~ ZHPCleaner v2017.6.12.97 by Nicolas Coolman (2017/06/12) ~ Run by MyPC (Administrator) (13/06/2017 20:25:40) ~ Web: https://www.nicolascoolman.com ~ Blog: https://nicolascoolman.eu/ ~ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/nicolascoolman1 ~ State version : Version OK ~ Type : Scan ~ Report : C:\Users\MyPC\Desktop\ZHPCleaner.txt ~ Quarantine : C:\Users\MyPC\AppData\Roaming\ZHP\ZHPCleaner_Reg.txt ~ UAC : Activate ~ Boot Mode : Normal (Normal boot) Windows 10 Pro, 64-bit (Build 14393) ---\\ Services (0) ~ No malicious or unnecessary items found. ---\\ Browser internet (0) ~ No malicious or unnecessary items found. ---\\ Hosts file (1) ~ The hosts file is legitimate (21) ---\\ Scheduled automatic tasks. (0) ~ No malicious or unnecessary items found. ---\\ Explorer ( File, Folder) (1) FOUND file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\NetUtils2016.sys =>.Superfluous.Netutils ---\\ Registry ( Key, Value, Data) (2) FOUND key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetUtils2016 [C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\NetUtils2016.sys](..) =>.Superfluous.Netutils FOUND key: HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\NetUtils2016 [] =>.Superfluous.Netutils ---\\ Summary of the elements found (1) https://nicolascoolman.eu/2017/01/20/logiciels-superflus/ =>.Superfluous.Netutils ---\\ Result of repair ~ Any repair made ~ Browser not found (Mozilla Firefox) ---\\ Statistics ~ Items scanned : 83478 ~ Items found : 3 ~ Items cancelled : 0 ~ Items repaired : 0 ~ End of search in 00h22mn51s ~==================== ZHPCleaner-[R]-12062017-21_26_45.txt ZHPCleaner-[R]-12062017-21_53_00.txt ZHPCleaner-[R]-12062017-22_53_37.txt ZHPCleaner-[S]-12062017-21_22_04.txt ZHPCleaner-[S]-12062017-21_50_02.txt ZHPCleaner-[S]-12062017-22_25_46.txt ZHPCleaner-[S]-13062017-20_48_31.txt