Alesia As you write so well, I contacted you because I saw you in distress and sick. I was trying to help you and we talked together. You were looking for a place to stay for a few months. One day, you asked me if you could come to see if a cohabitation would go well. I told you yes then you did not answer me anymore. A few days later, I receive a message and you tell me "I booked my train, I arrive Wednesday", without even asking me the question of my availability. I asked you "for how many days", you answered "a week". Always without worrying about my personal imperatives. Is this normal? I tried to be tolerant and understanding but that was not enough. You then asked me to bring all the belongings of your old apartment, before returning to Germany for a few weeks. We had never met and you had not arrived yet, and you asked me to bring all your belongings. Is this normal? I simply asked you to send me a request for accommodation on Couchsurfing. You read my message but never answered. Same thing when I asked you to confirm that you always came because you ignored my messages asking you to make a request on couchsurfing. Then in the night I received a cold and concise message "I'm coming". If you can not behave properly before you arrive, what will be next? If you can not comply with simple requests, what will be next? I open my house, I offer a private room, I cook etc. Maybe you thought it was a hotel? No, it's not the hotel. As mentioned on the reviews of my profile, I always try to do the best for the people that I shelter or who lodge me. You are the first to behave like that. The disease does not excuse all the behavior. In spite of all that, I regret the evolution of the situation and I wish you a good luck in your life. Take care of yourself. Kevin.