~ ZHPDiag v2018.11.7.193 By Nicolas Coolman (2018/11/07) ~ Run by salem (Administrator) (2018/11/16 20:24:30) ~ Web: https://www.nicolascoolman.com ~ Blog: https://nicolascoolman.eu/ ~ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nicolascoolman1 ~ Certificate ZHPDiag: Legal ~ State version: Version KO ~ Mode: Scan ~ Report: C:\Users\salem\Desktop\ZHPDiag.txt ~ Report: C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag.txt ~ UAC: Activate ~ System startup: Normal (Normal boot) Windows 8.1, 64-bit (Build 9600) =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ Internet Browsers (2) - 0s ~ GCIE: Google Chrome v70.0.3538.102 ~ MSIE: Internet Explorer v11.0.9600.19180 ---\\ Windows Product Information (3) - 0s ~ Windows Server License Manager Script : OK ~ Licence Script File Génération : OK Windows Automatic Updates : OK ---\\ System protection software (1) - 0s Malwarebytes Anti-malware (Protection) ---\\ ANTI-MALWARE SOFTWARE (1) - 0s ~ RogueKiller version v13.0.10.0 (Anti-Malware) ---\\ Surveillance software (2) - 0s ~ Adobe Flash Player 31 PPAPI (Surveillance) ~ Adobe Acrobat Reader DC (Surveillance) ---\\ System optimization software (1) - 0s ~ CCleaner v5.49 (Optimisation) ---\\ Informations on the system (6) - 0s ~ Operating System: Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel ~ Operating System: 64-bit ~ Boot mode: Normal (Normal boot) Total RAM: 4089.62 MB (51% free) : OK =>.RAM Value System Restore: Activé (Enable) System drive C: has 313 GB (71%) free of 435 GB : OK =>.Disk Space ---\\ Connection to the system mode (3) - 0s ~ Computer Name: ITTIHAD4EVER ~ User Name: salem ~ Logged in as Administrator ---\\ Enumeration of the disk units (2) - 0s ~ Drive C: has 313 GB free of 435 GB (System) ~ Drive D: has 11 GB free of 25 GB ---\\ State of the Windows Security Center (12) - 0s [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiSpywareOverride: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] AntiVirusOverride: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Security Center\Svc] FirewallOverride: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer] NoActiveDesktopChanges: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] EnableLUA: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\NOHIDDEN] CheckedValue: Modified [HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings] WarnOnHTTPSToHTTPRedirect: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced\Folder\Hidden\SHOWALL] CheckedValue: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Associations] Application: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon] Shell: OK [HKLM64\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\COMSysApp] Type: OK [HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update\Results\Install] LastSuccessTime : OK ---\\ Search Generic System Files (24) - 1s [MD5.ED6B4C95E2A6D67480B9DBB8A8E7D9B4] - 27/08/2016 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Explorer.) -- C:\windows\Explorer.exe [2755504] =>.Microsoft Corporation® [MD5.6C308D32AFA41D26CE2A0EA8F7B79565] - 29/10/2014 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows host process (Rundll32).) -- C:\windows\System32\rundll32.exe [54784] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.D9516405E05F24EDCD90B1988FAF3948] - 14/01/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Start-Up Application.) -- C:\windows\System32\Wininit.exe [146944] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.ECA2EED8EBE0AC4BCEBF7C207722F515] - 12/10/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\windows\System32\wininet.dll [4859904] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.4294D7AD504EA206A4A03DB29311B6C2] - 02/01/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Logon Application.) -- C:\windows\System32\Winlogon.exe [571392] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.AFCAB4DC692CCE37E283B00E2D7B438F] - 21/12/2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Software Licensing Library.) -- C:\windows\System32\sppcomapi.dll [447488] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.C9C6033116C4F7128AC11A7096765E92] - 08/06/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DNS Client API DLL.) -- C:\windows\System32\dnsapi.dll [656384] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.E38864C62641DF22A4AFD2B6C59BD61B] - 08/06/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DNS Client API DLL.) -- C:\windows\Syswow64\dnsapi.dll [499200] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.B246BEE99740A2A357E21D863A18774D] - 10/01/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\AFD.sys [559616] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.74B14192CF79A72F7536B27CB8814FBD] - 22/08/2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation - ATAPI IDE Miniport Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\atapi.sys [26464] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.2FA6510E33F7DEFEC03658B74101A9B9] - 22/08/2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation - CD-ROM File System Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\Cdfs.sys [88576] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.D61EDE3D49B04E703AEC3B111C763F42] - 05/12/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - SCSI CD-ROM Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\Cdrom.sys [165376] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.D1049D4D1311D43F6FCF180CAA5BF78B] - 02/01/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - DFS Namespace Client Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\DfsC.sys [138752] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.D4B7ED39C7900384D9E5C1283F1E7926] - 24/07/2014 - (.Microsoft Corporation - High Definition Audio Bus Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\HDAudBus.sys [76800] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.49EE0AE9E5B64FFBBD06D55C4984B598] - 04/11/2014 - (.Microsoft Corporation - i8042 Port Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\i8042prt.sys [108544] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.B7342B3C58E91107F6E946A93D9D4EFD] - 27/11/2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation - IP Network Address Translator.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\IpNat.sys [142848] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.58F495747F93F5ED547A08E414168905] - 01/09/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows NT SMB Minirdr.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\MRxSmb.sys [401920] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.0FE750800DEEE91D22399D081371BA79] - 11/08/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - MBT Transport driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\netBT.sys [281600] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.1AA900CB97BE3106D1E01461088B76CC] - 08/09/2018 - (.Microsoft Corporation - NT File System Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\ntfs.sys [2014136] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.57DCE4FB0467986AE78E1C6FC5240D32] - 11/08/2016 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Parallel Port Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\Parport.sys [96256] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.235624C147E3CB4C288D5D3D8E8D64A2] - 02/02/2016 - (.Microsoft Corporation - RAS L2TP mini-port/call-manager driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\Rasl2tp.sys [112640] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.680C1DAE268B6FB67FA21B389A8B79EF] - 22/08/2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft RDP Device redirector.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\rdpdr.sys [195584] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.576FA545FAB846B06E79B324160DE25C] - 02/08/2017 - (.Microsoft Corporation - TDI Translation Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\tdx.sys [107520] =>.Microsoft Corporation [MD5.17F7B0F2298D97F4B6C7A69511033D3D] - 14/03/2016 - (.Microsoft Corporation - Volume Shadow Copy Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\volsnap.sys [316760] =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ No disabled Windows Services (11) - 3s O23 - Service: Adobe Acrobat Update Service (AdobeARMservice) . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Acrobat Update Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\armsvc.exe =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated® O23 - Service: Bonjour Service (Bonjour Service) . (.Apple Inc. - Bonjour Service.) - C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe =>.Apple Inc.® O23 - Service: ESET Service (ekrn) . (.ESET - ESET Service.) - C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\ekrn.exe =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O23 - Service: Google Update Service (gupdate) (gupdate) . (.Google Inc. - Google Installer.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc® O23 - Service: Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology (IAStorDataMgrSvc) . (.Intel Corporation - IAStorDataSvc.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe =>.Intel Corporation - Intel® Rapid Storage Technology® O23 - Service: NitroPDFDriverCreatorReadSpool9 (NitroDriverReadSpool9) . (.Nitro PDF Software - Nitro PDF Spool Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitro\Pro 9\NitroPDFDriverService9x64.exe =>.Nitro PDF Software® O23 - Service: NitroUpdateService (NitroUpdateService) . (...) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitro\Pro 9\Nitro_UpdateService.exe =>.Nitro PDF Software® O23 - Service: Nalpeiron Licensing Service (nlsX86cc) . (.Nalpeiron Ltd. - This service enables products that use the.) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\NLSSRV32.EXE =>.Nitro PDF Software® O23 - Service: Conexant SmartAudio service (SAService) . (...) - C:\Windows\System32\SASrv.exe (.not file.) =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. O23 - Service: Skype Updater (SkypeUpdate) . (.Skype Technologies - Skype Updater Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Updater\Updater.exe =>.Skype Software Sarl® O23 - Service: SAMSUNG Mobile Connectivity Service (ss_conn_service) . (.DEVGURU Co., LTD. - MSS CS Connectivity Service.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\USB Drivers\27_ssconn\conn\ss_conn_service.exe =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.® ---\\ Services not Microsoft (SR=Run, SS=Stop) (21) - 13s SR - Auto [14/08/2018] [ 83984] Adobe Acrobat Update Service (AdobeARMservice) . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\armsvc.exe =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated® SS - Demand [13/11/2018] [ 335872] Adobe Flash Player Update Service (AdobeFlashPlayerUpdateSvc) . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated® SR - Disabl [07/08/2013] [ 2252504] @oem56.inf,%BlueBcmBtRSupport.SVCNAME%;Bluetooth Driver Man (BcmBtRSupport) . (.Broadcom Corporation..) - C:\windows\System32\BtwRSupportService.exe =>.Broadcom Corporation® SR - Auto [12/08/2015] [ 462096] Bonjour Service (Bonjour Service) . (.Apple Inc..) - C:\Program Files\Bonjour\mDNSResponder.exe =>.Apple Inc.® SR - Disabl [05/09/2013] [ 976600] Bluetooth Service (btwdins) . (.Broadcom Corporation..) - C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Bluetooth Software\btwdins.exe =>.Broadcom Corporation® SR - Disabl [19/09/2013] [ 279000] Intel(R) Content Protection HECI Service (cphs) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IntelCpHeciSvc.exe =>.Intel Corporation - pGFX® SR - Disabl [25/07/2013] [ 206552] @C:\windows\system32\CxAudMsg64.exe,-100 (CxAudMsg) . (.Conexant Systems Inc..) - C:\windows\system32\CxAudMsg64.exe =>.Conexant Systems, Inc.® SR - Auto [25/10/2018] [ 2302152] ESET Service (ekrn) . (.ESET.) - C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\ekrn.exe =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® SR - Auto [06/09/2015] [ 144200] Google Update Service (gupdate) (gupdate) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc® SS - Demand [06/09/2015] [ 144200] Google Update Service (gupdatem) (gupdatem) . (.Google Inc..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe =>.Google Inc® SR - Auto [07/08/2013] [ 15720] Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology (IAStorDataMgrSvc) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorDataMgrSvc.exe =>.Intel Corporation - Intel® Rapid Storage Technology® SR - Disabl [24/04/2012] [ 169752] Intel(R) Integrated Clock Controller Service - Intel(R) ICCS (ICCS) . (.Intel Corporation.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Integrated Clock Controller Service\ICCProxy.exe =>.Intel Corporation® SR - Disabl [12/05/2013] [ 733696] Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface (Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service Interface) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\HeciServer.exe =>.Intel(R) Corporation SR - Disabl [12/05/2013] [ 822232] Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service TCP IP Interface (Intel(R) Capability Licensing Service TCP IP Interface) . (.Intel(R) Corporation.) - C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\SocketHeciServer.exe =>.Intel® Trusted Connect Service® SR - Auto [01/08/2014] [ 230920] NitroPDFDriverCreatorReadSpool9 (NitroDriverReadSpool9) . (.Nitro PDF Software.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitro\Pro 9\NitroPDFDriverService9x64.exe =>.Nitro PDF Software® SR - Auto [01/08/2014] [ 418312] NitroUpdateService (NitroUpdateService) . (...) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitro\Pro 9\Nitro_UpdateService.exe =>.Nitro PDF Software® SR - Auto [01/08/2014] [ 69640] Nalpeiron Licensing Service (nlsX86cc) . (.Nalpeiron Ltd..) - C:\Windows\SysWOW64\NLSSRV32.EXE =>.Nitro PDF Software® SR - Disabl [24/04/2012] [ 390632] Cyberlink RichVideo64 Service(CRVS) (RichVideo64) . (.Copyright 2004.) - C:\Program Files\CyberLink\Shared files\RichVideo64.exe =>.CyberLink® SR - Auto [18/02/2015] [ 315488] Skype Updater (SkypeUpdate) . (.Skype Technologies.) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Updater\Updater.exe =>.Skype Software Sarl® SR - Auto [16/01/2017] [ 752224] SAMSUNG Mobile Connectivity Service (ss_conn_service) . (.DEVGURU Co., LTD..) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\USB Drivers\27_ssconn\conn\ss_conn_service.exe =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.® SR - Disabl [30/05/2014] [ 68368] VeriFaceSrv (VeriFaceSrv) . (...) - C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\Lenovo VeriFace\VfConnectorService.exe =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® ---\\ Task Planned Automatically (Register) (22) - 5s O38 - TASK: {22BB2248-25C7-49D3-9994-7B4107AF5B38} [64Bits][\Synaptics TouchPad Enhancements] - (.Synaptics Incorporated - Synaptics TouchPad 64-bit Enhancements.) -- C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe [2780400] =>.Synaptics Incorporated O38 - TASK: {4DEB16AE-49FF-4CE7-8B06-411F8F0CA664} [64Bits][\Adobe Flash Player Updater] - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe® Flash® Player Update Service 31.0 r0.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [335872] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated O38 - TASK: {5874B3C0-A88C-46DB-8278-D9AB9E8F0025} [64Bits][\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore] - (.Google Inc. - Google Installer.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [144200] =>.Google Inc. O38 - TASK: {87081789-DD5A-411A-887C-0B8796CBFB8B} [64Bits][\CCleaner Update] - (.Piriform Ltd - CCleaner emergency updater.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCUpdate.exe [548824] =>.Piriform Ltd O38 - TASK: {9EBA918A-7A16-4641-9829-66A30069CB0B} [64Bits][\CCleanerSkipUAC] - (.Piriform Software Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [14554696] O38 - TASK: {A0AF0DCE-DA2F-470A-82E8-07097127DBCD} [64Bits][\Adobe Flash Player PPAPI Notifier] - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe® Flash® Player Installer/Uninstaller.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_31_0_0_148_pepper.exe [1455752] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated O38 - TASK: {AB4437EC-183A-4AAF-BCAB-DF80B2FB94D7} [64Bits][\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center Launcher] - (.LenovoSolutionCenter - LSC.Services.UpdateStatusService.) -- C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center\App\LSC.Services.UpdateStatusService.exe [264984] =>.LenovoSolutionCenter O38 - TASK: {AF45C00E-3406-4630-B387-C3E66F4DD7AE} [64Bits][\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA] - (.Google Inc. - Google Installer.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [144200] =>.Google Inc. O38 - TASK: {E9B7C1BF-4FBB-471C-84A4-B57D58C86154} [64Bits][\Lenovo\LSC\LSCHardwareScan] - (.Lenovo - Lenovo Solution Center.) -- C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center\LSC.exe [10197784] =>.Lenovo O38 - TASK: {F528749F-23A3-4342-B237-5C7585B72555} [64Bits][\Adobe Acrobat Update Task] - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [1190424] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated O38 - TASK: {F734C17B-63BF-48FE-87B5-545DBEC68BB5} [64Bits][\Lenovo\LSC\Lenovo Solution Center Notifications] - (.Lenovo - Lenovo Solution Center Notifications.) -- C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center\LSCNotify.exe [1321240] =>.Lenovo C:\windows\System32\Tasks\Synaptics TouchPad Enhancements - (.Synaptics Incorporated.) -- C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe [] =>.Synaptics Incorporated C:\windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player Updater - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashPlayerUpdateService.exe [] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated C:\windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineCore - (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [/c] =>.Google Inc. C:\windows\System32\Tasks\CCleaner Update - (.Piriform Ltd.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCUpdate.exe [] =>.Piriform Ltd C:\windows\System32\Tasks\CCleanerSkipUAC - (.Piriform Software Ltd.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe [$(Arg0)] C:\windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Flash Player PPAPI Notifier - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\FlashUtil32_31_0_0_148_pepper.exe [-check pepperplugin.-check] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated C:\windows\System32\Tasks\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center Launcher - (.LenovoSolutionCenter.) -- C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center\App\LSC.Services.UpdateStatusService.exe [UpdateStatus] =>.LenovoSolutionCenter C:\windows\System32\Tasks\GoogleUpdateTaskMachineUA - (.Google Inc..) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Update\GoogleUpdate.exe [/ua ./ua] =>.Google Inc. C:\windows\System32\Tasks\Lenovo\LSC\LSCHardwareScan - (.Lenovo.) -- C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center\LSC.exe [-diag HWScan.-diag] =>.Lenovo C:\windows\System32\Tasks\Adobe Acrobat Update Task - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\ARM\1.0\AdobeARM.exe [] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated C:\windows\System32\Tasks\Lenovo\LSC\Lenovo Solution Center Notifications - (.Lenovo.) -- C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center\LSCNotify.exe [/show] =>.Lenovo ---\\ Auto loading programs from Registry and folders (11) - 3s O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [HotKeysCmds] . (.Intel Corporation - hkcmd Module.) -- C:\windows\system32\hkcmd.exe =>.Intel Corporation O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Persistence] . (.Intel Corporation - persistence Module.) -- C:\windows\system32\igfxpers.exe =>.Intel Corporation O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IAStorIcon] . (.Intel Corporation - Delayed launcher.) -- C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology\IAStorIconLaunch.exe =>.Intel Corporation O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [RtsFT] . (.Realtek semiconductor - RTFTrack.) -- C:\windows\RTFTrack.exe =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp® O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [cAudioFilterAgent] . (.Conexant Systems, Inc. - Conexant High Definition Audio Filter Agent.) -- C:\Program Files\CONEXANT\cAudioFilterAgent\cAudioFilterAgent64.exe =>.Conexant Systems, Inc.® O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SmartAudio] . (.Conexant Systems, Inc. - SmartAudio CPL (32bit).) -- C:\Program Files\CONEXANT\SAII\SACpl.exe =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [egui] . (.ESET - ESET command line interface.) -- C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\ecmds.exe =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Skype] . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe =>.Skype Software Sarl® O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [CCleaner Smart Cleaning] . (.Piriform Software Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe {0523409B9FB5C3B8C0C463A318723FF9} O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\..\Run: [Skype] . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe =>.Skype Software Sarl® O4 - HKUS\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\..\Run: [CCleaner Smart Cleaning] . (.Piriform Software Ltd - CCleaner.) -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe {0523409B9FB5C3B8C0C463A318723FF9} ---\\ Process running (17) - 2s [MD5.C2AACB686395B90E856B2AF85A5F1DA2] - (.Nalpeiron Ltd. - This service enables products that use the.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\NLSSRV32.EXE [69640] [PID.1656] =>.Nitro PDF Software® [MD5.07D58D5F7839ABA76118BC037C2C63BD] - (.Conexant Systems, Inc. - SmartAudio Service Application.) -- C:\Windows\SysWOW64\SASrv.exe [447104] [PID.1704] =>.Conexant Systems, Inc.® [MD5.46826B02C346D48A62FF11882AF662BB] - (.DEVGURU Co., LTD. - MSS CS Connectivity Service.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung\USB Drivers\27_ssconn\conn\ss_conn_service.exe [752224] [PID.1784] =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.® [MD5.A0CAFD93D4771B8DF1F3ECB3984DF74A] - (.Synaptics Incorporated - Synaptics TouchPad 64-bit Enhancements.) -- C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe [2780400] [PID.908] =>.Synaptics Incorporated® [MD5.DA35ACEA0CBE2FF08E5800D039496828] - (.ESET - ESET Main GUI.) -- C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\egui.exe [6895736] [PID.4204] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® [MD5.B781AE06F50ACC74948DE6275DABF473] - (.Lenovo - Lenovo Solution Center Notifications.) -- C:\Program Files\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center\LSCNotify.exe [1321240] [PID.4772] {713F1370B67539BA13CFCD360E6DE2FB} =>.Lenovo [MD5.1759C4BE62294BF8D16A891780141725] - (.Synaptics Incorporated - Synaptics Pointing Device Helper.) -- C:\PROGRAM FILES\SYNAPTICS\SynTP\SYNTPHELPER.EXE [182000] [PID.4964] =>.Synaptics Incorporated® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.2972] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.4984] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.4452] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.1816] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.1032] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.1912] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.1752] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.5168] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.4ACBABAC62ED52DD93FB5B9797F5A626] - (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe [1589080] [PID.4212] =>.Google Inc® [MD5.17A42C23EA9469271052884C8A65BAE7] - (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe [3175808] [PID.2364] =>.Nicolas Coolman ---\\ Google Chrome, Start,Search,Extensions (19) - 1s G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://www.facebook.com =>.Facebook G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://apis.google.com =>.Google Inc. G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://facebook.com =>.Facebook G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://ssl.gstatic.com =>.Google Inc. G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://static.xx.fbcdn.net G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://staticxx.facebook.com =>.Facebook G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://www.google.co.uk =>.Google Inc. G0 - GCSP: Preferences [User Data\Default][HomePage] http://www.gstatic.com =>.Google Inc. G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [aleggpabliehgbeagmfhnodcijcmbonb] Dr.Web =>.Dr.Web G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [cfnpidifppmenkapgihekkeednfoenal] TrafficLight =>.Bitdefender G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [dmgjckeibmdfndlflobjhddhmemajjld] Facebook Ad Blocker G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [fdcgdnkidjaadafnichfpabhfomcebme] ZenMate =>.zenmate.com G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [hcgajcpgaalgpeholhdooeddllhedegi] NewsGuard G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [ihcjicgdanjaechkgeegckofjjedodee] Malwarebytes =>.Malwarebytes G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [jacihiikpacjaggdldhcdfjpbibbfjmh] Adblock Genesis Plus =>.Genesis Plus adblocker G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [jdiegbdfmhkofahlnojgddehhelfmadj] Adblock Genius PRO G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda] =>.Google Inc. {Wallet} G2 - GCE: Preference [salem][User Data\Default] [pkedcjkdefgpdelpbcmbmeomcjbeemfm] Chrome Media Router =>.Google Inc. ---\\ Mozilla Firefox,Plugins,Start,Search,Extensions (1) - 1s P2 - EXT FILE: (.Microsoft Corporation - The plugin allows you to have a better expe.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\Plugins\npMeetingJoinPluginOC.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation® ---\\ Internet Explorer Extensions, Start, Search (19) - 0s R0 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://www.google.com =>.Google Inc. R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R0 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Secondary_Page_URL = http://www.lenovo.com =>.Lenovo Group Limited R1 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = preserve =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL = http://go.microsoft.com/ =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Extensions Off Page = about:noadd-ons =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Security Risk Page = about:securityrisk =>.Microsoft Corporation R1 - HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar = preserve =>.Microsoft Corporation R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name)[HKCU] - {CFBFAE00-17A6-11D0-99CB-00C04FD64497} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Browser.) (11.00.9600.18817 (winblue_ltsb.170907-0600)) -- C:\Windows\System32\ieframe.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation R4 - HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PhishingFilter,EnabledV9 = 1 =>Default.Value ---\\ INTERNET EXPLORER, trusted site and sensitive site (101) - 1s ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 008i.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 008k.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 00hq.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 0190-dialers.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 01i.info ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 02pmnzy5eo29bfk4.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 0411dd.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 0511zfhl.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 05p.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 0632qyw.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 07ic5do2myz3vzpk.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 08nigbmwk43i01y6.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 093qpeuqpmz6ebfa.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 0calories.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 0cj.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 0scan.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1-britney-spears-nude.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1-domains-registrations.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1-se.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1001movie.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1001night.biz ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 100gal.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 100sexlinks.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 101hotteens.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 101lottery.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 110hobart.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 114anhui.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 123expressview.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 123found.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 123keno.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 12don.info ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1331675235.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 143fuck.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 17gamo.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 17webplace.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 180solutions.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1autocity.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1ive.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1se.ru ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1sexparty.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1stfind.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1stpagehere.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1traff.us ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 1ze.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 2-antispyware.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 2004search.cc ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 2004synchronationals.org ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 2009download-best-soft.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 2019wyt.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 2020search.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 20health.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 20x2p.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 23drf.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 24-7find.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 24kstudio.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 24qas.info ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 24teen.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 2828hfdy.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 2pursuit.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 30search.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 31234.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 3344g.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 33search.cc ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 34f.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 34yo.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 356563.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 366ent.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 36site.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 3bomb.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 3d-downloadportal.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 3dxxx3d.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 3xpowered.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 4-counter.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 404dnserror.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 404dnspage.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 404dnswebsite.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 404mispage.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 4buy.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 4corn.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 4ourtraff.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 4pokertips.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 4uiokwnbe.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 50plus-login.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 515515.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 53ia49772x7r16ks.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 53t3ghkjksd.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 5foot.org ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 5hvx2m8sixttkn8a.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 5wheel.org ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 600pics.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 680130.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 69teenage.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 6bdsm.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 700xxx.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 75tz.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 76text-crypt.net ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 772123.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 777search.com ~ IE Restricted Site Potentially Unwanted: 777top.com ~ Microsoft Internet Explorer Restricted Site(s) Domains: 0(Good) / 6084(Bad) ~ Microsoft Internet Explorer Restricted Site(s) EscDomains: 0(Good) / 0(Bad) ---\\ Internet Explorer, Proxy Management (7) - 0s R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyOverride = *.local =>.Default.Value R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyEnable = 0 =>.Default.Value R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,MigrateProxy = 1 =>.Default.Value R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,EnableHttp1_1 = 1 =>.Default.Value R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyHttp1.1 = 1 =>.Default.Value R5 - HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,AutoConfigProxy = wininet.dll R5 - HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\NlaSvc\Parameters\Internet\ManualProxies [] =>.Microsoft ---\\ Line Analysis, IniFiles, Auto loading programs (3) - 0s F2 - REG:system.ini: UserInit=C:\windows\SYSWOW64\userinit.exe (.Microsoft Corporation.) =>.Microsoft Corporation F2 - REG:system.ini: Shell=C:\windows\explorer.exe (.Microsoft Corporation.) =>.Microsoft Corporation F2 - REG:system.ini: VMApplet=C:\windows\SysWOW64\SystemPropertiesPerformance.exe (.Microsoft Corporation.) =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ Hosts file redirection (1) - 0s ~ Le fichier hôte est sain (The hosts file is clean) (21) ---\\ Browser Helper Object (BHO) (2) - 0s O2 - BHO: Skype for Business Click to Call BHO [64Bits] - {31D09BA0-12F5-4CCE-BE8A-2923E76605DA} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Skype for Business.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\OCHelper.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation® O2 - BHO: Microsoft SkyDrive Pro Browser Helper [64Bits] - {D0498E0A-45B7-42AE-A9AA-ABA463DBD3BF} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive for Business Extensions.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\GROOVEEX.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation® ---\\ Global shortcuts Startup (96) - 10s O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrator]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrator]: SpeedFan.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\SpeedFan\speedfan.exe =>.SOKNO S.R.L.® O4 - GS\Desktop [Administrator]: ZHPDiag.lnk . (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe =>.Nicolas Coolman O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrator]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrator]: Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Administrator]: Microsoft Outlook.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Outlook.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE /recycle =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrator]: Fax Recipient.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\windows\system32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\sendTo [Administrator]: Skype.lnk . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /sendto: =>.Skype Software Sarl® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrator]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrator]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Administrator]: UserGuide.lnk . (.Lenovo - UserGuide.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\UserGuide\UserGuide.exe =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O4 - GS\Programs [Administrator]: Documents.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Documents O4 - GS\Programs [Administrator]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Programs [Administrator]: Pictures.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Pictures =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Desktop [Ahmed]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Desktop [Ahmed]: SpeedFan.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\SpeedFan\speedfan.exe =>.SOKNO S.R.L.® O4 - GS\Desktop [Ahmed]: ZHPDiag.lnk . (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe =>.Nicolas Coolman O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Ahmed]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Ahmed]: Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Ahmed]: Microsoft Outlook.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Outlook.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE /recycle =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\sendTo [Ahmed]: Fax Recipient.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\windows\system32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\sendTo [Ahmed]: Skype.lnk . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /sendto: =>.Skype Software Sarl® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Ahmed]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Ahmed]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Ahmed]: UserGuide.lnk . (.Lenovo - UserGuide.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\UserGuide\UserGuide.exe =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O4 - GS\Programs [Ahmed]: Documents.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Documents O4 - GS\Programs [Ahmed]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Programs [Ahmed]: Pictures.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Pictures =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Desktop [Guest]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Desktop [Guest]: SpeedFan.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\SpeedFan\speedfan.exe =>.SOKNO S.R.L.® O4 - GS\Desktop [Guest]: ZHPDiag.lnk . (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe =>.Nicolas Coolman O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Guest]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Guest]: Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [Guest]: Microsoft Outlook.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Outlook.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE /recycle =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\sendTo [Guest]: Fax Recipient.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\windows\system32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\sendTo [Guest]: Skype.lnk . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /sendto: =>.Skype Software Sarl® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Guest]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Guest]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\TaskBar [Guest]: UserGuide.lnk . (.Lenovo - UserGuide.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\UserGuide\UserGuide.exe =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O4 - GS\Programs [Guest]: Documents.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Documents O4 - GS\Programs [Guest]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Programs [Guest]: Pictures.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Pictures =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Desktop [salem]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Desktop [salem]: SpeedFan.lnk . (...) C:\Program Files (x86)\SpeedFan\speedfan.exe =>.SOKNO S.R.L.® O4 - GS\Desktop [salem]: ZHPDiag.lnk . (.Nicolas Coolman - ZHPDiag.) C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPDiag3.exe =>.Nicolas Coolman O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [salem]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [salem]: Launch Internet Explorer Browser.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Quicklaunch [salem]: Microsoft Outlook.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Outlook.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office15\OUTLOOK.EXE /recycle =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\sendTo [salem]: Fax Recipient.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\windows\system32\WFS.exe /SendTo =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\sendTo [salem]: Skype.lnk . (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe /sendto: =>.Skype Software Sarl® O4 - GS\TaskBar [salem]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\TaskBar [salem]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\TaskBar [salem]: UserGuide.lnk . (.Lenovo - UserGuide.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\UserGuide\UserGuide.exe =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O4 - GS\Programs [salem]: Documents.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Documents O4 - GS\Programs [salem]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Programs [salem]: Pictures.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Pictures =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: Acrobat Reader DC.lnk . (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat Reader DC\Reader\AcroRd32.exe =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated® O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: CCleaner.lnk . (.Piriform Software Ltd - CCleaner.) C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner64.exe {0523409B9FB5C3B8C0C463A318723FF9} O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: Cyberlink Power2Go.lnk . (.Cyberlink - Power2Go.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\Power2Go\Power2Go.exe =>.CyberLink Corp.® O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: ESET Banking & Payment protection.lnk . (.ESET - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\ecmd.exe /startprotectedbrowser =>.ESET O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: Lenovo PowerDVD 10.lnk . (.CyberLink Corp. - PowerDVD 10.0.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\PowerDVD10\PDVDLaunchPolicy.exe =>.CyberLink Corp.® O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: Lenovo Solution Center.lnk . (.Lenovo - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\Lenovo Solution Center\LSC.exe =>.Lenovo O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: Lenovo VeriFace.lnk . (.Lenovo - Lenovo VeriFace.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\Lenovo VeriFace\VfConfig.exe =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: Nitro Pro 9.lnk . (.Nitro PDF - Nitro Pro 9.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitro\Pro 9\NitroPDF.exe =>.Nitro PDF Software® O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: OneKey Recovery.lnk . (.CyberLink - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\OneKey App\OneKey Recovery\OneKey Recovery.exe =>.CyberLink O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: Skype.lnk . (...) C:\windows\Installer\{24991BA0-F0EE-44AD-9CC8-5EC50AECF6B7}\SkypeIcon.exe =>.Skype Technologies O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: User Manuals.lnk . (.Lenovo - UserGuide.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\UserGuide\UserGuide.exe =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O4 - GS\CommonDesktop [Public]: VLC media player.lnk . (.VideoLAN - VLC media player.) C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe =>.VideoLAN® O4 - GS\Programs [Public]: Documents.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Documents O4 - GS\Programs [Public]: Internet Explorer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\Programs [Public]: Pictures.lnk . (...) C:\Users\salem\Pictures =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Notepad.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Notepad.) C:\windows\system32\notepad.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Startup [Public]: Bluetooth.lnk . (.Broadcom Corporation. - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo\Bluetooth Software\BTTray.exe =>.Broadcom Corporation. O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Calculator.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Calculator.) C:\windows\system32\calc.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Math Input Panel.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - .) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Ink\mip.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Paint.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Paint.) C:\windows\system32\mspaint.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Remote Desktop Connection.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Remote Desktop Connection.) C:\windows\system32\mstsc.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Snipping Tool.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Snipping Tool.) C:\windows\system32\SnippingTool.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Sound Recorder.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Sound Recorder.) C:\windows\system32\SoundRecorder.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Steps Recorder.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Steps Recorder.) C:\windows\system32\psr.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Sticky Notes.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Sticky Notes.) C:\windows\system32\StikyNot.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Windows Fax and Scan.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Fax and Scan.) C:\windows\system32\WFS.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Windows Media Player.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Media Player.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe /prefetch:1 =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: Wordpad.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Wordpad Application.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\Accessories [Public]: XPS Viewer.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - XPS Viewer.) C:\windows\system32\xpsrchvw.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\SystemTools [Public]: Character Map.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Character Map.) C:\windows\system32\charmap.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Acrobat Reader DC.lnk . (.Flexera Software LLC - InstallShield.) C:\windows\Installer\{AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AC0F074E4100}\SC_Reader.ico =>.Flexera Software LLC O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Camera.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Camera.) C:\windows\Camera\Camera.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: FileManager.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - OneDrive.) C:\windows\FileManager\FileManager.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Google Chrome.lnk . (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Immersive Control Panel.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) C:\windows\System32\Control.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Nitro Pro 9.lnk . (.Nitro PDF - Nitro Pro 9.) C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitro\Pro 9\NitroPDF.exe =>.Nitro PDF Software® O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: PhotosApp.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Photos.) C:\windows\FileManager\PhotosApp.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Search.lnk . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows host process (Rundll32).) C:\windows\system32\rundll32.exe -sta {C90FB8CA-3295-4462-A721-2935E83694BA} =>..Microsoft Corporation O4 - GS\ProgramsCommon [Public]: Windows Store.lnk . (...) C:\windows\WinStore\WinStore.htm =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ Lop.com/Domain Hijackers (4) - 0s O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\Parameters: DhcpNameServer = =>.UK Guildford Virgin Media Ltd O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{445DE83C-5A0B-4CF0-BC44-AA1A62D9035B}: DhcpNameServer = =>.Local IP Adress O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{4D4D0C1F-3036-42AD-AD3D-421C14CF2693}: DhcpNameServer = =>.UK Guildford Virgin Media Ltd O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{445DE83C-5A0B-4CF0-BC44-AA1A62D9035B}: DhcpDomain = openwifi ---\\ Extra protocols (21) - 2s O18 - Handler: about [64Bits] - {3050F406-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: cdl [64Bits] - {3dd53d40-7b8b-11D0-b013-00aa0059ce02} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: dvd [64Bits] - {12D51199-0DB5-46FE-A120-47A3D7D937CC} . (.Microsoft Corporation - ActiveX control for streaming video.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MSVidCtl.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: file [64Bits] - {79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: ftp [64Bits] - {79eac9e3-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: http [64Bits] - {79eac9e2-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: https [64Bits] - {79eac9e5-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: its [64Bits] - {9D148291-B9C8-11D0-A4CC-0000F80149F6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\itss.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: javascript [64Bits] - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: local [64Bits] - {79eac9e7-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: mailto [64Bits] - {3050f3DA-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: mhtml [64Bits] - {05300401-BCBC-11d0-85E3-00C04FD85AB4} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Internet Messaging API Resources.) -- C:\Windows\System32\inetcomm.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: mk [64Bits] - {79eac9e6-baf9-11ce-8c82-00aa004ba90b} . (.Microsoft Corporation - OLE32 Extensions for Win32.) -- C:\Windows\System32\urlmon.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: ms-its [64Bits] - {9D148291-B9C8-11D0-A4CC-0000F80149F6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® InfoTech Storage System Library.) -- C:\Windows\System32\itss.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: res [64Bits] - {3050F3BC-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: tv [64Bits] - {CBD30858-AF45-11D2-B6D6-00C04FBBDE6E} . (.Microsoft Corporation - ActiveX control for streaming video.) -- C:\Windows\System32\MSVidCtl.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Handler: vbscript [64Bits] - {3050F3B2-98B5-11CF-BB82-00AA00BDCE0B} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Viewer.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mshtml.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Filter: application/octet-stream [64Bits] - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Filter: application/x-complus [64Bits] - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Filter: application/x-msdownload [64Bits] - {1E66F26B-79EE-11D2-8710-00C04F79ED0D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mscoree.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O18 - Filter: text/xml [64Bits] - {807583E5-5146-11D5-A672-00B0D022E945} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Office XML MIME Filter.) -- C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\OFFICE15\MSOXMLMF.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation® ---\\ AppInit_DLLs Registry value Autorun (1) - 0s O20 - Winlogon : UserInit . (.Microsoft Corporation - Userinit Logon Application.) - C:\Windows\system32\userinit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ Software installed (73) - 20s O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Acrobat Reader DC - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {AC76BA86-7AD7-1033-7B44-AC0F074E4100} =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated O42 - Logiciel: Adobe AIR - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {CE25DBD3-FCA7-4E77-9A60-F77BE12FC4BA} =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated O42 - Logiciel: Adobe AIR - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Adobe AIR =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated® O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Flash Player 31 PPAPI - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Adobe Flash Player PPAPI =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated® O42 - Logiciel: Adobe Refresh Manager - (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {AC76BA86-0804-1033-1959-001824298644} =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated O42 - Logiciel: Bonjour - (.Apple Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {56DDDFB8-7F79-4480-89D5-25E1F52AB28F} =>.Apple Inc. O42 - Logiciel: CCleaner - (.Piriform.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- CCleaner {0523409B9FB5C3B8C0C463A318723FF9} =>.Piriform O42 - Logiciel: Conexant HD Audio - (.Conexant.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- CNXT_AUDIO_HDA =>.Conexant Systems, Inc.® O42 - Logiciel: CyberLink PhotoDirector 3 - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {39337565-330E-4ab6-A9AE-AC81E0720B10} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: CyberLink PhotoDirector 3 - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{39337565-330E-4ab6-A9AE-AC81E0720B10} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: CyberLink PowerDirector 10 - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B0B4F6D2-F2AE-451A-9496-6F2F6A897B32} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: CyberLink PowerDirector 10 - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{B0B4F6D2-F2AE-451A-9496-6F2F6A897B32} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: Dolby Digital Plus Advanced Audio - (.Dolby Laboratories Inc.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {B0BFC63F-EA07-419E-960B-3FB2ED5DD0B2} =>.Dolby Laboratories Inc O42 - Logiciel: EndNote X7 - (.Thomson Reuters.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {86B3F2D6-AC2B-0017-8AE1-F2F77F781B0C} =>.Thomson Reuters O42 - Logiciel: Energy Management - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {D0956C11-0F60-43FE-99AD-524E833471BB} =>.Lenovo O42 - Logiciel: Energy Management - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{D0956C11-0F60-43FE-99AD-524E833471BB} =>.Lenovo O42 - Logiciel: ESET Security - (.ESET, spol. s r.o..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {37E67F0A-50BB-430A-A2A5-F5E2F6EE96DB} =>.ESET, spol. s r.o. O42 - Logiciel: Google Chrome - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Google Chrome =>.Google Inc® O42 - Logiciel: Google Update Helper - (.Google Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {60EC980A-BDA2-4CB6-A427-B07A5498B4CA} =>.Google Inc. O42 - Logiciel: IBM SPSS Statistics 21 - (.IBM Corp.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1E26B9C2-ED08-4EEA-83C8-A786502B41E5} =>.IBM Corp O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Management Engine Components - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {1CEAC85D-2590-4760-800F-8DE5E91F3700} =>.Intel Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Management Engine Components - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {95231BA4-259D-421B-9CDF-0C8C71EBF075} =>.Intel Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Management Engine Components - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {BE77874C-0353-49DF-A5BC-36A8FE51D95E} =>.Intel Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) ME UninstallLegacy - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {5F65413B-7483-446A-AB9D-61EC13BD621E} =>.Intel Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Processor Graphics - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F0E3AD40-2BBD-4360-9C76-B9AC9A5886EA} =>.Intel Corporation - Software and Firmware Products® O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {409CB30E-E457-4008-9B1A-ED1B9EA21140} =>.Intel Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {93F692D4-0C4D-4EED-9BFE-657C1D5959FE} =>.Intel Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Intel® Trusted Connect Service Client - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {89AFB053-A343-46EF-97E4-D593AD7184E6} =>.Intel Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Intel® Watchdog Timer Driver (Intel® WDT) - (.Intel Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3FD0C489-0F02-481a-A3E1-9754CD396761} =>.Intel Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate Software - (.Broadcom Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {C6D9ED03-6FCF-4410-9CB7-45CA285F9E11} =>.Broadcom Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo EasyCamera - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {E0A7ED39-8CD6-4351-93C3-69CCA00D12B4} =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp® O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo OneKey Recovery - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {46F4D124-20E5-4D12-BE52-EC177A7A4B42} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo OneKey Recovery - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{46F4D124-20E5-4D12-BE52-EC177A7A4B42} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo PowerDVD10 - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {DEC235ED-58A4-4517-A278-C41E8DAEAB3B} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo PowerDVD10 - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{DEC235ED-58A4-4517-A278-C41E8DAEAB3B} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo Solution Center - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {06913C0C-88EB-42AF-9D94-3E9136CEE9BC} =>.Lenovo O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo VeriFace - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- Lenovo VeriFace =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O42 - Logiciel: Lenovo_Wireless_Driver - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {5D642A72-8194-4A22-80DA-11FE610CCA8E} =>.Macrovision Corporation® O42 - Logiciel: Malwarebytes Anti-malware - (.Malwarebytes Anti-malware.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {FCFE4BF1-61C9-4EE7-8648-6CC9279D927D} O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Access MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-0015-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Access Setup Metadata MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-0117-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft DCF MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-0090-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Excel MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-0016-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Groove MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-00BA-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft InfoPath MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-0044-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Lync MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-012B-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft OneNote MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-00A1-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Outlook MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-001A-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft PowerPoint MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-0018-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Publisher MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-0019-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Silverlight - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {89F4137D-6C26-4A84-BDB8-2E5A4BB71E00} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Microsoft Word MUI (English) 2013 - (.Microsoft Corporation.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-001B-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE} =>.Microsoft Corporation O42 - Logiciel: Nitro Pro 9 - (.Nitro.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {365ea527-e0f5-47eb-8d9e-ecadeed4e39b} =>.Nitro PDF Software® O42 - Logiciel: Nitro Pro 9 - (.Nitro.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {68C4D942-5F51-41CD-ACB9-4372B18437F1} =>.Nitro O42 - Logiciel: Power2Go - (.CyberLink Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {40BF1E83-20EB-11D8-97C5-0009C5020658} =>.CyberLink Corp.® O42 - Logiciel: Qualcomm Atheros Inc.(R) AR81Family Gigabit/Fast Ethernet Driver - (.Qualcomm Atheros Inc..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {3108C217-BE83-42E4-AE9E-A56A2A92E549} =>.Qualcomm Atheros® O42 - Logiciel: Realtek Card Reader - (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {5BC2B5AB-80DE-4E83-B8CF-426902051D0A} =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp® O42 - Logiciel: RogueKiller version - (.Adlice Software.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- 8B3D7924-ED89-486B-8322-E8594065D5CB_is1 =>.Adlice® O42 - Logiciel: Samsung USB Driver for Mobile Phones - (.Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {D0795B21-0CDA-4a92-AB9E-6E92D8111E44} =>.Samsung Electronics CO., LTD.® O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Skype for Business 2015 (KB3213568) 32-Bit Edition - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-012B-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office15.PROPLUS_{C147126D-B82D-4B70-8379-5EA7C7270BD6} =>.Microsoft Corporation® O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Skype for Business 2015 (KB4461487) 32-Bit Edition - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-0011-0000-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office15.PROPLUS_{D17A4D8B-29D2-4432-A08E-F89F965FDA60} =>.Microsoft Corporation® O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Skype for Business 2015 (KB4461487) 32-Bit Edition - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-002A-0000-1000-0000000FF1CE}_Office15.PROPLUS_{D17A4D8B-29D2-4432-A08E-F89F965FDA60} =>.Microsoft Corporation® O42 - Logiciel: Security Update for Skype for Business 2015 (KB4461487) 32-Bit Edition - (.Microsoft.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {90150000-012B-0409-0000-0000000FF1CE}_Office15.PROPLUS_{D17A4D8B-29D2-4432-A08E-F89F965FDA60} =>.Microsoft Corporation® O42 - Logiciel: Skype™ 7.3 - (.Skype Technologies S.A..) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {24991BA0-F0EE-44AD-9CC8-5EC50AECF6B7} =>.Skype Technologies S.A. O42 - Logiciel: SpeedFan (remove only) - (.Almico Software.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- SpeedFan =>.Almico Software O42 - Logiciel: Synaptics Pointing Device Driver - (.Synaptics Incorporated.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- SynTPDeinstKey =>.Synaptics Incorporated O42 - Logiciel: User Manuals - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- {F07C2CF8-4C53-4EC3-8162-A6221E36EB88} =>.Lenovo O42 - Logiciel: User Manuals - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- InstallShield_{F07C2CF8-4C53-4EC3-8162-A6221E36EB88} =>.Lenovo O42 - Logiciel: VLC media player - (.VideoLAN.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- VLC media player =>.VideoLAN O42 - Logiciel: Windows Driver Package - Lenovo (ACPIVPC) System (02/17/2013 - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- 35DD26BE48DAF4A9F35F969F3CB1E3E1435E661E =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O42 - Logiciel: Windows Driver Package - Lenovo (WUDFRd) LenovoVhid (07/25/2013 - (.Lenovo.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- 6BCA401E9CBEED970D75F55FA5320F60D11984E9 =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O42 - Logiciel: WinRAR 5.40 (32-bit) - (.win.rar GmbH.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WinRAR archiver =>.win.rar GmbH® O42 - Logiciel: WinRAR 5.x.x - (.MohsinPC Corporation 2015.) [HKLM][64Bits] -- WinRAR 5.x.x ---\\ HKCU & HKLM Software Keys (195) - 21s HKLM\SOFTWARE\Adguard =>.Adguard HKLM\SOFTWARE\Adobe =>.Adobe HKLM\SOFTWARE\Apple Inc. =>.Apple Inc. HKLM\SOFTWARE\CLSYSTEM =>.ClSystem HKLM\SOFTWARE\Conexant =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. HKLM\SOFTWARE\CyberLink =>.CyberLink Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\ESET =>.ESET HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google =>.Google HKLM\SOFTWARE\Greatis =>.Greatis Software HKLM\SOFTWARE\IM Providers =>.IM Providers HKLM\SOFTWARE\Intel =>.Intel HKLM\SOFTWARE\ISI ResearchSoft =>.ISI ResearchSoft HKLM\SOFTWARE\Khronos =>.Khronos HKLM\SOFTWARE\Lake =>.Lake Sofware HKLM\SOFTWARE\Lenovo =>.Lenovo HKLM\SOFTWARE\Licenses =>.Microsoft Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\LogMeInRescueCallingCard =>.LogMeIn Entreprise HKLM\SOFTWARE\Macromedia =>.Macromedia HKLM\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit =>.Malwarebytes HKLM\SOFTWARE\Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit =>.Malwarebytes HKLM\SOFTWARE\Mozilla =>.Mozilla HKLM\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins =>.MozillaPlugins HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nalpeiron =>.Nalpeiron HKLM\SOFTWARE\Nitro =>.Nitro HKLM\SOFTWARE\Norton =>.Symantec Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\Ntpad =>.Ntpad HKLM\SOFTWARE\ODBC =>.DB Connectivity Solutions HKLM\SOFTWARE\Panda Security =>.Panda Security HKLM\SOFTWARE\Panda Software =>.Panda Software HKLM\SOFTWARE\Qualcomm Atheros Inc. =>.Qualcomm Atheros HKLM\SOFTWARE\Rainbow Technologies =>.Rainbow Technologies HKLM\SOFTWARE\Realtek Semiconductor Corp. =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. HKLM\SOFTWARE\Skype =>.Skype HKLM\SOFTWARE\SpeedFan =>.Almico Software HKLM\SOFTWARE\VideoLAN =>.VideoLAN HKLM\SOFTWARE\WinRAR =>.WinRAR HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node =>.Microsoft Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications =>.Microsoft Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Adguard =>.Adguard HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Adobe =>.Adobe HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Apple Inc. =>.Apple Inc. HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\CLSYSTEM =>.ClSystem HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Conexant =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\CyberLink =>.CyberLink Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ESET =>.ESET HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Google =>.Google HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Greatis =>.Greatis Software HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\IM Providers =>.IM Providers HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Intel =>.Intel HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ISI ResearchSoft =>.ISI ResearchSoft HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Khronos =>.Khronos HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Lake =>.Lake Sofware HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Lenovo =>.Lenovo HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Licenses =>.Microsoft Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\LogMeInRescueCallingCard =>.LogMeIn Entreprise HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Macromedia =>.Macromedia HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit =>.Malwarebytes HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit =>.Malwarebytes HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Mozilla =>.Mozilla HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MozillaPlugins =>.MozillaPlugins HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Nalpeiron =>.Nalpeiron HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Nitro =>.Nitro HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Norton =>.Symantec Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Ntpad =>.Ntpad HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ODBC =>.DB Connectivity Solutions HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Panda Security =>.Panda Security HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Panda Software =>.Panda Software HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Qualcomm Atheros Inc. =>.Qualcomm Atheros HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Rainbow Technologies =>.Rainbow Technologies HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Realtek Semiconductor Corp. =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Skype =>.Skype HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\SpeedFan =>.Almico Software HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\VideoLAN =>.VideoLAN HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\WinRAR =>.WinRAR HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Wow6432Node =>.Microsoft Corporation HKLM\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\RegisteredApplications =>.Microsoft Corporation HKCU\SOFTWARE\Adobe =>.Adobe HKCU\SOFTWARE\Apowersoft =>.Apowersoft HKCU\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow =>.Microsoft Corporation HKCU\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc. =>.Apple Computer, Inc. HKCU\SOFTWARE\Apple Inc. =>.Apple Inc. HKCU\SOFTWARE\ASProtect =>.ASPack Software HKCU\SOFTWARE\BugSplat =>.Bugsplat Game HKCU\SOFTWARE\Chromium =>.Chromium HKCU\SOFTWARE\Conexant =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. HKCU\SOFTWARE\CyberLink =>.CyberLink Corporation HKCU\SOFTWARE\DivX =>.DivX Inc. HKCU\SOFTWARE\DuoDianApp =>.DuoDianApp HKCU\SOFTWARE\ESET =>.ESET HKCU\SOFTWARE\Google =>.Google HKCU\SOFTWARE\Greatis =>.Greatis Software HKCU\SOFTWARE\IM Providers =>.IM Providers HKCU\SOFTWARE\Intel =>.Intel HKCU\SOFTWARE\ISI ResearchSoft =>.ISI ResearchSoft HKCU\SOFTWARE\ISL Online =>.ISL Online HKCU\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft =>.JavaSoft HKCU\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab =>.Kaspersky Labs HKCU\SOFTWARE\Lenovo =>.Lenovo HKCU\SOFTWARE\Licenses =>.Microsoft Corporation HKCU\SOFTWARE\LogMeInRescueCallingCard =>.LogMeIn Entreprise HKCU\SOFTWARE\Macromedia =>.Macromedia HKCU\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins =>.MozillaPlugins HKCU\SOFTWARE\Netscape =>.Netscape HKCU\SOFTWARE\Nitro =>.Nitro HKCU\SOFTWARE\Nitro PDF =>.Nitro PDF HKCU\SOFTWARE\ODBC =>.DB Connectivity Solutions HKCU\SOFTWARE\Piriform =>.Piriform HKCU\SOFTWARE\QtProject =>.QtProject HKCU\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications =>.Microsoft Corporation HKCU\SOFTWARE\Samsung =>.Samsung Electronics HKCU\SOFTWARE\SBAMSvc HKCU\SOFTWARE\Seagate Software =>.Seagate HKCU\SOFTWARE\Security Without Borders HKCU\SOFTWARE\Skype =>.Skype HKCU\SOFTWARE\SpeedFan =>.Almico Software HKCU\SOFTWARE\Synaptics =>.Synaptics HKCU\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals =>.Sysinternals HKCU\SOFTWARE\The Silicon Realms Toolworks =>.The Silicon Realms Toolworks HKCU\SOFTWARE\Trolltech =>.Trolltech HKCU\SOFTWARE\Viber =>.Viber HKCU\SOFTWARE\VIPRE HKCU\SOFTWARE\Widcomm =>.Widcomm HKCU\SOFTWARE\WinRAR =>.WinRAR HKCU\SOFTWARE\WinRAR SFX =>.RarLab HKCU\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node =>.Microsoft Corporation HKCU\SOFTWARE\XLAB =>.XLAB d.o.o HKCU\SOFTWARE\ZebHelpProcess Helper =>.Nicolas Coolman HKCU\SOFTWARE\Zemana =>.Zemana HKCU\SOFTWARE\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman HKCU\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow\Software =>.Microsoft Corporation HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow =>.Microsoft Corporation HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Apple Inc. =>.Apple Inc. HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Conexant =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Dolby =>.Dolby HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\ESET =>.ESET HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\ISL Online =>.ISL Online HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Lenovo =>.Lenovo HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Netscape =>.Netscape HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\NITRO =>.Nitro HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\Piriform =>.Piriform HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\WOT Services =>.WOT Services HKU\.DEFAULT\SOFTWARE\XLAB =>.XLAB d.o.o HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Adobe =>.Adobe HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Apowersoft =>.Apowersoft HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\AppDataLow =>.Microsoft Corporation HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Apple Computer, Inc. =>.Apple Computer, Inc. HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Apple Inc. =>.Apple Inc. HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\ASProtect =>.ASPack Software HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\BugSplat =>.Bugsplat Game HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Chromium =>.Chromium HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Conexant =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\CyberLink =>.CyberLink Corporation HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\DivX =>.DivX Inc. HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\DuoDianApp =>.DuoDianApp HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\ESET =>.ESET HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Google =>.Google HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Greatis =>.Greatis Software HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\IM Providers =>.IM Providers HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Intel =>.Intel HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\ISI ResearchSoft =>.ISI ResearchSoft HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\ISL Online =>.ISL Online HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft =>.JavaSoft HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab =>.Kaspersky Labs HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Lenovo =>.Lenovo HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Licenses =>.Microsoft Corporation HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\LogMeInRescueCallingCard =>.LogMeIn Entreprise HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Macromedia =>.Macromedia HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\MozillaPlugins =>.MozillaPlugins HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Netscape =>.Netscape HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Nitro =>.Nitro HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Nitro PDF =>.Nitro PDF HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\ODBC =>.DB Connectivity Solutions HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Piriform =>.Piriform HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\QtProject =>.QtProject HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\RegisteredApplications =>.Microsoft Corporation HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Samsung =>.Samsung Electronics HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\SBAMSvc HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Seagate Software =>.Seagate HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Security Without Borders HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Skype =>.Skype HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\SpeedFan =>.Almico Software HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Synaptics =>.Synaptics HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Sysinternals =>.Sysinternals HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\The Silicon Realms Toolworks =>.The Silicon Realms Toolworks HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Trolltech =>.Trolltech HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Viber =>.Viber HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\VIPRE HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Widcomm =>.Widcomm HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\WinRAR =>.WinRAR HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\WinRAR SFX =>.RarLab HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node =>.Microsoft Corporation HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\XLAB =>.XLAB d.o.o HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\ZebHelpProcess Helper =>.Nicolas Coolman HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\Zemana =>.Zemana HKU\S-1-5-21-2152773553-1524527067-2441255551-1001\SOFTWARE\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman ---\\ Contents of the Common Files folders (174) - 9s O43 - CFD: 27/02/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\bitbeans =>.bitbeans O43 - CFD: 27/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Bonjour =>.Apple Inc. O43 - CFD: 26/10/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\CCleaner =>.Piriform Ltd O43 - CFD: 27/03/2015 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\CONEXANT =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\CyberLink =>.CyberLink Corporation O43 - CFD: 27/03/2015 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Dolby Digital Plus =>.Dolby Laboratories Inc O43 - CFD: 16/01/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\ESET =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\IBM =>.IBM O43 - CFD: 06/12/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Intel =>.Intel Corporation O43 - CFD: 14/12/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Lenovo =>.Lenovo O43 - CFD: 16/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\RogueKiller =>.Adlice Software O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\Synaptics =>.Synaptics Incorporated® O43 - CFD: 29/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files\WinRAR =>.WinRAR O43 - CFD: 06/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated® O43 - CFD: 27/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Bonjour =>.Apple Inc. O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\CyberLink =>.CyberLink Corporation O43 - CFD: 03/09/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X7 =>.Thomson Reuters (Scientific) LLC® O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google =>.Google Inc® O43 - CFD: 26/05/2018 - [] HD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information =>.InstallShield O43 - CFD: 06/12/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel =>.Intel Corporation O43 - CFD: 05/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\ISL Online =>.ISL Online O43 - CFD: 12/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Lenovo =>.Lenovo O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox =>.Mozilla O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [0] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\New Folder O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitro =>.Nitro O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Realtek =>.Realtek O43 - CFD: 26/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Samsung =>.Samsung Electronics O43 - CFD: 11/03/2016 - [] RD -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Skype =>.Skype O43 - CFD: 04/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\SpeedFan =>.Almico Software O43 - CFD: 21/09/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\UnHackMe =>.Greatis O43 - CFD: 10/11/2017 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN =>.VideoLan Team O43 - CFD: 29/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR =>.win.rar GmbH® O43 - CFD: 03/10/2018 - [0] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Zemana AntiMalware =>.Zemana O43 - CFD: 06/08/2017 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools =>.Administrative Tools O43 - CFD: 12/11/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CCleaner =>.Piriform Ltd O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CyberLink PhotoDirector 3 =>.CyberLink Corporation O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CyberLink PowerDirector 10 =>.CyberLink Corporation O43 - CFD: 03/09/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\EndNote O43 - CFD: 16/01/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\ESET =>.ESET O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\IBM SPSS Statistics =>.IBM Corporation O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] RD -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Intel =>.Intel Corporation O43 - CFD: 04/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Lenovo =>.Lenovo O43 - CFD: 16/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\RogueKiller =>.Adlice Software O43 - CFD: 26/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Samsung =>.Samsung Electronics O43 - CFD: 11/03/2016 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Skype =>.Skype O43 - CFD: 10/11/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\VideoLAN =>.VideoLan Team O43 - CFD: 01/11/2015 - [0] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\VIPRE =>.VIPRE O43 - CFD: 29/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR =>.WinRAR O43 - CFD: 06/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Adobe =>.Adobe O43 - CFD: 27/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Apple =>.Apple Inc. O43 - CFD: 27/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Apple Computer =>.Apple Inc. O43 - CFD: 27/03/2015 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Conexant =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. O43 - CFD: 27/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\CyberLink =>.CyberLink Corporation O43 - CFD: 27/06/2016 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\DivX =>.DivX O43 - CFD: 06/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Doctor Web =>.Doctor Web Ltd O43 - CFD: 04/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Energy Management O43 - CFD: 16/01/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\ESET =>.ESET O43 - CFD: 31/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\GFI O43 - CFD: 31/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Immunet =>.Immunet O43 - CFD: 06/12/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Intel =>.Intel Corporation O43 - CFD: 27/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Lenovo =>.Lenovo O43 - CFD: 07/10/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit =>.Malwarebytes O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Nitro =>.Nitro O43 - CFD: 09/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Norton =>.Symantec Corporation O43 - CFD: 27/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\OneKey Recovery =>.Lenovo Group Limited O43 - CFD: 21/09/2018 - [0] D -- C:\ProgramData\RegRun =>.Greatis Software O43 - CFD: 16/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\RogueKiller =>.Adlice Software O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\SafeNet Sentinel =>.SafeNet O43 - CFD: 26/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Samsung =>.Samsung Electronics O43 - CFD: 17/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\SecTaskMan O43 - CFD: 11/03/2016 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\Skype =>.Skype O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\ProgramData\SPSS =>.SPSS O43 - CFD: 06/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe =>.Adobe O43 - CFD: 11/06/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe AIR =>.Adobe Inc. O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\DESIGNER =>.Designer O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\InstallShield =>.InstallShield O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel =>.Intel Corporation O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Intel Corporation =>.Intel Corporation O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nikon =>.Nikon O43 - CFD: 08/06/2015 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Nitro =>.Nitro O43 - CFD: 03/09/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ResearchSoft =>.ResearchSoft O43 - CFD: 07/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Risxtd O43 - CFD: 11/03/2016 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Skype =>.Skype O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Wise Installation Wizard =>.Seagate O43 - CFD: 06/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Adobe =>.Adobe O43 - CFD: 03/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Apowersoft =>.Apowersoft O43 - CFD: 27/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer =>.Apple Inc. O43 - CFD: 07/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\CyberLink =>.CyberLink Corporation O43 - CFD: 05/09/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\EndNote O43 - CFD: 13/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\ESET =>.ESET O43 - CFD: 04/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Intel Corporation =>.Intel Corporation O43 - CFD: 12/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Lenovo =>.Lenovo O43 - CFD: 12/01/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\LSC =>.LSC O43 - CFD: 30/05/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia =>.Macromedia O43 - CFD: 05/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Nitro =>.Nitro O43 - CFD: 15/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Nitro PDF =>.Nitro PDF O43 - CFD: 26/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Samsung =>.Samsung Electronics O43 - CFD: 19/03/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Skype =>.Skype O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\SPSSInc =>.SPSS Inc O43 - CFD: 12/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\vlc =>.VideoLan Team O43 - CFD: 29/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\WinRAR =>.WinRAR O43 - CFD: 06/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\YcanPDF =>.YCanPDF O43 - CFD: 16/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman O43 - CFD: 29/06/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Adobe =>.Adobe O43 - CFD: 19/09/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Apple =>.Apple Inc. O43 - CFD: 27/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Apple Computer =>.Apple Inc. O43 - CFD: 20/09/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Bluestacks =>.BlueStack Systems, Inc. O43 - CFD: 04/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Broadcom =>.Broadcom O43 - CFD: 19/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\cache =>.Legitimate O43 - CFD: 06/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\CEF =>.CEF O43 - CFD: 16/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Conexant =>.Conexant Systems, Inc. O43 - CFD: 18/10/2015 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\EmieBrowserModeList =>.Enterprise mode Site List Mgr O43 - CFD: 18/10/2015 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\EmieSiteList =>.Enterprise mode Site List Mgr O43 - CFD: 18/10/2015 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\EmieUserList =>.Enterprise mode Site List Mgr O43 - CFD: 06/08/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\ESET =>.ESET O43 - CFD: 15/11/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Google =>.Google O43 - CFD: 03/06/2015 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\GWX =>.GWX O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\IBM =>.IBM O43 - CFD: 25/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Intel_Corporation =>.Intel Corporation O43 - CFD: 05/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\ISL Online Cache O43 - CFD: 31/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\IsolatedStorage =>.id Software O43 - CFD: 06/10/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\javasharedresources =>.Legitimate O43 - CFD: 12/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Lenovo =>.Lenovo O43 - CFD: 04/10/2014 - [0] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\LSC =>.LSC O43 - CFD: 06/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\mbam =>.Malwarebytes O43 - CFD: 06/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\mbamtray =>.Malwarebytes O43 - CFD: 11/10/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Nox =>.FFmpeg Project O43 - CFD: 11/10/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\NoxInsPackFileder O43 - CFD: 09/05/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\NPE =>.NPE O43 - CFD: 27/02/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\SimpleDnsCrypt O43 - CFD: 11/03/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Skype =>.Skype O43 - CFD: 24/09/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\Zemana =>.Zemana O43 - CFD: 23/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Local\ZHP =>.Nicolas Coolman O43 - CFD: 05/10/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\LocalLow\Adobe =>.Adobe O43 - CFD: 07/07/2015 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\LocalLow\EmieBrowserModeList =>.Enterprise mode Site List Mgr O43 - CFD: 07/07/2015 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\LocalLow\EmieSiteList =>.Enterprise mode Site List Mgr O43 - CFD: 07/07/2015 - [0] SHD -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\LocalLow\EmieUserList =>.Enterprise mode Site List Mgr O43 - CFD: 20/10/2015 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\abstracts O43 - CFD: 20/04/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\appendex, abstract, acknowledgement O43 - CFD: 24/03/2015 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\Applied Dental Materials.pdf - mdscpros@gmail.com - Gmail_files O43 - CFD: 30/01/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\articles O43 - CFD: 31/10/2015 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\desirtation articles O43 - CFD: 20/04/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\discussion O43 - CFD: 30/12/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\fadia O43 - CFD: 15/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\fadia cer O43 - CFD: 12/11/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\fadia1 O43 - CFD: 09/03/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\intro articles O43 - CFD: 30/05/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\intruduction O43 - CFD: 13/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\IPTV O43 - CFD: 11/04/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\material and method O43 - CFD: 06/11/2014 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\multiple choice assessment O43 - CFD: 10/04/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\my documents O43 - CFD: 03/11/2015 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\New folder (2) O43 - CFD: 27/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\New folder (3) O43 - CFD: 10/12/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\New folder (5) O43 - CFD: 26/11/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\New folder (6) O43 - CFD: 31/10/2015 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\New folder1 O43 - CFD: 20/04/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\result O43 - CFD: 10/02/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\salem O43 - CFD: 15/11/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\salem jobs O43 - CFD: 24/05/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\Samira O43 - CFD: 12/08/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\SSE O43 - CFD: 29/10/2017 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\table of content O43 - CFD: 20/02/2016 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\Desktop\trak summary O43 - CFD: 12/09/2018 - [] RD -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools =>.Administrative Tools O43 - CFD: 24/10/2015 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Google Chrome =>.Google Inc. O43 - CFD: 21/09/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\SpeedFan =>.Almico Software O43 - CFD: 29/07/2018 - [] D -- C:\Users\salem\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\WinRAR =>.WinRAR O43 - CFD: 22/11/2014 - [] -- C:\windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Adobe =>.Adobe O43 - CFD: 23/10/2014 - [] -- C:\windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Google =>.Google O43 - CFD: 24/09/2018 - [] -- C:\windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Zemana =>.Zemana O43 - CFD: 22/11/2014 - [] -- C:\windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Adobe =>.Adobe O43 - CFD: 22/11/2014 - [] -- C:\windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia =>.Macromedia O43 - CFD: 05/02/2016 - [] D -- C:\windows\System32\Config\systemprofile\AppData\Roaming\Performix LLC =>.Performix LLC ---\\ ShellIconOverlayIdentifiers (SIOI) (4) - 0s O106 - SIOI: Microsoft SkyDrive Pro Icon Overlay 1 (ErrorConflict) [ SkyDrivePro1 (ErrorConflict)] - {8BA85C75-763B-4103-94EB-9470F12FE0F7}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive for Business Extensions.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\GROOVEEX.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation® O106 - SIOI: Microsoft SkyDrive Pro Icon Overlay 2 (SyncInProgress) [ SkyDrivePro2 (SyncInProgress)] - {CD55129A-B1A1-438E-A425-CEBC7DC684EE}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive for Business Extensions.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\GROOVEEX.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation® O106 - SIOI: Microsoft SkyDrive Pro Icon Overlay 3 (InSync) [ SkyDrivePro3 (InSync)] - {E768CD3B-BDDC-436D-9C13-E1B39CA257B1}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft OneDrive for Business Extensions.) -- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\GROOVEEX.DLL =>.Microsoft Corporation® O106 - SIOI: [EnhancedStorageShell] - {D9144DCD-E998-4ECA-AB6A-DCD83CCBA16D}. (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Enhanced Storage Shell Extension DL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\EhStorShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ Search Context Menu Handlers (SCMH) (24) - 3s O108 - CMH1: BriefcaseMenu [64Bits] - {85BBD920-42A0-1069-A2E4-08002B30309D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Briefcase.) -- C:\Windows\System32\syncui.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH1: ESET Security Shell [64Bits] - {B089FE88-FB52-11D3-BDF1-0050DA34150D} . (.ESET - ESET Shell Extension.) -- C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\shellExt.dll =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O108 - CMH1: NP8ShellExtension [64Bits] - {9C4B85B8-956C-49BF-9BA5-101384E562B2} . (.Nitro PDF - Nitro Pro ShellExtension.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Nitro\Pro 9\NPShellExtension.dll =>.Nitro PDF Software® O108 - CMH1: Open With [64Bits] - {09799AFB-AD67-11d1-ABCD-00C04FC30936} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH1: Open With EncryptionMenu [64Bits] - {A470F8CF-A1E8-4f65-8335-227475AA5C46} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH1: Sharing [64Bits] - {f81e9010-6ea4-11ce-a7ff-00aa003ca9f6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Shell extensions for sharing.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ntshrui.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH1: WorkFolders [64Bits] - {E61BF828-5E63-4287-BEF1-60B1A4FDE0E3} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WorkfoldersShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH2: ESET Security Shell [64Bits] - {B089FE88-FB52-11D3-BDF1-0050DA34150D} . (.ESET - ESET Shell Extension.) -- C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\shellExt.dll =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O108 - CMH2: OpenContainingFolderMenu [64Bits] - {37ea3a21-7493-4208-a011-7f9ea79ce9f5} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH3: CopyAsPathMenu [64Bits] - {f3d06e7c-1e45-4a26-847e-f9fcdee59be0} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH3: SendTo [64Bits] - {7BA4C740-9E81-11CF-99D3-00AA004AE837} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH4: EncryptionMenu [64Bits] - {A470F8CF-A1E8-4f65-8335-227475AA5C46} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH4: Sharing [64Bits] - {f81e9010-6ea4-11ce-a7ff-00aa003ca9f6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Shell extensions for sharing.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ntshrui.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH4: WorkFolders [64Bits] - {E61BF828-5E63-4287-BEF1-60B1A4FDE0E3} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WorkfoldersShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH5: New [64Bits] - {D969A300-E7FF-11d0-A93B-00A0C90F2719} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH5: Sharing [64Bits] - {f81e9010-6ea4-11ce-a7ff-00aa003ca9f6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Shell extensions for sharing.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ntshrui.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH5: WorkFolders [64Bits] - {E61BF828-5E63-4287-BEF1-60B1A4FDE0E3} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (C) Work Folders Shell Extension.) -- C:\Windows\System32\WorkfoldersShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH6: BriefcaseMenu [64Bits] - {85BBD920-42A0-1069-A2E4-08002B30309D} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Briefcase.) -- C:\Windows\System32\syncui.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH6: ESET Security Shell [64Bits] - {B089FE88-FB52-11D3-BDF1-0050DA34150D} . (.ESET - ESET Shell Extension.) -- C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\shellExt.dll =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O108 - CMH6: Library Location [64Bits] - {3dad6c5d-2167-4cae-9914-f99e41c12cfa} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH6: PintoStartScreen [64Bits] - {470C0EBD-5D73-4d58-9CED-E91E22E23282} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Common Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shell32.dll =>.Microsoft Windows® O108 - CMH7: EnhancedStorageShell [64Bits] - {2854F705-3548-414C-A113-93E27C808C85} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Enhanced Storage Shell Extension DL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\EhStorShell.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation O108 - CMH7: ESET Security Shell [64Bits] - {B089FE88-FB52-11D3-BDF1-0050DA34150D} . (.ESET - ESET Shell Extension.) -- C:\Program Files\ESET\ESET Smart Security Premium\shellExt.dll =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O108 - CMH7: Sharing [64Bits] - {f81e9010-6ea4-11ce-a7ff-00aa003ca9f6} . (.Microsoft Corporation - Shell extensions for sharing.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ntshrui.dll =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ Image File Execution Options (16) - 1s O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Console Based Script Host.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\dllhost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - COM Surrogate.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\drvinst.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Driver Installation Module.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - IE Per-User Initialization Utility.) [MitigationOptions\\256] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\ieUnatt.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - IE 7.0 Unattended Install Utility.) [MitigationOptions\\256] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\mmc.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Management Console.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\msfeedssync.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Feeds Synchronization.) [MitigationOptions\\256] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\mshta.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft (R) HTML Application host.) [MitigationOptions\\256] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\PresentationHost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Presentation Foundation Host.) [MitigationOptions\\1118481] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\windows\System32\PrintIsolationHost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - PrintIsolationHost.) [MitigationOptions\\2097152] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows host process (Rundll32).) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\windows\System32\runtimebroker.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Runtime Broker.) [MitigationOptions\\4294967296] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\searchprotocolhost.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Windows Search Protocol Host.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\windows\System32\spoolsv.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Spooler SubSystem App.) [MitigationOptions\\2097152] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\windows\System32\spoolsv.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Spooler SubSystem App.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation O50 - IFEO:C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe - (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft ® Windows Based Script Host.) [DisableExceptionChainValidation\\3] =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ System Drivers List (71) - 10s O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:41 A . (.LSI - LSI 3ware SCSI Storport Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\3ware.sys [108896] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2017/11/28 22:14:12 A . (.Malwarebytes - Malwarebytes SwissArmy.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\4616A418.sys [255928] =>.Malwarebytes Corporation® O58 - SDL:2018/04/14 21:09:15 A . (.Malwarebytes - Malwarebytes SwissArmy.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\6561C17E.sys [255928] =>.Malwarebytes Corporation® O58 - SDL:2014/05/30 20:19:42 A . (.Lenovo Corporation - ACPI Virtual Power Controller Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\AcpiVpc.sys [35600] =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:41 A . (.PMC-Sierra - PMC-Sierra Storport Driver For SPC8x6G SAS.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\adp80xx.sys [782176] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:41 A . (.Advanced Micro Devices - AHCI 1.3 Device Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\amdsata.sys [79200] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:41 A . (.AMD Technologies Inc. - AMD Technology AHCI Compatible Controller D.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\amdsbs.sys [259424] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:40 A . (.Advanced Micro Devices - Storage Filter Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\amdxata.sys [25952] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:41 A . (.PMC-Sierra, Inc. - Adaptec SAS RAID WS03 Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\arcsas.sys [114016] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2016/09/14 03:00:40 A . (.Broadcom Corporation. - Broadcom Bluetooth Firmware Download Filter.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\bcbtums.sys [186152] =>.Broadcom Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/13 01:25:46 A . (. - BCM Function 2 Device Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\bcmfn2.sys [17624] =>.Broadcom Corporation® O58 - SDL:2014/02/25 15:33:50 A . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom 802.11 Network Adapter wireless dr.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\BCMWL63a.SYS [7549616] =>.Broadcom Corporation® O58 - SDL:2016/09/14 02:59:02 A . (.Broadcom Corporation. - Broadcom Bluetooth USB AMP Filter.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\btwampfl.sys [204592] =>.Broadcom Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/07/11 23:11:58 A . (.Broadcom Corporation. - Bluetooth Audio Device.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\btwaudio.sys [186584] =>.Broadcom Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/07/11 23:11:54 A . (.Broadcom Corporation. - Broadcom Bluetooth AVDT Service.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\btwavdt.sys [228568] =>.Broadcom Corporation® O58 - SDL:2012/07/27 01:48:26 A . (.Broadcom Corporation. - Broadcom Bluetooth L2CAP Service.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\btwl2cap.sys [40248] =>.Broadcom Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/07/11 23:11:50 A . (.Broadcom Corporation. - Bluetooth Remote Control HID Minidriver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\btwrchid.sys [38616] =>.Broadcom Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:41 A . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme II GigE VBD.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\bxvbda.sys [531296] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2014/01/09 23:02:48 A . (.Conexant Systems Inc. - 64-bit High Definition Audio Function Drive.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\CHDRT64.sys [1469632] =>.Conexant Systems, Inc.® O58 - SDL:2015/09/14 14:03:06 A . (...) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\DasPtct.SYS [39672] =>.Panda Security S.L.® O58 - SDL:2013/06/18 16:45:26 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Gigabit Adapter NDIS 6.x driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\e1i63x64.sys [460288] =>.Intel Corporation O58 - SDL:2018/10/25 21:28:37 A . (.ESET - Amon monitor.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\eamonm.sys [143448] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O58 - SDL:2018/10/25 21:28:37 A . (.ESET - Devmon monitor.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\edevmon.sys [107896] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O58 - SDL:2018/07/09 17:02:33 A . (.ESET - ESET ELAM driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\eelam.sys [15872] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2018/10/25 21:28:37 A . (.ESET - ESET Helper driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\ehdrv.sys [188832] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O58 - SDL:2018/10/25 21:28:37 A . (.ESET - ESET OPP Keyboard Filter.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\ekbdflt.sys [50144] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O58 - SDL:2018/10/25 21:28:37 A . (.ESET - ESET Firewall Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\epfw.sys [82304] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O58 - SDL:2018/10/25 21:28:37 A . (.ESET - ESET Firewall Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\epfwwfp.sys [109864] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O58 - SDL:2018/10/28 02:00:02 A . (.ESET - ESET Cleaners Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\ESETCleanersDriver.sys [181160] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o.® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:45 A . (.Broadcom Corporation - Broadcom NetXtreme II 10 GigE VBD.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\evbda.sys [3357024] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:45 A . (.Hewlett-Packard Company - Smart Array SAS/SATA Controller Media Drive.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\HpSAMD.sys [64352] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/07/30 20:47:35 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO GPIO Controller Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSSi_GPIO.sys [24568] =>.Intel Corporation - Software and Firmware Products® O58 - SDL:2013/07/25 21:05:39 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Serial IO I2C Controller Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\iaLPSSi_I2C.sys [99320] =>.Intel Corporation - Software and Firmware Products® O58 - SDL:2013/08/07 23:23:46 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver - x64.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\iaStorA.sys [644968] =>.Intel Corporation - Intel® Rapid Storage Technology® O58 - SDL:2013/08/10 02:39:30 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Rapid Storage Technology driver (inbo.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\iaStorAV.sys [651248] =>.Intel Corporation - Intel® Rapid Storage Technology® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:45 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Matrix Storage Manager driver - x64.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\iaStorV.sys [412000] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2010/08/18 03:28:32 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Watchdog Timer Driver (Intel(R) WD.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\ICCWDT.sys [26136] =>.Intel Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/09/19 23:22:00 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel Graphics Kernel Mode Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\igdkmd64.sys [4177920] =>.Intel Corporation O58 - SDL:2014/09/29 13:16:30 A . (.Intel(R) Corporation - Intel(R) Display Audio Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\IntcDAud.sys [454416] =>.Intel Corporation - Client Components Group® O58 - SDL:2013/08/23 00:51:12 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® WiDi Solution.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\intelaud.sys [39320] =>.Intel Wireless Display® O58 - SDL:2011/10/16 11:24:57 A . (.ip-shield.net LLC - TAP Virtual Ethernet Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\ipshtap.sys [32848] {6FFD432F41EBCEAB01BD8FCC4519C661} O58 - SDL:2013/08/23 00:51:12 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® WiDi Solution.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\iwdbus.sys [26008] =>.Intel Wireless Display® O58 - SDL:2013/07/18 07:55:42 A . (.Qualcomm Atheros Co., Ltd. - Qualcomm Atheros Ar81xx series PCI-E Gigabi.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\L1C63x64.sys [130248] =>.Qualcomm Atheros® O58 - SDL:2014/05/30 20:19:38 A . (.Lenovo. - HD Disk Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\LhdX64.sys [39008] =>.Lenovo (Beijing) Limited® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:44 A . (.LSI Corporation - LSI Fusion-MPT SAS Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\lsi_sas.sys [109408] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:45 A . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SAS Gen2 Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\lsi_sas2.sys [93536] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:44 A . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SAS Gen3 Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\lsi_sas3.sys [81760] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:45 A . (.LSI Corporation - LSI SSS PCIe/Flash Driver (StorPort).) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\lsi_sss.sys [82784] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:45 A . (.LSI Corporation - MEGASAS RAID Controller Driver for Windows.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\megasas.sys [56672] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:45 A . (.LSI Corporation, Inc. - LSI MegaRAID Software RAID Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\megasr.sys [575840] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:49 A . (.Marvell Semiconductor, Inc. - Marvell Flash Controller Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\mvumis.sys [63840] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/07/08 20:37:41 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel® Wireless WiFi Link Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\NETwew00.sys [3344352] =>.Intel Corporation-Mobile Wireless Group® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:31 A . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) RAID Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\nvraid.sys [150368] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:32 A . (.NVIDIA Corporation - NVIDIA® nForce(TM) Sata Performance Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\nvstor.sys [168288] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2015/01/29 19:21:38 A . (.Panda Security, S.L. - Panda Kernel Memory Access Driver (x86).) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\PSKMAD.sys [50320] =>.Panda Security S.L.® O58 - SDL:2013/07/19 10:58:26 A . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek UVC Driver for XP/Vista/Win7/Win8.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\rtsuvc.sys [8247640] =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp® O58 - SDL:2014/03/27 00:06:40 A . (.Realtek Semiconductor Corp. - Realtek USB Mass Storage Driver for 2K/XP/V.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\RtsUVStor.sys [331992] =>.Realtek Semiconductor Corp® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 17:35:09 A . (.Macrovision Corporation, Macrovision Europe Limited, - Macrovision SECURITY Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\secdrv.sys [23040] =>.Rovi Corporation O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:31 A . (.Silicon Integrated Systems Corp. - SiS RAID Stor Miniport Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\sisraid2.sys [44896] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:32 A . (.Silicon Integrated Systems - SiS AHCI Stor-Miniport Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\sisraid4.sys [81760] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/09/13 10:14:04 A . (.Synaptics Incorporated - Synaptics SMBus Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\Smb_driver_Intel.sys [34544] =>.Synaptics Incorporated® O58 - SDL:2017/05/18 22:17:28 A . (.Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - SAMSUNG USB Composite Device Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\ssudbus.sys [131984] =>.Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.® O58 - SDL:2017/05/18 22:17:30 A . (.Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. - SAMSUNG Android Modem Device Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\ssudmdm.sys [166288] =>.Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:32 A . (.Promise Technology, Inc. - Promise SuperTrak EX Series Driver for Wind.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\stexstor.sys [31072] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/09/13 10:14:04 A . (.Synaptics Incorporated - Synaptics Touchpad 64-bit Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\SynTP.sys [532208] =>.Synaptics Incorporated® O58 - SDL:2014/04/03 18:48:44 A . (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Management Engine Interface.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\TeeDriverx64.sys [118272] =>.Intel Corporation - Intel® Management Engine Firmware® O58 - SDL:2018/05/04 10:03:54 A . (.Apple, Inc. - Apple Mobile Device USB Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\usbaapl64.sys [54784] =>.Apple, Inc. O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:34 A . (.VIA Technologies, Inc. - VIA Generic PCI IDE Bus Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\viaide.sys [19808] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:34 A . (.VIA Technologies Inc.,Ltd - VIA RAID DRIVER FOR AMD-X86-64.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\vsmraid.sys [168800] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2013/08/22 14:43:34 A . (.VIA Corporation - VIA StorX RAID Controller Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\VSTXRAID.SYS [305504] =>.Microsoft Corporation® O58 - SDL:2012/06/14 02:10:32 A . (."CyberLink - Cyberlink Virtual Disk Driver.) -- C:\windows\System32\drivers\wsvd.sys [102376] =>.CyberLink® ---\\ File Associations Shell Spawning (10) - 1s O67 - Shell Spawning: <.bat> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %* =>.Default.Value O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cpl> [HKLM\..\cplopen\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Control Panel.) -- C:\Windows\System32\control.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O67 - Shell Spawning: <.cmd> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %* =>.Default.Value O67 - Shell Spawning: <.com> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %* =>.Default.Value O67 - Shell Spawning: <.evt> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Event Viewer Snapin Launcher.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eventvwr.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O67 - Shell Spawning: <.exe> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" %* =>.Default.Value O67 - Shell Spawning: <.html> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O67 - Shell Spawning: <.js> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- C:\windows\System32\WScript.exe "%1" %* =>.Default.Value O67 - Shell Spawning: <.reg> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Registry Editor.) -- C:\Windows\regedit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O67 - Shell Spawning: <.scr> [HKLM\..\open\Command] (...) -- "%1" /S =>.Default.Value ---\\ Start Menu Internet (8) - 0s O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc® O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\Shell\open\Command] (.Microsoft Corporation - Internet Explorer.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation® O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ShowIconsCommand] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc. O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ShowIconsCommand] (.Microsoft Corporation - IE Per-User Initialization Utility.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ReinstallCommand] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc. O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\ReinstallCommand] (.Microsoft Corporation - IE Per-User Initialization Utility.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\HideIconsCommand] (.Google Inc. - Google Chrome.) -- C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe =>.Google Inc. O68 - StartMenuInternet: [64Bits][HKLM\..\InstallInfo\HideIconsCommand] (.Microsoft Corporation - IE Per-User Initialization Utility.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ie4uinit.exe =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ Search Browser Infection (3) - 0s O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKCU] [64Bits]{0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} [DefaultScope] - (Bing) - http://www.bing.com/ =>.Bing.com O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKLM] [64Bits]{0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A} - (@ieframe.dll,-12512) - http://www.bing.com/ =>.Bing.com O69 - SBI: SearchScopes [HKLM] [64Bits]{224DA4F9-ECD3-4E3D-BCDD-B3C959C0ED72} - (Bing) - http://www.bing.com/ =>.Bing.com ---\\ Search Svchost Services (34) - 0s O83 - Search Svchost Services: AeLookupSvc (AeLookupSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application Experience Service.) -- C:\windows\System32\aelupsvc.dll [214528] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: CertPropSvc (CertPropSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Smartcard Certificate Propagation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [158720] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: SCPolicySvc (SCPolicySvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Smartcard Certificate Propagation.) -- C:\Windows\System32\certprop.dll [158720] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: lanmanserver (lanmanserver) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Server Service DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\srvsvc.dll [329216] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: gpsvc (gpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Group Policy Client.) -- C:\Windows\System32\gpsvc.dll [1362432] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: IKEEXT (IKEEXT) . (.Microsoft Corporation - IKE extension.) -- C:\Windows\System32\IKEEXT.DLL [1080320] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: iphlpsvc (iphlpsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Service that offers IPv6 connectivity over.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iphlpsvc.dll [927744] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: seclogon (seclogon) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Secondary Logon Service DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\seclogon.dll [31744] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: AppInfo (AppInfo) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Application Information Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\appinfo.dll [110080] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: msiscsi (msiscsi) . (.Microsoft Corporation - iSCSI Discovery service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\iscsiexe.dll [151040] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: EapHost (EapHost) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft EAPHost service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\eapsvc.dll [110592] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: schedule (schedule) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Task Scheduler Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\schedsvc.dll [1265664] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: winmgmt (winmgmt) . (.Microsoft Corporation - WMI.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wbem\WMIsvc.dll [230400] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: MMCSS (MMCSS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Multimedia Class Scheduler Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mmcss.dll [71168] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: browser (browser) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Computer Browser Service DLL.) -- C:\Windows\System32\browser.dll [135168] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: ProfSvc (ProfSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - ProfSvc.) -- C:\Windows\System32\profsvc.dll [228864] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: SessionEnv (SessionEnv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Remote Desktop Configuration service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\SessEnv.dll [346112] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: wercplsupport (wercplsupport) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Problem Reports and Solutions.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wercplsupport.dll [84992] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: hkmsvc (hkmsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Key Management Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\KMSVC.DLL [101376] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: BDESVC (BDESVC) . (.Microsoft Corporation - BDE Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\bdesvc.dll [348672] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: lfsvc (lfsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Location Framework Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\GeofenceMonitorService.dll [522240] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: wlidsvc (wlidsvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Account Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wlidsvc.dll [1639424] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: Themes (Themes) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Theme Service Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\themeservice.dll [59392] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: DsmSvc (DsmSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Device Setup Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\DeviceSetupManager.dll [206848] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: NcaSvc (NcaSvc) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft Network Connectivity Assistant Se.) -- C:\Windows\System32\NcaSvc.dll [166400] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasauto (Rasauto) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Remote Access AutoDial Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasauto.dll [102912] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: Rasman (Rasman) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Remote Access Connection Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\rasmans.dll [542720] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: Remoteaccess (Remoteaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Dynamic Interface Manager.) -- C:\Windows\System32\mprdim.dll [233472] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: SENS (SENS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - System Event Notification Service (SENS).) -- C:\Windows\System32\Sens.dll [73728] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: Sharedaccess (Sharedaccess) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft NAT Helper Components.) -- C:\Windows\System32\ipnathlp.dll [452608] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: Tapisrv (Tapisrv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Windows(TM) Telephony Server.) -- C:\Windows\System32\tapisrv.dll [313344] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: wuauserv (wuauserv) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Update Agent.) -- C:\Windows\System32\wuaueng.dll [3718144] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: BITS (BITS) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Background Intelligent Transfer Service.) -- C:\Windows\System32\qmgr.dll [933376] =>.Microsoft Corporation O83 - Search Svchost Services: ShellHWDetection (ShellHWDetection) . (.Microsoft Corporation - Windows Shell Services Dll.) -- C:\Windows\System32\shsvcs.dll [640000] =>.Microsoft Corporation ---\\ Product Upgrade Codes (2) - 2s O90 - PUC: "1FB4EFCF9C167EE46884C69C72D929D7" [HKLM] . (.Malwarebytes Anti-malware.) -- C:\windows\Installer\{FCFE4BF1-61C9-4EE7-8648-6CC9279D927D}\MainIcon O90 - PUC: "A0F76E73BB05A0342A5A5F2E6FEE69BD" [HKLM] . (.ESET Security.) -- C:\windows\Installer\{37E67F0A-50BB-430A-A2A5-F5E2F6EE96DB}\Icon_Product ---\\ Windows Installer Scan (41) - 167s [MD5.298136570176FEC798E51B20D4DCD819] [WIS][2012/09/05 18:38:44] (.McAfee, Inc. - McAfee Agent 4.6 Installer.) -- C:\windows\Installer\106548.msi [6839808] =>.McAfee, Inc. [MD5.C4AF8A5CC3A8944A212CE6BD4C99D62D] [WIS][2014/10/06 13:28:16] (.Macrovision Corporation - InstallShield® 12 - Professional Edition 12.) -- C:\windows\Installer\10654b.msi [163604100] =>.Macrovision Corporation [MD5.50EA7A4D9481B12A97070942F474D918] [WIS][2018/05/17 00:26:26] (.Google Inc. - Google Update Helper.) -- C:\windows\Installer\122d65e.msi [40960] =>.Google Inc. [MD5.702516A4A79DBCCA4DF6C2A6B0600F91] [WIS][2013/06/04 11:49:34] (.Macrovision Corporation - InstallShield® 12 - Premier Edition 12.0.) -- C:\windows\Installer\12f531.msi [393728] =>.Macrovision Corporation [MD5.759075AC7A483522542EA960DF054FFF] [WIS][2013/04/23 10:00:48] (.CyberLink Corp. - InstallShield® 12 - Premier Edition 12.0.) -- C:\windows\Installer\12f53d.msi [445952] =>.CyberLink Corp. [MD5.6F0ABF6B42DBEEC21699C60565279B15] [WIS][2013/08/30 11:05:38] (.CyberLink Corp. - InstallShield® 12 - Premier Edition 12.0.) -- C:\windows\Installer\12f55a.msi [8585728] =>.CyberLink Corp. [MD5.891D4A063E9C9CA5D8C52B540ED0B7FF] [WIS][2014/02/13 08:31:20] (.Lenovo - User Manuals.) -- C:\windows\Installer\12f55e.msi [1136128] =>.Lenovo [MD5.C118C700E9526FB8FC9356EF0BCF3E0D] [WIS][2013/09/05 05:53:08] (.CyberLink Corp. - InstallShield® 12 - Premier Edition 12.0.) -- C:\windows\Installer\12f562.msi [1288192] =>.CyberLink Corp. [MD5.31691ADD771D3CFEC6BE5ED1171256AC] [WIS][2014/05/30 20:19:32] (.Lenovo - InstallShield® 2009 - Premier Edition 15.) -- C:\windows\Installer\12f566.msi [76877824] =>.Lenovo [MD5.D5E51C3A1D7979665B6B7E1AD2A653B4] [WIS][2018/09/18 21:00:35] (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe ARM Installer.) -- C:\windows\Installer\14dea4c9.msi [887296] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated [MD5.72888A4512084F0DF9B4D02EA508679F] [WIS][2014/11/15 14:54:11] (.Google Inc. - Google Update Helper.) -- C:\windows\Installer\1886e4.msi [26112] =>.Google Inc. [MD5.735D94F91F3DDF3E07A9D057C3E62BB2] [WIS][2018/06/11 22:09:47] (.Adobe Systems Incorporated - Adobe AIR Installer.) -- C:\windows\Installer\1a008189.msi [45056] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated [MD5.2CF1270EAAAFC454E811FDCF9C4A99FB] [WIS][2018/04/17 21:21:25] (.Younes GIT - Younes GIT.) -- C:\windows\Installer\1fab87ca.msi [46075904] [MD5.2C80666AE49E25F97BF091935B07B03B] [WIS][2016/03/11 11:58:44] (.Skype Technologies S.A. - Skype.) -- C:\windows\Installer\27ea7f.msi [41451520] =>.Skype Technologies S.A. [MD5.86E2B390629665FBC20E06DFBF01A48F] [WIS][2018/04/23 09:39:48] (.Apple Inc. - [ProductName] Installer.) -- C:\windows\Installer\2cc9d0de.msi [2732032] =>.Apple Inc. [MD5.87E9C10C0AD20510B50E136A8FD06D03] [WIS][2013/08/07 23:26:32] (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Rapid Storage Technology.) -- C:\windows\Installer\33c65.msi [9056256] =>.Intel Corporation [MD5.389A25A0F52D31698B196F612DFB4417] [WIS][2013/08/08 22:23:30] (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Trusted Connect Service Client.) -- C:\windows\Installer\3f3de.msi [8679424] =>.Intel Corporation [MD5.5C427F2EB683162365A4697B245C16E4] [WIS][2013/09/05 03:30:24] (.Broadcom Corp. - WIDCOMM Bluetooth Profile Pack.) -- C:\windows\Installer\3f3ef.msi [10745344] =>.Broadcom Corp. [MD5.C8ED896CAB5D70A33314ABC91885BE57] [WIS][2017/08/06 12:01:55] (.ESET, spol. s r.o. - ESET Smart Security Premium.) -- C:\windows\Installer\43b79175.msi [164433920] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o. [MD5.DBAE50AF4F398E26F1106ACD73ABE33F] [WIS][2014/04/03 18:50:48] (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) ME UninstallLegacy.) -- C:\windows\Installer\4803c4f6.msi [397312] =>.Intel Corporation [MD5.267D7A47103117E0EF43F675F3041CB7] [WIS][2014/04/03 18:51:44] (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Management Engine Components.) -- C:\windows\Installer\4803c4fb.msi [10969088] =>.Intel Corporation [MD5.E27645586AC812F13331155687F953EE] [WIS][2014/04/03 18:50:46] (.Intel Corporation - Intel(R) Management Engine Components.) -- C:\windows\Installer\4803c500.msi [917504] =>.Intel Corporation [MD5.093F85C5B7023AA2852D1E913029BDB0] [WIS][2015/06/08 22:00:26] (.Nitro - Nitro Pro -- C:\windows\Installer\4aa0f.msi [94715904] =>.Nitro [MD5.A8053BCC38915AAFC41075F19AF381A0] [WIS][2013/08/05 07:56:20] (.Dolby Laboratories Inc - Dolby Digital Plus Advanced Audio.) -- C:\windows\Installer\50e467b4.msi [37781504] =>.Dolby Laboratories Inc [MD5.373FFFF328BCF8201198EE30EFBCBD89] [WIS][2018/07/12 00:46:27] (.Lenovo - Lenovo Solution Center.) -- C:\windows\Installer\80156d.msi [86347776] =>.Lenovo [MD5.1C604461112D48C0B7509AB794A298E7] [WIS][2014/10/06 15:29:45] (.IBM Corp - SPSS Statistics 21.0.) -- C:\windows\Installer\814854.msi [1000045308] =>.IBM Corp [MD5.D8724EE989A7D106ACAE64EA8FDC7343] [WIS][2014/10/06 16:39:50] (.Thomson Reuters - EndNote.) -- C:\windows\Installer\8156ea.msi [84474368] =>.Thomson Reuters [MD5.23B97F4BEDD554D3F629B60637AFC936] [WIS][2015/03/17 10:42:22] (.Adobe Systems Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\c0ea1fd.msi [2792960] =>.Adobe Systems Incorporated [MD5.71F3271C26EB7EA371B51D3C54413F67] [WIS][2018/01/16 20:22:37] (.ESET, spol. s r.o. - ESET Security.) -- C:\windows\Installer\e9fa2c9.msi [178311168] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o. [MD5.71F3271C26EB7EA371B51D3C54413F67] [WIS][2018/01/16 20:22:37] (.ESET, spol. s r.o. - ESET Security.) -- C:\windows\Installer\e9fa5e0.msi [178311168] =>.ESET, spol. s r.o. [MD5.E7BD518BB2F9A3A86C8AD97881120EBB] [WIS][2018/10/08 13:11:44] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\1d367b0.msp [2174976] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.E05CA6506E1D5ECE25152018D3FF00CE] [WIS][2018/05/12 08:05:37] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\1efe6b76.msp [7094272] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.87BDB58F9E5B4EFC3B72EB9AD83EDE24] [WIS][2018/11/13 06:24:12] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\1faab99.msp [3485696] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.894F8CA42DB45DFDB94D579984B5B89A] [WIS][2018/09/18 10:10:59] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\24cf698c.msp [4706304] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.7DF2196737D027C989EEE176078B4E7F] [WIS][2018/10/22 15:33:19] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\4328fc40.msp [2584576] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.B02CDF597655C7CAD392D0404975E9AB] [WIS][2018/10/01 11:41:46] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\45658fd.msp [194531328] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.2F159BBD3479AEB0C168488067503723] [WIS][2018/07/09 07:47:48] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\b4601f9.msp [27000832] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.D40212D89A47E51A1C01FA71536DF45E] [WIS][2018/02/02 22:50:43] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\c0ea1fe.msp [103342080] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.04B537B3AB3D8FD3121C2F07CB853532] [WIS][2018/02/23 15:25:32] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\c0ea2b2.msp [103350272] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated [MD5.B61E9D1E786CECECE896968915680A59] [WIS][2018/09/03 20:49:23] (.Thomson Reuters (Scientific) LLC.) -- C:\windows\Installer\ef6e7d9.msp [83534848] [MD5.D65FA317AC2DF76CBE3F765A60BD8809] [WIS][2018/08/13 08:19:45] (.Adobe Systems, Incorporated.) -- C:\windows\Installer\f9327.msp [1441792] =>.Adobe Systems, Incorporated ---\\ Additional Scan (O88) (1) - 12s ~ No malicious or unnecessary items found. ---\\ Summary of the elements found (1) - 0s ~ No malicious or unnecessary items found. ~ Unselected Options: NoFilter, MR, O40, O82, O109, ~ End of the scan, 7057 items in 04mn56s (1173)(0)