`index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:signaler" type=* earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields signaler_id | timechart span=1h dc(signaler_id) as "0. Signalements Utilisateur (ezOptima)" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "0. Signalements Utilisateur (ezOptima)" = 0 ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_duration_ms sam web_url | search web_domain=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Assurance=case( like(url,"%/NS/%"),"Partages", like(url,"%/NS1/%"),"versements", like(url,"%/NS2/%"),"simulations", like(url,"%/NS4/%"),"adhésions" , like(url,"%/NS5/%"),"versements", like(url,"%/NS6/%"),"rachats", like(url,"%/NS7/%"),"avenants", like(url,"%/NSA/%"),"com CNP Intranet" , like(url,"%/NSC/%"),"CF" , like(url,"%/NSE/%"),"Com CNP" ) | search Assurance=* AND web_duration_ms > 1000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "1. Assurance vie - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "1. Assurance vie - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=* AND web_error_code=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Assurance=case( like(url,"%/NS/%"),"Partages", like(url,"%/NS1/%"),"versements", like(url,"%/NS2/%"),"simulations", like(url,"%/NS4/%"),"adhésions" , like(url,"%/NS5/%"),"versements", like(url,"%/NS6/%"),"rachats", like(url,"%/NS7/%"),"avenants", like(url,"%/NSA/%"),"com CNP Intranet" , like(url,"%/NSC/%"),"CF" , like(url,"%/NSE/%"),"Com CNP" ) | search Assurance=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h count as "2. Assurance vie - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "2. Assurance vie - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_duration_ms sam web_url | search web_domain=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Authentification=case( match(url,"/HJ2/"),"A2G SI eWL", match(url,"/HJ4/"),"A2G Extranet", match(url,"/HJ5/"),"A2G produit" ) | search Authentification=* AND web_duration_ms > 1000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "3. Authentification forte (A2G) - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "3. Authentification forte (A2G) - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=* AND web_error_code=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Authentification=case( match(url,"/HJ2/"),"A2G SI eWL", match(url,"/HJ4/"),"A2G Extranet", match(url,"/HJ5/"),"A2G produit" ) | search Authentification=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h count as "4. Authentification forte (A2G) - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "4. Authentification forte (A2G) - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_duration_ms sam web_url | search web_domain=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval BEL=case( like(url,"%/Q4X/%"),"Transactionnel", like(url,"%/Q44/%"),"PPh", like(url,"%/QH5/%"),"Internet mobile", like(url,"%/QH7/%"),"Perso cartes" ) | search BEL=* AND web_duration_ms > 2000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "5. Banque en ligne - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 2 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "5. Banque en ligne - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 2 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=* AND web_error_code=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval BEL=case( like(url,"%/Q4X/%"),"Transactionnel", like(url,"%/Q44/%"),"PPh", like(url,"%/QH5/%"),"Internet mobile", like(url,"%/QH7/%"),"Perso cartes" ) | search BEL=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h count as "6. Banque en ligne - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "6. Banque en ligne - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_duration_ms sam web_url | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Cheops=case( like(url,"%/SLY/%"),"Intra" ) | search Cheops=* AND web_duration_ms > 1000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "7. Cheops - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "7. Cheops - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr AND web_error_code=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Cheops=case( like(url,"%/SLY/%"),"Intra" ) | search Cheops=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h count as "8. Cheops - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "8. Cheops - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_duration_ms sam web_url | search web_domain=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Contact=case( match(url,"/HI_/"),"LBP", match(url,"/HI2/"),"MFB" ) | search Contact=* AND web_duration_ms > 100 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "9. Contact - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "9. Contact - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=* AND web_error_code=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Contact=case( match(url,"/HI_/"),"LBP", match(url,"/HI2/"),"MFB" ) | search Contact=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 2 | timechart span=1h count as "10. Contact - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "10. Contact - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_duration_ms sam web_url | search web_domain=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Echanges=case( match(url,"/KXE/"),"échanges", match(url,"/KXI/"),"EBICS", match(url,"/KXO/"),"OPNET", match(url,"/B8_/"),"signatures" ) | search Echanges=* AND web_duration_ms > 100 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "11. Echanges Entreprises - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "11. Echanges Entreprises - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=* AND web_error_code=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Echanges=case( match(url,"/KXE/"),"échanges", match(url,"/KXI/"),"EBICS", match(url,"/KXO/"),"OPNET", match(url,"/B8_/"),"signatures" ) | search Echanges=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h count as "12. Echanges Entreprises - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "12. Echanges Entreprises - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_duration_ms sam web_url | search web_domain=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Inter=case( match(url,"/TJA/"),"Swift", match(url,"/TJS/"),"Swift", match(url,"/TJG/"),"Swift", match(url,"/HT1/"),"Target" , match(url,"/HT2/"),"Target", match(url,"/HT3/"),"Target", match(url,"/J5/"),"Steffi", match(url,"/Y5/"),"BCORE" , match(url,"/TI/"),"BSTEP2" ) | search Inter=* AND web_duration_ms > 100 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "13. Interbancaire (Swift, Target 2) - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "13. Interbancaire (Swift, Target 2) - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=* AND web_error_code=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Inter=case( match(url,"/TJA/"),"Swift", match(url,"/TJS/"),"Swift", match(url,"/TJG/"),"Swift", match(url,"/HT1/"),"Target" , match(url,"/HT2/"),"Target", match(url,"/HT3/"),"Target", match(url,"/J5/"),"Steffi", match(url,"/Y5/"),"BCORE" , match(url,"/TI/"),"BSTEP2" ) | search Inter=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h count as "14. Interbancaire (Swift, Target 2) - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 4 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "14. Interbancaire (Swift, Target 2) - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_duration_ms sam web_url | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr:444 | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Maestro=case( match(url,"/FD2/"),"Maestro / Démat", match(url,"/FD3/"),"Maestro / Démat" ) | search Maestro=* AND web_duration_ms > 1000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "15. Maestro / Démat - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "15. Maestro / Démat - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 1 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr:444 AND web_error_code=* | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval url =upper(web_url) | bin _time span=1h | eval Maestro=case( match(url,"/FD2/"),"Maestro / Démat", match(url,"/FD3/"),"Maestro / Démat" ) | search Maestro=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h count as "16. Maestro / Démat - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "16. Maestro / Démat - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_domain web_url web_duration_ms sam | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr | eval url =upper(web_url) | eval sam=lower(sam) | bin _time span=1h | eval Acte=case( like(url,"%g6_%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H51%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H52%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H53%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H54%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H55%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H5C%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_IE_%"),"Simulateur", like(url,"%WS_QJ3%"),"Simulateur", like(url,"%WS_RNX_%"),"Simulateur", like(url,"%WS_NS4/NS4/%"),"Vente-Souscription", like(url,"%WS_NSO/API/NSO%"),"Vente-Souscription", like(url,"%WS_Q4M/S4M/%"),"Vente-Souscription" ) | search Acte=* AND web_duration_ms > 1000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 5 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "17. Portail CAP CLIENT - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 5 temps de réponse > 1 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "17. Portail CAP CLIENT - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 5 temps de réponse > 1 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr AND (web_error_code=400 OR web_error_code=403 OR web_error_code>=500) | eval url =upper(web_url) | eval sam=lower(sam) | bin _time span=1h | eval Acte=case( like(url,"%g6_%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H51%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H52%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H53%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H54%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H55%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_STOMV2_H5C%"),"Client", like(url,"%WS_IE_%"),"Simulateur", like(url,"%WS_QJ3%"),"Simulateur", like(url,"%WS_RNX_%"),"Simulateur", like(url,"%WS_NS4/NS4/%"),"Vente-Souscription", like(url,"%WS_NSO/API/NSO%"),"Vente-Souscription", like(url,"%WS_Q4M/S4M/%"),"Vente-Souscription" ) | search Acte=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "18. Portail CAP CLIENT - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "18. Portail CAP CLIENT - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_duration_ms web_url web_domain sam | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr:444 | eval url =upper(web_url) | eval sam=lower(sam) | bin _time span=1h | eval Entreprise=case( match(url,"/RF_/"),"Portail Entreprise") | search Entreprise=* AND web_duration_ms > 2000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "19. Portail Entreprise - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 2 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "19. Portail Entreprise - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 2 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | bin _time span=1h | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr:444 AND web_error_code=* | eval url =upper(web_url) | eval sam=lower(sam) | eval Entreprise=case( match(url,"/RF_/"),"Portail Entreprise") | search Entreprise=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h count as "20. Portail Entreprise - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "20. Portail Entreprise - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_url web_domain sam web_duration_ms | eval sam=lower(sam) | bin _time span=1h | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr:444 OR web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr | eval url =upper(web_url) | eval Oasis=case(match(url,"/Q2_/"),"Oasis GCCE", match(url,"/Q3_/"),"Oasis RC", match(url,"/Q33/"),"Oasis SAATD", match(url,"/Q34/"),"Oasis SAATD") | search Oasis=* | search web_duration_ms > 2000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "21. Portail OASIS - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 2 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "21. Portail OASIS - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 2 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | eval sam=lower(sam) | bin _time span=1h | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr:444 OR web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr | eval url =upper(web_url) | eval Oasis=case(match(url,"/Q2_/"),"Oasis GCCE", match(url,"/Q3_/"),"Oasis RC", match(url,"/Q33/"),"Oasis SAATD", match(url,"/Q34/"),"Oasis SAATD") | search Oasis=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h count as "22. Portail OASIS - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "22. Portail OASIS - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:web:request" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_url web_domain sam web_duration_ms | eval sam=lower(sam) | bin _time span=1h | search web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr:444 OR web_domain=stmcv1.sf.intra.laposte.fr | eval url =upper(web_url) | eval SIBP=case( match(url,"/VP_/"),"Portail SIBP historique", match(url,"/VPI/"),"IHM porail Espace CO", match(url,"/VPC/"),"Portail Guichet Espace Co" ) | search SIBP=* AND web_duration_ms > 2000 | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "21. Portail OASIS - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 2 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "23. Portail SIBP / Espace CO - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 temps de réponse > 2 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype=ezoptima:web:error type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields web_error_count web_url web_error_code web_domain sam | eval sam=lower(sam) | bin _time span=1h | search web_domain=* | eval url =upper(web_url) | eval SIBP=case( match(url,"/VP_/"),"Portail SIBP historique", match(url,"/VPI/"),"IHM porail Espace CO", match(url,"/VPC/"),"Portail Guichet Espace Co" ) | search SIBP=* | stats count as PbPerf by sam _time | search PbPerf > 1 | timechart span=1h count as "24. Portail SIBP / Espace CO - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "24. Portail SIBP / Espace CO - Utilisateurs ayant au moins 2 erreurs" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:citrix" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields citrix_logon_duration sam | eval sam=lower(sam) | stats earliest(_time) as _time max(citrix_logon_duration) as citrix_logon_duration by sam | bin _time span=10min | eval PbPerf=if(citrix_logon_duration>30000,1,0) | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "31. Utilisateurs ayant un temps de connexion VirtuOS > 30 sec" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "31. Utilisateurs ayant un temps de connexion VirtuOS > 30 sec" = 0 ] ] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:citrix" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields citrix_euem_rtt sam | bin _time span=1h | eval sam=lower(sam) | stats avg(citrix_euem_rtt) as euem_rtt by sam _time | eval PbPerf=if(euem_rtt>200,1,0) | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart span=1h dc(sam) as "32. Utilisateurs ayant une qualité de connexion VirtusOS moyenne > 200 ms" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "32. Utilisateurs ayant une qualité de connexion VirtusOS moyenne > 200 ms" = 0 ]] | appendcols [ search `index_mesurescontinues` sourcetype="ezoptima:citrix" type=xenapp earliest=@d+7h latest=@d+19h | fields citrix_euem_netlatency sam | bin _time span=1h | eval sam=lower(sam) | stats avg(citrix_euem_netlatency) as citrix_euem_netlatency by sam _time | eval PbPerf=if(citrix_euem_netlatency>200,1,0) | search PbPerf > 0 | timechart dc(sam) span=1h as "33. Utilisateurs ayant une latence WAN VirtuOS moyenne > 200 ms" | appendpipe [ stats count as _events | where _events = 0 | eval "33. Utilisateurs ayant une latence WAN VirtuOS moyenne > 200 ms" = 0 ] ] | eval time=strftime(_time,"%H:%M") | sort time | fields - _time _span _origtime _events | fillnull value=0 | transpose 0 header_field=time column_name=KPI include_empty=true | sort KPI