallShield
O43 - CFD: 04/02/2015 - 23:23:41 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\IObit
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 16:55:25 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared
O43 - CFD: 26/02/2015 - 23:07:33 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\PC Tools
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 03:37:05 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Services
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 03:37:05 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\SpeechEngines
O43 - CFD: 21/01/2015 - 22:43:26 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Steam
O43 - CFD: 01/03/2015 - 16:42:32 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\System
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2015 - 12:03:49 - [] ----D C:\Program Files\Common Files\Wondershare
O43 - CFD: 23/05/2015 - 13:36:36 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Apple
O43 - CFD: 23/05/2015 - 13:36:51 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Application Data
O43 - CFD: 13/01/2015 - 18:35:17 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Ashampoo
O43 - CFD: 03/01/2015 - 11:16:01 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Atheros
O43 - CFD: 15/06/2014 - 20:18:31 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Auslogics
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:39 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Bureau
O43 - CFD: 18/03/2015 - 19:51:14 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Caminova
O43 - CFD: 11/10/2014 - 00:00:37 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\cmcm
O43 - CFD: 26/07/2014 - 05:45:25 - [] --H-D C:\ProgramData\Common Files
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 14:15:16 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Connectify
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Desktop
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Documents
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 23:36:28 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Emsisoft
O43 - CFD: 17/11/2014 - 00:06:55 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\ESET
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:39 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Favoris
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Favorites
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 22:47:55 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\HitmanPro
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:45:18 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\IDM
O43 - CFD: 04/02/2015 - 23:23:41 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\IObit
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2015 - 11:43:42 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\IsolatedStorage
O43 - CFD: 26/02/2015 - 23:43:17 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\KONAMI
O43 - CFD: 30/09/2014 - 17:22:20 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\
O43 - CFD: 04/10/2014 - 09:03:57 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes
O43 - CFD: 30/03/2014 - 11:50:12 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware (portable)
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:39 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Menu Démarrer
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 22:13:01 - [] -S--D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:39 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Modèles
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 23:59:19 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 12:15:35 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA
O43 - CFD: 18/05/2015 - 17:46:12 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\NVIDIA Corporation
O43 - CFD: 18/03/2015 - 19:50:12 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Package Cache
O43 - CFD: 01/06/2015 - 00:06:25 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\ProductData
O43 - CFD: 24/03/2015 - 09:59:51 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\R-Wipe&Clean
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 20:01:25 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Ralink
O43 - CFD: 09/05/2014 - 20:16:43 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Razer
O43 - CFD: 16/07/2014 - 03:21:11 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\RegRun
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 11:54:03 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\RogueKiller
O43 - CFD: 26/02/2015 - 22:57:08 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\Skype
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 11:51:45 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Spybot - Search & Destroy
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Start Menu
O43 - CFD: 30/09/2014 - 15:32:37 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Sun
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 11:53:31 - [0] ---AD C:\ProgramData\TEMP
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:53:55 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Templates
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 14:51:09 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\TP-LINK
O43 - CFD: 04/02/2015 - 23:23:44 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\{BAF091CA-86C4-4627-ADA1-897E2621C1B0}
O43 - CFD: 27/01/2015 - 23:30:01 - [] R---D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:04:16 - [] R---D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
O43 - CFD: 12/05/2015 - 15:06:15 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Advanced SystemCare 8
O43 - CFD: 04/08/2014 - 05:43:18 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CCleaner
O43 - CFD: 11/10/2014 - 00:00:36 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Clean Master
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 14:12:19 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Connectify
O43 - CFD: 22/10/2014 - 15:30:16 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Counter-Strike 1.6
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 20:51:56 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Driver Booster 2
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 17:25:20 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\EaseUS Partition Master 10.5
O43 - CFD: 17/11/2014 - 00:06:56 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ESET
O43 - CFD: 18/03/2015 - 20:01:20 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Foxit PhantomPDF
O43 - CFD: 26/02/2015 - 23:51:31 - [] R---D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
O43 - CFD: 21/01/2015 - 22:50:50 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Download Manager
O43 - CFD: 21/02/2014 - 01:14:49 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\K-Lite Codec Pack
O43 - CFD: 30/09/2014 - 17:22:20 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:42:30 - [] R---D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance
O43 - CFD: 22/01/2015 - 23:30:10 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 22:12:59 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Silverlight
O43 - CFD: 18/05/2015 - 17:45:05 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\NVIDIA Corporation
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 17:07:42 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PartitionGuru Free
O43 - CFD: 26/02/2015 - 23:14:49 - [0] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ 2014 Patch
O43 - CFD: 11/10/2014 - 18:04:30 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Remove Logo Now!
O43 - CFD: 16/09/2014 - 14:13:54 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Shadow Defender
O43 - CFD: 11/03/2015 - 19:48:14 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Smart Defrag 4
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 14:51:15 - [] R---D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
O43 - CFD: 26/05/2014 - 17:06:39 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\TeraCopy
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 14:51:27 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\TP-LINK
O43 - CFD: 18/10/2014 - 23:15:12 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\UltraISO
O43 - CFD: 24/05/2015 - 00:21:23 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\uTorrent =>P2P.µTorrent
O43 - CFD: 02/10/2014 - 17:52:38 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\VideoLAN
O43 - CFD: 01/04/2015 - 00:45:24 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:55:48 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Your Uninstaller! 7
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 23:57:26 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2014 - 00:16:35 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 18/02/2014 - 23:33:01 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2015 - 11:43:33 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\DigitalVolcano
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 12:20:58 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\DMCache
O43 - CFD: 14/01/2015 - 21:10:02 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\DVDVideoSoft
O43 - CFD: 21/07/2014 - 02:46:25 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\ESET
O43 - CFD: 18/03/2015 - 20:08:18 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Foxit Software
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:07:05 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Identities
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 12:15:34 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\IDM
O43 - CFD: 11/03/2015 - 19:47:56 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\IObit
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2015 - 11:43:42 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\IsolatedStorage
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2014 - 00:42:36 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia
O43 - CFD: 12/04/2011 - 02:44:38 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Media Center Programs
O43 - CFD: 04/10/2014 - 08:10:04 - [] -S--D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:22:14 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 22/05/2015 - 00:51:47 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\MPC-HC
O43 - CFD: 23/05/2015 - 13:32:50 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software
O43 - CFD: 21/02/2015 - 20:51:14 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Pointstone
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2014 - 11:57:27 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Process Hacker 2
O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - 19:37:19 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\ProductData
O43 - CFD: 01/06/2015 - 17:08:23 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\R-Wipe&Clean
O43 - CFD: 16/09/2014 - 14:47:53 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Shadow Defender
O43 - CFD: 17/01/2015 - 18:56:14 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Skype
O43 - CFD: 26/05/2014 - 17:08:04 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\TeraCopy
O43 - CFD: 01/06/2015 - 23:00:34 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\TP-LINK
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:55:16 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\URSoft
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2014 - 14:16:49 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\VideoClone_WMR
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 01:14:05 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\vlc
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:22:00 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\WinRAR
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2014 - 14:16:29 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\WM Recorder
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2014 - 14:25:18 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\WM Recorder 15
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2014 - 14:18:12 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\WMBrowser
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2015 - 12:01:52 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Wondershare
O43 - CFD: 02/03/2014 - 12:03:43 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Xilisoft
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 12:22:06 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman
O43 - CFD: 15/05/2015 - 12:19:03 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 15/01/2015 - 21:48:03 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\app
O43 - CFD: 23/05/2015 - 13:36:40 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Apple
O43 - CFD: 23/05/2015 - 13:37:36 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Apple Computer
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:48 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Application Data
O43 - CFD: 01/06/2015 - 16:25:11 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
O43 - CFD: 30/04/2014 - 14:44:39 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Diagnostics
O43 - CFD: 01/06/2015 - 22:56:43 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Downloaded Installations
O43 - CFD: 12/05/2015 - 15:39:33 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\ElevatedDiagnostics
O43 - CFD: 17/11/2014 - 11:40:26 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\EmieBrowserModeList
O43 - CFD: 15/05/2014 - 11:03:04 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\EmieSiteList
O43 - CFD: 15/05/2014 - 11:03:04 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\EmieUserList
O43 - CFD: 17/11/2014 - 00:10:28 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\ESET
O43 - CFD: 18/03/2015 - 13:15:06 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Foxit Reader
O43 - CFD: 02/06/2015 - 12:12:56 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Google
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:48 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Historique
O43 - CFD: 02/10/2014 - 14:58:49 - [0] -SH-D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\icsxml
O43 - CFD: 03/10/2014 - 22:02:14 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\IsolatedStorage
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2014 - 00:42:36 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Macromedia
O43 - CFD: 12/05/2015 - 13:52:00 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 30/01/2014 - 11:51:12 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Microsoft Games
O43 - CFD: 14/05/2015 - 01:41:14 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\MigWiz
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:22:14 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Mozilla
O43 - CFD: 02/10/2014 - 02:05:17 - [0] -SH-D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\ms-drivers
O43 - CFD: 19/10/2014 - 01:37:58 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\node-webkit
O43 - CFD: 18/05/2015 - 17:51:31 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\NVIDIA
O43 - CFD: 18/05/2015 - 17:50:54 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\NVIDIA Corporation
O43 - CFD: 23/05/2015 - 13:32:50 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Opera Software
O43 - CFD: 21/02/2015 - 23:13:50 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Popcorn Time
O43 - CFD: 26/02/2015 - 10:10:32 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Popcorn-Time
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:20:34 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Programs
O43 - CFD: 09/05/2014 - 20:16:43 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Razer
O43 - CFD: 10/10/2014 - 16:58:34 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\ScreenToGif
O43 - CFD: 11/09/2014 - 15:02:27 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Skype
O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - 12:18:56 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Temp
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:06:48 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files
O43 - CFD: 10/08/2014 - 11:44:58 - [0] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Unity
O43 - CFD: 27/07/2014 - 16:51:15 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\VirtualStore
O43 - CFD: 29/05/2014 - 22:59:39 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\WindowsApplication1
O43 - CFD: 19/01/2015 - 12:03:52 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Wondershare
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:42:04 - [] R---D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories
O43 - CFD: 27/03/2015 - 22:22:05 - [] R---D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
O43 - CFD: 18/01/2014 - 23:18:39 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\FormatFactory
O43 - CFD: 11/09/2014 - 00:41:31 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Games
O43 - CFD: 21/01/2015 - 22:50:50 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Internet Download Manager
O43 - CFD: 14/07/2009 - 05:37:42 - [] R---D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance
O43 - CFD: 15/01/2015 - 21:53:17 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Popcorn Time
O43 - CFD: 27/03/2015 - 22:22:05 - [] R---D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
O43 - CFD: 01/04/2015 - 00:45:24 - [] ----D C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR
~ Program Folder: 231 Scanned in 00mn 01s
---\\ Last modified or created files under Windows and System32 (O44)
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B91E7517E025DE120928CC13E53CBCA6] - 01/06/2015 - 22:17:54 ----- . (...) -- C:\bootsqm.dat [10072]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1E2223EA2D303A6EF8F06599B937B1DA] - 02/06/2015 - 17:25:05 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\BootMan.exe [2536072]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.980F2EEDACFEBD6C371A165046FD6237] - 02/06/2015 - 17:25:05 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\EuEpmGdi.dll [21088]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.886CDC85E0B6C9AC2547F919E5B224A3] - 02/06/2015 - 17:25:05 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\EuGdiDrv.sys [10208]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5B1EE125B6FBB59BD75C185DD39D47E3] - 02/06/2015 - 17:25:05 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\epmntdrv.sys [15968]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0CA49026F2DA1F2D3BEE9CD779AA806D] - 02/06/2015 - 17:25:05 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\setupempdrv03.exe [88160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EF53473B09728225D4CF72B5A439AC61] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\PerfStringBackup.INI [15613568]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AB569E95DB877A08A373AAC5F0D96A24] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc001.dat [94834]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.82E0CCC91416F8198C02EF1B850F8484] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc005.dat [141408]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2EEF4A03F2C7393A725CCC061E60F926] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc006.dat [98640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2A7DC9EB3D5FE926AD07A14AF369F211] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc007.dat [149098]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9B0E2BD53A3E391D27F2424B22C2659E] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc008.dat [111110]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3E8115CDF972C4CC0A76957D726B161D] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc009.dat [122126]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B542CDDFEC35FC8DB2E982870F9A4E5B] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc00A.dat [158456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3674A274EEA03DEF3829059A86D74B6A] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc00B.dat [101502]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E29DDA86CBC756C8C006304F67B40F36] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc00C.dat [149562]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.074E214BA6571BF2E7D599B685337196] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc00D.dat [84740]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5E52B19BBDD76E80FECF6702A98B908D] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc00E.dat [171256]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EB3ED98FE1ACD6DABA1BBABA67D08D3B] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc010.dat [146828]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5BD0466F4A7A30BDEBF53C003EF9E1EA] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc011.dat [122082]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.499DC9126E712F3A9939C55EC7162616] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc013.dat [153084]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.15488DFE379634A891109FFACFB6E77B] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc014.dat [95386]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.784220B085F6CB97A0F2725570057C81] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc015.dat [155854]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A9D525671EE2C8F12BE9665D023DE709] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc019.dat [150824]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.37E4B45EFF3A8DF1BFA87B8A3AFC10C8] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc01F.dat [139982]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7B7A4EDD8FF4918A2D49D43A25602BEF] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh001.dat [479010]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.ACE731F5E6AAF3C9DB33AED1003079AF] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh005.dat [660758]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6D75500DD00A4D98E6D48AB0BCFEA5EA] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh006.dat [501332]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.69FBEAF2A234EF01B0301616640688E3] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh007.dat [689126]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3AB31F1A008CE3F7F54817504235E762] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh008.dat [598906]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D37AE0539EC865C41FFFEC62F02CE23D] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh009.dat [654254]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CE8C77F6A1661C1331F9CF62D820B83A] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh00A.dat [737374]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.16DF00B2DF7C215CBF158D1B10F17C6D] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh00B.dat [473420]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2E1F4A42E26FADB57555FFE3AAB44660] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh00C.dat [737634]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.18294210F0FF7554D163CA8752153452] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh00D.dat [384262]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.072F9090FD0C7D61E4284DBDF7749579] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh00E.dat [675672]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.344831E38B6F9B4FFDFC04C9550F72F5] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh010.dat [731964]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.10C7CA846595493C313028B450B0EBCB] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh011.dat [408696]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.61E95BC4F8523BF828007AB306713A90] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh013.dat [735416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E181A90F3D2E5E8E1EE52DA63A422B5F] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh014.dat [486432]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.81B19A7E5E8BB730F1F0E633A9ED8FB7] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh015.dat [732276]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.66BEDBA8E950FB193126CB3C153B1252] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh019.dat [716518]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.36524821FFF941DB866855A90EB36BEA] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh01F.dat [648600]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D5C287F6BB4C4E0F55F259ECB4B5B38B] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\prfc0404.dat [115072]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.17DAA48ABA45E6286669DF3E2455BD76] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\prfc0416.dat [147638]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0192452678544FA7B121F1B5B2C8D393] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\prfc0816.dat [152888]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DEDE3545C4B3F55F988469A91A1C0BD3] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\prfh0404.dat [390260]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7CD48A2BD4C15A90D1D564CD002E0BEA] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\prfh0416.dat [705798]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3AF78D69FD6703310FF92247770740F2] - 02/06/2015 - 18:58:22 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\prfh0816.dat [720936]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E] - 02/06/2015 - 20:38:46 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\BcdLog.txt [0]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A15C3C53DD3639FF0E6E67B489E8B469] - 02/06/2015 - 20:42:07 --HA- . (...) -- C:\Windows\EPMBatch.ept [954]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E] - 02/06/2015 - 20:50:35 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\setuperr.log [0]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.01EB06753F62D69D5A5F4C15CDB5EF5A] - 02/06/2015 - 21:03:37 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT [267016]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F6E8D91657DDE7C6CCA7DF007E9A22E5] - 02/06/2015 - 22:47:53 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\.crusader [5174]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D8CA09A59B330F0968E2AC4DD957060E] - 02/06/2015 - 23:16:46 ---A- . (.No owner - HitmanPro 3.7 Support Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\hitmanpro37.sys [35992]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.04B309A1A653177994630C2773E659F1] - 02/06/2015 - 23:33:00 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys [119512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2D7B0D47D6D0BDC94B88D1B61A4C05B9] - 03/06/2015 - 00:19:20 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\PFRO.log [352]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FD44FA80DA03EA144153A76DEBBB61B4] - 03/06/2015 - 00:21:01 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\TrueSight.sys [35064]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0CF6D9BD484D2BD1B6B90E5EEABBCC91] - 03/06/2015 - 01:18:24 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\ntbtlog.txt [476222]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6AB935B11F17398E5221E68B336F4E41] - 03/06/2015 - 12:02:07 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log [1595842]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9791C133C4C5EE845BC1D10EEC0D6866] - 03/06/2015 - 12:15:31 -S-A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat [67584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.82FE32EDE16D6B564B8FFC0507364307] - 03/06/2015 - 12:16:32 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\setupact.log [1848]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CB98B2A1C836F2FAD0DA5E3EE5539A81] - 22/05/2015 - 14:11:03 ---A- . (.Connectify - NDISRD helper driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\cnnctfy3.sys [29672]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.08726C82BE352AC61EEA948C2EF17A2A] - 22/05/2015 - 14:49:37 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\ [24604]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4DF65239727C3743FF3696F744BDD617] - 22/05/2015 - 14:49:38 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\netr28u.inf [152738]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EFD7C94281882CBBA8EC1B967E9F73D8] - 22/05/2015 - 14:49:38 ---A- . (.Ralink Technology Corp. - Ralink 802.11n Wireless Adapter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\netr28u.sys [856928]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CDFE3F42FFCFEF5F417AD42C27ED992A] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:19 ---A- . (.Conexant Systems Inc. - Conexant APO.) -- C:\Windows\System32\CX32APO.dll [1476800]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E79163920E5452D61AC9C839553548CE] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:19 ---A- . (.Dolby Laboratories - Dolby Digital Plus API x86.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DDPA32.dll [221528]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2C65EE7F65429CA252E7DE3444825E26] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:19 ---A- . (.Dolby Laboratories - Dolby Digital Plus COM DLL x86.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DDPD32A.dll [1490264]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2F7E93104528655436175CF02D12B677] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:20 ---A- . (.Dolby Laboratories - Dolby DS1PC Control Panel x86.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DDPP32A.dll [7044952]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6BF9EE54236104920B761C7B2B03694D] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:20 ---A- . (.Dolby Laboratories - Dolby Digital Plus APO x86.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DDPO32A.dll [274264]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1C6C75F90BB42826CD1413494154FD5A] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:20 ---A- . (.Fortemedia Corporation - Fortemedia SAMSoft sAPO.) -- C:\Windows\System32\FMAPO.dll [2806808]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F2EBB448935A1E2C955B01895E7A5A8F] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:22 ---A- . (.ICEpower a/s - ICEpower ICEsound audio effects.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ICEsoundAPO.dll [296560]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.21AB67B802C7542F94551DF440B25AA2] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:23 ---A- . (.Waves Audio Ltd. - MaxxAudio APO.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MaxxAudioAPO60.dll [1151232]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DBD0BFA768451298629A9DA13033DB02] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:23 ---A- . (.Waves Audio Ltd. - MaxxAudio APO.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MaxxAudioAPO70.dll [2370480]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BD7444CD1C4C4912656A7F0EA2C43036] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:25 ---A- . (.Waves Audio Ltd. - MaxxVoice APO.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MaxxVoiceAPO30.dll [11884288]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8C6039F95F04FB50C9DB8C888BADCA83] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:26 ---A- . (.Waves Audio Ltd. - MaxxVoice APO.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MaxxVoiceAPO40.dll [11785136]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F343217AF0E785F6ACF510054B9851EE] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:28 ---A- . (.Nahimic Inc - Nahimic APO lfx dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\NAHIMICV2apo.dll [4993984]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1784CED4D2C0E07A9CC2A095EEF8CEBF] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:29 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek HD Audio Coinstaller Resource.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RCoRes.dat [72113152]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A54940F72EA866484984D2EA8FF4CC7D] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:30 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RTAIODAT.DAT [2014958]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BF5E0D0788EFE22870DB0920E2952B2A] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:30 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek(r) LFX/GFX DSP component.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RltkAPO.dll [2531544]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.403265C3B6273D4DEC65E7B3BEF3B631] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:31 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek APO API.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RtkApoApi.dll [2381680]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.43E95C54732714D40DD228BDD24154DA] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:31 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek HD Audio Coinstaller.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RtkCoInstII.dll [1702616]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C2C093A853C59696F3E6455E6699464A] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:32 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek HD Audio Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RTSndMgr.cpl [2637528]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.48323AA61C358607574C7A8F305FE743] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:32 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek LFX/GFX DSP UI component for Window.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RtkPgExt.dll [2623192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3D4799C3109D0913C6B3764FC0148CB9] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:32 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek(r) High Definition Audio Function D.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RTKVHDA.sys [3498712]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0A475144D8CF89543115666595E5D289] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:32 ---A- . (.Sound Research, Corp. - SEAPO.DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SEAPO32.dll [372368]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9186B047F1DEF8947F806D273C4905F3] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:32 ---A- . (.Sound Research, Corp. - SECOMN.DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SECOMN32.dll [544400]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.961EC03ECF545148F626D53B924B3A6F] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:32 ---A- . (.Sound Research, Corp. - SEHDRA.DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SEHDRA32.dll [695440]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.034BD761D1B942710FDC0F015CB91980] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:34 ---A- . (.DTS, Inc. - DTS Studio Sound.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sl3apo32.dll [865960]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F5153A491D95C7DACE6BC6BFC8DCA1FC] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:34 ---A- . (.DTS, Inc. - DTS Studio Sound.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sltech32.dll [611496]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4DB1C5B6E27258B90197038F999E9200] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:34 ---A- . (.SRS Labs, Inc. - SRS Labs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\slcnt32.dll [1022120]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8F8B0AD16B154448D81A88FF736B53BD] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:34 ---A- . (.Synopsys, Inc. - SRAPO.DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SRAPO.dll [388752]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.48435D12B45AB1F954CB579D1EA15D52] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:34 ---A- . (.Synopsys, Inc. - SRCOM.DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SRCOM.dll [329360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.316C6609984802B43C34209FE5256BCC] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:34 ---A- . (.Synopsys, Inc. - SRRPTR.DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SRRPTR.dll [1055888]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B798330BE64AA2A82F293CF9B1A3E251] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:34 ---A- . (.TODO: - TODO: .) -- C:\Windows\System32\slprp32.dll [223912]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FD6EEA9E5084065A7783CE4E6FB5524E] - 22/05/2015 - 21:08:35 ---A- . (.TOSHIBA Corporation - TOSHIBA Speaker Audio Enhancement Maximizer.) -- C:\Windows\System32\tossaemaxapo32.dll [220088]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C5CF99568169D377F326B23BFF67FC6B] - 22/05/2015 - 21:44:24 ---A- . (.Realtek - Realtek 8101E/8168/8169 NDIS 6.20 32-bit Dr.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Rt86win7.sys [723160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C39C216B3E68AB28174D7362B4B70D65] - 22/05/2015 - 21:44:24 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corporation - About Page.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RtNicProp32.dll [76872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.65A5BD4A43ED3C029A514E7502CD804F] - 22/05/2015 - 21:44:24 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corporation - RTNUninst.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RTNUninst32.dll [100896]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A3179C05E9E1BCFF8B5BFCE2E23E1C57] - 23/05/2015 - 13:39:17 --HA- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\mlfcache.dat [109784]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AD42D1A924EE6B17A2BE89CDBAA01841] - 23/05/2015 - 14:13:48 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\RwcLkCfg [1184]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.575DF237408CA735631F7A0DC423D873] - 23/05/2015 - 14:22:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - WDM CODEC Class Device Driver 2.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\stream.sys [54656]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B0F7FF5DF8253161DF4C567A2E6D18B7] - 23/05/2015 - 22:41:27 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - BIOS Update Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\flashud.sys [42496]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8661B1D7706889463289A8660352F0F8] - 23/05/2015 - 22:41:27 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Watchdog Timer Driver (Intel(R) WD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ICCWDT.sys [22040]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8E6F623314F461B7577B56AF2671BA46] - 23/05/2015 - 22:41:27 ---A- . (.No owner - Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology Device Dr.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ISCTD.sys [37576]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E] - 23/05/2015 - 22:45:38 --HA- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Msft_Kernel_ICCWDT_01009.Wdf [0]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9B8031EA968DD61380BF668B7531676E] - 23/05/2015 - 22:45:42 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Filter dr.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaStorF.sys [24424]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E3AC38A5AEE351342CE3D3CABF3F0F0F] - 23/05/2015 - 22:45:42 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology driver -.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaStorA.sys [521576]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7474E2EE95A7630DC30779E1A0B4A57B] - 23/05/2015 - 22:46:01 ---A- . (.Nuvoton Technology Corp. - Nuvoton Serial Device Driver (WDM).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nuvserial.sys [76288]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1624DEA4C6755689EAD20673248863F0] - 23/05/2015 - 22:46:01 ---A- . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider - Serial Port Enumerator.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nuvserenum.sys [17920]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D324124549F9D8DF4D63A5E4CA90A01F] - 23/05/2015 - 22:48:25 ---A- . (.Synaptics Incorporated - Synaptics SMBus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Smb_driver_Intel.sys [25256]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E] - 23/05/2015 - 22:48:35 --HA- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Msft_Kernel_Smb_driver_Intel_01011.Wdf [0]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FBFA7170299C71105D9CFA2AFFECF6FF] - 23/05/2015 - 22:48:38 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iusb3xhc.sys [801776]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4DFF0E78204C9AF33B4D606CAA177D41] - 23/05/2015 - 23:35:46 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\FW_2870.bin [8192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A469E292974FED0BAE425627393BED33] - 23/05/2015 - 23:35:46 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\FW_3573.bin [4096]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6D71D5AA570A7DCCB59CFD4237C96EEE] - 23/05/2015 - 23:35:46 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\FW_7601.bin [47032]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E590C2F0446903C1408E8F78D2FE0C6E] - 23/05/2015 - 23:35:46 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\FW_7610.bin [80524]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F891A407E9300E4E70D013B971AB61ED] - 23/05/2015 - 23:35:46 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\FW_7662.bin [79216]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CD641EB06904D8A73B44D4B8B373EA2F] - 23/05/2015 - 23:35:46 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Patch_7662.bin [20626]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.132E353229CAA949305879AC36F2F395] - 23/05/2015 - 23:35:53 ---A- . (.Mediatek Inc. - Mediatek CoInstaller Dynamic Link Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RaCoInst.dll [241296]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AB26FB2AE62EE465186B54EA375EEB49] - 23/05/2015 - 23:36:06 ---A- . (.MediaTek Inc. - MediaTek 802.11n Wireless Adapter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\netr28u.sys [1714320]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.70D8648B0CB48C315DCB655507C69EB3] - 23/05/2015 - 23:36:19 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\RaCoInst.dat [16103]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1F1249AC5035C49DD12B785B33DFD9AD] - 23/05/2015 - 23:36:48 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\RaCoInst.log [19210]
~ Files: 124 Scanned in 00mn 18s
---\\ Local Security Authority-LSA Deny (O48)
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Authentication Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msv1_0.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Notification Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur du client de l’Éditeur de configuration de sécurité Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\scecli.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Package de sécurité Kerberos.) -- C:\Windows\System32\kerberos.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msv1_0.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - TLS / SSL Security Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\schannel.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Digest Access.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wdigest.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Web Service Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\tspkg.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Security Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pku2u Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\pku2u.dll
~ LSA: 8 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Safe Boot Control (O49)
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\hitmanpro37.sys . (.No owner - HitmanPro 3.7 Support Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\hitmanpro37.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\sermouse.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre souris série.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sermouse.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\vga.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vga.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\vgasave.sys . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vgasave.sys (.not file.)
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\volmgr.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume Manager Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgr.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\volmgrx.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote d’extension du gestionnaire de volumes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgrx.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\hitmanpro37.sys . (.No owner - HitmanPro 3.7 Support Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\hitmanpro37.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\ipnat.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ipnat.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\nsiproxy.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - NSI Proxy.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nsiproxy.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\rdpencdd.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Encoder Miniport.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\rdpencdd.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\sermouse.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre souris série.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sermouse.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\vga.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - VGA/Super VGA Video Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vga.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\vgasave.sys . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vgasave.sys (.not file.)
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\volmgr.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume Manager Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgr.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\volmgrx.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote d’extension du gestionnaire de volumes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgrx.sys
~ CSB: 15 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Trojan Driver Search Data (HKLM)(TDSD) (O52)
O52 - TDSD: \Drivers32\"msacm.l3acm"="C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm" . (.Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm
O52 - TDSD: \Drivers32\"vidc.cvid"="iccvid.dll" . (.Radius Inc. - Codec Cinepak®.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iccvid.dll
O52 - TDSD: \drivers.desc\"C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm"="Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec" . (.Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm
~ TDSD: 3 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ ShareTools MSconfig StartupReg (SMSR) (O53)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\Skype [Key] . (...) -- c:\program files\skype\phone\skype.exe (.not file.)
O53 - SMSR:HKLM\...\startupreg\Toolwiz BSafe [Key] . (...) -- C:\Program Files\Toolwiz BSafe\BSafe.exe (.not file.)
~ SMSR Keys: 4 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Microsoft Control Security Providers (MCSP) (O54)
O54 - MCSP:[HKLM\...\CurrentControlSet\Control] - (SecurityProviders) - (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Delegation Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\credssp.dll
O54 - MCSP:[HKLM\...\ControlSet001\Control] - (SecurityProviders) - (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Delegation Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\credssp.dll
~ MSCP: 2 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Microsoft Windows Policies System (MWPS) (O55)
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"=3
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableInstallerDetection"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableLUA"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableSecureUIAPaths"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableUIADesktopToggle"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableVirtualization"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "PromptOnSecureDesktop"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ValidateAdminCodeSignatures"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "dontdisplaylastusername"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "legalnoticecaption"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "legalnoticetext"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "scforceoption"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "shutdownwithoutlogon"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "undockwithoutlogon"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "FilterAdministratorToken"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKCU\...\Policies\System] - "DisableRegistryTools"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKCU\...\Policies\System] - "DisableTaskMgr"=0
~ MWPS: 18 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Microsoft Windows Policies Explorer (MWPE) (O56)
O56 - MWPE:[HKCU\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoLowDiskSpaceChecks"=1
O56 - MWPE:[HKCU\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=255
O56 - MWPE:[HKCU\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoInstrumentation"=
O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoDriveTypeAutoRun"=24
~ MWPE Keys: 4 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ System Drivers List (SDL) (O58)
O58 - SDL:12/05/2014 - 10:47:01 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\163F7A59.sys [107736]
O58 - SDL:06/05/2014 - 09:02:55 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\1CB52B84.sys [107736]
O58 - SDL:03/04/2014 - 08:10:47 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\38D30B38.sys [107736]
O58 - SDL:08/04/2014 - 10:49:45 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\3BD76995.sys [107736]
O58 - SDL:18/05/2014 - 10:52:21 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\43315D73.sys [107736]
O58 - SDL:15/06/2014 - 11:25:34 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\48230029.sys [110296]
O58 - SDL:04/04/2014 - 11:55:49 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\600B5671.sys [107736]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:26:15 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec Windows SAS/SATA Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\adp94xx.sys [422976]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:26:17 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec Windows SATA Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\adpahci.sys [297552]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:26:15 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec StorPort Ultra320 SCSI Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\adpu320.sys [146512]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:26:15 ---A- . (.Acer Laboratories Inc. - ALi mini IDE Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\aliide.sys [14400]
O58 - SDL:28/05/2014 - 14:19:51 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices - AHCI 1.2 Device Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\amdsata.sys [80256]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:26:15 ---A- . (.AMD Technologies Inc. - AMD Technology AHCI Compatible Controller Driver for Windows fa.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\amdsbs.sys [159312]
O58 - SDL:28/05/2014 - 14:19:51 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices - Storage Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\amdxata.sys [22400]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:26:15 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec RAID Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\arc.sys [76368]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:26:15 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec SAS RAID WS03 Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\arcsas.sys [86608]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:02:49 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Pilote unifié NDIS6.x Broadcom NetXtreme Gigabit Ethernet..) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\b57nd60x.sys [229888]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:53:28 ---A- . (.Brother Industries, Ltd. - Windows ME USB Mass-Storage Bulk-Only Lower Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BrFiltLo.sys [13568]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:53:28 ---A- . (.Brother Industries, Ltd. - Windows ME USB Mass-Storage Bulk-Only Upper Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BrFiltUp.sys [5248]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 01:57:25 ---A- . (.Brother Industries Ltd. - Pilote Brother Série I/F (WDM).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BrSerId.sys [272128]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:53:32 ---A- . (.Brother Industries Ltd. - Brother Serial driver (WDM version).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BrSerWdm.sys [62336]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:53:33 ---A- . (.Brother Industries Ltd. - Brother USB MDM Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BrUsbMdm.sys [12160]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:53:33 ---A- . (.Brother Industries Ltd. - Brother USB Serial Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BrUsbSer.sys [11904]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:02:48 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme II GigE VBD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\bxvbdx.sys [430080]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:26:21 ---A- . (.CMD Technology, Inc. - CMD PCI IDE Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\cmdide.sys [15952]
O58 - SDL:22/05/2015 - 14:11:03 ---A- . (.Connectify - NDISRD helper driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\cnnctfy3.sys [29672]
O58 - SDL:17/07/2007 - 19:16:08 ---A- . (.Conexant Systems, Inc. - Conexant AVStream Video Capture Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\cxavsvid.sys [301104]
O58 - SDL:30/08/2014 - 11:56:59 ---A- . (.SHADOWDEFENDER.COM - Shadow Defender Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\diskpt.sys [323288]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:28 ---A- . (.Adaptec, Inc. - Adaptec Ultra SCSI miniport.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\djsvs.sys [70720]
O58 - SDL:10/03/2015 - 17:24:42 ---A- . (.ESET - Amon monitor.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\eamonm.sys [193464]
O58 - SDL:10/03/2015 - 17:24:42 ---A- . (.ESET - ESET Helper driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ehdrv.sys [135808]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:28 ---A- . (.Emulex - Storport Miniport Driver for LightPulse HBAs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\elxstor.sys [453712]
O58 - SDL:10/03/2015 - 17:24:42 ---A- . (.ESET - ESET Personal Firewall driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\epfw.sys [176448]
O58 - SDL:10/03/2015 - 17:24:42 ---A- . (.ESET - Epfw NDIS LightWeight Filter.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\EpfwLWF.sys [37928]
O58 - SDL:10/03/2015 - 17:24:42 ---A- . (.ESET - ESET Personal Firewall driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\epfwwfp.sys [51824]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:02:48 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme II 10 GigE VBD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\evbdx.sys [3100160]
O58 - SDL:09/09/2009 - 10:23:38 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - BIOS Update Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\flashud.sys [42496]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 23:54:14 ---A- . (.Hauppauge Computer Works, Inc. - Hauppauge WinTV 885 Consumer IR Driver for eHome.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\hcw85cir.sys [26624]
O58 - SDL:12/07/2012 - 11:56:32 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Management Engine Interface.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HECI.sys [55104]
O58 - SDL:02/06/2015 - 23:16:46 ---A- . (.No owner - HitmanPro 3.7 Support Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\hitmanpro37.sys [35992]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:28 ---A- . (.Hewlett-Packard Company - Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Media Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HpSAMD.sys [67152]
O58 - SDL:31/12/2014 - 23:55:59 ---A- . (.REALiX(tm) - HWiNFO x86 Kernel Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HWiNFO32.SYS [23840]
O58 - SDL:28/05/2014 - 09:10:20 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology driver - x86.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaStorA.sys [521576]
O58 - SDL:28/05/2014 - 09:10:20 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology Filter driver - x86.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaStorF.sys [24424]
O58 - SDL:28/05/2014 - 14:19:51 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver - ia32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaStorV.sys [332160]
O58 - SDL:17/08/2010 - 23:28:34 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Watchdog Timer Driver (Intel(R) WDT).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ICCWDT.sys [22040]
O58 - SDL:27/03/2015 - 01:10:52 ---A- . (.Tonec Inc. - Internet Download Manager WFP Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\idmwfp.sys [122432]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:36 ---A- . (.Intel Corp./ICP vortex GmbH - Intel/ICP Raid Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iirsp.sys [41040]
O58 - SDL:03/02/2014 - 08:46:44 ---A- . (.No owner - Intel(R) Smart Connect Technology Device Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ISCTD.sys [37576]
O58 - SDL:20/05/2012 - 17:25:32 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) USB 3.0 Hub Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iusb3hub.sys [350016]
O58 - SDL:10/12/2013 - 13:15:56 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iusb3xhc.sys [801776]
O58 - SDL:15/05/2008 - 03:28:44 ---A- . (.Atheros Communications, Inc. - Atheros Security NDIS 6.0 Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\jswpslwf.sys [20384]
O58 - SDL:11/10/2014 - 00:00:36 ---A- . (.Kingsoft Corporation - Kingsoft KSAPI Module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ksapi.sys [81768]
O58 - SDL:11/10/2014 - 00:00:36 ---A- . (.Kingsoft Corporation - Kingsoft KSAPI Module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ksapi64.sys [56680]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:36 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT FC Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\lsi_fc.sys [95824]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:37 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT SAS Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\lsi_sas.sys [89168]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:36 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SAS Gen2 Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\lsi_sas2.sys [54864]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:36 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT SCSI Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\lsi_scsi.sys [96848]
O58 - SDL:14/04/2015 - 09:37:42 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mbam.sys [23256]
O58 - SDL:14/04/2015 - 09:37:44 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Chameleon Protection Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mbamchameleon.sys [92888]
O58 - SDL:02/06/2015 - 23:33:00 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys [119512]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:36 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows 7 for x86.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\megasas.sys [30800]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:36 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation, Inc. - LSI MegaRAID Software RAID Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\MegaSR.sys [235584]
O58 - SDL:14/04/2015 - 09:37:54 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Web Access Control.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mwac.sys [51928]
O58 - SDL:08/12/2014 - 10:26:20 ---A- . (.MediaTek Inc. - MediaTek 802.11n Wireless Adapter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\netr28u.sys [1714320]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:20:44 ---A- . (.IBM Corporation - IBM ServeRAID Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nfrd960.sys [44624]
O58 - SDL:12/01/2014 - 10:05:46 ---A- . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider - Serial Port Enumerator.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nuvserenum.sys [17920]
O58 - SDL:12/01/2014 - 10:05:46 ---A- . (.Nuvoton Technology Corp. - Nuvoton Serial Device Driver (WDM).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nuvserial.sys [76288]
O58 - SDL:11/02/2015 - 11:38:39 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA HDMI Audio Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nvhda32v.sys [162592]
O58 - SDL:04/02/2015 - 04:35:16 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 341.44.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nvlddmkm.sys [10702664]
O58 - SDL:28/05/2014 - 14:19:51 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) RAID Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nvraid.sys [117120]
O58 - SDL:28/05/2014 - 14:19:51 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) Sata Performance Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nvstor.sys [143744]
O58 - SDL:22/11/2014 - 11:46:30 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA Virtual Audio Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nvvad32v.sys [32912]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:19:04 ---A- . (.QLogic Corporation - QLogic Fibre Channel Stor Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ql2300.sys [1383488]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:19:04 ---A- . (.QLogic Corporation - QLogic iSCSI Storport Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ql40xx.sys [106064]
O58 - SDL:22/05/2015 - 21:44:24 ---A- . (.Realtek - Realtek 8101E/8168/8169 NDIS 6.20 32-bit Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Rt86win7.sys [723160]
O58 - SDL:22/05/2015 - 21:08:32 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek(r) High Definition Audio Function Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RTKVHDA.sys [3498712]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 21:50:20 ---A- . (.Macrovision Corporation, Macrovision Europe - Macrovision SECURITY Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\secdrv.sys [20480]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:19:04 ---A- . (.Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. - SiS RAID Stor Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sisraid2.sys [40016]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:19:04 ---A- . (.Silicon Integrated Systems - SiS AHCI Stor-Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sisraid4.sys [77888]
O58 - SDL:04/06/2014 - 15:17:30 ---A- . (.IObit - SmartDefrag Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\SmartDefragDriver.sys [18624]
O58 - SDL:15/01/2015 - 09:09:58 ---A- . (.Synaptics Incorporated - Synaptics SMBus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Smb_driver_Intel.sys [25256]
O58 - SDL:27/05/2014 - 17:13:15 ---A- . (.Avira GmbH - AVIRA SnapShot Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ssmdrv.sys [28520]
O58 - SDL:01/01/2015 - 00:40:11 ---A- . (.DEVGURU Co., LTD.( - SAMSUNG USB Composite Device Driver (MSS Ver.3).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ssudbus.sys [84248]
O58 - SDL:11/03/2015 - 19:57:01 ---A- . (.DEVGURU Co., LTD.( - SAMSUNG Android Modem Device Driver (MSS Ver.3).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ssudmdm.sys [181912]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:19:04 ---A- . (.Promise Technology - Promise SuperTrak EX Series Driver for Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\stexstor.sys [21072]
O58 - SDL:30/06/2011 - 19:46:40 ---A- . (.The OpenVPN Project - TAP-Win32 Virtual Network Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\tap0901.sys [26624]
O58 - SDL:24/05/2011 - 09:40:10 ---A- . (.AnchorFree Inc - TAP-Win32 Virtual Network Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\taphss.sys [32768]
O58 - SDL:11/03/2015 - 19:57:13 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Management Engine Interface.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\TeeDriver.sys [111904]
O58 - SDL:03/06/2015 - 00:21:01 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\TrueSight.sys [35064]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:19:10 ---A- . (.VIA Technologies, Inc. - VIA Generic PCI IDE Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\viaide.sys [16976]
O58 - SDL:14/07/2009 - 02:19:11 ---A- . (.VIA Technologies Inc.,Ltd - VIA RAID DRIVER FOR AMD-X86-64.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vsmraid.sys [141904]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:41 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\ANSI.SYS [9029]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:44 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\country.sys [27097]
O58 - SDL:18/11/2014 - 14:39:06 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\epmntdrv.sys [15968]
O58 - SDL:18/11/2014 - 14:39:06 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\EuGdiDrv.sys [10208]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:40 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\HIMEM.SYS [4768]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:43 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\KEY01.SYS [42809]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:43 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\KEYBOARD.SYS [42537]
O58 - SDL:16/02/2011 - 07:16:26 ---A- . (.Ralink Technology Corp. - Ralink 802.11n Wireless Adapter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\netr28u.sys [856928]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:23 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTDOS.SYS [27866]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:31 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTDOS404.SYS [29146]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:35 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTDOS411.SYS [29370]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:39 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTDOS412.SYS [29274]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:27 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTDOS804.SYS [29146]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:11 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTIO.SYS [33952]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:15 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTIO404.SYS [34672]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:17 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTIO411.SYS [35776]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:19 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTIO412.SYS [35536]
O58 - SDL:13/07/2009 - 22:40:13 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\NTIO804.SYS [34672]
~ Drivers: 110 Scanned in 00mn 16s
---\\ Last modified or created user files (O61)
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:22:58 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\NvBackend\UMDShim\nvcoproc.bin [4421614]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:22:58 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\NvBackend\ApplicationOntology\NvOAWrapperCache.exe [675256]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:22:58 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\NvBackend\ApplicationOntology\OAWrapper.exe [172984]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:22:58 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\NvBackend\ApplicationOntology\Ontology.dll [1402296]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:01 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Temp\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_Cache\c4c1ea5d31795b8922f50a599a26c6d5_fce8394c8fd8a807_f3279b66e87c6f22_0_0.bin [16384]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:01 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Temp\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_Cache\c4c1ea5d31795b8922f50a599a26c6d5_fce8394c8fd8a807_f3279b66e87c6f22_1_0.bin [16384]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:01 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Temp\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_Cache\c4c1ea5d31795b8922f50a599a26c6d5_fce8394c8fd8a807_f3279b66e87c6f22_2_0.bin [16384]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:05 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\AdwCleaner.exe [2231296]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:05 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\RogueKiller.exe [17634552]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:05 ---A- . (.Bleeping Computer, LLC.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\rkill.exe [1943800]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:05 ---A- . (.EaseUS.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\epm.exe [29320072]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:05 ---A- . (.Eassos Co., Ltd..) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\PGFreeSetup.exe [7029664]
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:05 ---A- . (.Nicolas Coolman.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\ZHPDiag2.exe [6880236] =>.Nicolas Coolman
O61 - LFC: 02/06/2015 - 12:23:05 ---A- . (.SurfRight B.V..) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\hitmanpro.exe [10105736]
O61 - LFC: 03/06/2015 - 12:22:58 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\NvBackend\Packages\000077a8\DAO.19636188.exe [5713768]
O61 - LFC: 03/06/2015 - 12:22:58 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\NVIDIA\NvBackend\Packages\000077b2\CoProc update.19636462.exe [453720]
O61 - LFC: 03/06/2015 - 12:23:01 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Temp\mbr.sys [25088]
O61 - LFC: 31/05/2015 - 12:23:01 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\AppData\Local\Temp\Quarantine.exe [610816]
~ 181 Fichiers temporaires (Temporary files)
~ 70 Fichiers cookies (Cookies files)
~ Files: 18 Scanned in 00mn 12s
---\\ List all tools cleaner (LATC) (O63)
O63 - Logiciel: ZHPDiag 2015 - (.Nicolas Coolman.) [HKLM] -- ZHPDiag_is1 =>.Nicolas Coolman
~ ADS: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ List all legacy services(LALS) (O64)
O64 - Services: CurCS - 22/05/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\cnnctfy3.sys (cnnctfy3) .(.Connectify - NDISRD helper driver.) - LEGACY_CNNCTFY3
O64 - Services: CurCS - 10/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\eamonm.sys (eamonm) .(.ESET - Amon monitor.) - LEGACY_EAMONM
O64 - Services: CurCS - 10/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ehdrv.sys (ehdrv) .(.ESET - ESET Helper driver.) - LEGACY_EHDRV
O64 - Services: CurCS - 10/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\epfw.sys (epfw) .(.ESET - ESET Personal Firewall driver.) - LEGACY_EPFW
O64 - Services: CurCS - 10/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\EpfwLWF.sys (EpfwLWF) .(.ESET - Epfw NDIS LightWeight Filter.) - LEGACY_EPFWLWF
O64 - Services: CurCS - 10/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\epfwwfp.sys (epfwwfp) .(.ESET - ESET Personal Firewall driver.) - LEGACY_EPFWWFP
O64 - Services: CurCS - 31/12/2014 - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\HWiNFO32.sys (HWiNFO32) .(.REALiX(tm) - HWiNFO x86 Kernel Driver.) - LEGACY_HWINFO32
O64 - Services: CurCS - 27/03/2015 - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\idmwfp.sys (IDMWFP) .(.Tonec Inc. - Internet Download Manager WFP Driver.) - LEGACY_IDMWFP
O64 - Services: CurCS - 29/01/2010 - C:\Program Files\UltraISO\drivers\ISODrive.sys (ISODrive) .(.EZB Systems, Inc. - ISO DVD/CD-ROM Device Driver.) - LEGACY_ISODRIVE
O64 - Services: CurCS - 14/04/2015 - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mbam.sys (MBAMProtector) .(.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) - LEGACY_MBAMPROTECTOR
O64 - Services: CurCS - 16/01/2015 - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvStreamSrv\NvStreamKms.sys (NvStreamKms) .(.NVIDIA Corporation - Nvidia Streaming Kernel Service.) - LEGACY_NVSTREAMKMS
O64 - Services: CurCS - 13/07/2009 - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\secdrv.sys (secdrv) .(.Macrovision Corporation, Macrovision Europe - Macrovision SECURITY Driver.) - LEGACY_SECDRV
O64 - Services: CurCS - 04/06/2014 - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\SmartDefragDriver.sys (SmartDefragDriver) .(.IObit - SmartDefrag Driver.) - LEGACY_SMARTDEFRAGDRIVER
O64 - Services: CurCS - 03/06/2015 - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\TrueSight.sys (TrueSight) .(...) - LEGACY_TRUESIGHT
~ Legacy: 102 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ File Associations Shell Spawning (O67)
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.bat> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cpl> [HKLM\..\cplopen\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cmd> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.com> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.evt> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Lanceur du composant logiciel enfichable Observateur d’événements.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.exe> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.js> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.reg> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur du Registre.) -- C:\Windows\regedit.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.scr> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" /S
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKCU\..\open\Command] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
~ FASS Keys: 11 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Start Menu Internet (SMI) (O68)
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Mozilla Corporation - Firefox.) -- C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
~ Keys: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Search Browser Infection (SBI) (O69)
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} - (Bing) -
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {3D585554-3A2C-4BF8-9587-2D99C7A6EBAD} [DefaultScope] - (Google) -
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {F26DD55A-53C7-4ADB-ACB5-6D0B3CBEF210} - (( Google) -
~ Keys: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Search Svchost Services (SSS) (O83)
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AeLookupSvc (AeLookupSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Expérience d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\aelupsvc.dll [62464]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: CertPropSvc (CertPropSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de propagation de certificats de cartes à puce Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [67584]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SCPolicySvc (SCPolicySvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de propagation de certificats de cartes à puce Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [67584]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: lanmanserver (lanmanserver) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Serveur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srvsvc.dll [168960]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: gpsvc (gpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Client de stratégie de groupe.) -- C:\Windows\System32\gpsvc.dll [593408]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: IKEEXT (IKEEXT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension IKE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ikeext.dll [679424]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AudioSrv (AudioSrv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Audio Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Audiosrv.dll [475136]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasauto (Rasauto) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de numérotation automatique d’accès distant.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasauto.dll [90624]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasman (Rasman) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de connexions d’accès distant.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasmans.dll [286208]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Remoteaccess (Remoteaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire d’interface dynamique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mprdim.dll [75264]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SENS (SENS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de notification d’événements système (SENS).) -- C:\Windows\System32\sens.dll [49664]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Sharedaccess (Sharedaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Composants de l’application d’assistance à Microsoft NAT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ipnathlp.dll [300544]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Tapisrv (Tapisrv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Serveur de téléphonie Microsoft® Windows(TM).) -- C:\Windows\System32\tapisrv.dll [242176]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: TermService (TermService) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire des connexions distantes du serveur hôte de session Burea.) -- C:\Windows\System32\termsrv.dll [523776]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wuauserv (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Agent de mise à jour automatique Windows Update.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll [2020864]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: BITS (BITS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de transfert intelligent en arrière-plan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\qmgr.dll [585728]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: ShellHWDetection (ShellHWDetection) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dll des services Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shsvcs.dll [328192]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: iphlpsvc (iphlpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service offrant une connectivité IPv6 sur un réseau IPv4..) -- C:\Windows\System32\iphlpsvc.dll [499712]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: seclogon (seclogon) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de service d’ouverture de session secondaire.) -- C:\Windows\system32\seclogon.dll [21504]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AppInfo (AppInfo) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Informations d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\appinfo.dll [47104]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: msiscsi (msiscsi) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de découverte iSCSI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iscsiexe.dll [114688]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: MMCSS (MMCSS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Planificateur de classes multimédias.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mmcss.dll [49664]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wercplsupport (wercplsupport) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Rapports et solutions aux problèmes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wercplsupport.dll [61440]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: EapHost (EapHost) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service EAPHost Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eapsvc.dll [98304]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: ProfSvc (ProfSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - ProfSvc.) -- C:\Windows\System32\profsvc.dll [164864]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: schedule (schedule) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service du Planificateur de tâches.) -- C:\Windows\System32\schedsvc.dll [750592]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: hkmsvc (hkmsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Gestion des clés.) -- C:\Windows\System32\kmsvc.dll [71168]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SessionEnv (SessionEnv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Configuration des services Bureau à distance.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sessenv.dll [113664]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: winmgmt (winmgmt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - WMI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WMIsvc.dll [168960]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: browser (browser) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Explorateur d’ordinateurs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\browser.dll [102912]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Themes (Themes) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service des thèmes Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeservice.dll [37376]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: BDESVC (BDESVC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service BDE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bdesvc.dll [76800]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AppMgmt (AppMgmt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Installation de logiciels.) -- C:\Windows\System32\appmgmts.dll [149504]
~ Services: 33 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Search Particular Root Folder (SPRF) (O84)
[MD5.82813644DC30B6AE091733CBD8C31163] [SPRF][17/07/2014] (...) -- C:\ProgramData\ntuser.dat [262144]
[MD5.D56605A4F5CE2DBEBA1540304827B394] [SPRF][02/06/2015] (.No owner - AdwCleaner.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\AdwCleaner.exe [2231296]
[MD5.0261C575CCE426CDED83207A967F4DD0] [SPRF][10/02/2014] (.CasaTech Inc. - Dumpper.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\Dumpper v.4.exe [1626112]
[MD5.EED77C24D5109AE186CCD0CB57D2FAD1] [SPRF][02/06/2015] (.EaseUS - EaseUS Partition Master Setup.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\epm.exe [29320072]
[MD5.2C64BB2288CACE9DE97134CC703DE63F] [SPRF][02/06/2015] (.SurfRight B.V. - HitmanPro 3.7.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\hitmanpro.exe [10105736]
[MD5.2ACED503CF1DDA7BD1FA3FF4F89A06D4] [SPRF][09/05/2015] (.Thisisu - Junkware Removal Tool.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\JRT_NEW.exe [2720307]
[MD5.E929AE61B2C9B93552E5E084D5419A26] [SPRF][02/06/2015] (.Eassos Co., Ltd. - PartitionGuru Free Setup.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\PGFreeSetup.exe [7029664]
[MD5.7A0DFC5353FF6DE7DE0208A29FA2FFC9] [SPRF][18/06/2014] (.Simon Tatham - SSH, Telnet and Rlogin client.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\putty.exe [495616]
[MD5.1B28807E950FB1B2F4C9AAD546D6568A] [SPRF][02/06/2015] (.Bleeping Computer, LLC - Terminates malware processes so that you can run your normal security programs..) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\rkill.exe [1943800]
[MD5.BEE2DCCA76302B23059EABD2C9AA50CB] [SPRF][02/06/2015] (...) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\RogueKiller.exe [17634552]
[MD5.090B5AEB5C2D4434911E2F20712570B3] [SPRF][05/02/2014] (.No owner - ScreenToGif.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\ScreenToGif.exe [2052096]
[MD5.BD4DF5EEAACF54FCD75F54D88703BF6F] [SPRF][20/02/2013] (.NirSoft - Wireless Network Watcher.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\WNetWatcher_2.exe [786528]
[MD5.395E3D8335D1D36BA30026C9B53D71D4] [SPRF][02/06/2015] (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag Setup.) -- C:\Users\FOUAD\Desktop\ZHPDiag2.exe [6880236]
~ Files: 13 Scanned in 00mn 01s
---\\ General States of Services not Microsoft (EGS) (SR=Running, SS=Stopped)
SS - | Demand 15/05/2015 268464 | (AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc) . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) - C:\Windows\system32\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe
SS - | Demand 31/03/2015 315208 | (cmcore) . (.Kingsoft Corporation.) - c:\program files\cmcm\Clean Master\cmcore.exe
SS - | Demand 03/12/2012 2571704 | (CodeMeter.exe) . (.WIBU-SYSTEMS AG.) - C:\Program Files\CodeMeter\Runtime\bin\CodeMeter.exe
SS - | Auto 22/07/1658 0 | (gupdate) . (...) - C:\Program Files\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe
SS - | Demand 22/07/1658 0 | (gupdatem) . (...) - C:\Program Files\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe
SS - | Auto 26/03/2015 2585376 | (LiveUpdateSvc) . (.IObit.) - C:\Program Files\IObit\LiveUpdate\LiveUpdate.exe
SS - | Demand 24/06/2014 2117448 | (MaConfigAgent) . (.CybelSoft.) - C:\Program Files\\MaConfigAgent.exe
SS - | Disabled 14/04/2015 1871160 | (MBAMScheduler) . (.Malwarebytes Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamscheduler.exe
SS - | Auto 14/04/2015 1080120 | (MBAMService) . (.Malwarebytes Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbamservice.exe
SS - | Demand 02/06/2015 148080 | (MozillaMaintenance) . (.Mozilla Foundation.) - C:\Program Files\Mozilla Maintenance Service\maintenanceservice.exe
SS - | Demand 30/08/2014 80600 | ({0CBD4F48-3751-475D-BE88-4F271385B672}) . (.SHADOWDEFENDER.COM.) - C:\Program Files\Shadow Defender\Service.exe
SR - | Auto 03/04/2015 814880 | (AdvancedSystemCareService8) . (.IObit.) - C:\Program Files\IObit\Advanced SystemCare 8\ASCService.exe
SR - | Auto 23/12/2013 487936 | (Connectify) . (.Connectify.) - C:\Program Files\Connectify\ConnectifyService.exe
SR - | Auto 28/01/2015 1349576 | (ekrn) . (.ESET.) - C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security\ekrn.exe
SR - | Auto 16/01/2015 915600 | (GfExperienceService) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\GeForce Experience Service\GfExperienceService.exe
SR - | Auto 16/01/2015 1706128 | (NvNetworkService) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NetService\NvNetworkService.exe
SR - | Auto 16/01/2015 19775632 | (NvStreamSvc) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvStreamSrv\nvstreamsvc.exe
SR - | Auto 04/02/2015 670536 | (nvsvc) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Windows\system32\nvvsvc.exe
SR - | Auto 04/02/2015 409800 | (Stereo Service) . (.NVIDIA Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPISvr.exe
SR - | Auto 14/07/2009 20992 | C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\mpsvc.dll (WinDefend) . (.Microsoft Corporation.) - C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
SR - | Demand 14/07/2009 20992 | C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation.) - C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
~ Services: Scanned in 00mn 14s
---\\ Search Master Boot Record Infection (MBR)(O80)
Stealth MBR rootkit/Mebroot/Sinowal/TDL4 detector 0.4.2 by Gmer,
~ MBR: 1 Scanned in 00mn 02s
---\\ Search Master Boot Record Infection (MBRCheck)(O80)
Written by ad13, http://ad13.geekstog
Run by FOUAD at 03/06/2015 12:24:01
********* Dump file Name *********
~ MBR: Scanned in 00mn 04s
---\\ Scan Additionnel (O88)
Database Version : 13008 - (31/05/2015)
Clés trouvées (Keys found) : 1
Valeurs trouvées (Values found) : 1
Dossiers trouvés (Folders found) : 2
Fichiers trouvés (Files found) : 0
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\uTorrent] =>P2P.µTorrent^
C:\Program Files\uTorrent =>P2P.µTorrent^
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\uTorrent =>P2P.µTorrent^
~ Additionnel Scan: 238565 Items scanned in 00mn 18s
---\\ Additional information about modules
~ =>.Internet Explorer, Proxy Management (R5)
~ =>.Browser Helper Objects (O2)
~ =>.Auto loading programs from Registry and folders (O4)
~ AMI: 3 Scanned in 00mn 00s
End of the scan (1385 lines in 02mn 34s)(0.10)