Format du document : text/plain
~ Rapport de ZHPDiag v2014.4.28.48 - Nicolas Coolman (28/04/2014)
~ Lancé par Max (01/05/2014 10:44:22)
~ Adresse du Site Web
~ Forums gratuits d'Assistance à la désinfection :
~ Traduit par Nicolas Coolman
~ Etat de la version :
~ Liste blanche : Désactivée par l'utilisateur
~ Elévation des Privilèges : OK
~ User Account Control (UAC): Deactivate by program
---\\ Navigateurs Internet
MSIE: Internet Explorer v11.0.9600.17031
GCIE: Google Chrome v34.0.1847.131 (Defaut)
---\\ Informations sur les produits Windows
~ Langage: Français
Windows 8.1, 64-bit (Build 9600)
Windows Server License Manager Script : OK
~ Windows(R) Operating System, OEM_DM channel
Windows ID Activation : OK
~ Windows Partial Key : MG8JQ
Windows License : OK
~ Windows Remaining Initializations Number : 999
Software Protection Service (Protection logicielle) : OK
Windows Automatic Updates : OK
Windows Activation Technologies : OK
---\\ Logiciels de protection du système
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version
Windows Defender W8
---\\ Logiciels d'optimisation du système
CCleaner v4.12
---\\ Logiciels de partage PeerToPeer
---\\ Surveillance de Logiciels
---\\ Informations sur le système
~ Processor: Intel64 Family 6 Model 69 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
~ Operating System: 64 Bits
Boot mode: Normal (Normal boot)
Total RAM: 3976 MB (48% free)
System Restore: Activé (Enable)
System drive C: has 626 GB (91%) free of 681 GB
---\\ Mode de connexion au système
~ Computer Name: MAXIME
~ User Name: Max
~ All Users Names: Max, Administrateur,
~ Unselected Option: None
Logged in as Administrator
---\\ Variables d'environnement
~ System Unit : C:\
~ %AppZHP% : C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\
~ %AppData% : C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\
~ %Desktop% : C:\Users\Max\Desktop\
~ %Favorites% : C:\Users\Max\Favorites\
~ %LocalAppData% : C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\
~ %StartMenu% : C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\
~ %Windir% : C:\Windows\
~ %System% : C:\Windows\System32\
---\\ Enumération des unités disques
C: Hard drive, Flash drive, Thumb drive (Free 626 Go of 681 Go)
D: CD-ROM drive (Not Inserted)
---\\ Etat du Centre de Sécurité Windows
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiSpywareOverride: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiVirusOverride: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] FirewallOverride: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] NoActiveDesktopChanges: Modified
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] EnableLUA: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN] CheckedValue: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL] CheckedValue: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] Application: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] Shell: OK
[HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\COMSysApp] Type: OK
[HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install] LastSuccessTime : OK
~ Security Center: 41 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Recherche particulière de fichiers génériques
[MD5.81394C91B7B5A7C799E249AE82491F13] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur Windows.) (.04/03/2014 - 13:25:49.) -- C:\Windows\Explorer.exe [2373784]
[MD5.48CFA7BE561A7BE144C29BB912055016] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de démarrage de Windows.) (.22/08/2013 - 10:58:29.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Wininit.exe [144384]
[MD5.65C36A29A131A3A5D64B29FAC4EF6DD6] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions Internet pour Win32.) (.22/02/2014 - 10:11:56.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll [2262016]
[MD5.306EB21E5B480AE9065EA55AC8C35936] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Application d’ouverture de session Windows.) (.22/02/2014 - 10:45:48.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Winlogon.exe [562176]
[MD5.AFCAB4DC692CCE37E283B00E2D7B438F] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de licences.) (.21/12/2013 - 09:54:07.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sppcomapi.dll [447488]
[MD5.239268BAB58EAE9A3FF4E08334C00451] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de fonction connexe pour WinSock.) (.22/08/2013 - 14:25:35.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\AFD.sys [567296]
[MD5.74B14192CF79A72F7536B27CB8814FBD] - (.Microsoft Corporation - ATAPI IDE Miniport Driver.) (.22/08/2013 - 13:43:41.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\atapi.sys [26464]
[MD5.2FA6510E33F7DEFEC03658B74101A9B9] - (.Microsoft Corporation - CD-ROM File System Driver.) (.22/08/2013 - 12:40:15.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Cdfs.sys [88576]
[MD5.C6796EA22B513E3457514D92DCDB1A3D] - (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) (.22/08/2013 - 09:46:35.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Cdrom.sys [164352]
[MD5.A03F362C5557E238CBFA914689C77248] - (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) (.06/03/2014 - 10:22:50.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\DfsC.sys [134144]
[MD5.03909BDBFF0DCACCABF2B2D4ADEE44DC] - (.Microsoft Corporation - High Definition Audio Bus Driver.) (.22/08/2013 - 12:38:38.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\HDAudBus.sys [78336]
[MD5.84CFC5EFA97D0C965EDE1D56F116A541] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port i8042.) (.22/08/2013 - 12:39:15.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\i8042prt.sys [107520]
[MD5.B7342B3C58E91107F6E946A93D9D4EFD] - (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) (.27/11/2013 - 13:02:29.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\IpNat.sys [142848]
[MD5.C997E6A37BA8915224B3FB5024A34F69] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Minirdr SMB Windows NT.) (.06/03/2014 - 10:20:23.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\MRxSmb.sys [402944]
[MD5.0217532E19A748F0E5D569307363D5FD] - (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) (.22/08/2013 - 12:37:02.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\netBT.sys [282624]
[MD5.1C80517BE6836A812F6A9B99B8321351] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du système de fichiers NT.) (.20/03/2014 - 04:41:24.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\ntfs.sys [2013016]
[MD5.764B1121867B2D9B31C491668AC72B2B] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de port parallèle.) (.22/08/2013 - 12:40:02.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Parport.sys [94208]
[MD5.BBB6272B7F46C4640A8CDB8A70C3450F] - (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver.) (.22/08/2013 - 12:35:51.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\Rasl2tp.sys [120832]
[MD5.680C1DAE268B6FB67FA21B389A8B79EF] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Redirecteur de périphérique de Microsoft RDP.) (.22/08/2013 - 20:11:06.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\rdpdr.sys [195584]
[MD5.FFF28F9F6823EB1756C60F1649560BBF] - (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) (.22/08/2013 - 14:25:35.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\tdx.sys [107520]
[MD5.3595FBDF25F8BA6256072D103937D7D6] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de cliché instantané du volume.) (.22/02/2014 - 16:44:13.) -- C:\Windows\system32\Drivers\volsnap.sys [311640]
~ Generic Processes: Scanned in 00mn 01s
---\\ Etat des fichiers cachés (Caché/Total)
~ Mes musiques (My Musics) : 1/3
~ Mes Favoris (My Favorites) : 1/7
~ Mes Documents (My Documents) : 1/7
~ Mon Bureau (My Desktop) : 1/494
~ Menu demarrer (Programs) : 1/28
~ Hidden Files: Scanned in 00mn 01s
---\\ Processus lancés
[MD5.542459D16B416D054161007FC9B1246E] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [841032] [PID.2304]
[MD5.7E935A00974D8C84A81BB0DE3817D497] - (.Acer Incorporated - AcerCloud.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer Portal\acpanel_win.exe [18247424] [PID.1972]
[MD5.E747B07FAAE373C46F1FDFF1FB617746] - (.McAfee, Inc. - SiteAdvisor.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\SiteAdvisor\McChHost.exe [383504] [PID.5688]
[MD5.99E5C7BDFB89BD99E7F79F63F9BE0B1F] - (.McAfee, Inc. - SiteAdvisor.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\SiteAdvisor\saUI.exe [740896] [PID.5996]
[MD5.B311F33FF5FB28170F33557618D2BD9F] - (.Acer Incorporated - SDD for AcerCloud.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer Portal\sdd.exe [1493760] [PID.7064]
[MD5.1780A53FCE5975B94604775CD9460F22] - (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) -- C:\Users\Max\Desktop\ZHPDiag\ZHPDiag.exe [7865344] [PID.5340]
~ Processes Running: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Google Chrome, Démarrage,Recherche,Extensions (G0,G1,G2)
C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Preferences
G1 - GCS: Preference [User Data\Default] None
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [ahfgeienlihckogmohjhadlkjgocpleb] Google Store v.0.2 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake] Documents Google v.0.5 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf] Google Drive v.6.3 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo] YouTube v.4.2.6 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [coobgpohoikkiipiblmjeljniedjpjpf] Recherche Google v. (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [eemcgdkfndhakfknompkggombfjjjeno] Bookmark Manager v.0.1 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [ennkphjdgehloodpbhlhldgbnhmacadg] Settings v.0.2 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho] SiteAdvisor v. (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [gfdkimpbcpahaombhbimeihdjnejgicl] Feedback v.1.0 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom] AdBlock v.2.6.29, (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [mfehgcgbbipciphmccgaenjidiccnmng] Cloud Print v.0.1 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [mgndgikekgjfcpckkfioiadnlibdjbkf] Chrome v.0.1 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [neajdppkdcdipfabeoofebfddakdcjhd] Google Network Speech v.1.0 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [nkeimhogjdpnpccoofpliimaahmaaome] Hangout Services v.1.0 (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda] Google Wallet v. (Activé)
G2 - GCE: Preference [User Data\Default] [pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia] Gmail v.7 (Activé)
---\\ Liste des dossiers d'extension Google Chrome
G2 - EXT: C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\aohghmighlieiainnegkcijnfilokake [Documents Google]
G2 - EXT: C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\apdfllckaahabafndbhieahigkjlhalf [Google Drive]
G2 - EXT: C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\blpcfgokakmgnkcojhhkbfbldkacnbeo [YouTube]
G2 - EXT: C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\coobgpohoikkiipiblmjeljniedjpjpf [Recherche Google]
G2 - EXT: C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\fheoggkfdfchfphceeifdbepaooicaho [SiteAdvisor]
G2 - EXT: C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\gighmmpiobklfepjocnamgkkbiglidom [AdBlock]
G2 - EXT: C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda [Google Wallet]
G2 - EXT: C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Extensions\pjkljhegncpnkpknbcohdijeoejaedia [Gmail]
~ Google Lines Browser: 25 Scanned in 00mn 03s
---\\ Mozilla Firefox, Plugins,Demarrage,Recherche,Extensions (P2,M0,M1,M2,M3)
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=10] - (...) -- C:\Program Files\mcafee\msc\npMcSnFFPl64.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKLM] [,version=14.0] - (.Microsoft Corporation - Office Authorization plug-in for NPAPI browsers.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\NPAUTHZ.dll
P2 - FPN: [HKCU] [@Skype Video Calling Plugin] - (.Skype Limited - Facebook Video Calling Plugin.) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Facebook\Video\Skype\npFacebookVideoCalling.dll
~ Firefox Browser: 3 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Internet Explorer, Démarrage,Recherche,URLSearchHook, Phishing (R0,R1,R3,R4)
R0 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =
R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL =
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons
R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk
R3 - URLSearchHook: Microsoft Url Search Hook [64Bits] - {CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Navigateur Internet.) (11.00.9600.17031 (winblue_gdr.140221-1952)) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ieframe.dll
~ IE Browser: 16 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Internet Explorer, Proxy Management (R5)
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyServer = no key
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,MigrateProxy = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,EnableHttp1_1 = 1
R5 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,AutoConfigProxy = wininet.dll
~ Proxy management: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Analyse des lignes F0, F1, F2, F3 - IniFiles, Autoloading programs
F2 - REG:system.ini: USERINIT=C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe,
F2 - REG:system.ini: Shell=C:\Windows\explorer.exe
F2 - REG:system.ini: VMApplet=C:\Windows\System32\SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe
~ Keys: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Hosts file redirection (O1)
~ Le fichier hosts est sain (The hosts file is clean).
~ Hosts File: Scanned in 00mn 00s
~ Nombre de lignes (Lines number): 21
---\\ Browser Helper Objects de navigateur (O2)
O2 - BHO: Groove GFS Browser Helper [64Bits] - {72853161-30C5-4D22-B7F9-0BBC1D38A37E} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft SharePoint Workspace Extensions.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\GROOVEEX.dll
O2 - BHO: McAfee SiteAdvisor BHO [64Bits] - {B164E929-A1B6-4A06-B104-2CD0E90A88FF} . (.McAfee, Inc. - SiteAdvisor.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\SiteAdvisor\McIEPlg.dll
O2 - BHO: URLRedirectionBHO [64Bits] - {B4F3A835-0E21-4959-BA22-42B3008E02FF} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office Document Cache Handler.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\URLREDIR.dll
O2 - BHO: Lync Click to Call BHO [64Bits] - {31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA} Clé orpheline
O2 - BHO: (no name) [64Bits] - {D0498E0A-45B7-42AE-A9AA-ABA463DBD3BF} Clé orpheline
~ BHO: 8 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Internet Explorer Toolbars (O3)
O3 - Toolbar: McAfee SiteAdvisor Toolbar - [HKLM]{0EBBBE48-BAD4-4B4C-8E5A-516ABECAE064} . (.McAfee, Inc. - SiteAdvisor.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee\SiteAdvisor\x64\McIEPlg.dll
~ Toolbar: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Autres liens utilisateurs (O4)
O4 - GS\Desktop [Public]: Acheter en ligne.lnk . (...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Accessory Store\StartUrl.exe (.not file.)
~ Global Startup: 1 Scanned in 00mn 04s
---\\ Applications lancées au démarrage du système (O4)
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IgfxTray] . (.Intel Corporation - igfxTray Module.) -- C:\Windows\system32\igfxtray.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] . (.Intel Corporation - hkcmd Module.) -- C:\Windows\system32\hkcmd.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Persistence] . (.Intel Corporation - persistence Module.) -- C:\Windows\system32\igfxpers.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ETDCtrl] C:\Program Files (x86)\Elantech\ETDCtrl.exe (.not file.)
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RTHDVCPL] . (.Realtek Semiconductor - Gestionnaire audio HD Realtek.) -- C:\Program Files\Realtek\Audio\HDA\RAVCpl64.exe =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Facebook Update] . (.Facebook Inc. - Programme d'installation de Facebook.) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Facebook\Update\FacebookUpdate.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [AcerCloud] . (.Acer Incorporated - AcerCloud.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer Portal\acpanel_win.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\RunOnce: [Application Restart #1] C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Pokki\Engine\pokki.exe (.not file.)
O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [mcpltui_exe] . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Security Center.) -- C:\Program Files\\Agent\mcagent.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [StartCCC] . (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - Catalyst® Control Center Launcher.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies\ATI.ACE\Core-Static\amd64\CLIStart.exe =>.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc
O4 - HKLM\..\Wow6432Node\Run: [BCSSync] . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office 2010 component.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\BCSSync.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O4 - HKLM\..\policies\Explorer\Run: [BtvStack] . (.Qualcomm®Atheros® - Extension Core.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm Atheros\Bluetooth Suite\BtvStack.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001\..\Run: [Facebook Update] . (.Facebook Inc. - Programme d'installation de Facebook.) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Facebook\Update\FacebookUpdate.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001\..\Run: [AcerCloud] . (.Acer Incorporated - AcerCloud.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer Portal\acpanel_win.exe
O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001\..\RunOnce: [Application Restart #1] C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Pokki\Engine\pokki.exe (.not file.)
~ Application: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Invisibilité de l'icône d'options IE dans le panneau de Configuration (O5)
O5 - control.ini: [HKLM\..\Control Panel] inetcpl.cpl=no
~ IE Control Panel: 1 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Boutons situés sur la barre d'outils principale d'Internet Explorer (O9)
O9 - Extra button: &Envoyer à OneNote [64Bits] - {2670000A-7350-4f3c-8081-5663EE0C6C49} -- C:\Program Files (x86)\MICROS~2\Office14\ONBttnIE.dll (.not file.)
O9 - Extra button: Lync Click to Call [64Bits] - {31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA} -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\VFS\ProgramFilesX64\Microsoft Office\Office15\lync.exe (.not file.)
O9 - Extra button: Notes &liées OneNote [64Bits] - {789FE86F-6FC4-46A1-9849-EDE0DB0C95CA} -- C:\Program Files (x86)\MICROS~2\Office14\ONBTTN~1.dll (.not file.)
~ IE Extra Buttons: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Winsock hijacker (Layered Service Provider) (O10)
O10 - WLSP:\000000000001\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur Shim d’affectation de noms de messagerie.) -- C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000002\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’espace de noms PNRP.) -- C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000003\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’espace de noms PNRP.) -- C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000004\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Network Location Awareness 2.) -- C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000005\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de service Sockets 2.0 de Microsoft Windows.) -- C:\Windows\system32\mswsock.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O10 - WLSP:\000000000006\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - LDAP RnR Provider DLL.) -- C:\Windows\system32\winrnr.dll
O10 - WLSP:\000000000007\Winsock LSP File . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Sockets Helper DLL.) -- C:\Windows\system32\wshbth.dll
~ Winsock: 7 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Modification Domaine/Adresses DNS (O17)
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{D0E01FE2-1F5A-4D6A-BFD6-34FD2D459580}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CS1\Services\Tcpip\..\{D0E01FE2-1F5A-4D6A-BFD6-34FD2D459580}: DhcpNameServer =
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer =
~ Domain: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Protocole additionnel (O18)
O18 - Handler: vbscript [64Bits] - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O18 - Filter: text/xml [64Bits] - {807573E5-5146-11D5-A672-00B0D022E945} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office XML MIME Filter.) -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE14\MSOXMLMF.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
~ Protocole Additionnel: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Valeur de Registre AppInit_DLLs et sous-clés Winlogon Notify (autorun) (O20)
O20 - Winlogon Notify: igfxcui . (.Intel Corporation - igfxdev Module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\igfxdev.dll
~ Winlogon: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Clé de Registre autorun ShellServiceObjectDelayLoad (SSO/SSODL) (O21)
O21 - SSODL: WebCheck - {E6FB5E20-DE35-11CF-9C87-00AA005127ED} - CLSID or File not found.
~ SSODL: 1 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Liste des services NT non Microsoft et non désactivés (O23)
O23 - Service: (AMD External Events Utility) . (.AMD - AMD External Events Service Module.) - C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe
O23 - Service: AtherosSvc (AtherosSvc) . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider - Windows Setup API.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm Atheros\Bluetooth Suite\adminservice.exe
O23 - Service: CCDMonitorService (CCDMonitorService) . (.Acer Incorporated - CCD Monitor Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer Portal\CCDMonitorService.exe
O23 - Service: Elan Service (ETDService) . (.ELAN Microelectronics Corp. - Elan Service.) - C:\Program Files\Elantech\ETDService.exe
O23 - Service: GamesAppIntegrationService (GamesAppIntegrationService) . (.TODO: - TODO: .) - C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GamesAppIntegrationService.exe
O23 - Service: Service Google Update (gupdate) (gupdate) . (.Google Inc. - Programme d'installation de Google.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc
O23 - Service: McAfee Home Network (HomeNetSvc) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Service Host.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
O23 - Service: Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface (Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface) . (.Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Inter.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\HeciServer.exe
O23 - Service: Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host Interface Service (jhi_service) . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Dynamic Application Loader Host In.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe
O23 - Service: Intel(R) Management and Security Application Local Manageme (LMS) . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Local Management Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe
O23 - Service: Launch Manager Service (LMSvc) . (.Acer Incorporate - LMSvc.) - C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Launch Manager\LMSvc.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee SiteAdvisor Service (McAfee SiteAdvisor Service) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Service Host.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee AP Service (McAPExe) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Access Protection.) - C:\Program Files\McAfee\MSC\McAPexe.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Personal Firewall Service (McMPFSvc) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Service Host.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee VirusScan Announcer (McNaiAnn) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Service Host.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\mcafee\platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Platform Services (mcpltsvc) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Service Host.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\mcafee\platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Proxy Service (McProxy) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Service Host.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\mcafee\platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Anti-Malware Core (mfecore) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee On-Access Scanner service.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\AMCore\mcshield.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Firewall Core Service (mfefire) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Core Firewall Service.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\SystemCore\mfefire.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Validation Trust Protection Service (mfevtp) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Process Validation Service.) - C:\Windows\system32\mfevtps.exe
O23 - Service: McAfee Anti-Spam Service (MSK80Service) . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Service Host.) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
O23 - Service: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nero\Update\NASvc.exe (NAUpdate) . (.Nero AG - NeroUpdate.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Nero\Update\NASvc.exe
~ Services: 22 Scanned in 00mn 06s
---\\ Enumération Active Desktop & MHTML Editor (O24)
O24 - Default MHTML Editor: Last - .(...) - (.not file.)
~ Desktop Component: 4 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Enumère les données de BootExecute (BEX) (O34)
O34 - HKLM BootExecute: (autocheck autochk *) - File not found
~ BEX: 1 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Tâches planifiées en automatique (O39)
[MD5.7E935A00974D8C84A81BB0DE3817D497] [APT] [AcerCloud] (.Acer Incorporated.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer Portal\acpanel_win.exe [18247424]
[MD5.0C9D9446E7430E2D40F1A88EACD76F6E] [APT] [ALU] (...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Live Updater\updater.exe [4150312]
[MD5.B690DE3B3D28AD45112BE310780DBE8D] [APT] [ALUAgent] (...) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Live Updater\liveupdater_agent.exe [40008]
[MD5.3F32141C078BD6A21D75CBE5A888039C] [APT] [AutoKMS] (...) -- C:\WINDOWS\AutoKMS\AutoKMS.exe [1725440] =>Trojan.Keygen
[MD5.DB1654ADB276501C44DB0FE5E8A0841D] [APT] [CCleanerSkipUAC] (.Piriform Ltd.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [4613912]
[MD5.2A3FB4C98F139038E23330D2439DB8A4] [APT] [FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001Core] (.Facebook Inc..) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Facebook\Update\FacebookUpdate.exe [138096]
[MD5.2A3FB4C98F139038E23330D2439DB8A4] [APT] [FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001UA] (.Facebook Inc..) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Facebook\Update\FacebookUpdate.exe [138096]
[MD5.506708142BC63DABA64F2D3AD1DCD5BF] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore] (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [116648]
[MD5.506708142BC63DABA64F2D3AD1DCD5BF] [APT] [GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA] (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [116648]
[MD5.284B7132DF91F48C83E61A2B437F1776] [APT] [Launch Manager] (.Acer Incorporate.) -- C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Launch Manager\LMLauncher.exe [437288]
[MD5.0784C06E13C18B3342558C63B3A0240D] [APT] [Norton Online Backup ARA] (.Symantec Corporation.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Online Backup ARA\Engine\\Ara.exe [699728]
[MD5.63FC3383151D90D4E7CF135661CE8342] [APT] [Power Management] (.Acer Incorporated.) -- C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Power Management\ePowerTray.exe [5306408]
[MD5.47AACF204D22F4CD64CDD9B1C0BACF2A] [APT] [Notification] (.Acer Incorporated.) -- C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Recovery Management\Notification\Notification.exe [282152]
O39 - APT: FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001Core - (.Facebook Inc..) -- C:\Windows\Tasks\FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001Core.job [912]
O39 - APT: FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001Core - (.Facebook Inc..) -- C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001Core [912]
O39 - APT: FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001UA - (.Facebook Inc..) -- C:\Windows\Tasks\FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001UA.job [934]
O39 - APT: FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001UA - (.Facebook Inc..) -- C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\FacebookUpdateTaskUserS-1-5-21-526328941-2145199786-2711887627-1001UA [934]
O39 - APT: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore - (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore.job [1072]
O39 - APT: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore - (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore [1072]
O39 - APT: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA - (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Windows\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA.job [1076]
O39 - APT: GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA - (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA [1076]
~ Scheduled Task: 19 Scanned in 00mn 07s
---\\ Composants installés (ActiveSetup Installed Components) (O40)
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player [64Bits] - >{22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ressources du Lecteur Windows Media.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmploc.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player 12.0 [64Bits] - {22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player Extension.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\wmpdxm.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Themes Setup [64Bits] - {2C7339CF-2B09-4501-B3F3-F3508C9228ED} . (.Microsoft Corporation - API Windows Theme.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeui.dll
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows [64Bits] - {44BBA840-CC51-11CF-AAFA-00AA00B6015C} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Mail.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Mail\WinMail.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Browsing Enhancements [64Bits] - {630b1da0-b465-11d1-9948-00c04f98bbc9} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension Shell dossier FTP Microsoft Internet Explorer..) -- C:\Windows\System32\msieftp.dll
O40 - ASIC: Microsoft Windows Media Player [64Bits] - {6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ressources du Lecteur Windows Media.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmploc.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation
O40 - ASIC: Windows Desktop Update [64Bits] - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4340} . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune du shell Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll
O40 - ASIC: Web Platform Customizations [64Bits] - {89820200-ECBD-11cf-8B85-00AA005B4383} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Explorer par utilisateur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe
O40 - ASIC: (no name) [64Bits] - {89B4C1CD-B018-4511-B0A1-5476DBF70820} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET IE SECURITY REGISTRATION.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscories.dll
~ Active Setup: 9 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Pilotes lancés au démarrage du système (O41)
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\afd.sys (AFD) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de fonction connexe pour WinSock.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\afd.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ahcache.sys (ahcache) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application Compatibility Cache.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\ahcache.sys
O41 - Driver: (BasicDisplay) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Basic Display Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\BasicDisplay.sys
O41 - Driver: (BasicRender) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Basic Render Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\BasicRender.sys
O41 - Driver: cdrom.inf (cdrom) . (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\cdrom.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dam.sys (dam) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DAM Kernel Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\dam.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\wkssvc.dll (Dfsc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dfsc.sys
O41 - Driver: mssmbios.inf (mssmbios) . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Management BIOS Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\mssmbios.sys
O41 - Driver: netnb.inf (NetBIOS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - NetBIOS interface driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\netbios.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\netbt.sys (NetBT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\netbt.sys
O41 - Driver: npsvctrig.inf (npsvctrig) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Named pipe service triggers.) - C:\Windows\system32\drivers\npsvctrig.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys (nsiproxy) . (.Microsoft Corporation - NSI Proxy.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\nsiproxy.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\pacer.sys (Psched) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Planificateur de paquets QoS.) - C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\pacer.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\wkssvc.dll (rdbss) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du sous-système de mise en mémoire t.) - C:\Windows\System32\DRIVERS\rdbss.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\tcpipcfg.dll (tdx) . (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\tdx.sys
O41 - Driver: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\vwififlt.sys (vwififlt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Virtual WiFi Filter Driver.) - C:\Windows\system32\DRIVERS\vwififlt.sys
O41 - Driver: ({b99c8534-7800-48fa-bd71-519a46cdc7e1}Gw64) . (.StdLib - StdLib.) - C:\Windows\System32\drivers\{b99c8534-7800-48fa-bd71-519a46cdc7e1}Gw64.sys =>PUP.LinkiDoo
~ Drivers: 34 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Logiciels installés (O42)
O42 - Logiciel: AMD Accelerated Video Transcoding - (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {665C407C-6DBE-2B01-DA0C-738214525EC6}
O42 - Logiciel: AMD Catalyst Install Manager - (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {67CE6958-05DC-7484-86DD-8C5A903B53F6}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Docs - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {CA4FE8B0-298C-4E5D-A486-F33B126D6A0A}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Docs Office AddIn - (.Acer.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {DCBF3379-246B-47E1-8173-639B63940838}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Games - (.Pokki.) [HKCU][64Bits] -- Pokki_03d432a7e610c3e908213e7689d4342ce2111caf
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Launch Manager - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {C18D55BD-1EC6-466D-B763-8EEDDDA9100E}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Media - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {E9AF1707-3F3A-49E2-8345-4F2D629D0876}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Photo - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B5AD89F2-03D3-4206-8487-018298007DD0}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Portal - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {A5AD0B17-F34D-49BE-A157-C8B3D52ACD13}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Power Management - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {91F52DE4-B789-42B0-9311-A349F10E5479}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Recovery Management - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {07F2005A-8CAC-4A4B-83A2-DA98A722CA61}
O42 - Logiciel: Acer Remote Files - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {13885028-098C-4799-9B71-27DAC96502D5}
O42 - Logiciel: Aloha TriPeaks - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-e74d2a10-bfac-4600-ab82-b8d542b03256
O42 - Logiciel: Broadcom Card Reader Driver Installer - (.Broadcom Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {67AA948F-8D83-4566-B84A-7CAABCF64E3F}
O42 - Logiciel: Broadcom NetLink Controller - (.Broadcom Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {D1D7ED66-5C08-40A0-AEC0-B6DF977697BB}
O42 - Logiciel: CCleaner - (.Piriform.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- CCleaner
O42 - Logiciel: Catalyst Control Center - Branding - (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {7F083C28-F8E2-44B4-9583-9E7CD5A7DA41}
O42 - Logiciel: Cradle Of Egypt Collector's Edition - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-81ff2fc1-ebe6-4d64-8509-545eb53ec532
O42 - Logiciel: CyberLink PowerDVD 12 - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{B46BEA36-0B71-4A4E-AE41-87241643FA0A}
O42 - Logiciel: CyberLink PowerDVD 12 - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B46BEA36-0B71-4A4E-AE41-87241643FA0A}
O42 - Logiciel: ETDWare PS/2-X64 - (.ELAN Microelectronic Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Elantech
O42 - Logiciel: Facebook Video Calling - (.Skype Limited.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {8DF41A9F-FE13-43E8-A003-5F9B55A011EE}
O42 - Logiciel: Google Chrome - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Google Chrome
O42 - Logiciel: Google Update Helper - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {A92DAB39-4E2C-4304-9AB6-BC44E68B55E2}
O42 - Logiciel: Governor of Poker 2 Premium Edition - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-81292905-f7c1-485a-894e-66d283b7329c
O42 - Logiciel: Identity Card - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3D9CB654-99AD-4301-89C6-0D12A790767C}
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Management Engine Components - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {65153EA5-8B6E-43B6-857B-C6E4FC25798A}
O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Processor Graphics - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F0E3AD40-2BBD-4360-9C76-B9AC9A5886EA}
O42 - Logiciel: Intel® Trusted Connect Service Client - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {89AFB053-A343-46EF-97E4-D593AD7184E6}
O42 - Logiciel: Live Updater - (.Acer Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {EE26E302-876A-48D9-9058-3129E5B99999}
O42 - Logiciel: Luxor Evolved - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-a4bbad88-d243-4358-8f55-7c1ea8004eec
O42 - Logiciel: Magic Academy - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-fbcf9bad-7d70-4163-937e-9d056dc8088a
O42 - Logiciel: Malwarebytes Anti-Malware version - (.Malwarebytes Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Malwarebytes Anti-Malware_is1
O42 - Logiciel: McAfee LiveSafe – Internet Security - (.McAfee, Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- MSC
O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft SkyDrive - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKCU][64Bits] -- SkyDriveSetup.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Nero BackItUp - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {DA2D3078-A58C-45E8-8EE0-18B8BE6B34F7}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero BackItUp 12 Essentials OEM.a01 - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {551AC8F2-FEA2-4B45-ACF7-C98681233CC9}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero BackItUp Help (CHM) - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {EF0D1292-8FC1-41BE-9740-DBC134F66415}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero ControlCenter - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {ABC88553-8770-4B97-B43E-5A90647A5B63}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero ControlCenter Help (CHM) - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {C994C746-C6D0-4EBA-B09E-DF7B18381B69}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero Core Components - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {BEBEE34D-84A2-4EDD-8BEA-96CC54371263}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero Launcher - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {0E4630AF-0AB7-440E-A978-1A78FC4F43B9}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero RescueAgent - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {A2D43081-CF7B-4637-A9F3-E2651AA5C4A8}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero RescueAgent Help (CHM) - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {0B311221-05A5-4766-8D03-7A6446794156}
O42 - Logiciel: Nero Update - (.Nero AG.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {65BB0407-4CC8-4DC7-952E-3EEFDF05602A}
O42 - Logiciel: Norton Online Backup - (.Symantec Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- NARA =>.Symantec Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: Norton Online Backup - (.Symantec Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {E625FCA0-E43E-4D3B-92FF-4851308A0366} =>.Symantec Corporation
O42 - Logiciel: OEM Application Profile - (.Nom de votre société.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {EE1735AB-67DE-5169-87F2-CE7BB38318D8}
O42 - Logiciel: Office 15 Click-to-Run Extensibility Component - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-008C-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Office 15 Click-to-Run Licensing Component - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-008F-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Office 15 Click-to-Run Localization Component - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-008C-040C-0000-0000000FF1CE}
O42 - Logiciel: Office Addin - (.Acer.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {6D2BBE1D-E600-4695-BA37-0B0E605542CC}
O42 - Logiciel: Peggle Nights - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-c3a5eefa-df63-46df-af8e-aeb960d70999
O42 - Logiciel: Plants vs. Zombies - Game of the Year - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-5113d725-8f9c-4bf1-ad69-d209c7217b2a
O42 - Logiciel: Qualcomm Atheros WLAN and Bluetooth Client Installation Program - (.Qualcomm Atheros.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {28006915-2739-4EBE-B5E8-49B25D32EB33}
O42 - Logiciel: Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F132AF7F-7BCA-4EDE-8A7C-958108FE7DBC}
O42 - Logiciel: Spotify - (.Spotify AB.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Spotify
O42 - Logiciel: The Chronicles of Emerland Solitaire - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-d9e982e0-ee32-4290-8f61-ebd6a99b0f21
O42 - Logiciel: Trinklit Supreme - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WTA-1b372a6a-e759-493a-9212-a042ba0fa2cb
O42 - Logiciel: Update Installer for WildTangent Games App - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {2FA94A64-C84E-49d1-97DD-7BF06C7BBFB2}.WildTangent Games App
O42 - Logiciel: VLC media player 2.1.3 - (.VideoLAN.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- VLC media player =>.VideoLAN
O42 - Logiciel: Visual Studio 2005 Tools pour Office Second Edition Runtime - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Runtime
O42 - Logiciel: Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 3.0 Runtime - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 3.0 Runtime
O42 - Logiciel: Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 3.0 Runtime - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {8FB53850-246A-3507-8ADE-0060093FFEA6}
O42 - Logiciel: Visual Studio Tools for the Office system 3.0 Runtime Service Pack 1 (KB949 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {8FB53850-246A-3507-8ADE-0060093FFEA6}.KB949258
O42 - Logiciel: WildTangent Games - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WildTangent wildgames Master Uninstall
O42 - Logiciel: WildTangent Games App - (.WildTangent.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {70B446D1-E03B-4ab0-9B3C-0832142C9AA8}.WildTangent Games App-acer
O42 - Logiciel: WinRAR 5.01 (64-bit) - (.win.rar GmbH.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WinRAR archiver
O42 - Logiciel: eBay Worldwide - (.OEM.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {91589413-6675-4C27-8AFC-EFB9103B90A5} =>Toolbar.eBay
~ Logic: 54 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ HKCU & HKLM Software Keys
[HKCU\Software\Local AppWizard-Generated Applications]
[HKCU\Software\WinRAR SFX]
[HKCU\Software\ZebHelpProcess Helper]
[HKLM\Software\ATI Technologies]
[HKLM\Software\SRS Labs]
[HKLM\Software\Waves Audio]
[HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\ATI Technologies]
[HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Qualcomm Atheros WLAN and Bluetooth Client Installation Program]
[HKLM\Software\Wow6432Node\Realtek Semiconductor Corp.]
~ Key Software: 221 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Contenu des dossiers Programs/ProgramFiles/ProgramData/AppData (O43)
O43 - CFD: 23/04/2014 - 12:56:15 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:30:10 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\AMD AVT
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:30:09 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\ATI Technologies
O43 - CFD: 30/04/2014 - 21:27:36 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\BrowseMark =>PUP.BrowseMark
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2014 - 14:29:29 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:01:27 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:52:36 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Google
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:00:51 - [] --H-D C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:26:58 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel
O43 - CFD: 25/04/2014 - 23:39:35 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:09:22 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\McAfee
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:40:28 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 21:56:21 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Analysis Services
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 22:00:09 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2014 - 14:32:50 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SkyDrive =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 21:59:55 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 21:59:55 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Sync Framework
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 22:00:34 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Synchronization Services
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 21:57:19 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 8
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2014 - 14:29:19 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft.NET
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 22:01:20 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:39:59 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Nero
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:00:37 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Norton Online Backup ARA =>.Symantec Corporation
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:00:33 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\NortonInstaller
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:34:33 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\OEM
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:46:08 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm Atheros
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:36:00 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Realtek
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:25:30 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:50:38 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Spotify
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:00:43 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:36:30 - [0] --H-D C:\Program Files (x86)\Temp
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2014 - 12:52:01 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:36:43 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\WildGames
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:37:47 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games
O43 - CFD: 15/03/2014 - 13:25:34 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Defender
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 18:48:06 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Mail =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 24/04/2014 - 13:29:14 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 24/04/2014 - 13:29:14 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Multimedia Platform
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 17:36:30 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows NT
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 18:48:06 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Photo Viewer
O43 - CFD: 24/04/2014 - 13:29:14 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Portable Devices
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 17:36:30 - [] -SH-D C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Sidebar
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 17:36:30 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\WindowsPowerShell
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:39:13 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Atheros
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:30:10 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ATI Technologies
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 22:00:33 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DESIGNER
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:35:58 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InstallShield
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 09:55:03 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:41:23 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\mcafee
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 22:01:30 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:39:46 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nero
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:26:37 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\postureAgent
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 17:36:33 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Services
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 21:56:37 - [] ----D C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\System
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:05:17 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Acer
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:30:11 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\AMD
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 16:45:52 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Application Data
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:48:38 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Atheros
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:00:43 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\boost_interprocess
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 21:22:22 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Bureau
O43 - CFD: 23/04/2014 - 12:56:13 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:01:53 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\CLSK
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:01:53 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\CyberLink
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 16:45:52 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Desktop
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 16:45:52 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Documents
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:00:51 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\install_clap
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:26:58 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Intel
O43 - CFD: 30/04/2014 - 21:35:53 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2014 - 11:11:40 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\McAfee
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 21:22:22 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Menu Démarrer
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 21:59:55 - [] -S--D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 22:04:28 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft Help
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2014 - 14:32:41 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Microsoft SkyDrive =>.Microsoft Corporation
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 21:22:22 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Modèles
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:39:46 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Nero
O43 - CFD: 14/03/2014 - 14:37:52 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Norton
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:00:33 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\NortonInstaller
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:58:00 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\OEM
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:34:19 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\OEM_YAHOO
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:28:56 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Package Cache
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 10:38:37 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Qualcomm Atheros
O43 - CFD: 13/04/2014 - 12:27:29 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 16:45:52 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Start Menu
O43 - CFD: 20/12/2013 - 11:00:43 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\Symantec
O43 - CFD: 23/04/2014 - 17:00:44 - [] ---AD C:\ProgramData\Temp
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 16:45:52 - [] -SH-D C:\ProgramData\Templates
O43 - CFD: 31/10/2013 - 08:37:17 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\WildTangent
O43 - CFD: 19/04/2014 - 15:45:08 - [] ----D C:\ProgramData\WPM =>PUP.WpManager
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:53:53 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\acer
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:33:55 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Adobe
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:35:10 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Atheros
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:46:01 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia
O43 - CFD: 04/04/2014 - 19:57:20 - [] -S--D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 13/04/2014 - 00:30:04 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Spotify
O43 - CFD: 30/04/2014 - 23:55:49 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\vlc
O43 - CFD: 09/03/2014 - 16:28:46 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\WinRAR
O43 - CFD: 01/05/2014 - 10:44:46 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2014 - 12:55:11 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Acer
O43 - CFD: 06/03/2014 - 19:15:16 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Acer Aspire R7 Tutorial
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2014 - 11:16:27 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\AcerCloud
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2014 - 12:55:02 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\AcerRemoteFile
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:33:15 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Application Data
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:46:45 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Apps
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2014 - 14:53:44 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\assembly
O43 - CFD: 28/04/2014 - 19:37:19 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2014 - 11:13:17 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\ClearfiMedia
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:53:39 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\ClearfiPhoto
O43 - CFD: 25/04/2014 - 18:41:17 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\CrashDumps
O43 - CFD: 30/04/2014 - 14:37:07 - [0] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Deployment
O43 - CFD: 07/04/2014 - 16:09:14 - [0] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Diagnostics
O43 - CFD: 07/03/2014 - 11:14:47 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Doc
O43 - CFD: 24/04/2014 - 20:46:31 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\EmieSiteList
O43 - CFD: 24/04/2014 - 20:46:31 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\EmieUserList
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2014 - 12:36:48 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Facebook
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:52:48 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:33:15 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Historique
O43 - CFD: 06/03/2014 - 22:33:35 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Microsoft
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 21:56:17 - [0] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Microsoft Help
O43 - CFD: 14/04/2014 - 19:12:43 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Packages
O43 - CFD: 30/04/2014 - 21:35:21 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Programs
O43 - CFD: 12/04/2014 - 21:45:10 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Spotify
O43 - CFD: 01/05/2014 - 10:44:22 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Temp
O43 - CFD: 04/03/2014 - 14:33:15 - [] -SH-D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Temporary Internet Files
O43 - CFD: 05/03/2014 - 14:25:33 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\VirtualStore
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 17:36:32 - [] R---D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessibility
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 17:36:32 - [] R---D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories
O43 - CFD: 26/04/2014 - 13:55:23 - [] R---D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 17:36:32 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Maintenance
O43 - CFD: 26/04/2014 - 13:55:23 - [] R---D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
O43 - CFD: 22/08/2013 - 17:36:32 - [] R---D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools
O43 - CFD: 09/03/2014 - 16:28:24 - [] ----D C:\Users\Max\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR
~ Program Folder: 131 Scanned in 00mn 01s
---\\ Derniers fichiers modifiés ou crées sous Windows et System32 (O44)
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BF65343BB8C696695A5081ED324E3B39] - 01/05/2014 - 09:40:58 -S-A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\bootstat.dat [67584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.39D8C135730B5C4AB8EE04B6CDDB3FEC] - 01/05/2014 - 09:44:04 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\WindowsUpdate.log [820514]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.29F981739E50305128022CBE10B3659C] - 22/04/2014 - 17:59:49 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee HIP IPS Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HipShieldK.sys [197704]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.385AF1C48CE3E86B37B9E66749FFEC1B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:48:48 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\srms.dat [50053]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E7B53AF004BEE5112F787A6E5B04D737] - 23/04/2014 - 12:48:55 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\connectedsearch-results.searchconnector-ms [11109]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5C615EB69963F31CB9034702169ABCCB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:48:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Commande TCP/IP Finger.) -- C:\Windows\System32\finger.exe [15360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3917A6F3DAAB7D70B5C01E55C6880DD2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:48:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption OneDrive.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fveskybackup.dll [54784]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EA3E41DCEA0F503073CBCE9C3A166DD1] - 23/04/2014 - 12:48:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Object Control Viewer.) -- C:\Windows\System32\occache.dll [147968]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FA89BD2A29A00016E248D14EBAA421C3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:48:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Media Component Removal F.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dxmasf.dll [6144]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FA89BD2A29A00016E248D14EBAA421C3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:48:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Media Component Removal F.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msdxm.ocx [6144]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.144E6549AAA4966F36160588907A45FB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:48:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Services Instrumentation Module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winbici.dll [115712]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.831554BF01444B50E489315ABADC12D2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application Experience Program Inventory Co.) -- C:\Windows\System32\aeinv.dll [527360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.797DE44BF9DF0231E9D39E3FA7B5898E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:00 --HA- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ApiSet Stub DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ext-ms-win-ntuser-private-l1-1-0.dll [3584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7E757E3635CD441B2A8D8CB4B507CB40] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:01 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - COM proxy server for lpksetup.exe.) -- C:\Windows\System32\lpksetupproxyserv.dll [8704]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7CEA4BDCFD24CEFFD2689162876F12E8] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:01 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Shim Engine DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shimeng.dll [7168]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.22E1B49330D76F27FD0A13AD16A16A56] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:01 --HA- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ApiSet Stub DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ext-ms-win-ntuser-private-l1-1-1.dll [8192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.61695710BD16FCCFFD22B425692EF83A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - File History Service Control Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fhsvcctl.dll [20992]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9F6F3B62C502F35153E3837E219DC841] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:06 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Shell setup helper.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shsetup.dll [113152]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.19A6B3C62F673903C75B46279C20E10B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:06 --HA- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ApiSet Stub DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ext-ms-win-kernel32-package-l1-1-1.dll [3584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9D6F2CDA0D23E1494C55E7ABB0FB35BC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:09 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de nettoyage de disque pour Wi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dataclen.dll [39936]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E267BC3EEF80CC447680593038D10B0B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:10 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Agent AIT (Application Impact Telemetry).) -- C:\Windows\System32\aitagent.exe [156160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.499CFCE4CCA7CC4D3FA07251C86A8641] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:11 --HA- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ApiSet Stub DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ext-ms-win-session-winsta-l1-1-0.dll [5632]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F1DB86EA935C13CDFF27AB957297136A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:12 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\connectedsearch-suggestions.searchconnector-ms [7762]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1FDF29F970E2E843B4DC5D0626D0EDD5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:12 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\connectedsearch-zeroinput.searchconnector-ms [7130]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.735AB5AF130DD05B7CAD21EB8898B10A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de menu contextuel de stockage.) -- C:\Windows\System32\StorageContextHandler.dll [71680]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BEDB85FBE0B6577A2A46866DE398D9A3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - HôteClassementGlobal.) -- C:\Windows\System32\GlobCollationHost.dll [323584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.570C0052EAF82BA7C4D95EA04201F7D2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Optional Component Setup API.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ocsetapi.dll [162816]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DE461B86C05946D10E519F512D09E389] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:13 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\RacRules.xml [100197]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1F90F231C1E2B6D19B3A7C10BBF2B42F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player Extension.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmpdxm.dll [220160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.663FFD3EACC593EA1AC809114BE5CBDC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:16 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration de Dossiers de tra.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WorkfoldersControl.dll [761856]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C6D2D89195A236DA1FB6717628EB4DC8] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:20 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® HTML Editing Component.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtmled.dll [84992]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2BE71A590E07E855B1ACEA857ECA1FB8] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:21 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Porte-documents Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\syncui.dll [173568]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AACECE80A24B309935DF4023F25C129E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:21 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - SettingSync Policy.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SettingSyncPolicy.dll [30208]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2C96BD8FF43C76E306AEAB8F5AA5271C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:24 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bulk File Operations Host Process.) -- C:\Windows\System32\BulkOperationHost.exe [76288]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.98A755F17458A425CCE6389346BA6540] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows ® WinRT core library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wincorlib.dll [355328]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.18A7DA255768719CD475F86A6C9350CA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL d’exécution de l’infrastructure de test.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.TestingFramework.dll [249344]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AE279702A8549E0EB2008501AEE4A9F2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Nettoyage de la mise à jour.) -- C:\Windows\System32\scavengeui.dll [112640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.58B1CE1AF4B629F92639D0E502508AAC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ConfigureExpandedStorage.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ConfigureExpandedStorage.dll [59392]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DBB297B0850F160AA635F37D1210F216] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions de l’interpréteur de commandes p.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DevicePairing.dll [504832]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F7041B2A7CA6CF4AE84DBFDA5A528865] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corp. - Module de défragmenteur de disque.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Defrag.exe [183808]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.817005B17E25BD6E2369635D5A33DA51] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Association Endpoint(AEP) Roaming Monitor a.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AepRoam.dll [55296]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BA47711E618A43B6464F354483E91E40] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration Personnalisation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themecpl.dll [2566656]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CEA27892349131C8705F88D24B65A8E6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - LockScreenContent Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\LockScreenContentHost.dll [27136]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.77D31321788337630FFA15D40FBB2FAA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de volume dynamique du service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\vdsdyn.dll [589312]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7D2E7D61830872279617C8030FE71FC1] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows SKU Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winsku.dll [316416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.562A3AB5CC3CA265D0C213B2B2D3B2E4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Script Host Runtime Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wshom.ocx [145408]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.959534ACF085C137D2D094384EF89C45] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Rapports et solutions aux problèmes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wercplsupport.dll [81408]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.32890534D93EAAB2DD048E30A99F2F70] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâches de fond de la protection du système.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SrTasks.exe [57344]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.09CBB2EE26F9273FB3163DC939FB1C65] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - JP Japanese Keyboard Layout for Fujitsu FMV.) -- C:\Windows\System32\f3ahvoas.dll [41472]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CD05BEF06D01444E3AE4145FA18D5538] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - System settings common handler group.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SystemSettings.Handlers.dll [468480]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A221A2982E9FF3360FA6F0292C080519] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - 32-bit to 16-bit Metafile Conversion DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mf3216.dll [56320]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B117A586AF354814BA3BF653A8DBBEBB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Search Hooks.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msshooks.dll [13824]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.962D2CB61A17AE290D2ABDDEA39D2BD7] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Optimiseur de lecteur Microsoft®.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dfrgui.exe [575488]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.29CAE508CE19CFE9EBCBCDDA43DD1F94] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Update client proxy stub.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wups.dll [54272]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5DB4DFF11E4B8EE396237FD717498643] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL d’exécution du Windows Store.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.ApplicationModel.Store.dll [299008]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6523161D8468E0C685EC04DD32BAC18B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:49:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Générateur/exécuteur de la file d’attente d.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ActionQueue.dll [224256]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B3FDE405C043BE9AA9193D1430FE7418] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Agent de récupération Microsoft Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ReAgentc.exe [25088]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.28EE7EA21F969D7AA096DFD751E5F2CD] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Offline registry DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\offreg.dll [60416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F29E3F32935AE2146B21CBFDD916CFF5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Update Application Launcher.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuapp.exe [35840]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.93B934AE4F812AECBA5254DBB07B29DA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:01 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de configuration de la protect.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srrstr.dll [248832]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8CFA00C8103F9132990CEF8B655EA666] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:03 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL PLAYTODEVICE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\PlayToDevice.dll [269312]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.76B7BB05C1BCC11C69162FB7C2CE8901] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:04 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Device Association Framework Provider Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dasHost.exe [92160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0512FCA695595018A289C032A409EA64] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:07 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Setting Synchronization Change Monitor.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SettingMonitor.dll [155136]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CBC4C3820ACED29A1A772EC6CCF6CD17] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de tâches de maintenance Plug-.) -- C:\Windows\System32\pnpclean.dll [116736]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C5784EFEEADA38050706FF368B6DD21F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Device Association Client DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\deviceassociation.dll [38400]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.999C18D37BD4FDEE9A074583F7818FFB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Restauration du système de Microsoft® Windo.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rstrui.exe [271872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5B374F8F32C61364AF287165B5B60589] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:09 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Diagnostics et récupération Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RelPost.exe [156672]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2146E40FDBA2FE1E466BE59D3FE2601C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil de ligne de commande des paramètres d.) -- C:\Windows\System32\powercfg.exe [79872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B867E81F7A7FD95AC894584B9EB10480] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:13 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fichier DLL de l’interface utilisateur des.) -- C:\Windows\System32\werui.dll [173056]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.119E0F7A71775A5CFB208B036ECE35E1] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:14 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\WimBootCompress.ini [2255]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.07BBF5F2DF029275C4A2CB16B381133D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:14 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Device Inventory Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\devinv.dll [385024]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0205D31F27DFB30E7192FFAF6EE4C8A7] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DiskPart.) -- C:\Windows\System32\diskpart.exe [146944]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4DAFE3D3D45F9D487BD6C57B7C76FC88] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâche de diagnostic de consommation électri.) -- C:\Windows\System32\energytask.dll [18432]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F217D2868BF46B4DFE1A7A410CB236BB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Console Based Script Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe [148992]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.23E75BED9076F856B36F5F934BBD5795] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de Miniport Bluetooth.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BTHUSB.SYS [81920]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EC3CD12410AF8B5DC881BF323423C3F6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Processus d’ajout de fonctionnalités à Wind.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WindowsAnytimeUpgrade.exe [188416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DEEAC72E46070C4F8D3905174A23E3BF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:18 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque d’utilitaires du service de di.) -- C:\Windows\System32\vdsutil.dll [130048]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9CC0003FB8ED3763B977B43F1012FF63] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:18 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Watchdog Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\watchdog.sys [54272]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7D4688ECFA4F61023A23B50F17AB5689] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:19 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Compatibility module of SysPrep.) -- C:\Windows\System32\spcompat.dll [94720]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7AA2C803C0D6A07085843D5F6C9E99F2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:20 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bluetooth Device Association Framework Prov.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dafBth.dll [92672]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C33D905BF1738C54560F09ED8AC47023] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:20 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contrôles d’identité.) -- C:\Windows\System32\IdCtrls.dll [95744]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.48385DE15FCE72342DAC5A6AC518AB7E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:20 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows User Experience Session Initializat.) -- C:\Windows\System32\UXInit.dll [68096]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.646B7DD5DA46CAB6F48A35BA2786B41A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:21 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - File History Event Listener Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fhevents.dll [71680]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E2936E745B84FB5B631E1CB0BCA9B71B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:21 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Résultats de l’ajout de fonctionnalités à W.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WindowsAnytimeUpgradeResults.exe [92160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6C9659E72326A34E9CED71E166F1616B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:22 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Flux de connexion DirectAccess.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DAConn.dll [51200]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A8A7758F4E4043D48A75BD61F0FD5E70] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:25 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Migration System Isolation Layer.) -- C:\Windows\System32\migisol.dll [127488]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.42DAF0C2C4461D4611ED271A8694E20A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:26 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - BCD Sysprep Plugin.) -- C:\Windows\System32\spbcd.dll [82944]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E337D5898804BC8EAC8CC7FD31CAAD46] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:26 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - MUI Callback for Bcd.) -- C:\Windows\System32\setbcdlocale.dll [68096]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.387A1E98BE548E4F199343CBA01E9D6D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:27 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Auto Check Utility.) -- C:\Windows\System32\autochk.exe [890880]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BF4C09EB631C466FDF5E011CAE8B565E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:27 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Update WUDriver Stub.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wudriver.dll [93696]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7A47BC7C0743A5A05CC29E87743FBCDA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - NTFS Utility DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\untfs.dll [545280]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9CEC771F2C6882E54C8B4049167B65AB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire Bcdboot.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bcdboot.exe [165376]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.80A6E162B5C556E414DE5A02DF11CFD2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Module PnP de SysPrep.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sppnp.dll [148992]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A15E84CB08C697477EAAD8C9344E5DB5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - BootMenuUX.) -- C:\Windows\System32\BootMenuUX.dll [143872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.09E9F7679FD338DC6DDDF96F4C613E74] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de renouvellement Windows Media.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Media.Renewal.dll [69632]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.62ACCCAD775B64D2BFC3EB3F574CACFA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - EXE de pipeline protégé par Media Foundatio.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mfpmp.exe [28416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1DEFAA7CE8C496D63EDE8AB7FD8DCB6E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration Définition des opt.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sud.dll [610304]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.64DBE5C403B603164AD8FDDFD7CFF8B6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Réinitialisation du système Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SysResetErr.exe [27480]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3BC1D1D56637A32CD91C8AE08E2484AA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de biométrie Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wbiosrvc.dll [453632]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.424C9777CB8507A6358BC142B7917143] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Auto File System Format Utility.) -- C:\Windows\System32\autofmt.exe [874496]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.76C3A3F212D8ABE96B0B4BDA2A67F66F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows.Networking.Sockets.PushEnabledAppli.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Networking.Sockets.PushEnabledApplication.dll [74752]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9AB9CD13EA34BDD31EE03DCADD3FCEBA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Auto File System Conversion Utility.) -- C:\Windows\System32\autoconv.exe [902144]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7FB2433AD4F18556CAB45092AF621FA2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de connexion de plateforme de n.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wpnprv.dll [198656]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.49A5228F730EEA60A01BB34D1A427239] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Interface de ligne de commande pour la sauv.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wbadmin.exe [283136]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B2D6AED224EA320BB9BE44DD190B95F3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\System32\PrintDialogs.dll [557056]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.22C4A7BCD36100D1655A1CD72327A40D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur de données de configuration de déma.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bcdedit.exe [349696]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A540959E7BF78079C1F1D197BF7E22AE] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:44 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Sleep Study Troubleshooter.) -- C:\Windows\System32\slpts.dll [15872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.081EFB3179E58A757115D129E9DB4631] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Centre de maintenance.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wscui.cpl [1152512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3DBC108B5D6D2E1CAA774139955D7CFF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Update Vista Web Control.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuwebv.dll [137728]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.23065815C35146F455985878E0FEA1A8] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API WinRT d’authentification Web.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AuthBroker.dll [124416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.12E734CC38BF7B48E0D68139C0484D8D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - LockScreenContent Server.) -- C:\Windows\System32\LockScreenContentServer.exe [38680]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.61E9834E1CA04DB74F0053BD8AE67BFC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Branding Resources.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winbrand.dll [36352]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.883B5FE0605EF11BCF90B0117AEBBA07] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Connection Service Provider DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wcmcsp.dll [102912]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FCF83E61ECD7D9CE7CCD7F28F9D8342D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - JavaScript Performance Collection Agent.) -- C:\Windows\System32\JavaScriptCollectionAgent.dll [38400]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4957B27219515B93A508B91068B87BF5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de cliché instantané de volumes Mic.) -- C:\Windows\System32\VSSVC.exe [1436160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7FFA7836A7268ED8470A02F08B4A84E3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows ® Script Component Runtime.) -- C:\Windows\System32\scrobj.dll [214016]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D7CE0CB807892C06EB03FC5B28E04D53] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Assistant Connexion à des lecteurs ou des e.) -- C:\Windows\System32\netplwiz.dll [167424]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.434CB271E2A815CCBD437C7AD1BB53C8] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque d’extension de l’onglet Compat.) -- C:\Windows\System32\acppage.dll [53248]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.89421C10560D60B563D62E3D647601EF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - CloudStorageWizard.) -- C:\Windows\System32\CloudStorageWizard.exe [128512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.80429413A20D67E08207AD73DFE8EEF4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque principale de Restauration du.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srcore.dll [467456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9DDCA7F18983C5410DEFF79F819DF93C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:51 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - HTTP Pile du protocole.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\http.sys [994136]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.87C750D1E9CC44D0EC47C6B799F41CEB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Rapport d’erreurs Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WerFaultSecure.exe [36200]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F299BD172B73C6D0E50E6CB6ADC9020C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Device Broker And Policy COM Server.) -- C:\Windows\System32\deviceaccess.dll [184320]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3EF272C510EF337772BF994875FDD4E3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Korean Word Breaker.) -- C:\Windows\System32\korwbrkr.dll [182272]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6FD7B481607E6D8361D10FBAC11FB6DA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL d’application d’assistance Netio.) -- C:\Windows\System32\netiohlp.dll [203264]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8C726499602B715ACABFBD96FDFF8362] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Exchange ActiveSync Windows Runtime DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\easwrt.dll [177664]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5C7B86EE33505E36026AFAAB62DA6364] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire des connexions d’accès à dista.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasmans.dll [534528]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3046F6548AFAEEC4671A987685919D33] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft AuthHost.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AuthHost.exe [162176]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B034A41891A36457B994307DFA772293] - 23/04/2014 - 12:50:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - USB Controller Extension.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\UCX01000.SYS [189784]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1A4DA1D6287B99033D144B436C23B656] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Groupement résidentiel Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\provsvc.dll [405504]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1E7A0C5514BCE7306FAF1EC2F282C1CA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - RPC HTTP DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rpchttp.dll [191488]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C1F564F324685C088ECAB1933576CF91] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Family Safety Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\wpcfltr.sys [54816]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DC679AA88F833B86B226F0BA05F229C3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de nettoyage de disque pour Wi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\cleanmgr.exe [216576]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B8C9BC3542EDA9DB99B95543555877BC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - SAM Library DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\samlib.dll [110592]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.61A1C2641321A6B89A2B41C5D481EF48] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:07 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bitlocker Drive Encryption Crashdump Filter.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dumpfve.sys [71888]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9DD92A162E24854B3151750954BF678D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:07 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Windows System Restore Client Li.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srclient.dll [70656]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6B0FDFE751F24F1EFCA68E574227180E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire multimédia DirectAccess.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DAMM.dll [112640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F85CF4F2AF6CB0CEF87DEF945470C870] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - bootux.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bootux.dll [3312128]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.254D664FE36D7F68C870BAF372E360ED] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:09 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Exchange ActiveSync Invoker.) -- C:\Windows\System32\easinvoker.exe [131168]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E2DB5CE06004F63E7CF70359CEEA4025] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:09 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Personnalisation d’IEAK.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iedkcs32.dll [250880]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3F309BCE152FDA40C758B09771310C2D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:11 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire multimédia de réseau câblé.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dot3mm.dll [141824]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4A42BFC345A0CED7B6E0F596283BA118] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - AppX Sysprep Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AppxSysprep.dll [52736]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.14CF2EAFCFA0BDC736BFDA130BD95EB2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - BCD DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bcd.dll [94560]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5CF3AEA2734E55D9A7E0F9486F050422] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Account Token Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MicrosoftAccountTokenProvider.dll [155648]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.23D1FCFDDD105C4D3146FA025C8CA2F6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:16 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Mobile Broadband Account API.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MbaeApiPublic.dll [336384]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8D6F535461F6CFF75A8ADDF83024C904] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:16 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Informations d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\appinfo.dll [109568]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2C4A4FD0E89C56673E31B1802097A288] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contenu de l’écran de verrouillage Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\LockScreenContent.dll [123904]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1EA5BDB37498D5E317920822648A2B49] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft-Windows-Noyau-Alimentation-Ressou.) -- C:\Windows\System32\microsoft-windows-kernel-power-events.dll [128512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.92A481F0E8971A4FDF571A1E4406B3C7] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de spouleur Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winspool.drv [488960]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CDF5DDB3F917546C3955C4F6AE0D0446] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - User Account Control Panel Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\UserAccountBroker.exe [32544]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D04D884242F02CC02E9264A4DBF532DB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Wow64 Console and Win32 API Logging.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wow64win.dll [413184]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E3EF58D4123B5AA29C8E19825AF84A5E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:18 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de disque virtuel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\vds.exe [1283584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8AA7BFEE4586865C86C145DF3EEBFA5E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:18 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Setup Wizard Framework.) -- C:\Windows\System32\spwizeng.dll [444416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6B3F9F4A507F645DE6F504E998EDA2EA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:20 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Disk Management Snap-in Support Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dmvdsitf.dll [173056]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9920143F48EC5B2A823E19B8FAABA8C4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:20 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - RestoreOptIn.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RestoreOptIn.exe [101216]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D30C67473A2E229662D21F27EAA9AAA5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:22 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bluetooth LE Bus Enumerator.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BthLEEnum.sys [226304]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0B1E929D11A8E358106955603FAC65E8] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:25 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de classe de stockage SD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sdstor.sys [79192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F0D97FD22EBEE3994F9F4D83ADFC1273] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Programme d’installation de Windows Update.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wusa.exe [307712]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F77C9F8A5F926CC77B41C45DB5ACAA26] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application Experience Program Cache.) -- C:\Windows\System32\aepic.dll [95744]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6BBAE8197E8CC8D0504703D05500B2C1] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dossiers compressés.) -- C:\Windows\System32\zipfldr.dll [432640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E3203EC9AAE6A5675A7C051A49002AD1] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque d’ajout de périphérique matéri.) -- C:\Windows\System32\newdev.dll [331264]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.833D2DE53608A1C5B9DD71C867718448] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL d’assistance du profil d’alimentation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\powrprof.dll [275312]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.38A82F4EE8C416A6744B6D30381ED768] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Basic Render Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BasicRender.sys [33280]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5B6EAF5BBB526E2B042016A1F061AC4D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Search Proxy.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mssprxy.dll [132608]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AB8CD3914AD779C15B27DDD9F53F7434] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de bus Bluetooth.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\bthport.sys [1200640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E515A287C8FAE901EB8FB42F168E14F2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du système de fichiers ReFS NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\refs.sys [924504]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8897583230ADFF2A002F00B45D82310A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.dll [660480]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BCFD8B149B3ADF92D0DB1E909CAF0265] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - FileInfo Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\fileinfo.sys [79192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.03044D5F8F2537FEDA81A29B1A8DD8CC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration Mes langues.) -- C:\Windows\System32\UserLanguagesCpl.dll [619520]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.93664065662467289E77F0982FA61D37] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de l’API des services Web pour périphér.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WSDApi.dll [615936]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FF48213516573E515185F3E03ED9DAFC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Search Filter Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SearchFilterHost.exe [194560]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.605E304B8A09FA8A71685F9B674A134F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Sauvegarde Microsoft® Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sdclt.exe [897024]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EF3AE7773394DF49CE74AF78A1C8D23D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - GPIO Class Extension Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\msgpioclx.sys [146776]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6C7D8104433471A5252624DF470C109A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Notifications du nuage.) -- C:\Windows\System32\CloudNotifications.exe [43408]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B892C2FE3190255AA3E1082ACF92C0CF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration Partage de fichier.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sharemediacpl.dll [397824]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8F387C2C99EE09C6E2AC316205F86A17] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service d’association de périphérique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\das.dll [399872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.498146AA5B4E08AE00B13C1BC2636B6F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration Système ; onglet I.) -- C:\Windows\System32\netid.dll [135168]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1D8303D3ED5F8C403984A8820E5E599A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Processus hôte pour Tâches Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\taskhostex.exe [80048]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.31652454F3A5150F401E1DE4D857698B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows PlayTo Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\PlayToManager.dll [208896]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B7B3D612C5D6749814FA0CDE8C8E4202] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration Date/Heure.) -- C:\Windows\System32\timedate.cpl [510976]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EE587980B94E521D812D755C21BC7E87] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - fsutil.exe.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fsutil.exe [135168]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FCEBE292E567C313E81CA112DD55B56A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de base de service de disque vi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\vdsbas.dll [236544]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7E3B7FB5C09804CEEEBA232940A484B4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration de l’historique de.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fhcpl.dll [322048]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.73F7354D8E4EA674FB93D9AD67EDBB02] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS Media Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RASMM.dll [463872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C4D32A2A0032C65587993E637F2B78F6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Combinaison Alt Tab pour Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AltTab.dll [108032]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.73CCAD0503D2AE86E9AAC08E99B7761B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Flux de connexion WAN sans fil.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wwanconn.dll [432640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4983684E2DDB7B617AA8EA94E037360F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Multi-User Windows IMM32 API Client DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\imm32.dll [209160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9CF60747CA286C65255BC7E1546C87EB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Réinitialisation du système pour Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\systemreset.exe [188464]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AB6ADF3E3B774A1CF3FA83DB1A4D45DF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume SCA.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SndVolSSO.dll [226304]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1C3A8E71F3648A2A82F97B0316F9B167] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Consolidateur SQM Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wsqmcons.exe [376320]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.766B12FB02BD1E5D0BBA9488E091EE6D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur d’informations d’identification.) -- C:\Windows\System32\BioCredProv.dll [316416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D8564418BAC13776E43DB5F6B4FA775E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de sessions Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\smss.exe [142576]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.02836172141D3AFA35B07679E253E503] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - SD Crashdump Port Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dumpsd.sys [151384]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0527EF6E23B9FAB37DDCBC479C6CFA28] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bluetooth RFCOMM Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\rfcomm.sys [167424]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D3EC1112BE0E06ED94308A7B97C929EF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Options d’indexation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srchadmin.dll [350720]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9371F0B982A5ECCABE5DB9266C6D447A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API du Centre de sécurité Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wscapi.dll [170952]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.515583507D3828E827FF6352C9ACCEFA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Centre de sécurité de Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wscsvc.dll [134144]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.88060469AFD9DE814CAAF497922D3910] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Problem Reporting.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wermgr.exe [139464]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3849F7FD5BDE8EFE8EBB673CA8DD36F0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Disk Management Snap-in Support Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dmdskmgr.dll [273408]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0ECEE590F2E2EF969FB74A6FC583A1E6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:51:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Protected Environment Authentication and Au.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\PEAuth.sys [663040]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.77BA0D87906CC2D86588D89A75372EC7] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL d’affichage Wi-Fi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WiFiDisplay.dll [104448]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.81B25C0252AB25C6ABDCE596A8112802] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pages de l’Assistant RAS.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasgcw.dll [935424]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DDEE191AB32DFC22C6465002ECDF5EE4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre de virtualisation de fichi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\luafv.sys [124416]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.00DD4D2ACC2E72155A8AAA82018BEC0D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:01 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL serveur de Windows multi-utilisateurs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winsrv.dll [193024]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3711306C8D1A859351D735D93090C1C0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:01 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Processus hôte pour Tâches Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\taskhost.exe [83120]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2E3340A90140E1F0965DAD96C5B28A41] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de fenêtres du Bureau.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dwm.exe [109568]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.48430B0313FC1CFE3D2400553F1A93CD] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote XHCI USB.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\USBXHCI.SYS [325464]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F9D54CA2C64D660292E87EE66BD49CD5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:03 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de configuration de l’historiq.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fhcfg.dll [693248]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.615BC7FA7AA1F97C4FD14F38B6C8FF56] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:04 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ajouter des fonctionnalités à Windows 8.1.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WindowsAnytimeUpgradeui.exe [722432]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FCD3596AC11042A543CF54294A54B579] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:05 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur des jeux.) -- C:\Windows\System32\gameux.dll [2706432]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.79F0B9A95376C8F0CD8CFD67FFBA94D5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:06 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Acheter une licence Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\PurchaseWindowsLicense.dll [797696]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FE9C4A3BDD3F5EA5B93D88CCA73DBE8B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft-Windows-Système-Ressources des év.) -- C:\Windows\System32\microsoft-windows-system-events.dll [245248]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.921F7B5C082491E54E98FB108F15C824] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Prelaunch OptIn.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ploptin.dll [32088]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FDEC5799BA499D18AFA3A540538866E7] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:09 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du bus numérique sécurisé (SD).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sdbus.sys [236888]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CCF57046826C605CC8782D85225A77AF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:10 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Health Center WSC Interop.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wscinterop.dll [164352]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DA7855E0898381621FC4114684DA0FFE] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:11 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Flux de connexion Dot11.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WLanConn.dll [483840]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B43A08ADE0AB5546F9129B0D10C1C6D9] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:11 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire multimédia WWan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wwanmm.dll [1144320]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2ED38EE952E6E02678237FE22C6EE581] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:11 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Wimfltr v2 extractor.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wimserv.exe [512000]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1470D84723018488F2A51138FB94BA9A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:11 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Package Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\PkgMgr.exe [196608]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8188CB2B8EB82BF56D10E40994860B6B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - In Proc server for managed servers in the W.) -- C:\Windows\System32\clrhost.dll [14848]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.62EA9ABDC92E731DD031035639B80938] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Devices.HumanInterfaceDevice.dll [233472]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.311AAEFABEDB1FA343DDD8322C290378] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:13 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Mise à jour des données de compatibilité de.) -- C:\Windows\System32\aepdu.dll [591872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F56ACDD6374CAFC64E8339D387CB70E4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:26 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de primitives de chiffrement W.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bcrypt.dll [152848]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C1D7228D5743995256A17D8225FDC704] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:27 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dll de client de gestion de licences du log.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sppc.dll [123904]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.50C869BBB4D1441C0E9760FB3830B241] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:28 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension de l’interpréteur de commandes Mi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SkyDriveShell.dll [140800]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.812F9BECC3D67371B4B6A41E09E1AEFE] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:29 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Networking Connectivity Runtime DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Networking.Connectivity.dll [559104]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9FB865E91832AC1CFF43A00351821C39] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Mélangeur de volume.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SndVol.exe [210736]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.61692DB39AD3DF2F29392D68EAA7BB93] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:32 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Exécutable du service de moteur de sauvegar.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wbengine.exe [1543680]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.01AE2AC5A32158EC6D568B5C5C1EB7B9] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - RDP Core DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rdpcore.dll [3596800]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.59999ECDA967B076FD2836D955D55F9A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Flux d’administration des paramètres du PC.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SystemSettingsAdminFlows.exe [258784]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.12A7999B64CB4F89B422B759369E1FCE] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - MDM Registration DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mdmregistration.dll [290816]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4BA57ED44973409C15406EE0CAD58778] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - SQM Client.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sqmapi.dll [289752]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8B0199094F3309D098B5A58EF1304C0C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API du Gestionnaire de fenêtres du Bureau M.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dwmapi.dll [123448]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7A726EAF0D7592217936200997C43965] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Interface utilisateur de ReadyBoost.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rdbui.dll [615936]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2203F8DA390024C0EEF00DB8472C534D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft SChannel Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ncryptsslp.dll [105864]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.629152E8745B63E63978FD1848ABC7AE] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Account Credential Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlidcredprov.dll [286720]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.82BCCF5FBE47AC9E8CBA2020994DFB3F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de rapport d’erreurs Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wersvc.dll [107008]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.59D079196F554E01CA59F52EFA117CB4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API Windows Theme.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeui.dll [2862592]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.52E483A3701A5A61A75A06993720347D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - VHD Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vhdmp.sys [551256]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3CA1EE5BE6C9D92DD672FC5A09E17AE2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Hôte de la fenêtre de la console.) -- C:\Windows\System32\conhost.exe [356864]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7E5DC7317E51FA61E1A7C4A93162D3AE] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur de protocole personnalisé.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rascustom.dll [249856]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.183360914EFC9D25E2A13D335D5E9EB8] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur du Planificateur de tâches.) -- C:\Windows\System32\taskeng.exe [469504]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DE6533132FC2BD8A2ED5D370D41CBED3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Centre de synchronisation Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SyncCenter.dll [2288640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.78089FCDE082FD4FA471C30A7C2DC736] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft\Optimiseur de lecteur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\defragsvc.dll [449024]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1A74CE3B49A227D0189712D9886D7772] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Authorization Framework.) -- C:\Windows\System32\authz.dll [275456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8F39AFEB255487932DFF14D9E0E0FC24] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Storage Port Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\storport.sys [372568]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F26EF8EB298CD2BE8A2F6B9BACA3EEF3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Afficher les réseaux disponibles.) -- C:\Windows\System32\VAN.dll [505344]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.ED3387CE1F9F848A3F3BAA3FCE86E315] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Pen and Touch Input Component.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ninput.dll [388096]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D795DDEE95839688808E5A74DC0D540D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Accessibilité au Clavier visuel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\osk.exe [834048]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8CF4AE81A247E1F6103FD1635C8816AF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Sélecteur de saisie Microsoft Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\InputSwitch.dll [232448]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F6701835ECF0E4C9E69D804E78D8CE7B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire AdHoc et multimédia Dot11.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WlanMM.dll [1008640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.92F1E8ED4CF283A6710CD530DE7E813B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL MFCaptureEngine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MFCaptureEngine.dll [324896]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.58C11DCCC6241CC13861A559E31A69F0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:51 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Client de stratégie de groupe.) -- C:\Windows\System32\gpsvc.dll [1311744]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8C569B429D897647A26A83D9901D3225] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:52 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Composant de redirection du Gestionnaire de.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dwmredir.dll [152064]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7FF1EBF5A376F5B17421E6868F353627] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Icône du système réseau.) -- C:\Windows\System32\pnidui.dll [609792]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8FE82BF3C091D0B1387A0081DAF4D234] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Assistance du suivi réseau.) -- C:\Windows\System32\nettrace.dll [912384]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C88774D3BC1A61C57C5B02AE407FD1E0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de création de packages d’appl.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AppxPackaging.dll [546304]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.91F8F05881459330D83259A070D3642E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dism Image Servicing Utility.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Dism.exe [275456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E084D7E544D71D23E83F23CD6B0E5E46] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows.Networking.Vpn DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Networking.Vpn.dll [245248]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B1C2856F8199A9386C22E8325BC34D87] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dll de client de gestion de licences du log.) -- C:\Windows\System32\slc.dll [156672]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.725E3C8A4B420BD26FD002485FA463A9] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows MRM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MrmIndexer.dll [690688]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5D84CD163C267D056D4709B42FAE3D88] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - VmRdvCore EndPoints.) -- C:\Windows\System32\vmrdvcore.dll [359936]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0F17D49BE041B7EFF1D33BF1414E7AC6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:52:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Expérience d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\aelupsvc.dll [208896]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.375AEB31780A494920ABCBEA2E631A23] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:01 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de liens dynamiques de comptes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlidcli.dll [747008]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.30EC406493F585A43BC3F6E813E266A7] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Client de gestion de licences du Windows St.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WSClient.dll [196096]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C22EDA808C009EA235356B983D1A031E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Interface de gestion des paramètres de l’im.) -- C:\Windows\System32\printui.dll [1185280]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E804E9734A493A01316F209BA99F1F48] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Process State Manager (PSM) Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\psmsrv.dll [136192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5762739795A3CA941E4C07E601073BAA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - iuilp.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iuilp.dll [761792]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A6306E2A24C11555D5A4E572291C551D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:03 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions de l’interpréteur de commandes p.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ntshrui.dll [716288]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.39C288E39B7B02614F997FB2077575ED] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:04 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Software Protection Platform Windows Plugin.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sppwinob.dll [244848]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.46D718075C456CF241BEBFEC9D5F13BD] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:07 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Code Integrity Module (Test).) -- C:\Windows\System32\ci.dll [531128]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1F72F41F1401ADFA68F4B5D211CDCE7C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:07 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® VBScript.) -- C:\Windows\System32\vbscript.dll [548352]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BFF9B210460BF8FD9122936D1D5D5DD5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API du client Windows Update.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuapi.dll [824832]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.46D1DF775FFF14585218BBE16E5B2C9A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de filtres de système de fichi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\fltMgr.sys [360792]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DDE972537280676F685DEC67CE28932D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SearchProtocolHost.exe [320000]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.604064FB0094B0B7433C5EB8BF91512A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - SysFx DSP.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WMALFXGFXDSP.dll [1791752]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FFF2BF211D8E2EE4C72EA94C37CAD9D2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:09 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL Microsoft UIManager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msctfuimanager.dll [755200]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EA23453240137F6773174E0D93F61A69] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:10 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de classe de stockage de masse USB.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\USBSTOR.SYS [148824]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.152152B5EE3512ED85C526967C350355] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Cache de miniatures Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\thumbcache.dll [159744]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8F464EE568C36C174DC403EFC8F85A21] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Objet du service d’environnement Systray.) -- C:\Windows\System32\stobject.dll [321536]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CCCDE17347904396A0102A9EE3669555] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:13 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - PRS CPL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\werconcpl.dll [1224192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.090E4DE444439DF828CB726D60EA9CFD] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:14 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Centre de maintenance.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ActionCenter.dll [878592]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8685379B82AC81187813225905531D1E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:14 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Port Class (Class Driver for Port/Miniport.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\portcls.sys [272896]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CC9503365C5AC3D6A8E152194CE62669] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation Video Processor.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msvproc.dll [372360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.858E46BB06924EB01C3DF8AEF2DC1CDF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Search Protocol Handler.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mssph.dll [441344]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CBFC4C292C125A86DA4D2BC831CD4634] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Cryptographic Primitives Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bcryptprimitives.dll [388408]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.87765EF43C33BE342F4ACB0E3FBF89A6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:16 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Storage Spaces Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\spaceport.sys [384856]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.48EBD5B3241D2324A92BA8EB993B2076] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pas de description.) -- C:\Windows\System32\oleaut32.dll [745328]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.306EB21E5B480AE9065EA55AC8C35936] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:19 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application d’ouverture de session Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winlogon.exe [562176]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A4A3542D65C180AFDC41B8A824C6CD40] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:20 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DISM API Framework.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DismApi.dll [653312]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.65C65F3BD784158C456E721DDC9F0EA2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:20 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Dossiers de travail Microsoft (C).) -- C:\Windows\System32\workfolderssvc.dll [1584128]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.74FA630CDF88E5482210E653D2719DD7] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:22 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL WSShared.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WSShared.dll [854528]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.275AFE3FA35E8D78BE97695DF49817C6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:22 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Énumérateur Plug-and-Play PCI pour NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\pci.sys [280920]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.65FBC4306DA606058136DF5D552A4872] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:25 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de l’application auxiliaire de.) -- C:\Windows\System32\tdh.dll [968704]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B087305F29D8CE043DD31AD69AFDF1A9] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:27 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Plateforme de recherche Microsoft Vista.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mssvp.dll [752640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.021C7541C55625D083753DA241169A97] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:28 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Créateur de support de récupération.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RecoveryDrive.exe [1428480]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8541EE27ADD14F84844DB43E9C7BBE3E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:28 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Diagnostics de consommation électrique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\energy.dll [467456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.561F1AB95F4F01C691BDABA5FD5C67FC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:29 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API avancées Windows 32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll [669896]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8EBB271E4588D835784A3FF7E80076A8] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:29 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service du gestionnaire de session locale.) -- C:\Windows\System32\lsm.dll [710656]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F2559A492AF8D653D1F47ADABA4C3E97] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:29 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service d’infrastructure des tâches en arri.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bisrv.dll [269824]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DCF2510E0745720E543E84F5E921FCC0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:30 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\dfpinc.dat [262335]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.233A4C961703D6B3EBA4EC1A3E85AACE] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Kernel CSA Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ks.sys [298496]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F734881DD480B0AC9462A31ADB2DB002] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilisateur du Panneau de configuration.) -- C:\Windows\System32\usercpl.dll [1227776]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1062C1D05E95306D878FFFE0A23B84C0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:32 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Performance PerfTrack.) -- C:\Windows\System32\perftrack.dll [1107456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D8F7C3E57F2C09C6589AECD1820E0CA9] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Disk Footprint Tool.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dfp.exe [31232]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DE871131FCFA31032A4F977D4152A446] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Trust Verification APIs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wintrust.dll [307304]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.390793BD9F3DEF111DB2B21559B6293A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire de gestion des images de récupér.) -- C:\Windows\System32\recimg.exe [584192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B5E03CD317F089DFF67483641C9B0339] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - WMPMDE DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmpmde.dll [1374384]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8F8356461CE4BF9CFBC8C31A9B118237] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur de sécurité TLS/SSL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\schannel.dll [427520]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A26AEC49F318FEE141DDDB2C5F99B3E6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ReadyBoost Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\rdyboost.sys [249688]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DAF37070DDBD4ECCBDE7C2213AB60025] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - twinapi.appcore.) -- C:\Windows\System32\twinapi.appcore.dll [555736]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CFDEF7C849D5AFDB689473073B0EE82D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune de boîtes de dialogues.) -- C:\Windows\System32\comdlg32.dll [606208]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1524579B894C9B99F42A695B86881254] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fichier DLL du client de compatibilité des.) -- C:\Windows\System32\apphelp.dll [545792]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CB12C47647D8BDAFAA94C0856B14128B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - AppReadiness.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AppReadiness.dll [530944]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CEAE26D9492F7D481916FF44C120D339] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire des tâches.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Taskmgr.exe [1206000]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1169646AAD0239C23CCF9C46BA00B2D6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API MMDevice.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MMDevAPI.dll [391008]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EC3BCAACA76E8987F1F0F2DE3D64ED98] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Script Runtime.) -- C:\Windows\System32\scrrun.dll [197120]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FCF20B83EDFA8765A83D3BA4CCD49775] - 23/04/2014 - 12:53:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire d'initialisation d'Internet Expl.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe [586240]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.68966CD60BED0180B01387B7362779C7] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:00 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque Windows Imaging.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wimgapi.dll [666624]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BCE2EB8D8437FA7100F51BD8D9120F3E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:01 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Overlay File System Filter user mod.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WofUtil.dll [18432]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BA24011607AD814778CA343291D418D6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - WMI Provider for Storage Management.) -- C:\Windows\System32\storagewmi.dll [2395136]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6D79CDD66FE672937F251ED67C7FF11E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:03 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application du contrôleur de médias numériq.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WMPDMC.exe [1757184]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A07CFC4B593D15B6BF06813C3B5B33BF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:05 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service de gestion des connexions Wi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wcmsvc.dll [366080]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C70734AD4525B99B8C1F065898DE6EEF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:05 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation Platform DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mfplat.dll [881616]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4DFCE03EEB1BA325B8077A626B2F25F0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:07 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Hardware Abstraction Layer DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\hal.dll [424280]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DBC61FE275917E75AE077A04E701C474] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Indexeur Microsoft Windows Search.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SearchIndexer.exe [845824]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E2A34E0E6DC58712BC527338C7E0A8E4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:08 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Setting Synchronization.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SettingSync.dll [576512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CEB069C882A0DFEDBE5C1590D44B1052] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:09 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL client de l’API uilisateur de Windows m.) -- C:\Windows\System32\user32.dll [1519520]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.561A97E82FA0645CB786C19B8D442C31] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:11 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de thèmes Ux Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\uxtheme.dll [1163264]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B2BD017231836DA9F63F41E3A075D73E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:18 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - BitLocker Drive Encryption Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\fvevol.sys [590168]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.805AE6AF93317209084AB881A50B2D17] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:18 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration du contrôle parent.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wpccpl.dll [2760704]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CBE142AAF990CDA24CDEFF8FF3EBB201] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:21 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - SHCORE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SHCore.dll [645104]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CE10041A39A0E6F598BFA50A5AB64CF3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:22 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Cœur de la plateforme de notifications de t.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wpncore.dll [569856]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B83C0950E4F89CE586C2D38BD50218C6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:22 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Codecs Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WindowsCodecs.dll [1653352]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D33C175C081B6770C32C6F4A561E99E4] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:27 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Hôte Microsoft WWA.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WWAHost.exe [635904]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.134459015C02EE08AF888F488EF91EC3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:28 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL Media Foundation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mf.dll [609456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.44BFD45AD17507C7129F90656729E569] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:29 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur de calcul des mesures d’analyse de f.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RacEngn.dll [1621504]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9A1190B2934CFAB102D1B62F74971A0B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - twinapi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\twinapi.dll [721408]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.81979817943D830BF24571B7C1B28A1A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Distributed COM Services.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rpcss.dll [753664]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.22C3168D2AAA6C0546FE215CD079DBBB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du rapport d’erreurs Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wer.dll [526304]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CAFB5D7373DDAE675A9A091A21642041] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Disk Footprint Utility Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DfpCommon.dll [390656]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E7F88B66FD5C0DA438371C998273FD0D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Installation de L’API Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\setupapi.dll [1929608]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AB7892A876ED44FC9C1D80FD9F3046E0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Structured Query.) -- C:\Windows\System32\StructuredQuery.dll [584704]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.657D52EEB153FDE9C8AC94997E223228] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Tâches de démarrage WIM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WofTasks.dll [27648]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.23F2B10A7EDF5E6A87CAE43129F83495] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de fenêtrage Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\uDWM.dll [791552]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D4A699D489758A270A5099DE1B4EE2FB] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de démarrage Reprise à partir d.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winresume.efi [1487520]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E741CC1224A29A2C271798EF3645D81B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application de démarrage Reprise à partir d.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winresume.exe [1356360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B61462AED373BD130EA031767F83E0D2] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - OS Loader.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winload.efi [1659056]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.91406FB600CA9A57E5ADE0FCE07C59F0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - OS Loader.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winload.exe [1519592]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.10B3D632CA42A042F9E38CC30830A800] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ExplorerFrame.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ExplorerFrame.dll [2825216]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9539F7917B4B6D92C90F0FAA6B86C605] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote ACPI pour NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\acpi.sys [539992]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.59245D8023A7C5D192C2ED7A1BD80F36] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL Serveur SAM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\samsrv.dll [825344]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.19440A7EA6C2FF961C5B8188E532F82F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du rapport d’incident dans le mode util.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Faultrep.dll [407536]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.858851D0B36F34B9DAF83DD7BD8636A1] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur de réinitialisation Microsoft Window.) -- C:\Windows\System32\reseteng.dll [997888]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C6ED6A63B57560EB5C99F88F93E7EDBF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Rapports de problèmes Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WerFault.exe [461176]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A340B32445BB448D6C4D96194488F82E] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Error Reporting.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DWWIN.EXE [160256]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B8AE39C49A72070BAD8E2D970BFC3C70] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:44 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de synchronisation Web du cont.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WpcWebSync.dll [2648064]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4A87A56606776CC9E1520D8A2741E9AE] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:44 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de types de base Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WinTypes.dll [1000424]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EABE2125857B68D7B80EE5A2E1FB13EA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation Net Core DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mfnetcore.dll [800552]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4E730667CA97D127D9E4AD05150A18C5] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation Net Source DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mfnetsrc.dll [1215832]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.722B1ED8A1C3115E0B215215FB56738D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Synchronisation principale des paramètres.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SettingSyncCore.dll [777728]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F21B77B4D74092A543807D3CEB711A88] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - NDIS (Network Driver Interface Specificatio.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ndis.sys [1118552]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.939B63CB5C350802ACE33E5C7AC037FD] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL Couche NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll [1727760]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E3C92D60F6AD7763961D1E7628002844] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Fournisseur logiciel du service Microsoft®.) -- C:\Windows\System32\swprv.dll [718336]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F79C112FCC0FEF9EBE07F903CEA05F9F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Host Process for Setting Synchronization.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SettingSyncHost.exe [647168]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AD776C2F3396AA47ACF6CEAD8EC446C1] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Runtime OnlineId Authentication DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Security.Authentication.OnlineId.dll [704512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.99984EBB7C7C3239EF2A866033827BEC] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:52 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLNA DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Media.Streaming.dll [1217024]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7EAEE7DEDDA6C3123B3700A1A48CFA3A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:52 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft TextPrediction DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msTextPrediction.dll [628224]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F7E4F8EA0560B5231132348F880DA229] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:53 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Storage Management Provider for Spaces.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mispace.dll [1287168]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.11C2A9D3D34632FC17EF8B3411AA972B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:53 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - WINDOWS.UI.IMMERSIVE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.Immersive.dll [1640960]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7D7C2B72B81BABF192F1033460A3C434] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de MSCTF Server.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msctf.dll [1290688]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.55A9A5D9F8EC7512B8F1153657BEDF92] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Feeds Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msfeeds.dll [628736]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2E13669E685B4FDA1FF09E41D6572FD3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moniteur du contrôle parental.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WpcMon.exe [2588168]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.59FBA218C767ED30967CE285F5D76D16] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - WinMDE DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\winmde.dll [1399176]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D2DE4DE05E234F9FDA9B8BC967D0843C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Settings Admin Flow XAML UI Implemen.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SystemSettingsAdminFlowUI.dll [2100736]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.865E3C79BB0DB64D4AB2F6BA8FF5BD2C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Globalization.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Globalization.dll [1132032]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EEB074B2C0282AAE03ED54361DE23946] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ActiveX Interface Marshaling Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\actxprxy.dll [2843136]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F0D53BA526018350E227F6E3E80C3966] - 23/04/2014 - 12:54:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Web Services Runtime.) -- C:\Windows\System32\webservices.dll [1445616]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.06BA7518958966587474CCDDE4F8A42A] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Décodeur vidéo Windows Media.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WMVDECOD.DLL [2574240]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D424A5CD2E3997AF511C9865AC1EF22D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:04 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque des paramètres WPC.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Wpc.dll [2943488]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.837F8649A2FE7880899711FAA25A2AE3] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:04 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur DirectUI de Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dui70.dll [1728000]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.19AF77545FD61995E1062277320A92AF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:10 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Recherche intégrée Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mssrch.dll [2368512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5F56C0DE776C7AE43AF749845BFAA1EF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:10 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de compte Microsoft®.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlidsvc.dll [1576960]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4D403440E2D3186482B1488462DEFFE0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:14 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft SmartScreen Filter.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieapfltr.dll [846336]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3DA26652B12E9AB43FD04976AC6DFD33] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Hôte de service Superfetch.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sysmain.dll [1192448]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EFF09C9865290B159F79980113358299] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Tripoli Query.) -- C:\Windows\System32\tquery.dll [3494912]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.39E31CF8F0E0FECADEC8C1D98A0C9E92] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:17 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - PDF WinRT APIs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Data.Pdf.dll [12027904]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1060AE975A2E63E5E5D2F0ABDC5D557D] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:19 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Software Protection Platform Plugins.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sppobjs.dll [1435304]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FE7F81BADAAC7A7A17BA751E1CE471C9] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:21 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wmp.dll [13933568]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3197633AD21EF3B4EA2EBB8AF2F5B338] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:21 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Édition DirectShow..) -- C:\Windows\System32\qedit.dll [586240]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6AFE9D20019BA4C76188A458573F4461] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:25 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft COM pour Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll [1927600]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.051EA7D6EEBAC6C5219991C19D72EB32] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:27 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation Core DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mfcore.dll [2142976]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B0E0F3BB71615DC726AA5A610019A197] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Mise en route.) -- C:\Windows\System32\OobeFldr.dll [630784]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.95B6670E6933E1DEE19686C55BE709A0] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service du Windows Store.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WSService.dll [3394384]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.977BDBE33ADE22EE88EE9E7C54511300] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Reader.) -- C:\Windows\System32\glcndFilter.dll [11742720]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.541D8B14318C9252A457FA462147E10C] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® JScript Diagnostics.) -- C:\Windows\System32\jscript9diag.dll [752640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3595FBDF25F8BA6256072D103937D7D6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de cliché instantané du volume.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volsnap.sys [311640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0FDB2D284B0DEA2FAFFB7577A72D343F] - 23/04/2014 - 12:55:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Utilitaire à l’exécution pour Internet Expl.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iertutil.dll [2767360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FFFCC3C3ED6886A95D3C0E1B49C652BA] - 23/04/2014 - 12:56:02 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\systemsf.ebd [139600]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.65C36A29A131A3A5D64B29FAC4EF6DD6] - 23/04/2014 - 12:56:03 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions Internet pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wininet.dll [2262016]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1FBE0C637032A64AB316F18EFED67E89] - 23/04/2014 - 12:56:03 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - JScript Proxy Auto-Configuration.) -- C:\Windows\System32\jsproxy.dll [51200]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.76BA56848B718C980FDEAE248EB32F1B] - 23/04/2014 - 12:56:04 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote Win32 multi-utilisateurs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\win32k.sys [4192768]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F2EF432780FDE5E661CD0DDA6D119708] - 23/04/2014 - 12:56:06 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) JScript.) -- C:\Windows\System32\jscript9.dll [5784064]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.415CC6E051BC88468CE051AF0D1DEFEF] - 23/04/2014 - 12:56:06 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Navigateur Internet.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll [13551104]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E6CCE5FA61801AA47891654747ADB924] - 23/04/2014 - 12:56:09 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration Internet.) -- C:\Windows\System32\inetcpl.cpl [2043904]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7A001F5336992791865549450D606D41] - 23/04/2014 - 12:56:10 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extensions OLE32 pour Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll [1400832]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.04FFE8E9A0B4621A56773065AA41D575] - 23/04/2014 - 13:01:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Authentication Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\storewuauth.dll [190976]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.ED6A11F4562F89F559243AC87B01DBF4] - 23/04/2014 - 13:01:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Update.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuauclt.exe [54776]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.779FB2F26E4339A4DD3EEF57E4E593FA] - 23/04/2014 - 13:01:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Agent de mise à jour automatique Windows Up.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll [3408896]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C89F2486735F7360D6D7B7B14E4B07C9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:01:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Expérience utilisateur du client Windows Up.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wucltux.dll [1705984]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.48C4FAB482665748D3598D96AD3461D9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:01:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Update Modern WuApp.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WUSettingsProvider.dll [381952]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C06067A3BDC3AC8300F9D67BB3DC8CB3] - 23/04/2014 - 13:02:21 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Settings Handlers Implementation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SettingsHandlers.dll [2678784]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2689A9E9EF189534DC2FF5F870E26067] - 23/04/2014 - 13:02:22 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Visionneuse HTML Microsoft (R).) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll [23549952]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.12B0701B1CEC1A7BB0E4C71D97661E23] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:30 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\ApnDatabase.xml [387210]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3E28B99198B514DFEB152EACF913025E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Longhorn SMB Downlevel SubRdr.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mrxsmb10.sys [283648]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7043428E344AF62EC540BDF49317D321] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Outils de préparation de lecteur Windows Bi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\BdeHdCfgLib.dll [99328]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FD9C9E9E3F0ED51502C7E8C066BE26B9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - PILOT IPMI WMI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\IPMIDrv.sys [79360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8DAE6957A4F0EC461575F68239E0A13E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Policy Storage dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l2gpstore.dll [69120]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.04D6FAB6BE09C83DF591D58E1FBADA59] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - WSMAN WMI Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WsmWmiPl.dll [274944]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.938DC1C1D13682C01886F365E6682CA7] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 Client Side Hel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlanhlp.dll [11264]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FD786AFD9B85D65E5FD6B86944BB1D9A] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:31 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 MSM Security Mo.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlansec.dll [443904]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.71133C77DD8089DA3F74813F90361F81] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:32 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque proxy de protection système Mi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sxproxy.dll [83968]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C1D7A9932D7F468534F1913FB1F65572] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:32 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Définir l’utilitaire d’emplacement réseau.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SetNetworkLocation.dll [40448]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6DEA7E51085C4CEC311DBD5A1AF8C759] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application d’assistance Netsh de la platef.) -- C:\Windows\System32\nshwfp.dll [717312]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EEA0EB275D329DAA7EAA397417477C8F] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Assistant Chiffrement de lecteur BitLocker.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fvewiz.dll [794112]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7563B7860E857D463C407085EC1BE731] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - BitLocker Device Encryption Tool.) -- C:\Windows\System32\BitLockerDeviceEncryption.exe [100352]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1DCD97010190EF9377E77AB0A846C720] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Device Property Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DevPropMgr.dll [115200]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0D092AAF47629E6FD77597FCA58625EE] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Remote Desktop Services Client for Microsof.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rdvidcrl.dll [1057280]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1D55DADC22D21883A2F80297F5A5AE48] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:33 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows NT WebDav Minirdr.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mrxdav.sys [140288]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9A1ECF6480039B6E2062B739BBD0C4F7] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Client de contrainte de quarantaine de la p.) -- C:\Windows\System32\tsgqec.dll [64512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5F58A221937B5D58E33F4B21AEF92210] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de scanneurs périphériques Windows Runt.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Devices.Scanners.dll [192000]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CC6F6A993FE36A55AF8207B9393407D6] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Location API.) -- C:\Windows\System32\LocationApi.dll [325632]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9F83D40B242C7CD2868DBF7550F3FF4C] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:34 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Radio Manager API.) -- C:\Windows\System32\RMapi.dll [86016]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.ABB7341766902F5AAB45E15F34D19E15] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque Hid Class.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\hidclass.sys [111616]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9F0759C6D691E7030BF33105EDA2C690] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Migration Handler.) -- C:\Windows\System32\CredentialMigrationHandler.dll [30208]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DF621C527179BB0A60CDA371AEFD098E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Driver Installation Module.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drvcfg.exe [57856]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.41CF802064F72E55F50CA0A221FD36D4] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - TCP/IP Registry Compatibility Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\tcpipreg.sys [49152]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FF94F2D1E80D09FEE3B90A263759163A] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:35 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption Base API.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fveapibase.dll [210944]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.81AF2BB862A3C6DDB9F2E3A7956B0417] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque d’API de cluster.) -- C:\Windows\System32\clusapi.dll [425984]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3B57B197D907425CB92B979132945B7C] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du schéma d’audit de sécurité.) -- C:\Windows\System32\adtschema.dll [731648]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.279DC249C295E8B7CD5FFB966007E1D9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Module d’installation de pilotes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe [110592]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B29B13914A2692EA6A6E9E1D6FFB9760] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moniteur de port d’imprimante WSD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WSDMon.dll [298496]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.0633C74EFAAEF72FCC33B86CB86B2ED5] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil de diagnostic du service de temps Win.) -- C:\Windows\System32\w32tm.exe [79360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8DB8EAB9D0C6A5DF0BDCADEA239220B4] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - USB Miniport Driver for Input Devices.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\hidusb.sys [33280]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BFBE1C5F57FE7A885673A1962D5532B7] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:36 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - WFP NDIS 6.30 Lightweight Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\wfplwfs.sys [136024]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.06304D50B5228BF1EB6E829A72A629DB] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque de points de protection partag.) -- C:\Windows\System32\spp.dll [271872]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A03F362C5557E238CBFA914689C77248] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dfsc.sys [134144]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C48CDFD48A43E4AEC8170E1E50A3FACD] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - FWP/IPsec Kernel-Mode API.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\FWPKCLNT.SYS [428888]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.94CD5DE7D2989AA64594F1925339C97E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Prise en charge d’impression Microsoft Wind.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Graphics.Printing.dll [542208]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A40262C252A65BAD0186D9DDBB3083DA] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:37 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur de descripteur de sécurité.) -- C:\Windows\System32\aclui.dll [1015808]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5ABA673EF6433BE68AAE77AE5C5FAFAA] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API en mode utilisateur FWP/IPsec.) -- C:\Windows\System32\FWPUCLNT.DLL [412672]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.14BEA911F78B44E47CBD18210E541A43] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Canonical Display Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\cdd.dll [212992]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.18297BC1CE8A0C0BF9A703A3C45DACC1] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Composant logiciel enfichable Gestion de st.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlangpui.dll [462336]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A9B68F20F1E6E62B189C7C4815EB42B9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de l’API côté client de configuration a.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlanapi.dll [296960]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F88CC88F4A6D8476F1664E805CA18CC2] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Kernel Security Support Provider Interface.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ksecpkg.sys [180056]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7A61F17976F7C5077D9862E4EC25BB3E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:38 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation ReadWrite DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mfreadwrite.dll [360512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.48F25CC79C6CCFD4B776C8FDA9ED7271] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - AppX All User Store DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AppxAllUserStore.dll [160768]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8183820F2D9648A619AA3200EFC62D0B] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL d’application d’assistance Windows pour.) -- C:\Windows\System32\pdh.dll [299008]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3ED1FD93AA4C381A374C3835CF7A5C92] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Recovery Info DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ReInfo.dll [201216]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2DE56913AE88DF760F279264023908BC] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Panneau de configuration d’affichage.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Display.dll [1843712]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.16E9AD0F7A34C4F071E40CDD76E7C86D] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Userenv.) -- C:\Windows\System32\userenv.dll [113648]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.19F84D6153C06FE71203517BDAC9EA9F] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Web DAV Client DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\davclnt.dll [102912]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4DD9C026AAB3C12A5BF7FF9A0C038422] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:39 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Wi-Fi Direct DAF Plugin.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dafWfdProvider.dll [186368]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F83D49F4B10E813A1F9AC8B92F16592D] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Générateur de points de terminaison du serv.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AudioEndpointBuilder.dll [201216]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.97A8DD53D83D5DAC15EDAB1320D305B4] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Isolation graphique de périphérique audio W.) -- C:\Windows\System32\audiodg.exe [244888]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CFC52C49BEFE4D70D87FFA900EAB9777] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de concentrateur USB3.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\USBHUB3.SYS [467800]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.50874EAD26534D475096765A48B90518] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Serveur Lire sur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MDEServer.exe [334848]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C8D6344BDE2691A196E61C0D3372EAB7] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service WSMan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WsmSvc.dll [2479616]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BC6849C62DB407573C6AD8CB1A4D2628] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:40 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service mode utilisateur de Plug-and-Play.) -- C:\Windows\System32\umpnpmgr.dll [115200]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E64AD4877B41F1DB4CC3C99BA8372857] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Audio Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AudioEng.dll [463264]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C54F6C4594F54BC8F189A6FD4BFB7B2E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - MDMAgent.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MDMAgent.exe [621568]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DD5DF99540AB97806DF63B1494C809A8] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Objets de configuration du réseau.) -- C:\Windows\System32\netcfgx.dll [488280]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.647C7652FA19F98CADF2BFDA2164BFEC] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de miniport WiFi natif.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nwifi.sys [443392]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.AC408FA243471C25CDE435C3B83536A9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:41 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI Class System Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Classpnp.sys [337752]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.65A3992EC59D8D33D7622E3AF4C50DBF] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API pour les capteurs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SensorsApi.dll [247296]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A2BF5D466853422C143571064C7DD94F] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du client de déploiement d’AppX.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AppXDeploymentClient.dll [252928]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.50126883FF1D1F690FE477B0B6593DAA] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - OneDrive Sync Engine Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SkyDrive.exe [872448]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B8EB489B9CB8E4E29D3B5FA33F59F7EB] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Telemetry Library for the OneDrive client.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SkyDriveTelemetry.dll [721408]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F14178562B63C54D3183839F77FB9542] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:42 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Wireless LAN 802.11 MSM DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlanmsm.dll [370176]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4627C1FBF2802425A408A2D2AF28CF85] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Kernel Cryptography, Next Generation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\cng.sys [565536]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B2A890D96C05E33FDD2BF3F3D4D0DF92] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - ProfSvc.) -- C:\Windows\System32\profsvc.dll [220160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.466BDC0006103F2547D308DD3CD64398] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Server Network driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\srvnet.sys [245760]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5BD3A2351BEFCAC8757626271F8EFA89] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:43 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service BDE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bdesvc.dll [339456]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5AEFB4F09549545FA3BBD58A6FFF4962] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:44 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - AppX Deployment Extensions DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AppXDeploymentExtensions.dll [924160]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A1C6BA515120C44E8D5A1EA3E927C7C2] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:44 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL Windows Runtime Sensors.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Devices.Sensors.dll [291840]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.BBE15881FE11BE37112F8320C41DAFB9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:44 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur de filtrage de base.) -- C:\Windows\System32\BFE.DLL [827392]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D5C3776CBD8BC307DCCA3FD4CE667A37] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:44 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Configuration des services Bureau à.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SessEnv.dll [324096]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D790CBCB9C38320B4438D697AA33FF55] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:44 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption API.) -- C:\Windows\System32\fveapi.dll [720896]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5BCABCE516486337E39DDD005BCBB1CA] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft GDI+.) -- C:\Windows\System32\GdiPlus.dll [1656832]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FE7656474448BE6A6C68E5C9BEB7CA94] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:45 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de résolution du cache DNS.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dnsrslvr.dll [254464]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7C75BF2879AEAD311DAE25CB5F1A2C83] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - API d’Accès réseau à distance.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasapi32.dll [669696]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2468C21E34C49E4735B4BA430D448E91] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL des services Net Logon.) -- C:\Windows\System32\netlogon.dll [834560]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4030CB06B8D963A45CED9E60C9F2A11E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DirectX Graphics MMS.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dxgmms1.sys [379224]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C997E6A37BA8915224B3FB5024A34F69] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:46 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Minirdr SMB Windows NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mrxsmb.sys [402944]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FAF28A6151A26D94555E0EE518762479] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:47 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Audio Ks Endpoint.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AUDIOKSE.dll [364640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.88225B3D5685777AFAA1297FD612DF9A] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DirectX Graphics Infrastructure.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dxgi.dll [518552]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C253B8484DCABB3EBE6D60E67CADB373] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft DirectComposition Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dcomp.dll [356848]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6031CF57D972421469B15770AF8FF942] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:48 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Session audio.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AudioSes.dll [467504]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.42F4D353A2AC24F7112FB4D6BD2D4F7C] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - GDI Client DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll [1339240]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6DD2D6B8CA1250A7C12D0042396D1892] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation Simple Video Renderer DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mfsvr.dll [492256]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E62EAEF0BAC9DD61BF22D4A7F2F18571] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:49 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de serveur SMB 2.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\srv2.sys [679424]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.06E5962471CFC5890F6B7AB2BF527250] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de l’agent de récupération Microsoft Wi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ReAgent.dll [950784]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B7E51F949ED8C3A75C1D3121AF9A4B6C] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DNS DLL de l’API Client.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dnsapi.dll [655360]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2C727D11CDF4F8B2477FC2B1B305ECB9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Account Provider.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlidprov.dll [512000]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E797B1571003E524526F384CE5EE3555] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:50 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Système de propriétés Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\propsys.dll [1466864]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C58594E368B935CD001FC3F503D23A6B] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:51 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de spouleur local.) -- C:\Windows\System32\localspl.dll [1023488]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1B7F53CBD0429CC3EE15A545F5E2BF62] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:51 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows MRM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MrmCoreR.dll [918528]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8279E6B065626951DA5F3BD0B4E28001] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:51 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Runtime DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Media.dll [1230336]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.05ED31A8FD97247D5B786F62988F2535] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:52 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation Media Engine DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MFMediaEngine.dll [958464]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7CDB6060224CFAD4D5AC49FFC5414F41] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:52 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Package de sécurité Kerberos.) -- C:\Windows\System32\kerberos.dll [939520]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4F6908A61CBC7FD263BB424671431623] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:52 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - SearchFolder.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SearchFolder.dll [1129472]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.9A71BD2E4B8EB550D0022AFDF8616014] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:52 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Audio Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\audiosrv.dll [834048]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5A917027826D759CC3238C7D3CEC3438] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:53 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service de configuration automatique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlansvc.dll [1527296]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.540B29C770E4864C8FB5B6278526776E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL serveur LSA.) -- C:\Windows\System32\lsasrv.dll [1411584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.CFE7F0267B0C3077042FF291949B5546] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension IKE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\IKEEXT.DLL [1063424]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.332E5E35DE9E8175A9550501E57E0612] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OLE pour Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ole32.dll [1542768]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.62E1AE59F9F40BB70C4D7EDCC0CE34F1] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:54 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - TWINUI.APPCORE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\twinui.appcore.dll [1054208]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.5886CF4473849179FC8D2831CD629340] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Bibliothèque principale du Gestionnaire de.) -- C:\Windows\System32\dwmcore.dll [2133504]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F7529BD3FFAC9C33D15F6DE3B7353B03] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du serveur de déploiement d’AppX.) -- C:\Windows\System32\AppXDeploymentServer.dll [1306624]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8E5C2B32EE4166A3084B133183A00F2A] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Direct3D 11 Runtime.) -- C:\Windows\System32\d3d11.dll [2141912]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C7D252742946DD395670649742FBD73D] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DirectX Graphics Kernel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dxgkrnl.sys [1557848]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.81394C91B7B5A7C799E249AE82491F13] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Explorateur Windows.) -- C:\Windows\explorer.exe [2373784]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6EF180C3695A4C1745F4A32E1D9EE8A9] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Interface utilisateur d’authentification Wi.) -- C:\Windows\System32\authui.dll [2641920]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1B2CAD40A6FD2E9DC336F3A338293B29] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:57 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - MSXML 6.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msxml6.dll [2331000]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C5746CE22A4338896338A48687CB9345] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:58 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive Sync Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SyncEngine.dll [4268544]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.398990EFC34218C3B6C4E6384502083B] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Contrôle d’édition de texte enrichi, v7.5.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msftedit.dll [2900992]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FEEFE783D87C9063CDAC6DBDCF95F533] - 23/04/2014 - 13:04:59 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote TCP/IP.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\tcpip.sys [2519384]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.2B12310DF8299D5ED5978FFBE3DA80B1] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Client ActiveX des services Bureau à distan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mstscax.dll [6641152]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.EE95B732BB098C5E874D53AD1E00EF51] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:04 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - TWINUI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\twinui.dll [13286400]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6374C4EE20389CBB6AEF2BE468856177] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:05 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - NT Kernel & System.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ntoskrnl.exe [7425368]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7FC5667DF73D4B04AA457CC3A4180E09] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:06 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Overlay Filter.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\wof.sys [157016]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8596E6030C8DE66439DDF21C7F7B5006] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:07 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Search URI Handler.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.Shell.Search.UriHandler.dll [40960]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.80F4C728FC12B324156486806AB3357E] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:07 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows.UI.Search.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.Search.dll [8653824]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.411550CE9952B9B30C5A82CDDAD623C0] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:10 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL commune du shell Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll [21232792]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B0630FEE31D7A9B73E49A2F31CF61C1C] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:10 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du client API BASE Windows NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll [1112536]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.179A41249055D5F039F1B6703F3B6D2B] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:11 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Common Log File System Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\clfs.sys [376152]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.1C80517BE6836A812F6A9B99B8321351] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:11 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote du système de fichiers NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ntfs.sys [2013016]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F3523E611AB0B0977B048263A12DCF2A] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:12 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du client API BASE Windows NT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll [1291200]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E5DA9DD3E5972CE969EA445492954280] - 23/04/2014 - 13:05:13 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows.UI.Xaml dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Windows.UI.Xaml.dll [16875520]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.7871E35AC5640F4296B5C497CCAAA2AF] - 23/04/2014 - 15:33:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - IOD Version Map.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iesetup.dll [66048]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6BD4079F6EC3B875674C9E988AA24CDF] - 23/04/2014 - 15:33:02 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Traitement de RunOnce complet avec interfac.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iernonce.dll [33792]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3A2F218FE379B984E3C2EEDC6BB04ADF] - 23/04/2014 - 15:33:25 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Media Foundation Proxy DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mfps.dll [233912]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4F51BFB5DF7249D1CFC37010895E609C] - 23/04/2014 - 15:33:56 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Outil d’installation sans assistance d’IE 7.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieUnatt.exe [139264]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.E1593B9C098F079DCED37016DC9DF685] - 23/04/2014 - 15:34:14 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - IE ETW Collector Proxy Stub Resources.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieetwproxystub.dll [48640]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F48C144251B36850B67AB8E6D9E20E92] - 23/04/2014 - 15:34:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - IE ETW Collector Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieetwcollector.exe [111616]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.C2CB1454F0D6BFDF584395A41C223BDF] - 23/04/2014 - 15:34:15 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - Ressources du service Collecteur ETW d’IE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieetwcollectorres.dll [4096]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.08750A50CF027F93070C8BB78E27C3B7] - 23/04/2014 - 15:35:57 -SH-- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\desktop.ini [75]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.17984F1B7DC798775DECE357AA13ADF9] - 24/04/2014 - 11:34:52 ---A- . (.StdLib - StdLib.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\{b99c8534-7800-48fa-bd71-519a46cdc7e1}Gw64.sys [61120] =>PUP.LinkiDoo
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D41D8CD98F00B204E9800998ECF8427E] - 24/04/2014 - 12:27:35 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\setuperr.log [0]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.47BEFEA5E941B1E40A376196C177143C] - 24/04/2014 - 12:34:25 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\FNTCACHE.DAT [479192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.B2F436D19A6513345E9F556CE962B84D] - 25/04/2014 - 18:16:01 ---A- . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de gestion d'utilisateur local et de co.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msrating.dll [195584]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.8AE0476E84FEA3D1FD7C87316C5A59E3] - 29/04/2014 - 07:58:03 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\setupact.log [1295]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.145FFAF95362A3F63D2092AABBC9B90B] - 29/04/2014 - 08:00:02 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\PerfStringBackup.INI [1824010]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.D68E86D0B7175BBAC4762013A203FBFB] - 29/04/2014 - 08:00:02 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc009.dat [135592]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.25988DEF029007B5A834004E08A5D75B] - 29/04/2014 - 08:00:02 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfc00C.dat [159412]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.400DC8DF56D7A1A755C4FDD6F021A7D3] - 29/04/2014 - 08:00:02 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh009.dat [722476]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A0B7D3B42594F45A5CD1FD4FA27A7F58] - 29/04/2014 - 08:00:02 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\perfh00C.dat [812350]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.DCD93F1335BD652C3D3C7387C577CE91] - 30/04/2014 - 19:22:51 ---A- . (...) -- C:\PhysicalDisk0_MBR.bin [512]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.F9E57EAE18643272F9CE7743ED1C2862] - 30/04/2014 - 20:29:07 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\win.ini [301]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.FD5465B876D55534117963FAAA4B9DFC] - 30/04/2014 - 20:35:53 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mbam.sys [25816]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.4A1356200B82B852E137B687F03E8054] - 30/04/2014 - 20:35:53 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Chameleon Protection Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mbamchameleon.sys [88280]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.3FFFB7F54CD7A792099C10402FCF8F56] - 30/04/2014 - 20:35:53 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Web Access Control.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mwac.sys [63192]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.A2CF3A5F2C5134931AFEBF9FC4185724] - 30/04/2014 - 22:58:25 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Windows\PFRO.log [15162]
O44 - LFC:[MD5.6140163BFE9D8F2DFDBA088ED5521C13] - 30/04/2014 - 23:03:14 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys [119512]
~ Files: 566 Scanned in 01mn 38s
---\\ Derniers fichiers créés dans Windows Prefetcher (O45)
O45 - LFCP:[MD5.A826EAC80863A6293903CB9313326F9A] - 30/04/2014 - 20:28:47 ---A- - C:\Windows\Prefetch\ =>PUP.BrowseMark
O45 - LFCP:[MD5.BDD22D1BA20F4E2C48235AEF8195123A] - 30/04/2014 - 11:22:47 ---A- - C:\Windows\Prefetch\ =>PUP.BrowseMark
O45 - LFCP:[MD5.B080E9DF320C5E8B58DE580569614CF9] - 30/04/2014 - 11:19:36 ---A- - C:\Windows\Prefetch\ =>PUP.BrowseMark
O45 - LFCP:[MD5.B26C8ECB914910DE322D1984B3CBB3C6] - 30/04/2014 - 11:22:46 ---A- - C:\Windows\Prefetch\ =>PUP.BrowseMark
~ Prefetcher: 4 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Opérations et fonctions au démarrage de Windows Explorer (O46)
O46 - SEH:ShellExecuteHooks - Groove GFS Stub Execution Hook - {B5A7F190-DDA6-4420-B3BA-52453494E6CD} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL
O46 - SEH:ShellExecuteHooks - Groove GFS Stub Execution Hook [64Bits] - {B5A7F190-DDA6-4420-B3BA-52453494E6CD} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\Office14\GROOVEEX.DLL
~ ShellExecuteHooks: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Déni du service (Local Security Authority) (O48)
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Authentication Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Authentication Package v1.0.) -- C:\Windows\System32\msv1_0.dll
O48 - LSA:Local Security Authority Notification Packages . (.Microsoft Corporation - Moteur du client de l’Éditeur de configuration de sécurité Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\scecli.dll
~ LSA: 3 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Contrôle du Safe Boot (CSB) (O49)
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\BasicDisplay.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Basic Display Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BasicDisplay.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\BasicRender.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Basic Render Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BasicRender.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\dxgkrnl.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - DirectX Graphics Kernel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dxgkrnl.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\FsDepends.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - File System Dependency Manager Mini Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\FsDepends.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\sermouse.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre souris série.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sermouse.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\volmgr.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume Manager Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgr.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Minimal\volmgrx.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote d’extension du gestionnaire de volumes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgrx.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\BasicDisplay.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Basic Display Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BasicDisplay.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\BasicRender.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Basic Render Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BasicRender.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\dxgkrnl.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - DirectX Graphics Kernel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\dxgkrnl.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\FsDepends.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - File System Dependency Manager Mini Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\FsDepends.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\ipnat.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ipnat.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\mfefirek.sys . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Core Firewall Engine Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfefirek.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\mfehidk.sys . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Link Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfehidk.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\nsiproxy.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - NSI Proxy.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nsiproxy.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\rdpencdd.sys . (...) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\rdpencdd.sys (.not file.)
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\sermouse.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote de filtre souris série.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sermouse.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\volmgr.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume Manager Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgr.sys
O49 - CSB:Control Safe Boot HKLM\...\CCS\Network\volmgrx.sys . (.Microsoft Corporation - Pilote d’extension du gestionnaire de volumes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\volmgrx.sys
~ CSB: 19 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Recherche d'infection sur les pilotes (HKLM)(TDSD) (O52)
O52 - TDSD: \Drivers32\"msacm.l3acm"="C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm" . (.Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm
O52 - TDSD: \drivers.desc\"C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm"="Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec" . (.Fraunhofer Institut Integrierte Schaltungen - MPEG Layer-3 Audio Codec for MSACM.) -- C:\Windows\System32\l3codeca.acm
~ TDSD: 2 Scanned in 00mn 01s
---\\ Enumération des clés de registre SecurityProviders (MCSP) (O54)
O54 - MCSP:[HKLM\...\CurrentControlSet\Control] - (SecurityProviders) - (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Delegation Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\credssp.dll
O54 - MCSP:[HKLM\...\ControlSet001\Control] - (SecurityProviders) - (.Microsoft Corporation - Credential Delegation Security Package.) -- C:\Windows\System32\credssp.dll
~ MSCP: 2 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Enumération des clés de registre PoliciesSystem (MWPS) (O55)
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableVirtualization"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableInstallerDetection"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "PromptOnSecureDesktop"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableLUA"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableSecureUIAPaths"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ConsentPromptBehaviorAdmin"=5
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ValidateAdminCodeSignatures"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableUIADesktopToggle"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableCursorSuppression"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "ConsentPromptBehaviorUser"=3
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "dontdisplaylastusername"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "legalnoticecaption"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "legalnoticetext"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "scforceoption"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "shutdownwithoutlogon"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "undockwithoutlogon"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "FilterAdministratorToken"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "EnableLinkedConnections"=1
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "DisableTaskMgr"=0
O55 - MWPS:[HKLM\...\Policies\System] - "DisableRegistryTools"=0
~ MWPS: 20 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Enumération des clés de registre PoliciesExplorer (MWPE) (O56)
O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "ForceActiveDesktopOn"=0
O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoActiveDesktopChanges"=1
O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoActiveDesktop"=1
O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoRun"=0
O56 - MWPE:[HKLM\...\policies\Explorer] - "NoControlPanel"=0
~ MWPE Keys: 5 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Liste des pilotes du système (SDL) (O58)
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:41 ---A- . (.LSI - LSI 3ware SCSI Storport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\3ware.sys [108896]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:41 ---A- . (.PMC-Sierra - PMC-Sierra Storport Driver For SPC8x6G SAS/SATA controller.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\adp80xx.sys [782176]
O58 - SDL:21/05/2013 - 21:38:50 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - AMD PCI Root Bus Lower Filter.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\amdkmpfd.sys [36096]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:41 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices - AHCI 1.3 Device Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\amdsata.sys [79200]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:41 ---A- . (.AMD Technologies Inc. - AMD Technology AHCI Compatible Controller Driver for Windows -.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\amdsbs.sys [259424]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:40 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices - Storage Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\amdxata.sys [25952]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:41 ---A- . (.PMC-Sierra, Inc. - Adaptec SAS RAID WS03 Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\arcsas.sys [114016]
O58 - SDL:15/08/2013 - 20:13:30 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros Communications, Inc. - Qualcomm Atheros Extensible Wireless LAN device driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\athwbx.sys [3859968]
O58 - SDL:31/08/2013 - 01:11:30 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - ATI Radeon Kernel Mode Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\atikmdag.sys [12528640]
O58 - SDL:30/08/2013 - 23:32:34 ---A- . (.Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - AMD multi-vendor Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\atikmpag.sys [618496]
O58 - SDL:13/08/2013 - 00:25:46 ---A- . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider - BCM Function 2 Device Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\bcmfn2.sys [17624]
O58 - SDL:01/07/2013 - 17:50:06 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter wireless driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\BCMWL63a.SYS [8536752]
O58 - SDL:19/07/2013 - 14:26:32 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom SD 3.0 Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\bScsiSDa.sys [82128]
O58 - SDL:07/09/2013 - 01:29:14 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros - Qualcomm Atheros A2DP driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\btath_a2dp.sys [338120]
O58 - SDL:07/09/2013 - 01:29:14 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros - Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth AVDT driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\btath_avdt.sys [116424]
O58 - SDL:07/09/2013 - 01:29:14 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros - Qualcomm Atheros BUS driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\btath_bus.sys [34384]
O58 - SDL:07/09/2013 - 01:29:14 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros - Qualcomm Atheros FILTER driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\btath_flt.sys [89800]
O58 - SDL:07/09/2013 - 01:29:14 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros - Qualcomm Atheros HCRP driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\btath_hcrp.sys [179432]
O58 - SDL:07/09/2013 - 01:29:14 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros - Qualcomm Atheros FILTER driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\btath_lwflt.sys [77464]
O58 - SDL:07/09/2013 - 01:29:14 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros - Qualcomm Atheros AVRCP driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\btath_rcp.sys [137928]
O58 - SDL:07/09/2013 - 01:29:14 ---A- . (.Qualcomm Atheros - Qualcomm Atheros BtFilter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\btfilter.sys [594120]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:41 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme II GigE VBD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\bxvbda.sys [531296]
O58 - SDL:17/03/2014 - 18:02:08 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Personal Firewall IDS Plugin.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\cfwids.sys [70592]
O58 - SDL:19/10/2012 - 04:52:32 ---A- . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider - IEEE-1284.4-1999 Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Dot4.sys [151968]
O58 - SDL:19/10/2012 - 04:52:30 ---A- . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider - IEEE-1284.4 Print Class Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Dot4Prt.sys [27040]
O58 - SDL:06/09/2013 - 06:00:02 ---A- . (.ELAN Microelectronics Corp. - ETD Kernel Center.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\ETD.sys [370504]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:45 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme II 10 GigE VBD.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\evbda.sys [3357024]
O58 - SDL:23/09/2013 - 12:49:22 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee HIP IPS Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HipShieldK.sys [197704]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:45 ---A- . (.Hewlett-Packard Company - Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Media Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\HpSAMD.sys [64352]
O58 - SDL:30/07/2013 - 19:47:35 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaLPSSi_GPIO.sys [24568]
O58 - SDL:25/07/2013 - 20:05:39 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaLPSSi_I2C.sys [99320]
O58 - SDL:10/08/2013 - 01:39:30 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver (inbox) - x64.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaStorAV.sys [651248]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:45 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver - x64.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iaStorV.sys [412000]
O58 - SDL:13/11/2013 - 16:34:47 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Graphics Kernel Mode Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\igdkmd64.sys [4208640]
O58 - SDL:13/11/2013 - 16:39:30 ---A- . (.Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Display Audio Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\IntcDAud.sys [449496]
O58 - SDL:29/10/2013 - 02:08:35 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® WiDi Solution.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\intelaud.sys [39320]
O58 - SDL:29/10/2013 - 02:08:35 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® WiDi Solution.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\iwdbus.sys [27032]
O58 - SDL:26/07/2013 - 01:01:48 ---A- . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetLink (TM) Gigabit Ethernet NDIS6.x Unified Driver..) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\k57nd60a.sys [458960]
O58 - SDL:17/07/2013 - 10:59:00 ---A- . (.Acer Incorporated - LMDriver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\LMDriver.sys [21360]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:44 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT SAS Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\lsi_sas.sys [109408]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:45 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SAS Gen2 Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\lsi_sas2.sys [93536]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:44 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SAS Gen3 Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\lsi_sas3.sys [81760]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:45 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SSS PCIe/Flash Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\lsi_sss.sys [82784]
O58 - SDL:03/04/2014 - 08:50:58 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mbam.sys [25816]
O58 - SDL:03/04/2014 - 08:51:04 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Chameleon Protection Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mbamchameleon.sys [88280]
O58 - SDL:30/04/2014 - 23:03:14 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Anti-Malware.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\MBAMSwissArmy.sys [119512]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:45 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation - MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\megasas.sys [56672]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:45 ---A- . (.LSI Corporation, Inc. - LSI MegaRAID Software RAID Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\megasr.sys [575840]
O58 - SDL:17/03/2014 - 17:44:40 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - Access Protection Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfeapfk.sys [180272]
O58 - SDL:17/03/2014 - 17:45:38 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - Anti-Virus File System Filter Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfeavfk.sys [311600]
O58 - SDL:21/01/2014 - 02:50:46 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Driver Cleaning Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfeclnrk.sys [11336]
O58 - SDL:17/03/2014 - 17:25:42 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee ELAM Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfeelamk.sys [69344]
O58 - SDL:17/03/2014 - 17:47:30 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Core Firewall Engine Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfefirek.sys [522360]
O58 - SDL:17/03/2014 - 17:49:44 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Link Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfehidk.sys [783864]
O58 - SDL:21/01/2014 - 02:50:02 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - Event Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfencbdc.sys [422712]
O58 - SDL:21/01/2014 - 02:50:24 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - Detection driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfencrk.sys [96592]
O58 - SDL:17/03/2014 - 17:54:54 ---A- . (.McAfee, Inc. - Anti-Virus Mini-Firewall Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mfewfpk.sys [345456]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:49 ---A- . (.Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. - Marvell Flash Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mvumis.sys [63840]
O58 - SDL:03/04/2014 - 08:51:22 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation - Malwarebytes Web Access Control.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\mwac.sys [63192]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:31 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) RAID Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nvraid.sys [150368]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:32 ---A- . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) Sata Performance Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\nvstor.sys [168288]
O58 - SDL:17/07/2013 - 10:59:00 ---A- . (.Acer Incorporated - RadioShim.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RadioShim.sys [14680]
O58 - SDL:27/08/2013 - 13:37:54 ---A- . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek(r) High Definition Audio Function Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\RTKVHD64.sys [3613528]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 16:35:09 ---A- . (.Macrovision Corporation, Macrovision Europe - Macrovision SECURITY Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\secdrv.sys [23040]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:31 ---A- . (.Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. - SiS RAID Stor Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sisraid2.sys [44896]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:32 ---A- . (.Silicon Integrated Systems - SiS AHCI Stor-Miniport Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\sisraid4.sys [81760]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:32 ---A- . (.Promise Technology, Inc. - Promise SuperTrak EX Series Driver for Windows x64.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\stexstor.sys [31072]
O58 - SDL:04/09/2013 - 00:53:44 ---A- . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Management Engine Interface.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\TeeDriverx64.sys [99288]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:34 ---A- . (.VIA Technologies, Inc. - VIA Generic PCI IDE Bus Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\viaide.sys [19808]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:34 ---A- . (.VIA Technologies Inc.,Ltd - VIA RAID DRIVER FOR AMD-X86-64.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\vsmraid.sys [168800]
O58 - SDL:22/08/2013 - 13:43:34 ---A- . (.VIA Corporation - VIA StorX RAID Controller Driver.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\VSTXRAID.SYS [305504]
O58 - SDL:24/04/2014 - 11:34:52 ---A- . (.StdLib - StdLib.) -- C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\{b99c8534-7800-48fa-bd71-519a46cdc7e1}Gw64.sys [61120] =>PUP.LinkiDoo
~ Drivers: 72 Scanned in 00mn 07s
---\\ Derniers fichiers modifiés ou crées (Utilisateur) (O61)
O61 - LFC: 01/05/2014 - 10:46:49 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\\AcerCloud\SyncAgent\cc\cache\users\00000000001b1eef\userdata.bin [3150]
O61 - LFC: 24/04/2014 - 10:46:51 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\WidevineCDM\\_platform_specific\win_x86\widevinecdmadapter.dll [120648]
O61 - LFC: 24/04/2014 - 10:46:55 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0\NativeImages\Microsoft.B2e1870ee#\6a162fa025114c29653186274824d5eb\ [2207232]
O61 - LFC: 24/04/2014 - 10:46:55 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0\NativeImages\Microsoft.PerfTrack\10ead687afca927bd7b22ad8d20e1de3\ [28160]
O61 - LFC: 24/04/2014 - 10:46:55 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0\NativeImages\SqliteWrapper\99fa190c50aa9d06da5fb90ed0d8b8f7\ [117248]
O61 - LFC: 24/04/2014 - 10:46:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft.) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0\NativeImages\AppEx.Weath1591bf4e#\8895056560c831660da4cbcc1fbb9a29\ [408064]
O61 - LFC: 24/04/2014 - 10:46:55 ---A- . (.Microsoft.) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0\NativeImages\Platform\cb232adb563716a691f52fa64b3f776c\ [6923776]
O61 - LFC: 24/04/2014 - 10:46:55 ---A- . (.Newtonsoft.) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.BingWeather_8wekyb3d8bbwe\AC\Microsoft\CLR_v4.0\NativeImages\Newtonsoft.Json\a6dc1941a6c6c28b726c576466db6eef\ [2462720]
O61 - LFC: 28/04/2014 - 10:46:58 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Temp\Quarantine.exe [385993]
O61 - LFC: 28/04/2014 - 10:47:02 ---A- . (.Nicolas Coolman.) -- C:\Users\Max\Desktop\ZHPDiag\ZHPDiag.exe [7865344] =>.Nicolas Coolman
O61 - LFC: 30/04/2014 - 10:46:53 ---A- . (.Nicolas Coolman.) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\J24EFT18\zhpdiag2.exe [6780391] =>.Nicolas Coolman
O61 - LFC: 30/04/2014 - 10:46:53 ---A- . (.SQLite Development Team.) -- C:\Users\Max\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\IE\Z3G00SOQ\SQLite3_300700200[1].dll [536576]
O61 - LFC: 30/04/2014 - 10:47:02 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\Desktop\ZHPDiag\unins000.exe [694736] =>.Nicolas Coolman
O61 - LFC: 30/04/2014 - 10:47:02 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\Downloads\adwcleaner.exe [1310621]
O61 - LFC: 30/04/2014 - 10:47:02 ---A- . (.Malwarebytes Corporation.) -- C:\Users\Max\Downloads\mbam-setup- [17305616]
O61 - LFC: 30/04/2014 - 10:47:04 ---A- . (...) -- C:\Users\Max\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\unins000.exe [721258]
~ 24 Fichiers temporaires (Temporary files)
~ 2 Fichiers cookies (Cookies files)
~ Files: 16 Scanned in 00mn 14s
---\\ Liste des outils de désinfection (LATC) (O63)
O63 - Logiciel: ZHPDiag 2014 - (.Nicolas Coolman.) [HKLM] -- ZHPDiag_is1 =>.Nicolas Coolman
~ ADS: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Associations Shell Spawning (O67)
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.bat> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cpl> [HKLM\..\cplopen\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cmd> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.com> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.evt> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Lanceur du composant logiciel enfichable Observateur d’événements.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.exe> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %*
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.js> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WScript.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.reg> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Éditeur du Registre.) -- C:\Windows\regedit.exe
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.scr> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" /S
O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKCU\..\open\Command] (.Not Key.)
~ FASS Keys: 11 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Menu de démarrage Internet (SMI) (O68)
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe
O68 - StartMenuInternet: [HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe
~ Keys: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Recherche d'infection sur les navigateurs internet (SBI) (O69)
O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] {68066198-072D-4618-845D-78BF16445104} - (Recherche sécurisée) -
~ Keys: Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Enumère les service demarrés par Svchost (SSS) (O83)
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AeLookupSvc (AeLookupSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Expérience d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\aelupsvc.dll [208896]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: CertPropSvc (CertPropSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de propagation de certificats de cartes à puce Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [155136]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SCPolicySvc (SCPolicySvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de propagation de certificats de cartes à puce Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [155136]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: lanmanserver (lanmanserver) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Serveur.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srvsvc.dll [324608]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: gpsvc (gpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Client de stratégie de groupe.) -- C:\Windows\System32\gpsvc.dll [1311744]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: IKEEXT (IKEEXT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Extension IKE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ikeext.dll [1063424]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: iphlpsvc (iphlpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service offrant une connectivité IPv6 sur un réseau IPv4..) -- C:\Windows\System32\iphlpsvc.dll [903168]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: seclogon (seclogon) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL de service d’ouverture de session secondaire.) -- C:\Windows\system32\seclogon.dll [30720]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: AppInfo (AppInfo) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Informations d’application.) -- C:\Windows\System32\appinfo.dll [109568]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: msiscsi (msiscsi) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de découverte iSCSI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iscsiexe.dll [150528]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: EapHost (EapHost) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service EAPHost Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eapsvc.dll [107008]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: schedule (schedule) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service du Planificateur de tâches.) -- C:\Windows\System32\schedsvc.dll [1214976]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: winmgmt (winmgmt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - WMI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WMIsvc.dll [220672]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: MMCSS (MMCSS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Planificateur de classes multimédias.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mmcss.dll [70656]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: browser (browser) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service Explorateur d’ordinateurs.) -- C:\Windows\System32\browser.dll [134144]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: ProfSvc (ProfSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - ProfSvc.) -- C:\Windows\System32\profsvc.dll [220160]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SessionEnv (SessionEnv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Configuration des services Bureau à distance.) -- C:\Windows\System32\sessenv.dll [324096]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wercplsupport (wercplsupport) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Rapports et solutions aux problèmes.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wercplsupport.dll [81408]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: hkmsvc (hkmsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Gestion des clés.) -- C:\Windows\System32\kmsvc.dll [97792]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: BDESVC (BDESVC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service BDE.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bdesvc.dll [339456]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: lfsvc (lfsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service d’infrastructure de localisation Windows.) -- C:\Windows\System32\GeofenceMonitorService.dll [491520]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wlidsvc (wlidsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de compte Microsoft®.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlidsvc.dll [1576960]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Themes (Themes) . (.Microsoft Corporation - DLL du service des thèmes Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeservice.dll [50688]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: DsmSvc (DsmSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire d’installation de périphérique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DeviceSetupManager.dll [201728]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: NcaSvc (NcaSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service Assistant Connectivité réseau Microsoft.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ncasvc.dll [164352]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasauto (Rasauto) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire de numérotation automatique d’accès distant.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasauto.dll [101376]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasman (Rasman) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire des connexions d’accès à distance.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasmans.dll [534528]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Remoteaccess (Remoteaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Gestionnaire d’interface dynamique.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mprdim.dll [223744]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: SENS (SENS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de notification d’événements système (SENS).) -- C:\Windows\System32\sens.dll [71680]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Sharedaccess (Sharedaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Composants de l’application d’assistance à Microsoft NAT.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ipnathlp.dll [433664]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: Tapisrv (Tapisrv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Serveur de téléphonie Microsoft® Windows(TM).) -- C:\Windows\System32\tapisrv.dll [306688]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: wuauserv (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Agent de mise à jour automatique Windows Update.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll [3408896]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: BITS (BITS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service de transfert intelligent en arrière-plan.) -- C:\Windows\System32\qmgr.dll [1017856]
O83 - Search Svchost Services: ShellHWDetection (ShellHWDetection) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dll des services Windows Shell.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shsvcs.dll [629760]
~ Services: 34 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Enumère les codes produits des logiciels (PUC) (O90)
O90 - PUC: "31498519576672C4A8CFFE9B01B3095A" . (.eBay Worldwide.) -- c:\Windows\Installer\{91589413-6675-4C27-8AFC-EFB9103B90A5}\_853F67D554F05449430E7E.exe =>Toolbar.eBay
~ Update Products: 1 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Enumère les données de la clé NameSpace (MNS) (O92)
O92 - MNS: - {1CF1260C-4DD0-4ebb-811F-33C572699FDE}
O92 - MNS: - {374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}
O92 - MNS: - {3ADD1653-EB32-4cb0-BBD7-DFA0ABB5ACCA}
O92 - MNS: - {A0953C92-50DC-43bf-BE83-3742FED03C9C}
O92 - MNS: - {A8CDFF1C-4878-43be-B5FD-F8091C1C60D0}
O92 - MNS: - {B4BFCC3A-DB2C-424C-B029-7FE99A87C641}
~ MNS: 6 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Etat général des services non Microsoft (EGS) (SR=Running, SS=Stopped)
SS - | Demand 19/11/2013 279024 | (cphs) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Windows\SysWow64\IntelCpHeciSvc.exe
SS - | Demand 12/10/2010 206072 | (GamesAppService) . (.WildTangent, Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GamesAppService.exe
SS - | Auto 04/03/2014 116648 | (gupdate) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe
SS - | Demand 04/03/2014 116648 | (gupdatem) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe
SS - | Demand 11/05/2013 822232 | (Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service TCP IP Interface) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\SocketHeciServer.exe
SS - | Demand 25/07/2013 334608 | (McAWFwk) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\mcafee\ActWiz\McAWFwk.exe
SS - | Demand 02/08/2013 602944 | (McODS) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\mcafee\VirusScan\mcods.exe
SS - | Disabled 30/07/2013 328928 | (McOobeSv2) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\mcafee\platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
SS - | Demand 01/08/2013 4278112 | (NOBU) . (.Symantec Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Symantec\Norton Online Backup\NOBuAgent.exe =>.Symantec Corporation
SS - | Demand 10/07/1658 0 | (WMPNetworkSvc) . (...) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmpnetwk.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation
SR - | Auto 30/08/2013 239616 | (AMD External Events Utility) . (.AMD.) - C:\Windows\System32\atiesrxx.exe
SR - | Auto 07/09/2013 312448 | (AtherosSvc) . (.Windows (R) Win 7 DDK provider.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Qualcomm Atheros\Bluetooth Suite\adminservice.exe
SR - | Auto 13/02/2014 2798336 | (CCDMonitorService) . (.Acer Incorporated.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Acer\Acer Portal\CCDMonitorService.exe
SR - | Demand 05/07/2013 663592 | (ePowerSvc) . (.Acer Incorporated.) - C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Power Management\ePowerSvc.exe
SR - | Auto 06/09/2013 101192 | (ETDService) . (.ELAN Microelectronics Corp..) - C:\Program Files\Elantech\ETDService.exe
SR - | Auto 16/07/2013 235008 | (GamesAppIntegrationService) . (.TODO: .) - C:\Program Files (x86)\WildTangent Games\App\GamesAppIntegrationService.exe
SR - | Auto 30/07/2013 328928 | (HomeNetSvc) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
SR - | Auto 11/05/2013 733696 | (Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\HeciServer.exe
SR - | Auto 04/09/2013 169432 | (jhi_service) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL\jhi_service.exe
SR - | Auto 04/09/2013 390616 | (LMS) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\LMS\LMS.exe
SR - | Auto 03/08/2013 457768 | (LMSvc) . (.Acer Incorporate.) - C:\Program Files\Acer\Acer Launch Manager\LMSvc.exe
SR - | Auto 30/07/2013 328928 | (McAfee SiteAdvisor Service) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
SR - | Auto 28/01/2014 178528 | (McAPExe) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\McAfee\MSC\McAPexe.exe
SR - | Auto 30/07/2013 328928 | (McMPFSvc) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
SR - | Auto 30/07/2013 328928 | (McNaiAnn) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\mcafee\platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
SR - | Auto 30/07/2013 328928 | (mcpltsvc) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\mcafee\platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
SR - | Auto 30/07/2013 328928 | (McProxy) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\mcafee\platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
SR - | Auto 21/01/2014 1025712 | (mfecore) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\AMCore\mcshield.exe
SR - | Auto 17/03/2014 219752 | (mfefire) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\SystemCore\mfefire.exe
SR - | Auto 17/03/2014 185792 | (mfevtp) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Windows\system32\mfevtps.exe
SR - | Auto 30/07/2013 328928 | (MSK80Service) . (.McAfee, Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Common Files\McAfee\Platform\McSvcHost\McSvHost.exe
SR - | Auto 14/07/2012 769432 | (NAUpdate) . (.Nero AG.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Nero\Update\NASvc.exe
SR - | Demand 10/07/1658 0 | (WdNisSvc) . (...) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Defender\NisSrv.exe
SR - | Demand 10/07/1658 0 | (WinDefend) . (...) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe
SR - | Demand 22/08/2013 37768 | C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation.) - C:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe
~ Services: Scanned in 00mn 11s
---\\ Recherche d'infection sur le Master Boot Record (MBR)(O80)
Run by Max at 01/05/2014 10:48:38
~ OS 64 not supported by MBR tool
~ MBR: 0 Scanned in 00mn 00s
---\\ Recherche d'infection sur le Master Boot Record (MBRCheck)(O80)
Written by ad13, http://ad13.geekstog
Run by Max at 01/05/2014 10:48:40
********* Dump file Name *********
~ MBR: Scanned in 00mn 02s
---\\ Scan Additionnel (O88)
Database Version : 13045 - (28/04/2014)
Clés trouvées (Keys found) : 1
Valeurs trouvées (Values found) : 0
Dossiers trouvés (Folders found) : 2
Fichiers trouvés (Files found) : 1
[HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{91589413-6675-4C27-8AFC-EFB9103B90A5}] =>Toolbar.eBay^
C:\Program Files (x86)\BrowseMark =>PUP.BrowseMark^
C:\ProgramData\WPM =>PUP.WpManager^
C:\WINDOWS\AutoKMS\AutoKMS.exe =>Trojan.Keygen^
~ Additionnel Scan: 201869 Items scanned in 00mn 18s
---\\ Récapitulatif des détections trouvées sur votre station =>PUP.LinkiDoo =>PUP.BrowseMark =>PUP.WpManager
~ MSI: 3 link(s) detected in 00mn 00s
End of the scan (1663 lines in 04mn 40s)(0)